sorting network for binary values - sorting

I'm looking for the most efficient sorting network for binary values. In my case, efficiency is the number of compare-and-swap operations required.
Background: Sorting networks sort a list of values using a sequence of compare-and-swap operations with rigid positions. Due to the rigid sequence, they are suitable for implementation in hardware or for parallelization. I have two sub-questions:
If I know that my data is binary, e.g. (0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1 ...), can I construct a more efficient sorting network than for arbitrary values?
It is trivial to turn algorithms like bubble sort into a sorting network, since the algorithm is using a rigid sequence of compare-and-swap operations. Is there a systematic way to turn any sorting algorithm (e.g. this one for sorting a binary array) into a sorting network? The example algorithm uses compare-and-swap at dynamic positions (determined by two shifting indices).
(I should add that one property of sorting networks, namely that multiple compare-and-swap operations can be grouped and performed in parallel (as their index pairs are not overlapping), is not important for my application. I'm just interested in finding the shortest rigid sequence of compare-and-swap operations.)
Thanks for your help!

A sorting network for binary numbers cannot be simpler than one for arbitrary numbers, else there would indeed be a contradiction. So if a network has optimal size (known for up to 12 inputs nowadays) then the same applies for binary inputs.
"Sorting" binary numbers is in itself of course no meaningful activity: you can just count the 1's in the input vector and directly produce the output from it.


Number of comparisons for different lists in sorting algorithms

I've been studying sorting algorithms and had a question about the number of comparisons in each sorting algorithm.
Let's say we have a sorting algorithm (insertion sort, quicksort, anything). Then I want to count the number of comparisons using different files. These files have items that are randomized and not in order. For example, file 1 has 10 items, containing letters a to j. Then we have another file (again, 10 items) containing integers 1 to 10. Then we have another file (10 items), containing float numbers 1.1111111111 to 10.1111111111. If we want to sort these using any sorting algorithm (for the first one we sort in alphabetical order and others from smallest to largest number).
If we count the number of comparisons (in a quicksort algorithm, for example) in each file, would they be the same since we are comparing the same number of items, or does the length of the items change the number of comparisons (a vs 10.1111111)? If they are the same, is it the case for all sorting algorithms (at least the ones I mentioned) or just some? I don't think it's a hard question (sorry), but I'm over-thinking as usual. I'm guessing that they would be the same, but I'm not really. Would someone care to explain?
The number of comparisons depends on the initial state. the sorting algorithm and the specific implementation.
For example:
The implementation could make a first pass to check if the set is already sorted up or down to avoid unnecessary work or even a worst case scenario. This has a small cost but can avoid a pathological case. The number of comparisons will be very different for the same set between an implementation that does and one that does not.
Some implementation choices such as which element to select as a pivot in qsort() will greatly impact the number of comparisons for identical sets.
Even worse: to avoid quadratic worst case in qsort() that can be triggered more of less easily as described in Kernighan's paper anti qsort, one can implement qsort() to make non deterministic choices of pivot values, using some source of randomness. For such an implementation, the number of comparisons may vary, even for sorting the same set repeatedly. Note that this can produce a different order if some elements compare equal, due to qsort()s unstability.
Your teacher's question cannot be answered precisely unless you know both the initial state and the sorting algorithm specific implementation. Even best case and worst case numbers depend on the implementation details.
You are considering performance of algorithm with varies in input files. To standardize this kind of problems, scientist already gave three types of performance for every algorithm :
Best Case - Lower Bound on cost
Worst case - Upper Bound on cost
Average case - "Expected cost"
Now if you want to get number of comparison it makes with particular input then you can form your own mathematical model. But rather for standardization you can think of these three types. And another thing is, number of comparison doesn't varies with input type, but in which order data is. That means if you pass sorted input to the insertion sort, it will give you O(N) with approx N comparisons. But if it is in reverse form, then its worst case.
This is the analysis of sorting:
Reference : Princeton course

