Does an algorithm for extracting sub expressions from an expression exist? - algorithm

Suppose I had the expression:
v = ((((x * 3) * y) * 5) * z) + 5
And I want to reduce the amount of operations as much as possible in v by moving sub expressions into different variables, yet maintaining that y must only occur in v, such as:
a = x * 3
b = 5 * z
v = ((a * y) * b) + 5
Is there an algorithm that can achieve this?

If the programs are limited to straight-line programs with plus, minus, times, then you could determine the value of v as a polynomial in y and evaluate it using Horner's method.
Here's some rough Python by way of illustration.
import operator
class Formula:
def __init__(self, s=0):
self.s = str(s)
def __repr__(self):
return "Formula({!r})".format(self.s)
def __str__(self):
return self.s
def __add__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, int):
other = Formula(str(other))
if not isinstance(other, Formula):
return NotImplemented
if other.s == "0":
return self
return Formula("({}) + ({})".format(self, other))
def __radd__(self, other):
return self + other
def __mul__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, int):
other = Formula(str(other))
if not isinstance(other, Formula):
return NotImplemented
if other.s == "0":
return 0
if other.s == "1":
return self
return Formula("({}) * ({})".format(self, other))
def __rmul__(self, other):
return self * other
class Polynomial:
def __init__(self, *coefs):
self.coefs = coefs
def print_program(self):
v = 0
for i, coef in enumerate(reversed(self.coefs)):
c = Formula("c{}".format(i))
print("{} = {}".format(c, coef))
v *= Formula("y")
v += c
print("v = {}".format(v))
def __add__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, int):
other = Formula(other)
if isinstance(other, Formula):
other = Polynomial(other)
if not isinstance(other, Polynomial):
return NotImplemented
coefs = list(map(operator.add, self.coefs, other.coefs))
if len(self.coefs) > len(other.coefs):
coefs.extend(self.coefs[len(other.coefs) :])
if len(other.coefs) > len(self.coefs):
coefs.extend(other.coefs[len(self.coefs) :])
return Polynomial(*coefs)
def __radd__(self, other):
return self + other
def __mul__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, int):
other = Formula(other)
if isinstance(other, Formula):
other = Polynomial(other)
if not isinstance(other, Polynomial):
return NotImplemented
coefs = [0] * (len(self.coefs) + len(other.coefs) - 1)
for i, ci in enumerate(self.coefs):
for j, cj in enumerate(other.coefs):
coefs[i + j] += ci * cj
return Polynomial(*coefs)
def __rmul__(self, other):
return self * other
x = Formula("x")
y = Polynomial(0, 1)
z = Formula("z")
v = ((((x * 3) * y) * 5) * z) + 5
The output is
c0 = (((x) * (3)) * (5)) * (z)
c1 = 5
v = ((c0) * (y)) + (c1)


Using model Binary Tree code snippet, how to implement this?

I have a code for Binary Tree (Not BST) from MIT 6.006 (2020, MIT OCW). By the way, I have no idea of how to add elements into the Tree using below two Classes (symbol A or T seems to be used instead of a self). Specifically,
how to insert elements into Binary_Tree
how to incorporate the build(X) function into the Binary_Tree
Could anybody give an example of how I can utilize this code?
# From Recitation 6, MIT 6.006, Spring 2020
class Binary_Node:
def __init__(A, x): # O(1)
A.item = x
A.left = None
A.right = None
A.parent = None
def subtree_iter(A): # O(n), in-order traversal
if A.left: yield from A.left.subtree_iter()
yield A
if A.right: yield from A.right.subtree_iter()
def subtree_first(A): # O(h)
if A.left: return A.left.subtree_first()
else: return A
def subtree_last(A): # O(h)
if A.right: return A.right.subtree_last()
else: return A
def successor(A): # O(h)
if A.right: return A.right.subtree_first()
while A.parent and (A is A.parent.right):
A = A.parent
return A.parent
def predecessor(A): # O(h)
if A.left: return A.left.subtree_last()
while A.parent and (A is A.parent.left):
A = A.parent
return A.parent
def subtree_insert_before(A, B): # O(h)
if A.left:
A = A.left.subtree_last()
A.right, B.parent = B, A
A.left, B.parent = B, A
def subtree_insert_after(A, B): # O(h)
if A.right:
A = A.right.subtree_first()
A.left, B.parent = B, A
A.right, B.parent = B, A
def subtree_delete(A): # O(h)
if A.left or A.right:
if A.left: B = A.predecessor()
else: B = A.successor()
A.item, B.item = B.item, A.item
return B.subtree_delete()
if A.parent:
if A.parent.left is A: A.parent.left = None
else: A.parent.right = None
return A
class Binary_Tree:
def __init__(T, Node_Type = Binary_Node):
T.root = None
T.size = 0
T.Node_Type = Node_Type
def __len__(T): return T.size
def __iter__(T):
if T.root:
for A in T.root.subtree_iter():
yield A.item
def build(X):
A = [x for x in X]
def build_subtree(A, i, j):
c = (i + j) // 2
root = self.Node_Type(A[c])
if i < c:
root.left = build_subtree(A, i, c - 1)
root.left.parent = root
if c < j:
root.right = build_subtree(A, c + 1, j)
root.right.parent = root
return root
self.root = build_subtree(A, 0, len(A) - 1)

