Spring boot micro service dropping headers - spring

I am facing an issue in spring boot. I developed a micro service and setup the infrastructure for it in kubernetes. I verified that my service is up and running by hitting a public URL which i exposed ( Example : https://abc/status).
But, now when i try to hit the get call which needs a header to be passed, I am receiving an exception which goes like this
Missing request header 'app_id' for method parameter of type String
While I execute this in local/within the pod, it is working fine.
Though I can confirm that the request has hit the service from the server logs. If you have faced something like this please help.

I logged all the request headers and found out that only the headers with '_' is getting dropped. Then, when I explored in the same angle, I stumbled upon this link - Spring Boot request header return null value and found out that nginx is the culprit.
So, changing the nginx config or removing '_' from the service will fix this one.


Spring Boot application in Kotlin starts to answer 404 after some time

I'm having this problem with a new Spring Boot service, written in Kotlin, where I start to get 404 for any REST requests after some random time (When I deploy the service, instead, everything works fine, with the same REST APIs).
In addition, I've also other services, written in Java, that are running without any problem.
Just to specify:
all the components are well defined in the application;
I've moved logging filters and some authorization logic in libraries also used in the java services (services that are running perfectly);
I am not able to reproduce locally, it happens after some time only in staging and prod envs.
Then I've noticed a really strange thing:
when running a public request (so that I skip all the auth logic checks) the logger prints the response status as 200 -> but then the final answer that the client gets is 404.
Do you have any idea or tip?
Problem fixed! It was a mistake in the middleware, there were two service without the correct routing setup -> traefik was not able to redirect the traffic in the right way

How to store request data and reponse data into database in spring boot application

I am working on to store request data and response data if there any exceptions encountered while sending response back to client I need to store the exception also.
My DB table will ID,RequestData,ResponseData,Exception,TimeTakenToRespond
lets say I have endpoint called /athenticateUser so my input data would be
RequestData :{"username":"mate","password":"swamy"}
ResponseData :{"FirstName":"mate","LastName":"swamy","Email":"manteswamy#gmail.com"}
Like the above way I need to store all the request data and response data if any exception while sending response back to client that also we need store and the web service time taken respond.
As I am beginner to spring boot please guide step by step
Though you can write Interceptors, Filters etc for this. But don't do it.
Please try to use Spring Boot feature Actuator for tracing. It provides HTTP request logging out of the box.
There's an endpoint mapped to /trace or /actuator/httptrace which will show you last 100 HTTP requests. You can customize it to log each request, or write to a DB.
You will need spring-boot-starter-actuator dependency.
You can also whitelist endpoints.
For the guide step by step, you can check this actuator tutorial.
You can do it by using spring boot actuator httptrace..
add below dependency:
Look at this step by step guide..
The Spring-boot actuator doesn't support getting the request/response bodies, they even removed some mechanisms to do it.
Here's a blog post on how to do it with a Filter.

Swagger incorrect API path

I'm using swagger and swagger UI to document my APIs. This is in a spring boot microservice set up. I am consolidating all swagger docs into my zuul gateway. This all works fine for displaying the documentation.
However when you try and execute the APIs using the Try It Out button, this fails as the path being used to hit the endpoint is incorrect. Specifically swagger seems to expect the downstream service to have no context root. Is there anyway i can configure this to accept a context root?
I've reproduced the issue on this repo https://github.com/craigmgordon/swagger
If i run the services and hit the gateway on http://localhost:20000/swagger-ui.html i can see the docs for my two services are displayed correctly.
You can see the url is correct at the top of the page http://localhost:20000/prod/product/v2/api-docs
where 'prod' is the zuul route to the product-service
and 'product' is the product-service context route
If I try and use Try ITOut on the /products endpoint though, on execution i get a 404 as its tried to hit the url http://localhost:20000/prod/products
i.e. has ommitted the context route.
Correct url should be http://localhost:20000/prod/product/products
Has anyone had the same issue and found a resolution??

