Job interview question in 2-3 trees (B trees) - algorithm

This is a part of job interview question which got harder in its second part.
Given two 2-3 trees T1 and T2 such that for each tree h in known (h for height) and m, M for each tree are known too (m for minimum and M for maximum), Plus that each node in T1 < every node in T2.
I was asked to find an algorithm to join both of them into one tree in O(|h1-h2|+1)
This one was quite easy, and I have to point that this algorithm may result in a tree with h bigger than the previous two.
Now, I was given k 2-3 trees (T1,T2,T3...Tk) with the same exact conditions plus knowing that h_1<=h_2<=...<=h_k and that no three trees share the same height to join them in O(h_k-h_1+k).
At first I thought about using the previou algorithm to join the first two together then to join the third to the result and so on but I felt that something is going wrong here since I didn't utilise the fact that "no three trees share the same height".
What I am missing here?

Your solution is correct, but it would not be if you had more than 2 trees of the same height. For example, if you have k trees of identical height, then the first two would be indeed merged in O(h_1 - h_1) = O(1) time, but the resulting height can become h_1 + 1. While it only might become, or it might not so let me show that it is possible that everything goes wrong.
The maximum amount of keys we can have inside a tree of height n is 3^(n+1)-1. That's because each vertex has at most 3 subtrees, therefore i-th level has 3^i vertices, adding n levels would result in (3^(n + 1) - 1)/2 vertices. Because each vertex has 2 keys in such a scenario the total number of keys is 3^(n + 1) - 1.
Therefore, if we merge 4 such maximum trees, we would for sure get a tree with height increased by 2, 16 merged trees to get height increased by 3, and so on. Thus, while the first 3 merges are done in constant time, the next 12 ones are done twice slower, and the next 48 are done 3 times slower, and so on. You would do Ω(i) operations Ω(3^(i+1) - 3^i) times for each i starting from 1 and up to log(k).
Because Ω(3^log(k)) = Ω(k) this sum is definitely Ω(k log k), therefore inappropriate for given asymptotic bounds.
When no 3 trees share the same height, this problem does not occur, because whenever you merge two trees the resulting height is max(h_i, h_(i+1)) + 1 = h_(i+1) + 1, and h_(i+3) >= h_(i+1) + 1, therefore the height of merged part never goes one above the next tree, and that's where +k part gets from in asymptotic bound.


Why is the time complexity of performing n union find (union by size) operations O(n log n)?

In Tree based Implementation of Union Find operation, each element is stored in a node, which contains a pointer to a set name. A node v whose set pointer points back to v is also a set name. Each set is a tree, rooted at a node with a self-referencing set pointer.
To perform a union, we simply make the root of one tree point to the root of the other. To perform a find, we follow set name pointers from the starting node until reaching a node whose set name pointer refers back to itself.
In Union by size -> When performing a union, we make the root of smaller tree
point to the root of the larger. This implies O(n log n) time for
performing n union find operations. Each time we follow a pointer, we are going to a subtree of size at most double the size of the previous subtree. Thus, we will follow at most O(log n) pointers for any find.
I do not understand how for each union operation, Find operation is always O(log n). Can someone please explain how the worst case complexity is actually computed?
Let's assume for the moment, that each tree of height h contains at least 2^h nodes. What happens, if you join two such trees?
If they are of different height, the height of the combined tree is the same as the height of the higher one, thus the new tree still has more than 2^h nodes (same height but more nodes).
Now if they are the same height, the resulting tree will increase its height by one, and will contain at least 2^h + 2^h = 2^(h+1) nodes. So the condition will still hold.
The most basic trees (1 node, height 0) also fulfill the condition. It follows, that all trees that can be constructed by joining two trees together fulfill it as well.
Now the height is just the maximal number of steps to follow during a find. If a tree has n nodes and height h (n >= 2^h) this gives immediately log2(n) >= h >= steps.
You can do n union find (union by rank or size) operations with complexity O(n lg* n) where lg* n is the inverse Ackermann function using path compression optimization.
Note that O(n lg* n) is better than O(n log n)
In the question Why is the Ackermann function related to the amortized complexity of union-find algorithm used for disjoint sets? you can find details about this relation.
We need to prove that maximum height of trees is log(N) where N is the number of items in UF (1)
In the base case, all trees have a height of 0. (1) of course satisfied
Now assuming all the trees satisfy (1) we need to prove that joining any 2 trees with i, j (i <= j) nodes will create a new tree with maximum height is log(i + j)(2):
Because the joining 2 trees procedure gets root node of the smaller tree and attach it to the root node of the bigger one so the height of the new tree will be:
max(log(j), 1 + log(i)) = max(log(j), log(2i)) <= log(i + j) => (2) proved
log(j): height of new tree is still the height of the bigger tree
1 + log(i): when height of 2 trees are the same
See the picture below for more details:
Ref: book Algorithms

