rightMouseDown not called until button released - macos

I have an NSView subclass in which I need to detect left and right mouse down events. mouseDown: is working just fine, but rightMouseDown: doesn't fire until the mouse button has been released, at which point both the down and up methods are called in succession. How can I make the right mouse down event trigger its corresponding method immediately?

The problem was that I have a NSPanGestureRecognizer added to the NSView with its buttonMask set to 0x2 (right mouse button). If I remove or disable this gesture recogniser, it allows rightMouseDown: to be called when the right button is pressed down. I'm still trying to figure out why, but at least now I have a starting point.


How to properly override mouse events in other apps (Windows)?

I'm trying to implement system-wide drag operation with middle mouse button. It should override middle mouse drag behavior in other programs. Currently, I am handling global mouse events with system-wide hooks.
Problem is - many programs still receive and handle same events like I did not intercept them.
Here's what I tried:
not call the next hook for mouse down event: I never receive mouse up, so I don't know where and when to stop dragging
not call the next hook for mouse move: cursor slows down tremendously
not call the next hook for mouse up: most windows in the system stop reacting to mouse events completely after my drag is finished
always call the next hook in the chain: if the control under mouse has scroll in it, most of the time it will be scrolling while my drag is in progress. Also UWP apps continue receiving mouse events during my drag, so if a link in MS Edge happens to be under cursor when it started, and mouse does not leave Edge boundary, Edge receives click event, and new tab is opened
What I need is: when user holds middle mouse and starts dragging, my drag handler should be called, and no other handlers, like file drag, scroll, etc should happen.
I ended up with somewhat hacky solution:
do not call the next hook for mouse down for middle button
record where it was pressed
when handling mouse up, if user did not drag - replay the whole mouse up + mouse down using SendInput from a separate thread (to avoid deadlock due to reentrancy)

Programmatic start NSSlider dragging

I would like to start a slider action programmatically. So pressing on some text in a NSTextView that displays a slider also automatically starts the mousedown event on the slider so you can drag immediately instead of pressing twice. What approach should i take on this? Should i listen for global mouse events and then manually update the slider position, or can i somehow imitate the systems mouseDown / mouseMoved calls on the NSSlider?

gwt mouse over events not fired when mouse button is down

When you push down the left mouse button mouse down event fires. If you then move the mouse over a label (while holding the mouse button down) mouse over event does not fire.
Is there any way to enable this events or fire them manualy or simulate them?
What you are actually doing is two separate events, one is a mouse down event as you have described and the other is a mouse drag.
If you want to simulate them, that you might have to consider using a mouse click to track the user's (x,y) location. Subsequently, if you want to "simulate" it you could do some computation and decide for yourself if it is indeed a mouse click or mouse drag event that has occurred.
Hope it helps :) Cheers!

MouseDragged not released when dragging on other views

I have 2 subclasses of NSView that are subviews to a common superview. They dont overlap and they both intercept mousedragged calls. When I drag from one of the subclasses to the other the mousedragged function will be called until I release the mouse button even when I drag all over the screen. I though the default behavior was for the mousedragged function to be called only when the mouse was over the bounds of the receiver.
Iam also using NSTrackingArea for mouse enter, exit and move events, but from what I've been reading does not involve drag events
Thank you for your time,
You could subclass the NSWindow and override sendEvent:. That way, you can intercept the NSLeftMouseDragged events and dispatch them in whatever way you wish.

In Cocoa, how can my NSView receive an event when the mouse is held down (but not moved)?

I'm looking for the right way to handle "mouse held down in one spot" events in my NSView subclass.
I am familiar with Cocoa's mouseDragged: event, but it is only triggered when the mouse moves. If the mouse stays in the same position, no drag event is triggered. Similarly, mouseDown: is only fired when the button is first pressed. My view needs to perform an action as long as the mouse is held down in a particular region.
What is the proper way to do this kind of thing?
Can you start performing the action when you receive a mouseDown: event, and stop when you receive mouseUp: (or mouseDragged:, if you want to stop then, too)?
I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to accomplish, but if you want an action to be repeated at set time intervals after the mouseDown:, you could set a recurring NSTimer in the mouseDown: method that gets cancelled as soon as there is a mouseDragged: or mouseUp: event.