Spring RestTemplate netflix loadblancer not configuring httpClient header Host

We have a complicated app based on Spring Cloud, Netflix Loadbalancer, to make calls between micro-services ms1<client>-->ms2<server>
We are using a restTemplate.exchange call to a URI hostname that is a Eureka Key for FQDN lookup.
This configuration works in other micro-services, in fact the the restTemplate bean works for a different component's micro-service call.
The receiving the rest call is Cloud Foundry Go-router which I believe is just a ngineX proxy server, the httpClient request should have the header variable set to "Host":"FQDN" this allows the proxy to route the request to the proper instance in the space.
httpClient from ms makes the call to the ms
CompletionException. cause: org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException: 404 NOT_FOUND
This is the response from the CF go-router (simple proxy server), the request never gets http--> the ms instance.
When the RestClient configures the request it sets the header "Host" as localhost:8090 or whatever the ms hostname is???
Discussion related Questions:
So apparently we have a configuration problem here.
Any advice on how the netflix ribbon loadbalancer client stuff sets the httpClient headers?
What package class interceptor does this magic?
What configuration variables effect this?
Code debugging indicates that netflix.client.SimpleVipAddressResolver is running.
We've traced the debug all the way to the Apache httpClient and it has the header Host set to the ms hostname, it's set to that value in the netflix httpClient wrapper too.
I tried to create a simple reference implementation of this, but can't.
Any recommendations on troubleshooting?
Where to look or read docs on what com.netflix package?
Using the Camden Spring. Using profiles,
From the memory debugging;
Our suspicion is that some application.properties, .yml, or bootstrap.yml is being set or not being set some where in the scan path ???.
We had just upgrade the platform spring boot 1.3.x to 1.4.2.
The ms inbound controller had the annotation
#RequestHeader HttpHeaders httpHeaders
Which is what we attached into the restTemplate.execute as a parameter and eventually found it way to the rest-netflix-httpClient as the request headers being used to call the ms. The Go-Router on CF must be using that value to perform the proxying to the instance.
Apparently, somewhere in the upgrades, one of two things happen, either
A) boot Controller #RequestHeader in version 1.3.2 did not put header Host.
B) previous versions of spring Cloud-netflix-ribbon overwrote the Host httpHeader value with the Ribbon lookup.
Either way, there was no special interceptor.
Spring cloud netflix Eureka will take whatever httpHeaders you provide (even if that header is key:Host and use those values.

spring session sharing between zuul and resource servers

I was trying to search, but did not find an answer suited to our situation.
Basically, we have zuul server as API gateway which does following responsibilites
+ Autheticate user, and create and maintain session with users
+ Sessions will be stored in redis (we are using spring session with redis)
I want to have all of resource servers having access to session information created by zuul server. But I could not get session information from resource servers. its alway return null, I have checked redis server and seen session is created by zuul server already
Note that we are using Netflix service discovery to forward request from Zuul respective service.
highly appreciate for any advice
actually I was missing the following code.
context.addZuulRequestHeader("Cookie", "SESSION=" + httpSession.getId());
After adding above code to pass session_id in the cookie from zuul filter to respective micro-services, it is able to pickup the session_id from zuul filter.
I had the same problem. But after I have configured the application.yml to set "sensitiveHeaders" to empty. My problem is solved! :)
path: /myusers/**
url: https://downstream
you can see more details at this link
Even though you're storing session in Redis, session id is stored in cookie and must be delivered to your resource servers. But the default configuration of zuul is filtering out all cookie related headers.
The below is default configuration of zuul for senstive-headers those are not passed to downstream servers.
To pass cookie related headers from zuul to your resources servers, You need to redefine it without cookie related headers like belows.
The above example is using global configuration. You can define it for each route. Please refer to the section "Cookies and Sensitive Headers" in the the linked doc : http://cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-netflix/spring-cloud-netflix.html
If you also need to authorization header in your resources servers, you can define above configuration with blank list.
make sure your are using filter more than 5
public int filterOrder() {
return 10;
for more detail find the below example
When using Spring Session and Spring Security to protect APIs in a Microservice application, it is easy to set up to use the request header to resolve the session, the usage is very similar to the OAuth2 opaque token.
Declare a bean HttpSessionIdResolver.
Note: this is for Spring MVC. It will resolve the HTTP header x-auth-token.
When a request is sent from client, in the gateway, pass the header x-auth-token to the downstream services/components.
An working example: hantsy/spring-microservice-sample (But I did not use Zuul like Gateway in this sample application, and simply I used Nginx as reserve proxy)