Prove n-element complete, or nearly complete, binary tree has height log_2 (n)

I have the problem:
Prove n-element complete, or nearly complete, binary tree has height log_2(n)
I have not done inductions in a while, and I am stuck with even how to begin the problem. How do I go about tackling this or even start it would be helpful
Inductive proofs are like recursion. You have to "prove" a base case then prove the next most complex case in terms of the previous.
For example, the base case for a complete balanced tree of height one is one item:
The case for a height two tree is three items, double the number of items at the previous level (1) plus the sum of all preceding levels (1):
/ \
The case for a height three tree is seven items, double the number of items at the previous level (2) plus the sum of all preceding levels (3):
/ \
/ \ / \
Because each level doubles the capacity and adds one, the number of items n in a tree on height h is (roughly) 2h.
And, because the reverse function of powers is logarithms, we can say that the height of the tree h is therefore (roughly) log2n.

Partition a binary tree into k parts with similar sizes

I was trying to split a binary-tree into k similar-sized parts (by removing k-1 edges). Is there any efficient algorithm for this problem? Or is it NP-hard? Any pointers to papers, problem definitions, etc?
-- One reasonable metric for evaluating the quality of partitioning could be the size gap between the largest and smallest partition; another metric could be making the smallest partition having as many vertices as possible.
I can suggest pretty fast solution for making the smallest part having as many vertices as possible metric.
Let suppose we guess the size S of smallest partit and want check if it's correct.
First I want to make a few statements:
If total size of tree bigger than S there is at least one subtree which is bigger than S and all subtrees of that subtree are smaller. (It's enough to check both biggest.)
If there is some way to split tree where size of smallest part >= S and we have subtree T all subtrees of which are smaller than S than we can grant that no edges inside T are deleted. (Cause any such deletion will create a partition which will be smaller than S)
If there is some way to split tree where size of smallest part >= S, and we have some subtree T which size >= S, has no deleted edges inside but is not one of parts, we can split the tree in other way where subtree T will be one of parts itself and all parts will be no smaller than S. (Just move some extra vertices from original part to any other part, this other part will not become smaller.)
So here is an algorithm to check if we can split the tree in k parts no smaller than S.
find all suitable vertices (roots of subtrees of size >= S and size for both childs < S) and add them in list. You can start from the root and move through all vertices while subtrees are bigger than S.
While list not empty and number of parts lesser then K take a vertice from the list and cut it off the tree. Than update size of subtrees for parent vertices and add to the list if one of them become suitable.
You even have no need to update all the parent vertices, only until you will find first which's new subtree size is bigger than S, parent vertices cant't be suitable for adding in list yet and can be updated later.
You may need to construct tree back to restore original subtree sizes assigned to the vertices.
Now we can use bisection method. We can determine upper bound as Smax = n/k and lower bound can be retrieved from equation (2*Smin- 1)*(K - 1) + Smin = N it will grants that if we will cut off k-1 subtrees with two child subtrees of size Smin - 1 each, we will have part of size Smin left. Smin = (n + k -1)/(2*k - 1)
And now we can check S = (Smax + Smin)/2
If we manage to construct partition using the method above than S is smaller or equal to it's largest possible value, also smallest part in constructed partition may be bigger than S and we can set new lower bound to it instead of S, if we fail S is bigger than possible.
Time complexity of one check is k multiplied by number of parent nodes updated each time, for well balanced tree number of updated nodes is constant (we will use trick explaned earlier and will not update all parent nodes), still it's not bigger than (n/k) in worst case for ultimately unbalanced tree. Searching for suitable vertices has very similar behavior (all vertices passed while searching will be updated later.).
Difference between n/k and (n + k -1)/(2*k - 1) is proportional to n/k.
