Spring Hibernate Criteria API Builder pass list parameter to function - spring

I try to implement MySQL full text search inside Criteria API Builder and I stuck with passing multiple column list in custom function.
Custom MySQL dialect to enable MATCH AGAINST function:
import org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5Dialect;
import org.hibernate.dialect.function.SQLFunctionTemplate;
import org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes;
public class CustomMySQL5Dialect extends MySQL5Dialect {
public CustomMySQL5Dialect() {
registerFunction("match", new SQLFunctionTemplate(StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE, "match(?1) against (?2 in boolean mode)"));
Customer service part for building query:
Specification.where((root, query, cb) -> {
Expression<Double> match = cb.function(
return cb.greaterThan(match, 0.);
But now I would like to extend full text search to search against multiple columns. Final SQL should looks like:
SELECT * FROM customer WHERE MATCH (first_name,last_name) AGAINST ('mysearchterm' IN BOOLEAN MODE) > 0.0
So, does anyone know how to pass list of column names for 1st paramter.

public class MariaDB10Dialect extends org.hibernate.dialect.MariaDB10Dialect {
public MariaDB10Dialect() {
registerFunction("match", new SQLFunction() {
public boolean hasArguments() {
return true;
public boolean hasParenthesesIfNoArguments() {
return false;
public Type getReturnType(Type firstArgumentType, Mapping mapping) throws QueryException {
return StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE;
public String render(Type firstArgumentType, List arguments, SessionFactoryImplementor factory) throws QueryException {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("match(");
int i=0;
for (i=0; i<arguments.size()-1; i++) {
if (i>0)
sb.append(", ");
sb.append(") against (").append(arguments.get(i)).append(")");
return sb.toString();


trino udf how to create a aggregate function for the window function

I tried to write a udf function to calculate my data. In the trino's docs, I knew I should to write a function plugin and I succeed to execute my udf aggregate function sql.
But when I write sql with aggregate function and window function, the sql executed failed.
The error log is com.google.common.util.concurrent.ExecutionError: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/example/ListState.
I think I may implement the interface about the window function.
The ListState.java file code
#AccumulatorStateMetadata(stateSerializerClass = ListStateSerializer.class, stateFactoryClass = ListStateFactory.class)
public interface ListState extends AccumulatorState {
List<String> getList();
void setList(List<String> value);
The ListStateSerializer file code
public class ListStateSerializer implements AccumulatorStateSerializer<ListState>
public Type getSerializedType() {
return VARCHAR;
public void serialize(ListState state, BlockBuilder out) {
if (state.getList() == null) {
String value = String.join(",", state.getList());
VARCHAR.writeSlice(out, Slices.utf8Slice(value));
public void deserialize(Block block, int index, ListState state) {
String value = VARCHAR.getSlice(block, index).toStringUtf8();
List<String> list = Arrays.asList(value.split(","));
The ListStateFactory file code
public class ListStateFactory implements AccumulatorStateFactory<ListState> {
public static final class SingleListState implements ListState {
private List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
public List<String> getList() {
return list;
public void setList(List<String> value) {
list = value;
public long getEstimatedSize() {
if (list == null) {
return 0;
return list.size();
public static class GroupedListState implements GroupedAccumulatorState, ListState {
private final ObjectBigArray<List<String>> container = new ObjectBigArray<>();
private long groupId;
public List<String> getList() {
return container.get(groupId);
public void setList(List<String> value) {
container.set(groupId, value);
public void setGroupId(long groupId) {
this.groupId = groupId;
if (this.getList() == null) {
this.setList(new ArrayList<String>());
public void ensureCapacity(long size) {
public long getEstimatedSize() {
return container.sizeOf();
public ListState createSingleState() {
return new SingleListState();
public ListState createGroupedState() {
return new GroupedListState();
Thanks for help!!!!
And I found the WindowAccumulator class in the trino source code. But I don't know how to use it.
How to create a aggregate function for window function?

