How to play a SuperCollider file non-interactively from the terminal command line interface (CLI) either on speakers or saving to an output file? - supercollider

I'm trying to have some fun with SuperCollider, and fun to me means running commands in a shell!
So far I've managed to play to speakers with:
// Play scale once.
x = Pbind(\degree, Pseq([0, 3, 5, 7], 1), \dur, 0.25);;
sclang rs.scd
and save to a file as mentioned at with:
x = Pbind(\degree, Pseq([0, 3, 5, 7], 1), \dur, 0.25).asScore(1, timeOffset: 0.001);
x.add([0.0, [\d_recv,[\default].def.asBytes]]);
outputFilePath: "nrt.aiff",
sampleRate: 44100,
headerFormat: "AIFF",
sampleFormat: "int16",
duration: x.endTime
So to achieve my goal I'm missing:
how to quit automatically after rs.scd finishes playing? I could do 1.wait; 0.exit; but that forces me to hardcode the 1, which is the length in seconds of the 4 0.25s notes being played. That 1 is also hardcoded in nrs.csd, and it would be great to be able to factor it out there as well.
how to make a single file that can either play on speakers, or save to a file, e.g. based on command line options I choose when running it? I think I'll eventually manage by playing with thisProcess.argv and an if, but is there a simpler way?
I was playing with CSound previously, and it was so much simpler to get a similar "hello world" to work there.
Tested on SuperCollider 3.10, Ubuntu 20.04.

For your first question:
In x.recordNRT you can add an action. This function will execute after the score finishes.
duration: x.endTime,
action: {0.exit}
For your second question:
This is an unusual use case. I don't know a better method than argv and an if statement. (See also )
Things that you can put before the if include:
Constructing your pattern and creating your synthdefs.
Things that need to go after the If include sending the SynthDefs to the server, as the NRT server is not the same as the local server. See the helpfile you linked for some warnings about that.


Replace linux-raspberrypi with core/linux-rpi-legacy?

When I ran 'pacman -Syu' today on an rpi3 Arch-Linux installation, the following question
was asked: Replace linux-raspberrypi with core/linux-rpi-legacy? [Y/n]
Is this a simple renaming or is this an
important change impacting the system's future?
Although the other answer was first, here's the relevant information from the forum:
Raspberry Pi kernel rename coming soon
Post by graysky ยป Sun Nov 28, 2021 12:20 pm
In a rebranding move, we
are changing the names of the two kernel packages for the RPi series
of devices to more adequately represent the intended platform.
linux-raspberrypi --> linux-rpi-legacy (RPi 1, 2, Zero, Zero W)
linux-raspberrypi4 --> linux-rpi (RPi 3, 4, 400, and Zero 2 W)
Once the new packages are built and hit your mirror, pacman should
automatically handle it by asking you if you would like to replace the
old package with the new one. Say Y to proceed.
The full name of the thread is "Raspberry Pi kernel rename coming soon"
The link on the forum for me is this
Always look first into the forums:

How to WriteValue to GATT Characteristic with DBus and Bluez 5.41?

I have a Bluetooth Low Energy Sensor I'm trying to use through the DBus interface. The basic procedure (after connection) is to Write a 1 to a characteristic to turn on the temperature sensor, wait a second, get a reading from another characteristic and then write a 0 back to the original characteristic to turn it off again. I am able to write to these in the shell using gatttool in interactive mode, but every time I attempt writing a value using WriteValue using DBus I get Error.NotSupported (DBus::Error) in my Ruby code. I also get what looks like the same error using d-feet DBus debugger. I can ReadValue and read properies in the GattCharacteristic1 interface just fine.
I have tried all kinds of formats for writing bytes, writing a a DBus.variant offset of zero and other things and the error does not seem to go away. I'm able to read from both d-feet and my own code. I'm using Ruby and the dbus-ruby gem, but I don't believe this is specific to the Ruby code.
c = get_obj_iface("#{device}/service0022/char0023", 'org.bluez.GattCharacteristic1')
puts c.ReadValue({}).inspect #works and outputs [[0, 0, 0, 0]]
bytes = [0, 0, 0, 0].pack('C*') #byte array w/ 4 bytes since that is what I get when I read
c.WriteValue(bytes, {} ) #also tried with {'offset' => DBus.variant('q', 0) }
These are some screen shots of similar problems in d-feet DBus debugger.
As you can see in d-feet, writing also fails where reading works just fine. What am I doing wrong here, or could this be a problem in bluez or with the way my sensor is set up?