Why AVL sort is not in place?

I was recently told that AVL sort is not in place. Can anyone please explain it? From the below code, I am not sure where I assign extra space when sorting. In this code, when a data structure is built or an element are inserted, elements are ordered by their key.
Reference for the claim: They are using this claim to motivate "binary heap"
Reference for code:
def height(A):
if A: return A.height
else: return -1
class Binary_Node:
def __init__(self, x):
self.item = x
self.parent = None
self.left = None
self.right = None
def subtree_update(self):
self.height = 1 + max(height(self.left), height(self.right))
def subtree_iter(self):
if self.left: yield from self.left.subtree_iter()
yield self
if self.right: yield from self.right.subtree_iter()
def subtree_first(self):
if self.left: return self.left.subtree_first()
else: return self
def subtree_last(self):
if self.right: return self.right.subtree_last()
else: return self
def sucessor(self):
if self.right: return self.right.subtree_first()
while self.parent and (self is self.parent.right): #A is parent's left child and A's parent exists
self = self.parent
return self.parent
def predecessor(self):
if self.left: return self.left.subtree_last()
while self.parent and (self is self.parent.left):
self = self.parent
return self.parent
def subtree_insert_before(self, A):
if self.left:
self = self.left.subtree_last()
self.right, A.parent = A, self
self.left, A.parent = A, self
def subtree_insert_after(self, A):
if self.right:
self = self.right.subtree_first()
self.left, A.parent = A, self
self.right, A.parent = A, self
def delete(self):
if not self.left and not self.right: # when self is leaf
if self.parent:
A = self.parent
if A.left is self: A.left = None
else: A.right = None
self.parent = None
if self.left:
self.item, self.left.subtree_last().item = self.left.subtree_last().item, self.item
self.item, self.right.subtree_first().item = self.right.subtree_first().item, self.item
def subtree_delete(self):
if self.left or self.right:
if self.left: B = self.predecessor()
else: B = self.sucessor()
self.item, B.item = B.item, self.item
return B.subtree_delete()
if self.parent:
if self.parent.left is self: self.parent.left = None
else: self.parent.right = None
return self
def subtree_rotate_right(self):
assert self.left
B, E = self.left, self.right
A, C = B.left, B.right
B, self = self, B
self.item, B.item = B.item, self.item
B.left, B.right = A, self
self.left, self.right = C, E
if A: A.parent = B
if E: E.parent = self
def subtree_rotate_left(self):
assert self.right
A, D = self.left, self.right
C, E = D.left, D.right
self, D = D, self
self.item, D.item = D.item, self.item
self.left, self.right = A, C
D.left, D.right = self, E
if A: A.parent = self
if E: E.parent = D
def skew(self):
return height(self.right) - height(self.left)
def rebalance(self):
if self.skew() == 2:
if self.right.skew() < 0:
elif self.skew() == -2:
if self.left.skew() > 0:
def maintain(self):
if self.parent: self.parent.maintain()
class Binary_Tree:
def __init__(self, Node_Type = Binary_Node):
self.root = None
self.size = 0
self.Node_Type = Node_Type
def __len__(self): return self.size
def __iter__(self):
if self.root:
for A in self.root.subtree_iter():
yield A.item
def build(self, X):
A = [x for x in X]
def build_subtree(A, i, j):
c = (i + j) // 2
root = self.Node_Type(A[c])
if i < c:
root.left = build_subtree(A, i, c - 1)
root.left.parent = root
if j > c:
root.right = build_subtree(A, c + 1, j)
root.right.parent = root
return root
self.root = build_subtree(A, 0, len(A) - 1)
class BST_Node(Binary_Node):
def subtree_find(self, k):
if self.item.key > k:
if self.left: self.left.subtree_find(k)
elif self.item.key < k:
if self.right: self.right.subtree_find(k)
else: return self
return None
def subtree_find_next(self, k):
if self.item.key <= k:
if self.right: return self.right.subtree_find_next(k)
else: return None
elif self.item.key > k:
if self.left: return self.left.subtree_find_next(k)
else: return self
return self
def subtree_find_prev(self, k):
if self.item.key >= k:
if self.left: return self.left.subtree_find_prev(k)
else: return None
elif self.item.key < k:
if self.right: return self.right.subtree_find_prev(k)
else: return self
return self
def subtree_insert(self, B):
if B.item.key < self.item.key:
if self.left: self.left.subtree_insert(B)
else: self.subtree_insert_before(B)
elif B.item.key > self.item.key:
if self.right: self.right.subtree_insert(B)
else: self.subtree_insert_after(B)
self.item = B.item
class Set_Binary_Tree(Binary_Tree):
def __init__(self): super().__init__(BST_Node)
def iter_order(self): yield from self
def build(self, X):
for x in X: self.insert(x)
def find_min(self):
if self.root: return self.root.subtree_first()
def find_max(self):
if self.root: return self.root.subtree_last()
def find(self, k):
if self.root:
node = self.root.subtree_find(k)
if node:
return node.item
def find_next(self, k):
if self.root:
node = self.root.subtree_find_next(k)
if node:
return node.item
def find_prev(self, k):
if self.root:
node = self.root.subtree_find_prev(k)
if node:
return node.item
def insert(self, x):
new = self.Node_Type(x)
if self.root:
if new.parent is None: return False
self.root = new
self.size += 1
return True
def delete(self, k):
assert self.root
node = self.root.subtree_find(k)
assert node
ext = node.subtree_delete()
if ext.parent is None: self.root = None
self.size -= 1
return ext.item
Wikipedia defines an in-place algorithm as follows:
In computer science, an in-place algorithm is an algorithm which transforms input using no auxiliary data structure. However, a small amount of extra storage space is allowed for auxiliary variables. The input is usually overwritten by the output as the algorithm executes. An in-place algorithm updates its input sequence only through replacement or swapping of elements.
So one of the properties of an algorithm that is called "in-place" is that it does not copy all input values into an newly allocated data structure. If an algorithm creates a binary search tree (like AVL), for which node objects are created that are populated with the input values, then it cannot be called in-place by the above definition, even if at the end of the process the values are copied back into the input array.
As a comparison, heap sort does not have to create a new data structure, as the input array can be used to reorganise its values into a heap. It merely has to swap values in that array in order to sort it. It is therefore an in-place algorithm.