So we have time complexity O(k * log(n/k)) in best case if we have precalculated subtree sizes, O(n) if subtree sizes are not precalculated and O(n * log(n/k)) in worst case.
This method may lead to situation when last of parts will be comparably big but I suppose once you've got suggested method you can figure out some improvements to minimize it.
Here is a polynomial deterministic solution:
Let's assume that the tree is rooted and there are two fixed values: MIN and MAX - minimum and maximum allowed size of one component.
Then one can use dynamic programming to check if there is a partition such that each component size is between MIN and MAX:
Let's assume f(node, cuts_count, current_count) is true if and only if there is a way to make exactly cuts_count cuts in node's subtree so that current_count vertices are connected to the node so that condition 2) holds true.
The base case for the leaves is: f(leaf, 1, 0)(cut the edge from the parent to the leaf) is true if and only if MIN <= 1 and MAX >= 1 f(leaf, 0, 1)(do not cut it) is always true(it is false for all other values of cuts_count and current_count).
To compute f for a node(not a leaf), one can use the following algorithm:
//Combine all possible children states.
for cuts_left in 0..k
for cuts_right in 0..k
for cnt_left in 0..left_subtree_size
for cnt_right in 0..right_subtree_size
if f(left_child, cuts_left, cnt_left) is true and
f(right_child, cuts_right, cnt_right) is true and then
f(node, cuts_left + cuts_right, cnt_left + cnt_right + 1) = true
//Cut an edge from this node to its parent.
for cuts in 0..k-1
for cnt in 0..node's_subtree_size
if f(node, cuts, node's_subtree_size) is true and MIN <= cnt <= MAX:
f(node, cuts + 1, 0) = true
What this pseudo code does is combining all possible states of node's children to compute all reachable states for this node(the first bunch of for loops) and then produces the rest of reachable states by cutting the edge between this node and its parent(the second bunch of for loops)(the state means (node, cuts_count, current_count) tuple. I call it reachable if f(state) is true).
That is the case for a node with two children, the case with one child can be processes in similar manner.
Finally, if f(root, k, 0) is true then it is possible to find the partition which stratifies the condition 2) and it is not possible otherwise. We need to "pretend" that we did k cuts here because we also cut an imaginary edge from root to its parent(this edge and this parent doesn't exist actually) when we computed f for the root(to avoid corner case).
The space complexity of this algorithm(for fixed MIN and MAX) is O(n^2 * k)(n is the number of nodes), time complexity is O(k^2 * n^2). It might seem that the complexity is actually O(k^2 * n^3), but is not so because the product of number of vertices in left and right subtree of a node is exactly the number of pairs of node's such that their least common ancestor is this node. But the total number of pairs of nodes is O(n^2)(and each pair has only one least common ancestor). Thus, the sum of products of left and right subtree sizes over all nodes is O(n^2).
One can simply try all possible MIN and MAX values and choose the best, but it can be done faster. The key observation is that if there is a solution for MIN and MAX, there is always a solution for MIN and MAX + 1. Thus, one can iterate over all possible values of MIN(n / k different values) and apply binary search to find the smallest MAX which gives a valid solution(log n iterations). So the overall time complexity is O(n^2 * k^2 * n / k * log n) = O(n^3 * k * log n). However, if you want to maximize MIN(not to minimize the difference between MAX and MIN), you can simply use this algorithm and ignore MAX value everywhere(by setting its value to n). Then no binary search over MAX would be required, but one would be able to binary search over MIN instead and obtain an O(n^2 * k^2 * log n) solution.
To reconstruct the partition itself, one can start from f(root, k, 0) and apply the steps we used to compute f, but this time in opposite direction(from root to leaves). It is also possible to save the information about how to get the value of each state(what children's states were combined or what was the state before the edge was cut)(and update it appropriately during the initial computation of f) and then reconstruct the partition using this data(if my explanation of this step seems not very clear, reading an article on dynamic programming and reconstructing the answer might help).
So, there is a polynomial solution for this problem on a binary tree(even though it is NP-hard for an arbitrary graph).

