Windows 10 hotkey for activate window by hovering over it with the mouse setting [closed] - windows

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Closed 2 years ago.
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The setting "Activate Window by hovering over it with the mouse" is convenient but sometimes annoying so I would like to disable it through keyboard whenever I want. However, I cannot find any solution to do that.
Does anyone know how can I do that? Using an application is fine too as long as it does the job, thank you very much.

I'm not sure there is shortcut for "Activate Window by hovering over it with the mouse".
You said external app is also ok how about X-Mouse Controls


Cannot see tabs or Settings drop-down menu [closed]

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Closed 8 months ago.
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In Windows CMD and Powershell, I don't see the tabs and Settings option.
What do I need to do to see them - thanks.
As a quick google search confirmed, you need to disabled Focus Mode :
Try pressing Ctrl+Shift+P to get the Command Palette, then find and select "Toggle Focus Mode".

How to remove unwanted program from startup [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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This just started to show up on my Windows10 machine. No browser is open. The down arrow includes a "feedback" option that goes to a .cn website. (I don't understand mandarin!) Right clicking does nothing.
How do I make this go away? Is this machine infected?
This is probably something that got install with another package. They often have a checkbox that says install(some crap) and we just click accept without noticing that small checkbox.
You can probably find out what it is by screening trough your running process. Find and destroy that executable. check your mscongif as well.
and you should probably get an Anti Virus.

Uninstalled a program but its context menu is not disappear [closed]

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Closed last year.
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I just uninstalled Tabby terminal. However, the context menu "Open Tabby here" does not disappear with it. I've tried deleting it via Registry Editor, in here:
and restarting the computer, but the context menu is still there. What do I have to do?
You wrote that you tried something in the register, but not exactly what. Have you tried to change the registry in:
If the operations there do not help, install the software:
Easy Context Menu v1.6

how to capture Screen on windows that is running on macbook [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to take screen shoot from windows that is installed on macbook there is no PrintScreen button on macbook as it is on laptops.
Question is better on the Super Users stack. But to answer your question, try using the on-screen keyboard and pressing the prnt scrn button on that.
On screen keyboard can be found in the accessibility options from control panel.

What is this scroll mode and associated symbol called? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Pressing the middle mouse button (or scrollwheel) in many apps allows the user to scroll in the display area by moving the mouse without holding any button.
What is this mode called? What is the name of the icon which appears in the application to indicate this mode is active?
This seems to be referred to as "auto scroll" by various sources. I suspect it is an application level feature as the icons for the 3 major browsers are all different (on Windows 7).