Is there a known algorithm for simplifying a boolean expression with number comparisons?

For example, if I have the expression (A > 5) && (A == 6),
that expression can be simplified to just (A == 6), and still have the same behavior for A ∈ ℤ.
I also need it to work with multiple variables, so for instance ((B > 2) && (C == 2)) || ((B > 2) && (C < 2)) should simplify to (B > 2) && (C < 3).
I won't need to compare two unknowns, only unknowns and numbers, and I only need it to work with the operators <, >, and == for numbers, and && and || for expressions (&& being AND and || being OR, of course). All unknowns are integers.
Is there any algorithm that takes such an expression and returns an expression with equal behavior and a minimal amount of operators?
(in my specific case, || operators are preferred over &&)
Here's a slow dynamic programming algorithm along the lines that you were thinking of.
from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
from heapq import heappop, heappush
from itertools import product
from math import inf
# Constructors for Boolean expressions. False and True are also accepted.
Lt = namedtuple("Lt", ["lhs", "rhs"])
Eq = namedtuple("Eq", ["lhs", "rhs"])
Gt = namedtuple("Gt", ["lhs", "rhs"])
And = namedtuple("And", ["lhs", "rhs"])
Or = namedtuple("Or", ["lhs", "rhs"])
# Variable names. Arbitrary strings are accepted.
A = "A"
B = "B"
C = "C"
# Example formulas.
first_example = And(Gt(A, 5), Eq(A, 6))
second_example = Or(And(Gt(B, 2), Eq(C, 2)), And(Gt(B, 2), Lt(C, 2)))
third_example = Or(And(Gt(A, 1), Gt(B, 1)), And(Gt(A, 0), Gt(B, 2)))
fourth_example = Or(Lt(A, 6), Gt(A, 5))
fifth_example = Or(And(Eq(A, 2), Gt(C, 2)), And(Eq(B, 2), Lt(C, 2)))
# Returns a map from each variable to the set of values such that the formula
# might evaluate differently for variable = value-1 versus variable = value.
def get_critical_value_sets(formula, result=None):
if result is None:
result = defaultdict(set)
if isinstance(formula, bool):
elif isinstance(formula, Lt):
elif isinstance(formula, Eq):
result[formula.lhs].add(formula.rhs + 1)
elif isinstance(formula, Gt):
result[formula.lhs].add(formula.rhs + 1)
elif isinstance(formula, (And, Or)):
get_critical_value_sets(formula.lhs, result)
get_critical_value_sets(formula.rhs, result)
assert False, str(formula)
return result
# Returns a list of inputs sufficient to compare Boolean combinations of the
# primitives returned by enumerate_useful_primitives.
def enumerate_truth_table_inputs(critical_value_sets):
variables, value_sets = zip(*critical_value_sets.items())
return [
dict(zip(variables, values))
for values in product(*({-inf} | value_set for value_set in value_sets))
# Returns both constants and all single comparisons whose critical value set is
# a subset of the given ones.
def enumerate_useful_primitives(critical_value_sets):
yield False
yield True
for variable, value_set in critical_value_sets.items():
for value in value_set:
yield Lt(variable, value)
if value + 1 in value_set:
yield Eq(variable, value)
yield Gt(variable, value - 1)
# Evaluates the formula recursively on the given input.
def evaluate(formula, input):
if isinstance(formula, bool):
return formula
elif isinstance(formula, Lt):
return input[formula.lhs] < formula.rhs
elif isinstance(formula, Eq):
return input[formula.lhs] == formula.rhs
elif isinstance(formula, Gt):
return input[formula.lhs] > formula.rhs
elif isinstance(formula, And):
return evaluate(formula.lhs, input) and evaluate(formula.rhs, input)
elif isinstance(formula, Or):
return evaluate(formula.lhs, input) or evaluate(formula.rhs, input)
assert False, str(formula)
# Evaluates the formula on the many inputs, packing the values into an integer.
def get_truth_table(formula, inputs):
truth_table = 0
for input in inputs:
truth_table = (truth_table << 1) + evaluate(formula, input)
return truth_table
# Returns (the number of operations in the formula, the number of Ands).
def get_complexity(formula):
if isinstance(formula, bool):
return (0, 0)