Number of comparisons to find an element in a BST with 635 elements?

I am a freshman in Computer Science University, so please give me a understandable justification.
I have a binary tree that is equilibrated by height which has 635 nodes. What is the number of comparisons that will occur in the worst case scenario and why?
Here's one way to think about this. Every time you do a comparison in a binary search tree, one of the following happens:
You have walked off the tree. In this case, you're done.
The value you're looking for matches the node you're currently exploring. In this case, you're done.
The value you're looking for does not match the node you're exploring. In that case, you either descend to the left or descend to the right.
The key observation here is that after each step, you either terminate (yay!) or descend lower in the tree. At each point, you make one comparison. Since you can't descend forever, there are only so many comparisons that you can make - specifically, if the tree has height h, the maximum number of comparisons you can make is h + 1, which happens if you do one comparison per level.
In your question, you're given that you have a balanced binary search tree of 635 nodes. It's not 100% clear what "balanced" means in this context, since there are many different ways of determining whether a tree is balanced and they all lead to different tree heights. I'm going to assume that you are given a complete binary search tree, which is one in which all levels except the last are filled.
The reason this is important is that if you have a complete binary search tree of height h, it can have at most 2h + 1 - 1 nodes in it. If we try to solve for the height of the tree in terms of the number of nodes, we get this:
n = 2h+1 - 1
n + 1 = 2h+1
lg (n + 1) = h + 1
lg (n + 1) - 1 = h
Therefore, if you have the number of nodes n, you can determine the minimum height of a complete binary search tree holding n nodes. In your case, n = 635, so we get
lg (635 + 1) - 1 = h
lg (636) - 1 = h
9.312882955 - 1 = h
8.312882955 = h
Therefore, the tree has height 8.312882955. Of course, trees can't have fractional height, so we can take the ceiling to find that the height of the tree would be 9. Since the maximum number of comparisons made is h + 1, there are at most 10 comparisons made when doing a lookup.
Hope this helps!
Without any loss of generality you can say the maximum no. of comparison will be the height of the BST ... you dont have to visit every node in the node because each comparison takes you closer to the node...
Let's say it is a balanced BST (all nodes except last have 2 child nodes).
For instance,
Level 0 --> Height 1 --> Number of nodes = 1
Level 1 --> Height 2 --> Number of nodes = 2
Level 2 --> Height 3 --> Number of nodes = 3
Level 3 --> Height 4 --> Number of nodes = 8
Level n --> Height n+1 --> Number of nodes = 2^n or 2^(h-1)
Using the above logic, you can derive the search time for best, worst or average case.

Total number of nodes in a tree data structure?

