Wazuh - How to change admin password for web interface - elasticsearch

I just installed WAZUH from its OVA.
The web interface is admin/admin
When I click reset password from the web interface i get this error
Failed to reset password. {"status":"FORBIDDEN","message":"Resource 'admin' is read-only."}
enter wazug admin password reset screenshot
I've googled/scanned documentation and can't find out how to change it.
I've looked through /usr/share/elasticsearch/plugins/opendistro_security/securityconfig/config.yml and cant see an option either?
A simple fix but its not just appearing for me via searching/reading the manual
I plan to secure the admin password then create a user account to do my work
Thanks in adavance

The admin and kibanaserver users are set to read-only as security measures, that is why it is not possible to change the password using the WUI and it must be changed in the configuration files.
This section of documentation talks about changing it: https://documentation.wazuh.com/4.0/user-manual/elasticsearch/elastic_tuning.html
Remember to update the new password in /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml and /etc/kibana/kibana.yml if necessary.
I hope this information is helpful to you.
Best regards.

If running Wazuh on Kubernetes and you need to change the default passwords look for the following files:
The one caveat is you have to base64 encode the password before updating in the aforementioned files. Afterward, do kubectl patch or apply and your password will be updated.


Jenkins changing email password and its 'concealed' every time I came back

After every time changing the password and saving it. When I come back to Configuration password is changed. And when I click on change password button the existing value I get are under screenshots
There is a similar question asked here before here is the link for that
Jenkins changing the email password that I saved
As from 30 May 2022 gmail no longer supports the use of third-party apps or devices which ask you to sign in to your Google Account using only your username and password. So I couldn't follow the solution exactly.
What I did
Generated the gmail password By going into my gmail account Settings -> Security and under 'Signing in to google' option I clicked on 'App passwords' and generated one.
Then I disabled the 2 step verification following the solution provided on above link
But it isn't working either. Any help would be great. Just started with jenkins not a pro at it!
Thanks in advance

Heroku Login Multi-Factor Authentication mfa_required error (without opening a browser)

When using Heroku Multi-Factor Authentication, is there any way to login via the console without opening the browser?
ubuntu:~/environment $ heroku login -i
heroku: Enter your login credentials
Email [hello#gmail.com]:
Password: ****************
› Error: Your account has MFA enabled; API requests using basic authentication with email and password are not supported. Please
› generate an authorization token for API access.
› Error ID: mfa_required
Yes. Basically, to set this up what you want to do is:
Login to Heroku and create an API Token under "Account settings". (You said "without opening a browser", and I'm assuming you mean 'How to authenticate from the command-line'. To set this up you will need to open a browser ... once ;)
In your local machine's home directory, check to see if you already have a file called .netrc. If not, simply create one like so -- touch ~/.netrc.
From there you'll want to append the following to that file (and save):
machine api.heroku.com
login <your-email-goes-here>
password <the-api-token-goes-here>
machine git.heroku.com
login <your-email-goes-here>
password <the-api-token-goes-here>
If you just created the .netrc file you'll want to chmod 600 .netrc to give it necessary permissions.
At this point, you can try the command heroku auth:whoami and hopefully see your user e-mail printed back to you.
FWIW, Heroku does have some docs covering this here, but to be honest, the docs are rather disjointed and I would think unhelpful to someone that's never done something like this before, which is why I tried to go step-by-step.
I hope this is what you wanted and / or someone finds this helpful :)
For multi-factor authentication enabled heroku account, If you can get the API key then there is a simpler way to sign in via CLI. type -> heroku login -i
enter the email id associated with your heroku account and for password you must enter the API key that you got from the account settings page.

What are the safety measures that i need to do after giving a freelance developer access to my magento2 backend credential and FTP credential?

I gave a freelance developer the magento2 backend credential and FTP credential to outsource the development of a custom magento2 module. What are the safety measures that i need to do aside from changing the passwords of magento2 backend and FTP to prevent from being hacked in the future?
Ensure that You are giving an admin panel with new user and password for your freelancer's to work. That you can done from magento2 admin panel itself. If you are not done so, if you were gave admin master user name and password you should need to change the password of your admin by using following query.
UPDATE admin_user SET password = CONCAT(SHA2('xxxxxxxYourNewPassword', 256), ':xxxxxxx:1') WHERE username = 'admin';
For more to know about reset password go to the link
And definitely you have to change the FTP Credential too from your server back end.
The most taking care you can prohibit the admin login with IP address.
Hope these things are helpful to you.

How can we cache ldap login credentials in mac using opendirectory

In mac using Active Directory we can cache ldap login credentials by checking create mobile account at login. Is there any other way to do same thing in openldap. Please some one share information here
Syammala and Stephen Rudolph,
Per your question: "Is there any other way to do the same thing in openldap"
You can indeed do this with OpenLDAP and SSSD - Follow this documentation for installation
You'll want to set your config, like in the example to:
cache_credentials = true

Unable to reset WAS admin password. unable to login WAS console

I am unable to login inot WAS Admin console. So I am trying to reset the admin credential after disabling security(security.xml-enabled="false"), but unable to save the new password. Any idea what should I check and troubleshoot?
I tried entering the credentials on soap.clients.props, but no help. WAS version : 7.0
SECJ7342E: Failed to validate user/password
Explanation Failed to validate user password in WIM registry
Action None
The credentials that you entered do they exist in the WIM registry?
From the screen shot it appears that you are using the File Based registry. Check that the ID and passwords match the values in that File Registry.
If you disabled security, then restart your server, so it starts plain, unsecured and enable security again via console. There will be prompt to specify admin user and password (I'm assuming you are using default Federated repository with file based). Provide new password there and restart the server.
In the page you are showing now, leave Server user identity as default - Automatically generated. This is not page, where you change user password.
Settings in soap.clients.props are not related to password changing. Once you set new password via console, you can update that file, so you won't be prompted, when you stop server from the command line.
This technote is also helpful when forgetting your WAS Admin console password:
Forgot password and cannot access WebSphere Application Server administrative console