Changing data structure representation at runtime: looking for other examples

Which programs/algorithms change the representation of their data structure at runtime in order to obtain beter performance?
Data structures "define" how real-world concepts are structured and represented in computer memory. For different kinds of computations a different data structure should/can be used to achieve acceptable performance (e.g., linked-list versus array implementation).
Self-adaptive (cf. self-updating) data structures are data structures that change their internal state according to a concrete usage pattern (e.g., self balancing trees). These changes are internal, i.e., depending the data. Moreover, these changes are anticipated upon by design.
Other algorithms can benefit from an external change of representation. In
matrix-multiplication, for instance, it is a well know performance trick to transpose "the second matrix" (such that caches are used more efficiently). This is actually changing the matrix representation from row-major to column major order. Because "A" is not the same as "Transposed(A)", the the second matrix is transposed again after the multiplication to keep the program semantically correct.
A second example is using a linked-list at program start-up to populate "the data structure" and change to an array based implementation once the content of the list becomes "stable".
I am looking for programmers that have similar experiences with other example programs where an external change of representation is performed in their application in order to have better performance. Thus, where the representation (chosen implementation) of a data structure is changed at runtime as an explicit part of the program.
The pattern of transforming the input representation in order to enable a more efficient algorithm comes up in many situations. I would go as far as to say this is an important way to think about designing efficient algorithms in general. Some examples that come to mind:
HeapSort. It works by transforming your original input list into a binary heap (probably a min-heap), and then repeatedly calling the remove-min function to get the list elements in sorted order. Asymptotically, it is tied for the fastest comparison-based sorting algorithm.
Finding duplicates in a list. Without changing the input list, this will take O(n^2) time. But if you can sort the list, or store the elements in a hash table or Bloom filter, you can find all the duplicates in O(n log n) time or better.
Solving a linear program. A linear program (LP) is a certain kind of optimization problem with many applications in economics and elsewhere. One of the most important techniques in solving LPs is duality, which means converting your original LP into what is called the "dual", and then solving the dual. Depending on your situation, solving the dual problem may be much easier than solving the original ("primal") LP. This book chapter starts with a nice example of primal/dual LPs.
Multiplying very large integers or polynomials. The fastest known method is using the FFT; see here or here for some nice descriptions. The gist of the idea is to convert from the usual representation of your polynomial (a list of coefficients) to an evaluation basis (a list of evaluations of that polynomial at certain carefully-chosen points). The evaluation basis makes multiplication trivial - you can just multiply each pair of evaluations. Now you have the product polynomial in an evaluation basis, and you interpolate (opposite of evaluation) to get back the coefficients, like you wanted. The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is a very efficient way of doing the evaluation and interpolation steps, and the whole thing can be much faster than working with the coefficients directly.
Longest common substring. If you want to find the longest substring that appears in a bunch of text documents, one of the fastest ways is to create a suffix tree from each one, then merge them together and find the deepest common node.
Linear algebra. Various matrix computations are performed most efficiently by converting your original matrix into a canonical form such as Hermite normal form or computing a QR factorization. These alternate representations of the matrix make standard things such as finding the inverse, determinant, or eigenvalues much faster to compute.
There are certainly many examples besides these, but I was trying to come up with some variety.

Determine if a list of compare-and-swap instructions will sort a list of length N

Say I have a list of pairs of indices in an array of length N. I want to determine if an arbitrarily sorted list is sorted after doing
for pair in pairs:
if list_to_sort[pair.first] > list_to_sort[pair.second]:
Obviously, I could test all permutations of the N-element list. Is there a faster way? And if there is, what is it? What is it called? Is it provably the fastest solution?
What you're describing is an algorithm called a sorting network. Unfortunately, it's known that the problem of determining whether a series of swaps yields a valid sorting network is co-NP-complete, meaning that unless P = NP there is no polynomial-time algorithm for checking whether your particular choice of pairs will work correctly.
Interestingly, though, you don't need to try all possible permutations of the input. There's a result called the zero-one principle that states that as long as your sorting network will correctly sort a list of 0s and 1s, it will sort any input sequence correctly. Consequently, rather than trying all n! possible permutations of the inputs, you can check all 2n possible sequences of 0s and 1s. This is still pretty infeasible if n is very large, but might be useful if your choice of n is small.
As for the best possible way to build a sorting network - this is an open problem! There are many good sorting networks that run quickly on most inputs, and there are also a few sorting networks that are known to be optimal. Searching for "optimal sorting network" might turn up some useful links.
Hope this helps!

What class of problem would one use a binary search tree to solve?