I have a tree data structure that is L levels deep each node has about N nodes. I want to work-out the total number of nodes in the tree. To do this (I think) I need to know what percentage of the nodes that will have children.
What is the correct term for this ratio of leaf nodes to non-leaf nodes in N?
What is the formula for working out the total number nodes in the three?
Update Someone mention Branching factor in one of the answer but it then disappeared. I think this was the term I was looking for. So shouldn't a formula take the branching factor into account?
Update I should have said an estimate about a hypothetical datastructure, not the exact figure!
Ok, each node has about N subnodes and the tree is L levels deep.
With 1 level, the tree has 1 node.
With 2 levels, the tree has 1 + N nodes.
With 3 levels, the tree has 1 + N + N^2 nodes.
With L levels, the tree has 1 + N + N^2 + ... + N^(L-1) nodes.
The total number of nodes is (N^L-1) / (N-1).
Ok, just a small example why, it is exponential:
/ | \
/ | \
/ | \
/ | \
Just to correct a typo in the first answer: the total number of nodes for a tree of depth L is (N^(L+1)-1) / (N-1)... (that is, to the power L+1 rather than just L).
This can be shown as follows. First, take our theorem:
1 + N^1 + N^2 + ... + N^L = (N^(L+1)-1)/(N-1)
Multiply both sides by (N-1):
(N-1)(1 + N^1 + N^2 + ... + N^L) = N^(L+1)-1.
Expand the left side:
N^1 + N^2 + N^3 + ... + N^(L+1) - 1 - N^1 - N^2 - ... - N^L.
All terms N^1 to N^L are cancelled out, which leaves N^(L+1) - 1. This is our right hand side, so the initial equality is true.
If your tree is approximately full, that is every level has its full complement of children except for the last two, then you have between N^(L-2) and N^(L-1) leaf nodes and between N^(L-1) and N^L nodes total.
If your tree is not full, then knowing the number of leaf nodes doesn't help as a totally unbalanced tree will have one leaf node but arbitrarily many parents.
I wonder how precise your statement 'each node has about N nodes' is - if you know the average branching factor, perhaps you can compute the expected size of the tree.
If you are able to find the ratio of leaves to internal nodes, and you know the average number of children, you can approximate this as (n*ratio)^N = n. This won't give you your answer, but I wonder if someone with better maths than me can figure out a way to interpose L into this equation and give you something soluble.
Still, if you want to know precisely, you must iterate over the structure of the tree and count nodes as you go.
The formula for calculating the amount of nodes in depth L is: (Given that there are N root nodes)
To calculate the number of all nodes one needs to do this for every layer:
for depth in (1..L)
nodeCount += N ** depth
If there's only 1 root node, subtract 1 from L and add 1 to the total nodes count.
Be aware that if in one node the amount of leaves is different from the average case this can have a big impact on your number. The further up in the tree the more impact.
* * * N ** 1
*** *** *** N ** 2
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** N ** 3
This is community wiki, so feel free to alter my appalling algebra.
Knuth's estimator [1],[2] is a point estimate that targets the number of nodes in an arbitrary finite tree without needing to go through all of the nodes and even if the tree is not balanced. Knuth's estimator is an example of an unbiased estimator; the expected value of Knuth's estimator will be the number of nodes in the tree. With that being said, Knuth's estimator may have a large variance if the tree in question is unbalanced, but in your case, since each node will have around N children, I do not think the variance of Knuth's estimator should be too large. This estimator is especially helpful when one is trying to measure the amount of time it will take to perform a brute force search.
For the following functions, we shall assume all trees are represented as lists of lists.
For example, [] denotes the tree with the single node, and [[],[[],[]]] will denote a tree with 5 nodes and 3 leaves (the nodes in the tree are in a one-to-one correspondence with the left brackets). The following functions are written in the language GAP.
The function simpleestimate gives an output an estimate for the number of nodes in the tree tree. The idea behind simpleestimate is that we randomly choose a path x_0,x_1,...,x_n from the root x_0 of the tree to a leaf x_n. Suppose that x_i has a_i successors. Then simpleestimate will return 1+a_1+a_1*a_2+...+a_1*a_2*…*a_n.
point:=tree; prod:=1; count:=1; list:=[];
while Length(point)>0 do prod:=prod*Length(point); count:=count+prod; point:=Random(point); od;
return count; end;
The function estimate will simply give the arithmetical mean of the estimates given by applying the function simpleestimate(tree) samplesize many times.
estimate:=function(samplesize,tree) local count,i;
for i in [1..samplesize] do count:=count+simpleestimate(tree); od;
return Float(count/samplesize); end;
Example: simpleestimate([[[],[[],[]]],[[[],[]],[]]]); returns 15 while
estimate(10000,[[[],[[],[]]],[[[],[]],[]]]); returns 10.9608 (and the tree actually does have 11 nodes).
Estimating Search Tree Size.
Estimating the Efficiency of Backtrack Programs. Donald E. Knuth
If you know nothing else but the depth of the tree then your only option for working out the total size is to go through and count them.