Is there a way to make an existing cmd window execute commands?

So here is my situtation.
I am using the Windows OS. I am running a Matlab GUI that launches another executable at startup. The other executable runs in batch mode (runs in cmd in the background).
I want to make it so when a user clicks a button on the Matlab GUI, the other executable will run a command and remain open. Is this possible?
NOTE: I do not want to open a new cmd window, I want the existing one to execute commands.
Unfortunately it does not appear that Matlab has the ability you are looking for, at least not directly. I found a post which does explain how to do it with the help of .NET though, which is fortunate since you are on the Windows platform:
I have copied a lot of this from that post
function lh = task()
% Initialize the process and its StartInfo properties.
% The sort command is a console application that
% reads and sorts text input.
process = System.Diagnostics.Process;
process.StartInfo.FileName = 'sort.exe';
process.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
% Set UseShellExecute to false for redirection.
process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
%Redirect the standard output of the sort command.
process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
% Set our event handler to asynchronously read the sort output.
lh = process.addlistener('OutputDataReceived',#sortOutputHandler);
% Redirect standard input as well. This stream
% is used synchronously.
process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput =true;
% Start the process.
%Use a stream writer to synchronously write the sort input.
ProcessStreamWriter = process.StandardInput;
% Start the asynchronous read of the sort output stream.
%Prompt the user for 4 input text lines. Write each
%line to the redirected input stream of the sort command.
numInputLines = 0;
while(numInputLines ~= 4)
inputText = input('Enter a text line (or press the Enter key to stop):', 's');
numInputLines = numInputLines + 1;
disp('end of input stream');
%end the inputr stream to the sort command
% wait for the sort process to write the sorted text lines
For handling any output from the CMD you need:
function processOutputHandler(obj,event)
%collect the sort command output and print in command window
You can use a stream writer to synchronously write the sort input.
processStreamWriter = process.StandardInput;
Again, I have taken this from the previously mentioned post so I can't take any credit for the code, but I do think it will be able to accomplish what you are looking for. Unfortunately, I am pretty sure this will accomplish what you need. I don't have Matlab on a Windows platform at the moment or I would test this. If you need information on using .NET code in MATLAB (its not immediately clear if you need to add some stuff to establish the .NET interface) MathWorks provides some documentation on it:
Hopefully this helps, or gets you started. Let me know if there's anything else I missed.
You can approach this from the ansys side. Start it with -B-R to read a python script.
From there, you can establish some two-way protocol, for example polling files or, better, by running a web server from python.
Then you can communicate from matlab with that running instance of ansys. If you opt for a web server, you use MATLABs urlread().
Setting up a web-server with python is easy, but you have to learn how to dispatch commands to the hosting ansys application.

Matlab - signal after command completion

Is there a way to set matlab to come to the foreground of the windows when the command in complete? I can see it happening by executing a dos() but I'm unaware how window management works? Maybe there is a better way? Someone?
Two options. Neither exactly what you are asking for.
Option 1: Open a new figure.
If you want to get fancy, put this in a script, with a timer, and flash the image between bright green, and bright red....
Option 2: My solution to your problem. (I find popping up windows extremely annoying.) I put this function call at the end of my long running scripts, and the computer tells me when it's done processing....
function [ ] = matSpeak( textToSpeak )
%matSpeak takes some text, and outputs onto the speaker the text,
% using the .Net SpeechSynthesizer.
% This only works on Windoze.
if ~exist('textToSpeak','var')
textToSpeak = 'Your processing has completed.';
speak = System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer;
speak.Volume = 100;
Why not just use Growl for your notification windows?
cmd = ['/usr/local/bin/growlnotify -m ' messagestr];
Of course with Windows you need to fix the path to the growlnotify binary.
A wrapper with lots of features: Send a notification to Growl on MATLAB Exchange
Many more examples:

Self-restarting MathKernel - is it possible in Mathematica?