elif isinstance(formula, (Lt, Eq, Gt)):
return (1, 0)
elif isinstance(formula, And):
ops_lhs, ands_lhs = get_complexity(formula.lhs)
ops_rhs, ands_rhs = get_complexity(formula.rhs)
return (ops_lhs + 1 + ops_rhs, ands_lhs + 1 + ands_rhs)
elif isinstance(formula, Or):
ops_lhs, ands_lhs = get_complexity(formula.lhs)
ops_rhs, ands_rhs = get_complexity(formula.rhs)
return (ops_lhs + 1 + ops_rhs, ands_lhs + ands_rhs)
assert False, str(formula)
# Formula compared by complexity.
class HeapItem:
__slots__ = ["_complexity", "formula"]
def __init__(self, formula):
self._complexity = get_complexity(formula)
self.formula = formula
def __lt__(self, other):
return self._complexity < other._complexity
def __le__(self, other):
return self._complexity <= other._complexity
def __eq__(self, other):
return self._complexity == other._complexity
def __ne__(self, other):
return self._complexity != other._complexity
def __ge__(self, other):
return self._complexity >= other._complexity
def __gt__(self, other):
return self._complexity > other._complexity
# Like heapq.merge except we can add iterables dynamically.
class Merge:
__slots__ = ["_heap", "_iterable_count"]
def __init__(self):
self._heap = []
self._iterable_count = 0
def update(self, iterable):
iterable = iter(iterable)
value = next(iterable)
except StopIteration:
heappush(self._heap, (value, self._iterable_count, iterable))
self._iterable_count += 1
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
if not self._heap:
raise StopIteration
value, index, iterable = heappop(self._heap)
next_value = next(iterable)
except StopIteration:
return value
heappush(self._heap, (next_value, index, iterable))
return value
class Combinations:
__slots__ = ["_op", "_formula", "_best_formulas", "_i", "_n"]
def __init__(self, op, formula, best_formulas):
self._op = op
self._formula = formula
self._best_formulas = best_formulas
self._i = 0
self._n = len(best_formulas)
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
if self._i >= self._n:
raise StopIteration
formula = self._op(self._formula, self._best_formulas[self._i])
self._i += 1
return HeapItem(formula)
# Returns the simplest equivalent formula, breaking ties in favor of fewer Ands.
def simplify(target_formula):
critical_value_sets = get_critical_value_sets(target_formula)
inputs = enumerate_truth_table_inputs(critical_value_sets)
target_truth_table = get_truth_table(target_formula, inputs)
best = {}
merge = Merge()
for formula in enumerate_useful_primitives(critical_value_sets):
best_formulas = []
for item in merge:
if target_truth_table in best:
return best[target_truth_table]
formula = item.formula
truth_table = get_truth_table(formula, inputs)
if truth_table in best:
n = len(best_formulas)
for op in [And, Or]:
merge.update(Combinations(op, formula, best_formulas))
best[truth_table] = formula
Eq(lhs='A', rhs=6)
And(lhs=Lt(lhs='C', rhs=3), rhs=Gt(lhs='B', rhs=2))
And(lhs=And(lhs=Gt(lhs='B', rhs=1), rhs=Gt(lhs='A', rhs=0)), rhs=Or(lhs=Gt(lhs='B', rhs=2), rhs=Gt(lhs='A', rhs=1)))
Or(lhs=And(lhs=Eq(lhs='B', rhs=2), rhs=Lt(lhs='C', rhs=2)), rhs=And(lhs=Gt(lhs='C', rhs=2), rhs=Eq(lhs='A', rhs=2)))
Maybe you can consider intervals for your variables, for example:
(A > 5) && (A == 6)
Given you have a variable A, set an initial interval for it: A: [-∞, ∞].
Each condition that you read, you can reduce your interval:
(A > 5) sets the interval for A: [6, ∞]
(A == 6) sets the interval for A: [6, 6]
For each update on the interval, check if the new condition is possible, for example:
(A > 5) sets the interval for A: [6, ∞]
(A == 5) out of the interval, impossible condition.
Just another example:
((B > 2) && (C == 2)) || ((B > 2) && (C < 2))
Initially: B: [-∞, ∞] and C: [-∞, ∞].
((B > 2) && (C == 2))
(B > 2) sets the interval for B: [3, ∞]
(C == 2) sets the interval for C: [2, 2]
The next condition is attached with ||, so you add intervals:
((B > 2) && (C < 2))
(B > 2) sets the interval for B: [3, ∞]
(C < 2) sets the interval for C: [2, 2] U [-∞, 1] = [-∞, 2]