I've seen this data structure talked about a lot, but I am unclear as to what sort of problem would demand such a data structure (over alternative representations). I've never needed one, but perhaps that's because I don't quite grok it. Can you enlighten me?
One example of where you would use a binary search tree would be a sorted list of values where you want to be able to quickly add elements.
Consider using an array for this purpose. You have very fast access to read random values, but if you want to add a new value, you have to find the place in the array where it belongs, shift everything over, and then insert the new value.
With a binary search tree, you simply traverse the tree looking for where the value would be if it were in the tree already, and then add it there.
Also, consider if you want to find out if your sorted array contains a particular value. You have to start at one end of the array and compare the value you're looking for to each individual value until you either find the value in the array, or pass the point where it would have been. With a binary search tree, you greatly reduce the number of comparisons you are likely to have to make. Just a quick caveat, however, it is definitely possible to contrive situations where the binary search tree requires more comparisons, but these are the exception, not the rule.
One thing I've used it for in the past is Huffman decoding (or any variable-bit-length scheme).
If you maintain your binary tree with the characters at the leaves, each incoming bit decides whether you move to the left or right node.
When you reach a leaf node, you have your decoded character and you can start on the next one.
For example, consider the following tree:
/ \
. C
/ \
This would be a tree for a file where the predominant letter was C (by having less bits used for common letters, the file is shorter than it would be for a fixed-bit-length scheme). The codes for the individual letters are:
A: 00 (left, left).
B: 01 (left, right).
C: 1 (right).
The class of problems you use then for are those where you want to be able to both insert and access elements reasonably efficiently. As well as unbalanced trees (such as the Huffman example above), you can also use balanced trees which make the insertions a little more costly (since you may have to rebalance on the fly) but make lookups a lot more efficient since you're traversing the minimum possible number of nodes.
from wiki
Self-balancing binary search trees can be used in a natural way to construct and maintain ordered lists, such as priority queues. They can also be used for associative arrays; key-value pairs are simply inserted with an ordering based on the key alone. In this capacity, self-balancing BSTs have a number of advantages and disadvantages over their main competitor, hash tables. One advantage of self-balancing BSTs is that they allow fast (indeed, asymptotically optimal) enumeration of the items in key order, which hash tables do not provide. One disadvantage is that their lookup algorithms get more complicated when there may be multiple items with the same key.
Self-balancing BSTs can be used to implement any algorithm that requires mutable ordered lists, to achieve optimal worst-case asymptotic performance. For example, if binary tree sort is implemented with a self-balanced BST, we have a very simple-to-describe yet asymptotically optimal O(n log n) sorting algorithm. Similarly, many algorithms in computational geometry exploit variations on self-balancing BSTs to solve problems such as the line segment intersection problem and the point location problem efficiently. (For average-case performance, however, self-balanced BSTs may be less efficient than other solutions. Binary tree sort, in particular, is likely to be slower than mergesort or quicksort, because of the tree-balancing overhead as well as cache access patterns.)
Self-balancing BSTs are flexible data structures, in that it's easy to extend them to efficiently record additional information or perform new operations. For example, one can record the number of nodes in each subtree having a certain property, allowing one to count the number of nodes in a certain key range with that property in O(log n) time. These extensions can be used, for example, to optimize database queries or other list-processing algorithms.

Why are Fibonacci numbers significant in computer science?