This question comes from the recent question "Correct way to cap Mathematica memory use?"
I wonder, is it possible to programmatically restart MathKernel keeping the current FrontEnd process connected to new MathKernel process and evaluating some code in new MathKernel session? I mean a "transparent" restart which allows a user to continue working with the FrontEnd while having new fresh MathKernel process with some code from the previous kernel evaluated/evaluating in it?
The motivation for the question is to have a way to automatize restarting of MathKernel when it takes too much memory without breaking the computation. In other words, the computation should be automatically continued in new MathKernel process without interaction with the user (but keeping the ability for user to interact with the Mathematica as it was originally). The details on what code should be evaluated in new kernel are of course specific for each computational task. I am looking for a general solution how to automatically continue the computation.
From a comment by Arnoud Buzing yesterday, on Stack Exchange Mathematica chat, quoting entirely:
In a notebook, if you have multiple cells you can put Quit in a cell by itself and set this option:
SetOptions[$FrontEnd, "ClearEvaluationQueueOnKernelQuit" -> False]
Then if you have a cell above it and below it and select all three and evaluate, the kernel will Quit but the frontend evaluation queue will continue (and restart the kernel for the last cell).
-- Arnoud Buzing
The following approach runs one kernel to open a front-end with its own kernel, which is then closed and reopened, renewing the second kernel.
This file is the MathKernel input, C:\Temp\test4.m
nb = NotebookOpen["C:\\Temp\\run.nb"];
SelectionMove[nb, Next, Cell];
nb = NotebookOpen["C:\\Temp\\run.nb"];
Do[SelectionMove[nb, Next, Cell],{12}];
The demo notebook, C:\Temp\run.nb contains two cells:
x1 = 0;
While[x1 < 1000000,
If[Mod[x1, 100000] == 0, Print["x1=" <> ToString[x1]]]; x1++];
x1 = 0;
While[x1 < 1000000,
If[Mod[x1, 100000] == 0, Print["x1=" <> ToString[x1]]]; x1++];
The initial kernel opens a front-end and runs the first cell, then it quits the front-end, reopens it and runs the second cell.
The whole thing can be run either by pasting (in one go) the MathKernel input into a kernel session, or it can be run from a batch file, e.g. C:\Temp\RunTest2.bat
#echo off
PATH = C:\Program Files\Wolfram Research\Mathematica\8.0\;%PATH%
echo Launching MathKernel %TIME%
start MathKernel -noprompt -initfile "C:\Temp\test4.m"
ping localhost -n 30 > nul
echo Terminating MathKernel %TIME%
taskkill /F /FI "IMAGENAME eq MathKernel.exe" > nul
It's a little elaborate to set up, and in its current form it depends on knowing how long to wait before closing and restarting the second kernel.
Perhaps the parallel computation machinery could be used for this? Here is a crude set-up that illustrates the idea:
doSomeWork[input_] := {$KernelID, Length[input], RandomReal[]}
getTheJobDone[] :=
Module[{subkernel, initsub, resultSoFar = {}}
, initsub[] :=
( subkernel = LaunchKernels[LocalMachine[1]]
; DistributeDefinitions["Global`"]
; initsub[]
; While[Length[resultSoFar] < 1000
, DistributeDefinitions[resultSoFar]
; Quiet[ParallelEvaluate[doSomeWork[resultSoFar], subkernel]] /.
{ $Failed :> (Print#"Ouch!"; initsub[])
, r_ :> AppendTo[resultSoFar, r]
; CloseKernels[subkernel]
; resultSoFar
This is an over-elaborate setup to generate a list of 1,000 triples of numbers. getTheJobDone runs a loop that continues until the result list contains the desired number of elements. Each iteration of the loop is evaluated in a subkernel. If the subkernel evaluation fails, the subkernel is relaunched. Otherwise, its return value is added to the result list.
To try this out, evaluate:
To demonstrate the recovery mechanism, open the Parallel Kernel Status window and kill the subkernel from time-to-time. getTheJobDone will feel the pain and print Ouch! whenever the subkernel dies. However, the overall job continues and the final result is returned.