Harmonic series

1.upto(sums) do |n|
puts harmonic_sum(n)
is there a way to label whatever is outputed so if the user enters 6 it counts them as 1 2 3 4 5 6?
The harmonic series isn't implemented in Ruby standard library, but Rational is :
def harmonic_sum(n)
(1..n).inject(Rational(0,1)) {|r, i| r + Rational(1,i) }
puts harmonic_sum(5)
#=> 137/60
puts harmonic_sum(50)
#=> 13943237577224054960759/3099044504245996706400
puts harmonic_sum(10_000).to_f
#=> 9.787606036044382
NOTE: Your code is fine BTW. Here are some slight modifications and a few TODOS ;)
class Fraction
attr_reader :numerator, :denominator
def initialize(n, d)
#numerator = n
#denominator = d
def to_f
#TODO: Add *
#TODO: Define - and / with + and *
#TODO: Check that rhs is a Fraction, convert self to float otherwise.
def +(rhs)
n = #numerator*rhs.denominator + #denominator*rhs.numerator
d = #denominator*rhs.denominator
n, d = reduce(n, d)
return, d)
def to_s
"#{#numerator} / #{#denominator}"
def reduce(n, d)
r = gcd(n, d)
return n / r, d / r
def gcd(a, b)
if a % b == 0
return b
return gcd(b, a % b)
def harmonic_sum(n)
(1..n).inject(,1)) {|r, i| r +,i) }
puts harmonic_sum(100)
#=> 14466636279520351160221518043104131447711 / 2788815009188499086581352357412492142272

A sequence that forms the same AVL and splay trees?

