Use Geography PostGIS function with H2GIS - spring

I have this function where I get a hibernate spatial Geometry type and buffer it in meters like so
.createNativeQuery(“SELECT ST_BUFFER(GEOGRAPHY(:geometry), :margin, ‘join=mitre’) AS BUFFERED_GEOMETRY”)
.setParameter(“geometry”, geometry)
.setParameter(“margin”, margin)
.addScalar(“ BUFFERED_GEOMETRY”, new JTSGeometryType(PGGeometryTypeDescriptor.INSTANCE))
This code works perfectly when I use postGIS but when I use h2GIS in my tests I get a sql error
Function “GEOGRAPHY” not found
I indeed saw that this function and some others don’t exist in the H2GISFunctions.class. Is there a way around this? Except using Postgres in my tests?

I don't know H2GIS, but PostgreSQL is almost as fast as H2 if you avoid most DDL and use TRUNCATE for clearing data between tests, so why wouldn't you want to test against the database that you also use in production?


How to migrate from THREE.SceneLoader? r84

Currently at the tail end of a migration from r69 to r84 and I'm wondering what the best way would be to migrate from THREE.SceneLoader to either THREE.JSONLoader or THREE.ObjectLoader.
When I attempt to use the JSONLoader I get an error that I should use the SceneLoader instead, kind of strange considering it's been deprecated.
Looking at the source of JSONLoader I guess if the type of data coming in is scene then it will throw this error, but what should the type be and is JSONLoader even the right replacement?

inserting row into sqlite3 database from play 2.3/anorm: exception being thrown non-deterministically

I have a simple web application based on the Play Framework 2.3 (scala), which currently uses sqlite3 for the database. I'm sometimes, but not always, getting exceptions caused by inserting rows into the DB:
java.sql.SQLException: statement is not executing
at org.sqlite.Stmt.checkOpen( ~[sqlite-jdbc-3.7.2.jar:na]
at org.sqlite.PrepStmt.executeQuery( ~[sqlite-jdbc-3.7.2.jar:na]
The problem occurs in a few different contexts, all originating from SQL(statement).executeInsert()
For example:
val statementStr = "insert into session_record (condition_id, participant_id, client_timestamp, server_timestamp) values (%d,'%s',%d,%d)".format(conditionId,participantId,clientTime,serverTime)
DB.withConnection( implicit c => {
val ps = SQL(statement)
val pKey = populatedStatement.executeInsert()
// ...
When an exception is not thrown, pKey contains an option with the table's auto-incremented primary key. When an exception is thrown, the database's state indicate that the basic statement was executed, and if I take the logged SQL statement and try it by hand, it also executes without a problem.
Insert statements that aren't executed with "executeInsert" also work. At this point, I could just use ".execute()" and get the max primary key separately, but I'm concerned there might be some deeper problem I'm missing.
Some configuration details:
In application.conf:
My sqlite version is 3.7.13 2012-07-17
The JDBC driver I'm using is "org.xerial" % "sqlite-jdbc" % "3.7.2" (via build.sbt).
I ran into this same issue today with the latest driver, and using execute() was the closest thing to a solution I found.
For the sake of completion, the comment on for getGeneratedKeys():
* As SQLite's last_insert_rowid() function is DB-specific not statement
* specific, this function introduces a race condition if the same
* connection is used by two threads and both insert.
* #see java.sql.Statement#getGeneratedKeys()
Most certainly confirms that this is a hard to fix bug in the driver, due to SQLite's design, that makes executeInsert() not thread safe.
First it would be better not to use format for passing parameter to the statement, but using either SQL("INSERT ... {aParam}").on('aParam -> value) or SQL"INSERT ... $value" (with Anorm interpolation). Then if exception is still there I would suggest you to test connection/statement in a plain vanilla standalone Java test app.

Delphi 7 how to load data from an ADOQuery to a DBChart at runtime

Im having the following problem with Delphi 7.
I try to use a DBchart to represent some data with a line diagram from a database.
I want the data to be loaded from an ADOQuery that gets activated at runtime thought. I can do it without problem with a query that has a static SQL value, but i find problems at setting the datasource at runtime.
I try to use
After i have created series1, but i get a "list index out of bounds" error.
Am i using the wrong command? I tried several others but failed.
Anyone can give some help with this?
Solved it with the following (after creating series1 at the DBGrid)
with series1 do

Calling HSQLDB IDENTITY function with CallableStatement to get output

I'm trying to use CallableStatements to get the value of IDENTITY() in HSQLDB from Java JDBC.
I can prepareCall fine. The issue is with registerOutputParameter. I get "parameter index out of range" no matter what index I pass in.
I've tried SQL snippets like "{? = CALL IDENTITY()}" with no luck.
Any clues? Am I completely off track in how to invoke HSQLDB function routines from JDBC?
Instead of using IDENTITY(), use getGeneratedKeys() to retrieve any keys generated by the (insert) statement.
Note that you do need to use one of the Statement.execute... or Connection.prepare... methods that will enable this feature.
Output parameters for function invocation is not supported. Use executeQuery and grab the ResultSet.

porting tigase from derby to hsqldb ... how to call stored Java procedure and throw away (ignore) the result?

Trying to configure tigase to use hsqldb (hsqldb- instead of derby (don't ask why, that's not the point) and everything works fine, except for setting some properties in the end. In Derby I had
CREATE procedure TigAddUserPlainPw(userId varchar(2049), userPw varchar(255))
EXTERNAL NAME 'tigase.db.derby.StoredProcedures.tigAddUserPlainPw';
call TigAddUserPlainPw('db-properties', NULL);
When I try to replices this with hsqldb by
FOR "tigase.db.derby.StoredProcedures.tigAddUserPlainPw";
CALL TigAddUserPlainPw('db-properties', NULL);
I get this error message
[root#tikanga scripts]# ./ /var/lib/tigase/db/tigase
SQL Error at '/etc/tigase/database/hsqldb-schema-4-props.sql' line 1:
"CALL TigAddUserPlainPw('db-properties', NULL)"
Wrong data type: [Ljava.sql.ResultSet; in statement [CALL TigAddUserPlainPw(]
Any idea, what I am doing wrong?
You cannot use the Java static methods as they are. The Result[] parameters are not acceptable to HSQLDB 1.8.x.
It would be easier to convert to HSQLDB 2.0, as its stored procedure support has improved over version 1.8.
Your example shows we need to make some more improvements to HSQLDB to support these procedure declarations.
As far as I know, HSQLDB supports Java functions that return a ResultSet (Fred will correct me if I'm wrong):
You would need a new method:
public static ResultSet tigAddUserPlainPw(
String userId, String userPw) throws SQLException;