The error-handling here is very crude and would likely need to be bolstered in a real application. Also, I have not investigated whether really serious error conditions in the subkernels (like running out of memory) would have an adverse effect on the main kernel. If so, then perhaps subkernels could kill themselves if MemoryInUse[] exceeded a predetermined threshold.
Update - Isolating the Main Kernel From Subkernel Crashes
While playing around with this framework, I discovered that any use of shared variables between the main kernel and subkernel rendered Mathematica unstable should the subkernel crash. This includes the use of DistributeDefinitions[resultSoFar] as shown above, and also explicit shared variables using SetSharedVariable.
To work around this problem, I transmitted the resultSoFar through a file. This eliminated the synchronization between the two kernels with the net result that the main kernel remained blissfully unaware of a subkernel crash. It also had the nice side-effect of retaining the intermediate results in the event of a main kernel crash as well. Of course, it also makes the subkernel calls quite a bit slower. But that might not be a problem if each call to the subkernel performs a significant amount of work.
Here are the revised definitions:
doSomeWork[] := {$KernelID, Length[Get[$resultFile]], RandomReal[]}
$resultFile = "/some/place/results.dat";
getTheJobDone[] :=
Module[{subkernel, initsub, resultSoFar = {}}
, initsub[] :=
( subkernel = LaunchKernels[LocalMachine[1]]
; DistributeDefinitions["Global`"]
; initsub[]
; While[Length[resultSoFar] < 1000
, Put[resultSoFar, $resultFile]
; Quiet[ParallelEvaluate[doSomeWork[], subkernel]] /.
{ $Failed :> (Print#"Ouch!"; CloseKernels[subkernel]; initsub[])
, r_ :> AppendTo[resultSoFar, r]
; CloseKernels[subkernel]
; resultSoFar
I have a similar requirement when I run a CUDAFunction for a long loop and CUDALink ran out of memory (similar here: There's no improvement on the memory leak even with the latest Mathematica 10.4 version. I figure out a workaround here and hope that you may find it's useful. The idea is that you use a bash script to call a Mathematica program (run in batch mode) multiple times with passing parameters from the bash script. Here is the detail instruction and demo (This is for Window OS):
To use bash-script in Win_OS you need to install cygwin (
Convert your mathematica notebook to package (.m) to be able to use in script mode. If you save your notebook using "Save as.." all the command will be converted to comments (this was noted by Wolfram Research), so it's better that you create a package (File->New-Package), then copy and paste your commands to that.
Write the bash script using Vi editor (instead of Notepad or gedit for window) to avoid the problem of "\r" (
Here is a demo of the test.m file
Print["Done in ",start," second"];
This mathematica code read the parameter from a commandline and use it for calculation.
Here is the bash script ( to run test.m many times with different parameters.
for ((i=2;i<10;i+=2))
math -script test.m -start $i
In the cygwin terminal type "chmod a+x" to enable the script then you can run it by typing "./".
You can programmatically terminate the kernel using Exit[]. The front end (notebook) will automatically start a new kernel when you next try to evaluate an expression.
Preserving "some code from the previous kernel" is going to be more difficult. You have to decide what you want to preserve. If you think you want to preserve everything, then there's no point in restarting the kernel. If you know what definitions you want to save, you can use DumpSave to write them to a file before terminating the kernel, and then use << to load that file into the new kernel.
On the other hand, if you know what definitions are taking up too much memory, you can use Unset, Clear, ClearAll, or Remove to remove those definitions. You can also set $HistoryLength to something smaller than Infinity (the default) if that's where your memory is going.
Sounds like a job for CleanSlate.
<< Utilities`CleanSlate`;
"CleanSlate, tries to do everything possible to return the kernel to the state it was in when the CleanSlate.m package was initially loaded."