How to make Hibernate use setFixedCHAR instead of setString

Can I somehow modify the way Hibernate binds parameters to the query?
For example, I want hibernate to use OracleResultSet.setFixedChar() when executing on an string column, instead of rs.setString() when executing a JPA query via Spring data.
This is how I would do it without Hibernate:
try(PreparedStatement ps = con.executeQuery("...")) {
if(ps.isWrapped(OraclePreparedStatement.class) {
ps.unwrap(OraclePreparedStatement.class).setFixedCHAR(0, myStringField);
} else {
ps.setString(0, myStringField);
try(ResultSet rs = ps.getResultSet()) {
while(rs.next()) {
... do stuff ...
Repository method (Spring data JPA):
List<Object> findByMyStringField(String myStringField);
How can I influence how Hibernate binds my variable. With the above example setString is used always.
As background: the problem is that all our Legacy DB's use CHAR columns and not VARCHAR2, so we have to deal with whitespace and setFixedCHAR should do exactly what we would want.
Found a solution by implementing a SqlTypeDescriptor & Custom Dialect:
private DataSource source;
public HibernateJpaVendorAdapter getHibernateJPAVendorAdapter() {
return new CustomHibernateJpaVendorAdaptor();
private static class CustomHibernateJpaVendorAdaptor extends HibernateJpaVendorAdapter {
protected Class<?> determineDatabaseDialectClass(Database database) {
// if HSQL is copied from Spring Sourcecode to keep everything the same
if (Database.HSQL.equals(database)) {
return CustomHsqlDialect.class;
try {
if (source.isWrapperFor(OracleDataSource.class)) {
return CustomOracleDialect.class;
} catch (SQLException e) {
return super.determineDatabaseDialectClass(database);
private class CustomHsqlDialect extends HSQLDialect {
public CustomHsqlDialect() {
registerColumnType(Types.BOOLEAN, "boolean");
registerHibernateType(Types.BOOLEAN, "boolean");
public static class CustomOracleDialect extends Oracle12cDialect {
private static final OracleCharFix INSTANCE = new OracleCharFix();
protected SqlTypeDescriptor getSqlTypeDescriptorOverride(final int sqlCode) {
switch (sqlCode) {
case Types.VARCHAR:
return INSTANCE;
return super.getSqlTypeDescriptorOverride(sqlCode);
private static class OracleCharFix extends CharTypeDescriptor {
public <X> ValueBinder<X> getBinder(final JavaTypeDescriptor<X> javaTypeDescriptor) {
return new BasicBinder<>(javaTypeDescriptor, this) {
protected void doBind(PreparedStatement st, X value, int index, WrapperOptions options)
throws SQLException {
if (st.isWrapperFor(OraclePreparedStatement.class)) {
OraclePreparedStatement ops = st.unwrap(OraclePreparedStatement.class);
if (ops.getParameterMetaData().getParameterType(index) == Types.CHAR) {
ops.setFixedCHAR(index, javaTypeDescriptor.unwrap(value, String.class, options));
} else {
st.setString(index, javaTypeDescriptor.unwrap(value, String.class, options));
} else {
st.setString(index, javaTypeDescriptor.unwrap(value, String.class, options));
protected void doBind(CallableStatement st, X value, String name, WrapperOptions options)
throws SQLException {
//Is nolonger used by Hibernate in the current Version
st.setString(name, javaTypeDescriptor.unwrap(value, String.class, options));
private boolean checkIfCHARByName(ResultSetMetaData metadata, String name)
throws SQLException {
for (int i = 1; i <= metadata.getColumnCount(); i++) {
if (metadata.getColumnType(i) == Types.CHAR && Objects.equals(metadata.getColumnName(i), name)) {
return true;
return false;