Is there such a sequence of numbers (1-7, all numbers used, only once each), that would form equal AVL and splay tree?
Well, in the interests of science, I implemented both AVL and splay trees in Python based on their respective Wikipedia articles. Assuming I didn't make a mistake somewhere, my finding is that there are no permutations of {1, ..., 7} that produce the same AVL and splay tree. I conjecture the same is true for all sets of size k > 3. As to the fundamental reasons for this, I have no idea.
If someone would like to vet my code, here it is:
# Class definitions #
class Node:
''' A binary tree node '''
def __init__(self, n, p=None, l=None, r=None):
self.n = n
self.p = p
self.l = l
self.r = r
self.h = None
def __str__(self):
return "[%s %s %s]" % (self.n, (self.l if self.l else "-"), (self.r if self.r else "-"))
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Node):
return NotImplemented
return self.n == other.n and self.l == other.l and self.r == other.r
def __ne__(self, other):
return not (self == other)
class HNode(Node):
''' A binary tree node, with height '''
def __init__(self, n, p=None, l=None, r=None):
super(HNode, self).__init__(n, p, l, r)
def lh(self):
''' Get height of left child '''
return self.l.h if self.l else 0
def rh(self):
''' Get height of right child '''
return self.r.h if self.r else 0
def hup(self):
''' Update node height '''
self.h = max(self.lh(), self.rh())+1
def __str__(self):
return "[%s (%d) %s %s]" % (self.n, self.h, (self.l if self.l else "-"), (self.r if self.r else "-"))
# Basic tree operations #
# v u
# / \ / \
# u c --> a v
# / \ / \
# a b b c
def rright(v):
''' Rotate right '''
u = v.l
u.r, v.l = v, u.r
if v.l:
v.l.p = v
u.p, v.p = v.p, u
return u
# u v
# / \ / \
# a v --> u c
# / \ / \
# b c a b
def rleft(u):
''' Rotate left '''
v = u.r
u.r, v.l = v.l, u
if u.r:
u.r.p = u
u.p, v.p = v, u.p
return v
# AVL tree functions #
def avl_lr(v):
v.l = rleft(v.l)
return avl_ll(v)
def avl_ll(v):
u = rright(v)
return u
def avl_rl(v):
v.r = rright(v.r)
return avl_rr(v)
def avl_rr(v):
u = rleft(v)
return u
def avl_insert(v, n, p=None):
if v is None:
return HNode(n, p)
if n < v.n:
v.l = avl_insert(v.l, n, v)
if v.lh() > v.rh() + 1:
return (avl_ll if (v.l.lh() > v.l.rh()) else avl_lr)(v)
return v
v.r = avl_insert(v.r, n, v)
if v.rh() > v.lh() + 1:
return (avl_rr if (v.r.rh() > v.r.lh()) else avl_rl)(v)
return v
def build_avl_tree(s):
''' Build an AVL tree from the given sequence '''
v = None
for n in s:
v = avl_insert(v, n)
return v
# Splay tree functions #
two = lambda x: (x,x)
def bst_insert(p, n, g=None):
''' Insert a value into a BST, returning a pair consisting of
the root of the tree and the new node '''
if p is None:
return two(Node(n,g))
if n < p.n:
p.l, x = bst_insert(p.l, n, p)
p.r, x = bst_insert(p.r, n, p)
return p, x
def splay(x):
''' Percolate x to the root of its tree '''
if x.p:
p = x.p
g = p.p
if g:
if p.n < g.n:
if x.n < p.n:
x = rright(rright(g))
g.l = rleft(p)
x = rright(g)
if x.n > p.n:
x = rleft(rleft(g))
g.r = rright(p)
x = rleft(g)
p = x.p
if p:
if x.n < p.n:
p.l = x
p.r = x
return splay(x)
if x.n < p.n:
return rright(p)
return rleft(p)
return x
def splay_insert(p, n, g=None):
r, x = bst_insert(p, n, g)
return splay(x)
def build_splay_tree(s):
''' Build a splay tree from the given sequence '''
v = None
for n in s:
v = splay_insert(v, n)
return v
# The Big Question #
from itertools import permutations
def find_matches(n):
''' Generate all permutations of {1, ..., n} that produce
matching AVL and splay trees '''
for s in permutations(range(1, n+1)):
t1 = build_avl_tree(s)
t2 = build_splay_tree(s)
if t1 == t2:
yield s
def find_match(n):
''' Return a permutation of {1, ..., n} that produces matching
AVL and splay trees, or None if no such permutation exists '''
return next(find_matches(n), None)