Fibonacci numbers have become a popular introduction to recursion for Computer Science students and there's a strong argument that they persist within nature. For these reasons, many of us are familiar with them.
They also exist within Computer Science elsewhere too; in surprisingly efficient data structures and algorithms based upon the sequence.
There are two main examples that come to mind:
Fibonacci heaps which have better
amortized running time than binomial
Fibonacci search which shares
O(log N) running time with binary
search on an ordered array.
Is there some special property of these numbers that gives them an advantage over other numerical sequences? Is it a spatial quality? What other possible applications could they have?
It seems strange to me as there are many natural number sequences that occur in other recursive problems, but I've never seen a Catalan heap.
The Fibonacci numbers have all sorts of really nice mathematical properties that make them excellent in computer science. Here's a few:
They grow exponentially fast. One interesting data structure in which the Fibonacci series comes up is the AVL tree, a form of self-balancing binary tree. The intuition behind this tree is that each node maintains a balance factor so that the heights of the left and right subtree differ by at most one. Because of this, you can think of the minimum number of nodes necessary to get an AVL tree of height h is defined by a recurrence that looks like N(h + 2) ~= N(h) + N(h + 1), which looks a lot like the Fibonacci series. If you work out the math, you can show that the number of nodes necessary to get an AVL tree of height h is F(h + 2) - 1. Because the Fibonacci series grows exponentially fast, this means that the height of an AVL tree is at most logarithmic in the number of nodes, giving you the O(lg n) lookup time we know and love about balanced binary trees. In fact, if you can bound the size of some structure with a Fibonacci number, you're likely to get an O(lg n) runtime on some operation. This is the real reason that Fibonacci heaps are called Fibonacci heaps - the proof that the number of heaps after a dequeue min involves bounding the number of nodes you can have in a certain depth with a Fibonacci number.
Any number can be written as the sum of unique Fibonacci numbers. This property of the Fibonacci numbers is critical to getting Fibonacci search working at all; if you couldn't add together unique Fibonacci numbers into any possible number, this search wouldn't work. Contrast this with a lot of other series, like 3n or the Catalan numbers. This is also partially why a lot of algorithms like powers of two, I think.
The Fibonacci numbers are efficiently computable. The fact that the series can be generated extremely efficiently (you can get the first n terms in O(n) or any arbitrary term in O(lg n)), then a lot of the algorithms that use them wouldn't be practical. Generating Catalan numbers is pretty computationally tricky, IIRC. On top of this, the Fibonacci numbers have a nice property where, given any two consecutive Fibonacci numbers, let's say F(k) and F(k + 1), we can easily compute the next or previous Fibonacci number by adding the two values (F(k) + F(k + 1) = F(k + 2)) or subtracting them (F(k + 1) - F(k) = F(k - 1)). This property is exploited in several algorithms, in conjunction with property (2), to break apart numbers into the sum of Fibonacci numbers. For example, Fibonacci search uses this to locate values in memory, while a similar algorithm can be used to quickly and efficiently compute logarithms.
They're pedagogically useful. Teaching recursion is tricky, and the Fibonacci series is a great way to introduce it. You can talk about straight recursion, about memoization, or about dynamic programming when introducing the series. Additionally, the amazing closed-form for the Fibonacci numbers is often taught as an exercise in induction or in the analysis of infinite series, and the related matrix equation for Fibonacci numbers is commonly introduced in linear algebra as a motivation behind eigenvectors and eigenvalues. I think that this is one of the reasons that they're so high-profile in introductory classes.
I'm sure there are more reasons than just this, but I'm sure that some of these reasons are the main factors. Hope this helps!
Greatest Common Divisor is another magic; see this for too many magics. But Fibonacci numbers are easy to calculate; also it has a specific name. For example, natural numbers 1,2,3,4,5 have too many logic; all primes are within them; sum of 1..n is computable, each one can produce with other ones, ... but no one take care about them :)
One important thing I forgot about it is Golden Ratio, which has very important impact in real life (for example you like wide monitors :)
If you have an algorithm that can be successfully explained in a simple and concise mannor with understandable examples in CS and nature, what better teaching tool could someone come up with?
Fibonacci sequences are indeed found everywhere in nature/life. They're useful at modeling growth of animal populations, plant cell growth, snowflake shape, plant shape, cryptography, and of course computer science. I've heard it being referred to as the DNA pattern of nature.
Fibonacci heap's have already been mentioned; the number of children of each node in the heap is at most log(n). Also the subtree starting a node with m children is at least (m+2)th fibonacci number.
Torrent like protocols which use a system of nodes and supernodes use a fibonacci to decide when a new super node is needed and how many subnodes it will manage. They do node management based on the fibonacci spiral (golden ratio). See the photo below how nodes are split/merged (partitioned from one large square into smaller ones and vice versa). See photo:
Some occurences in nature
I don't think there's a definitive answer but one possibility is that the operation of dividing a set S into two partitions S1 and S2 one of which is then divided into to sub-partitions S11 and S12, one of which has the same size as S2 - is a likely approach to many algorithms and that can be sometimes numerically described as a Fibonacci sequence.
Let me add another data structure to yours: Fibonacci trees. They are interesting because the calculation of the next position in the tree can be done by mere addition of the previous nodes:
It ties well in with the discussion by templatetypedef on AVL-trees (an AVL tree can at worst have fibonacci structure). I've also seen buffers extended in fibonacci-steps rather than powers of two in some cases.
Just to add a trivia about this, Fibonacci numbers describe the breading of rabbits. You start with (1, 1), two rabbits, and then their population grows exponentially .
Their computation as a power of [[0,1],[1,1]] matrix can be considered as the most primitive problem of Operational Research (sort of like Prisoner's Dilemma is the most primitive problem of Game Theory).
Symbols with frequencies that are successive fibonacci numbers create maximum depth huffman trees, which trees correspond to source symbols being encoded with maximum length binary codes. Non-fibonacci source symbol frequencies create more balanced trees, with shorter codes. The code length has direct implications in the description complexity of the finite state machine that is responsible for decoding a given huffman code.
Conjecture: The 1st(fib) image will be compressed to 38bits, while the 2nd(uniform) with 50bits. It seems that the closer your source symbol frequencies are to fibonacci numbers the shorter the final binary sequence, the better the compression, maybe optimal in the huffman model.
Further Reading:
Buro, M. (1993). On the maximum length of Huffman codes. Information
Processing Letters, 45(5), 219-223. doi:10.1016/0020-0190(93)90207-p
For me This is about order and space coordinates.
The Fibonacci sequence can be used as a clock.
The Fibonacci sequence allows to calculate the golden number decimal by decimal.
The golden number multiplied by itself gives almost the golden number +1.
So we can certainly cut an integer into a series of integers, of units by using for example the indexes.
I made a first naive version in python.(poc) code to be updated.
So we can frame, count and coordinate the calculation steps and the memory spaces to this perfectly periodic reference frame (in time) and thus make it a kind of universal multiplication table equivalent. For me it is explicitly a mapping.
The idea is to eventually propose a ternary code with explicit management of the memory spaces according to the Fibonacci calculation step, and then to find all our numbers there.
Once done, to use this mapping, this universal table, this filter : to check the concordance, the consistency, the periodicity of complex computable operations, such as the wheeler experiment, sinus, gravity etc...
It sounds pretentious when you say it like that. It is not. Nobody create the golden number or Fibonacci. They are here, they are given like fruits on a tree.