Initial data on JPA repositories

I'm looking for a convenient way to provide initial data for my application. Currently I've implemented a Spring Data JPA based project which is my foundation of all database related operation.
I've got a entity Role which can be assigned to the entity User. On a clean application start I would like to provide directly some default roles (e.g. admin, manager, etc).
I built a random data factory :
public class RandomDataFactory {
private static void randomlyPopulateFields(Object object) {
new RandomValueFieldPopulator().populate(object);
* Instantiates a single object with random data
public static <T> T getSingle(Class<T> clazz) throws IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException {
T object = clazz.newInstance();
return object;
* Returns an unmodifiable list of specified type objects with random data
* #param clazz the myPojo.class to be instantiated with random data
* #param maxLength the length of list to be returned
public static <T> List<T> getList(Class<T> clazz, int maxLength) throws IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException {
List<T> list = new ArrayList<T>(maxLength);
for (int i = 0; i < maxLength; i++) {
T object = clazz.newInstance();
list.add(i, object);
return Collections.unmodifiableList(list);
* Returns a unmodifiable list of specified type T objects with random data
* <p>List length will be 3</p>
* #param clazz the myPojo.class to be instantiated with random data
public static <T> List<T> getList(Class<T> clazz) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
return getList(clazz, 3);
public static <T> T getPrimitive(Class<T> clazz) {
return (T) RandomValueFieldPopulator.generateRandomValue(clazz);
public static <T> List<T> getPrimitiveList(Class<T> clazz) {
return getPrimitiveList(clazz, 3);
public static <T> List<T> getPrimitiveList(Class<T> clazz, int length) {
List<T> randoms = new ArrayList<T>(length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
return randoms;
private static class RandomValueFieldPopulator {
public static Object generateRandomValue(Class<?> fieldType) {
Random random = new Random();
if (fieldType.equals(String.class)) {
return UUID.randomUUID().toString();
} else if (Date.class.isAssignableFrom(fieldType)) {
return new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() - random.nextInt());
} else if (LocalDate.class.isAssignableFrom(fieldType)) {
Date date = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() - random.nextInt());
return new LocalDate(date);
} else if (fieldType.equals(Character.class) || fieldType.equals(Character.TYPE)) {
return (char) (random.nextInt(26) + 'a');
} else if (fieldType.equals(Integer.TYPE) || fieldType.equals(Integer.class)) {
return random.nextInt();
} else if (fieldType.equals(Short.TYPE) || fieldType.equals(Short.class)) {
return (short) random.nextInt();
} else if (fieldType.equals(Long.TYPE) || fieldType.equals(Long.class)) {
return random.nextLong();
} else if (fieldType.equals(Float.TYPE) || fieldType.equals(Float.class)) {
return random.nextFloat();
} else if (fieldType.equals(Double.TYPE)) {
return random.nextInt(); //if double is used, jsonPath uses bigdecimal to convert back
} else if (fieldType.equals(Double.class)) {
return random.nextDouble(); //if double is used, jsonPath uses bigdecimal to convert back
} else if (fieldType.equals(Boolean.TYPE) || fieldType.equals(Boolean.class)) {
return random.nextBoolean();
} else if (fieldType.equals(BigDecimal.class)) {
return new BigDecimal(random.nextFloat());
} else if (Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(fieldType)) {
Object[] enumValues = fieldType.getEnumConstants();
return enumValues[random.nextInt(enumValues.length)];
} else if (Number.class.isAssignableFrom(fieldType)) {
return random.nextInt(Byte.MAX_VALUE) + 1;
} else {
public void populate(Object object) {
ReflectionUtils.doWithFields(object.getClass(), new RandomValueFieldSetterCallback(object));
private static class RandomValueFieldSetterCallback implements ReflectionUtils.FieldCallback {
private final Object targetObject;
public RandomValueFieldSetterCallback(Object targetObject) {
this.targetObject = targetObject;
public void doWith(Field field) throws IllegalAccessException {
Class<?> fieldType = field.getType();
if (!Modifier.isFinal(field.getModifiers())) {
Object value = generateRandomValue(fieldType);
if (!value.equals(UNGENERATED_VALUE_MARKER)) {
field.set(targetObject, value);
Look into an in-memory H2 database.
Maven Dependency
<!-- H2 Database -->
Spring Java Config Entry
public DataSource dataSource() {
System.out.println("**** USING H2 DATABASE ****");
EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder builder = new EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder();
return builder.setType(EmbeddedDatabaseType.H2).addScript("/schema.sql").build();
You can create/load the H2 database w/ a SQL script in the above code using .addscript().
If you are using it for Unit test, and need a different state for different test, then
There is a http://dbunit.sourceforge.net/
Specifically for Spring there is http://springtestdbunit.github.io/spring-test-dbunit/
If you need to initialize it only once and using EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder for testing, then as Brandon said, you can use EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder.
public DataSource dataSource() {
EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder builder = new EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder();
return builder.setType(EmbeddedDatabaseType.H2).addScript("/schema.sql").build();
If you want it to be initialised on application start, you can add #PostConstruct function to your Configuration bean, and it will be initialised after configuration bean was created.
public void initializeDB() {

