Scores from Stanza annotations - stanford-nlp

Is there any way to extract confidence scores for (e.g) the dependency parse tag of a specific token from a Stanza annotation? I think this is possible using the CoreNLP interface, but I've not been able to find any similar functionality within Stanza itself.


Elasticsearch request validation

I'm trying to figure out if I can validate elasticsearch requests against a pre-defined mapping. I've googled around and searched StackOverflow, but haven't been able to find anything that speaks to what I'm trying to do apart from this question from a year ago that went unanswered.
Is there any tool out there that fits this need, or that at the least would convert ES mappings to some other easily validatable entity like JSONSchema? Extra points if that tool would be accessible in Python, but any language would work.
I'm looking at the openFDA API, which has, e.g., this endpoint for animal and veterinary data. openFDA provides this mapping (YAML download here) for valid fields. I'd like to be able to e.g. make sure that a provided animal.age field is an object instead of some other type, since such a query not obeying the defined mapping returns a rather unhelpful message stating that no records were found.

With the Simple API in Stanford CoreNLP, is there a way to get multi-token entity mentions?

This question is very similar to my question, however due to the way SO works, I think it is better to ask a new question rather than just continue a thread.
CoreNLP has the Simple API which allows for quicker access to various components of the NLP pipeline. The way to get named entities appears to be:
Form a document annotation from the text
Get the sentences from the document object
Use nerTags() from the sentences object to get the token-by-token ner labeling.
Via other mechanisms, as talked about in the question link above, one can retrieve full multi-token entity mentions such as George Washington, which is an entity mention composed of 2 tokens. Is there a way using the simple api to get these multi-token entity mentions?
Yes, though it gives you less information than the full API, returning only the String spans of the mention. See Sentence#mentions(String) and Sentence#mentions().
If you want to get more information about a mention, you'll have to either use the regular API, or re-implement the logic in these functions. You can also try mucking around in the raw Proto, which will certainly have all the information you could possibly want, but in a less-than-pleasant proto interface. The proto definition is here.

Converting Java DSL to Spring XML equivalent

So this may be a more general question, but I feel it needs to be asked.
Time and time again I come across examples on Camel's documentation pages where I say "that's exactly what I want!... but it's in Java not Spring. How the heck do I convert it properly?"
So my question is: What is the rule of thumb for converting things?
Is there some conversion guide out there?
For example, I wanted to append a \n to the end of each line as the data comes through a socket into a file using the Netty4 component.
I see an example such as .transform().body(append("\n"))
How would I interpret that as Spring, to put in my Spring-based route?
Maybe this is just a thing that a person new to Camel struggles with and once you get the hang of it you can see the obvious answer. But I feel like I can't be the only one who's thinking this about the examples out there.
It seems like a lot of Java -> Spring conversion can be done in a 1 to 1 ratio, but that's not all the time.
Well, the mapping isn't straightforward and there isn't a 1-to-1 mapping available - generally, a Java DSL method invocation will in most cases translate to a tag in Spring XML DSL but the position of that tag is not always the same - in some cases Java DSL method invocation chains translate to tags being placed on the same level, sometimes (e.g. idempotent consumer) the chain translates to child tags of the first invocation.
I guess that the mapping was done this way because XML and Java are two very different languages and making the mapping 1-1 would have crippled the expressiveness of at least one, if not both, DSLs.
My advice would be to always import the XML schema and rely on your IDE's auto-completion and the documentations from the schema itself and Camel's online documentation.
You can run your camel context via mvn camel:run goal and then use a JMX client to connect to that process. There is an mbean in camel which provides a method called dumpRoutesAsXML or similar. Invoking that one will give u the xml equivalent of your context. But keep in mind that it only prints the routes and all stuff out of routes is discarded.
Hope that helps,

spring-data-solr advanced nested model use case

I was given a task to introduce solr to our product so I thought about spring-data-solr. I have seen this blog:
and I was able to run embedded solr in integration test. Since I have a simple POC I wanted to make it more advanced to see whether it fits our needs. So I started to search for mapping nested objects. I found this:
Someone answered that version 1.4.0 did not support nested objects. Anyone knows whether it changed? These links look promising:
Solr: Indexing nested Documents via DIH
So, wrapping up, here is a list of my questions:
Is it possible to map parent-child relation? (on one level at least?)
If you answered 'no' to first question - then how can I flatten child's fields to be part of solr's document? Should I register some kind of converter somehow? Is there anything else I should do?
I found also this: What is the purpose of this annotation? So far I have seen example with #Id and #Field annotations only. Is it used to generate schema based on model maybe? If so then how can I do that?
Last, but not least - when I create a SolrRepository should I use my JPA entity (annotated with #Fields annotations) as a generic type? Or rather should I create a totally different POJO which should be a view/dto of my jpa entity? This question is again about conversion I guess. If I create a dedicated POJO than I can convert/map fields manually in constructor, but this feels rather bad idea.

Best way to represent object views (summary, detail, full etc) in Spring based REST service

I am working on a REST service which uses Spring 4.x. As per a requirement I have to produce several different views out of same object. Sample URIs:
To get full details of a location service: /services/locations/{id}/?q=view:full
To get summary of a location service: /services/locations/{id}/?q=view:summary
I have thought of two solutions for such problem:
1. Create different objects for different views.
2. Create same object, but filter out the fields based on some configuration (shown below)
location_summary_fields = field1, field2
location_detail_fields = field1, field2, field3
Could someone help me to understand what could be an ideal solution? I am not aware of any standard practice followed for this kind of problems.
In my opinion the best option is to use separate POJOs for different views. It's a lot easier to document it (for example when you use some automated tools like Swagger). Also you've to remember that your application will change after some time, and then having one common POJO could make troubles - then you'll need to add one field to one service and don't expose it through another.
See this article on how google gson uses annotations to convert a Java Object representation to a json format :
Since you want two different representations for the same object you could roll your own
toJson method as follows :
a) Annotate each field of you model with either #Summary, #Detail or #All
b) Implement a toJson() method that returns a json representation by examining the annotations for the fields and appropriately using them
If you need an XML representation same thing, except you would have a toXML().