Filter index hits by node ids in Neo4j

I have a set of node id's (Set< Long >) and want to restrict or filter the results of an query to only the nodes in this set. Is there a performant way to do this?
Set<Node> query(final GraphDatabaseService graphDb, final Set<Long> nodeSet) {
final Index<Node> searchIndex = graphdb.index().forNodes("search");
final IndexHits<Node> hits = searchIndex.query(new QueryContext("value*"));
// what now to return only index hits that are in the given Set of Node's?
Wouldn't be faster the other way round? If you get the nodes from your set and compare the property to the value you are looking for?
for (Iterator it=nodeSet.iterator();it.hasNext();) {
Node n=db.getNodeById(it.next());
if (!n.getProperty("value","").equals("foo")) it.remove();
or for your suggestion
Set<Node> query(final GraphDatabaseService graphDb, final Set<Long> nodeSet) {
final Index<Node> searchIndex = graphdb.index().forNodes("search");
final IndexHits<Node> hits = searchIndex.query(new QueryContext("value*"));
Set<Node> result=new HashSet<>();
for (Node n : hits) {
if (nodeSet.contains(n.getId())) result.add(n);
return result;
So the fastest solution I found was directly using lucenes IndexSearcher on the index created by neo4j and use an custom Filter to restrict the search to specific nodes.
Just open the neo4j index folder "{neo4j-database-folder}/index/lucene/node/{index-name}" with the lucene IndexReader. Make sure to use not add a lucene dependency to your project in another version than the one neo4j uses, which currently is lucene 3.6.2!
here's my lucene Filter implementation that filters all query results by the given Set of document id's. (Lucene Document id's (Integer) ARE NOT Neo4j Node id's (Long)!)
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader;
import org.apache.lucene.search.DocIdSet;
import org.apache.lucene.search.DocIdSetIterator;
import org.apache.lucene.search.Filter;
public class DocIdFilter extends Filter {
public class FilteredDocIdSetIterator extends DocIdSetIterator {
private final PriorityQueue<Integer> filterQueue;
private int docId;
public FilteredDocIdSetIterator(final Set<Integer> filterSet) {
this(new PriorityQueue<Integer>(filterSet));
public FilteredDocIdSetIterator(final PriorityQueue<Integer> filterQueue) {
this.filterQueue = filterQueue;
public int docID() {
return this.docId;
public int nextDoc() throws IOException {
if (this.filterQueue.isEmpty()) {
this.docId = NO_MORE_DOCS;
} else {
this.docId = this.filterQueue.poll();
return this.docId;
public int advance(final int target) throws IOException {
while ((this.docId = this.nextDoc()) < target)
return this.docId;
private final PriorityQueue<Integer> filterQueue;
public DocIdFilter(final Set<Integer> filterSet) {
this.filterQueue = new PriorityQueue<Integer>(filterSet);
private static final long serialVersionUID = -865683019349988312L;
public DocIdSet getDocIdSet(final IndexReader reader) throws IOException {
return new DocIdSet() {
public DocIdSetIterator iterator() throws IOException {
return new FilteredDocIdSetIterator(DocIdFilter.this.filterQueue);
To map the set of neo4j node id's (the query result should be filtered with) to the correct lucene document id's i created an inmemory bidirectional map:
public static HashBiMap<Integer, Long> generateDocIdToNodeIdMap(final IndexReader indexReader)
throws LuceneIndexException {
final HashBiMap<Integer, Long> result = HashBiMap.create(indexReader.numDocs());
for (int i = 0; i < indexReader.maxDoc(); i++) {
if (indexReader.isDeleted(i)) {
final Document doc;
try {
doc = indexReader.document(i, new FieldSelector() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 5853247619312916012L;
public FieldSelectorResult accept(final String fieldName) {
if ("_id_".equals(fieldName)) {
return FieldSelectorResult.LOAD_AND_BREAK;
} else {
return FieldSelectorResult.NO_LOAD;
} catch (final IOException e) {
throw new LuceneIndexException(indexReader.directory(), "could not read document with ID: '" + i
+ "' from index.", e);
final Long nodeId;
try {
nodeId = Long.valueOf(doc.get("_id_"));
} catch (final NumberFormatException e) {
throw new LuceneIndexException(indexReader.directory(),
"could not parse node ID value from document ID: '" + i + "'", e);
result.put(i, nodeId);
return result;
I'm using the Google Guava Library that provides an bidirectional map and the initialization of collections with an specific size.

GWT retrieve list from datastore via serviceimpl

Hi I'm trying to retrieve a linkedhashset from the Google datastore but nothing seems to happen. I want to display the results in a Grid using GWT on a page. I have put system.out.println() in all the classes to see where I go wrong but it only shows one and I don't recieve any errors. I use 6 classes 2 in the server package(ContactDAOJdo/ContactServiceImpl) and 4 in the client package(ContactService/ContactServiceAsync/ContactListDelegate/ContactListGui). I hope someone can explain why this isn't worken and point me in the right direction.
public class ContactDAOJdo implements ContactDAO {
public LinkedHashSet<Contact> listContacts() {
PersistenceManager pm = PmfSingleton.get().getPersistenceManager();
String query = "select from " + Contact.class.getName();
System.out.print("ContactDAOJdo: ");
return (LinkedHashSet<Contact>) pm.newQuery(query).execute();
public class ContactServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements ContactService{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private ContactDAO contactDAO = new ContactDAOJdo() {
public LinkedHashSet<Contact> listContacts() {
LinkedHashSet<Contact> contacts = contactDAO.listContacts();
System.out.println("service imp "+contacts);
return contacts;
public interface ContactService extends RemoteService {
LinkedHashSet<Contact> listContacts();
public interface ContactServiceAsync {
void listContacts(AsyncCallback<LinkedHashSet <Contact>> callback);
public class ListContactDelegate {
private ContactServiceAsync contactService = GWT.create(ContactService.class);
ListContactGUI gui;
void listContacts(){
contactService.listContacts(new AsyncCallback<LinkedHashSet<Contact>> () {
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
System.out.println("delegate "+caught);
public void onSuccess(LinkedHashSet<Contact> result) {
System.out.println("delegate "+result);
public class ListContactGUI {
protected Grid contactlijst;
protected ListContactDelegate listContactService;
private Label status;
public void init() {
status = new Label();
contactlijst = new Grid();
status.setText("Contact list is being retrieved");
public void service_eventListRetrievedFromService(LinkedHashSet<Contact> result){
System.out.println("1 service eventListRetreivedFromService "+result);
status.setText("Retrieved contactlist list");
this.contactlijst.resizeRows(1 + result.size());
int row = 1;
this.contactlijst.setWidget(0, 0, new Label ("Voornaam"));
this.contactlijst.setWidget(0, 1, new Label ("Achternaam"));
for(Contact contact: result) {
this.contactlijst.setWidget(row, 0, new Label (contact.getVoornaam()));
this.contactlijst.setWidget(row, 1, new Label (contact.getVoornaam()));
System.out.println("voornaam: "+contact.getVoornaam());
System.out.println("2 service eventListRetreivedFromService "+result);
public void placeWidgets() {
System.out.println("placewidget inside listcontactgui" + contactlijst);
public void service_eventListContactenFailed(Throwable caught) {
status.setText("Unable to retrieve contact list from database.");
It could be the query returns a lazy list. Which means not all values are in the list at the moment the list is send to the client. I used a trick to just call size() on the list (not sure how I got to that solution, but seems to work):
public LinkedHashSet<Contact> listContacts() {
final PersistenceManager pm = PmfSingleton.get().getPersistenceManager();
try {
final LinkedHashSet<Contact> contacts =
(LinkedHashSet<Contact>) pm.newQuery(Contact.class).execute();
contacts.size(); // this triggers to get all values.
return contacts;
} finally {
But I'm not sure if this is the best practice...
