Why dont we create an object of RemoteWebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(); ? why do we create it for WebDriver interface - remotewebdriver

I have seen few others also alsing the same question, but all the answers talk about remotewebdriver being used incase of grid set up. I understand we need to use it for grid .But why cant we use it for normal case also where code is executed on a single machine?
Can some please explain the reason?
Thank you

I tend to use RemoteWebDriver more often than I use IWebDriver.
The reason for that is that RemoteWebDriver has the IJavaScriptExecutor interface, but IWebDriver doesn't and I often need IJavaScriptExecuter.
In most cases, it's best to use the least specific implementation that you need.
This makes the code more flexible, easier to unit test, and helps prevent conflicts.


What does laravel's Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder does?

I know that it's popularly used in cases of search and filters, But i have no idea what it is and what it returns and how it functions. Can anyone help me understand this?
Laravel's database query builder provides a convenient, fluent interface to creating and running database queries. It can be used to perform most database operations in your application and works on all supported database systems.
The Laravel query builder uses PDO parameter binding to protect your application against SQL injection attacks. There is no need to clean strings being passed as bindings.
Official Documentation https://laravel.com/docs/5.8/queries#introduction
You need to take a look at this corse, https://laracasts.com/series/advanced-eloquent. I have already learnt a lot of laracasts. and the above link also is one of the best tutorial i have ever seen about Eloquent in laravel.

OnChange on a table is available in golang driver - rethinkDB?

I am working on RethinkDB and Golang and completely new to these two Technologies/Database.
GOLang driver - I am using this driver for connecting rethinkDB.
There is no onChange on a table functionality in this driver.
Note - OnChange functionality is available in rethinkDB.
Any suggestion of golang driver which supports rethinkDB onChange.
Thanks in advance
Sorry for the delayed reply I dont check StackOverflow as often as I should.
GoRethink actually does offer support for Changefeeds. Unfortunately the documentation is currently a bit lacking and I hope to work soon, until then I recommend having a look at the tests. Hopefully that should give you an idea on how to use them.
If you have any further questions regarding change feeds or any other issues with the driver let me know.
That Go driver is provided by a third party and as you note they do not seem to have yet added support for changefeeds. It is hosted on GitHub, so you could file an enhancement request. There is recent activity in their repository, so there is hope that they will add it.

Web Interface to Control Functions in OS

I'm sure this is a very basic question for most of you but I am curious. I am working on a small assignment and essentially what I want to do is to build a web interface that allows me to control certain functions or configurations in a linux OS. For example, I want a user to be able to login to the web interface and using the web interface, change the configuration for the linux systems hostname. I don't need the actual code etc. to do this, I just want to know where to start. Is it possible for me to get the web interface to call scripts to perform these task? What sort of language is required (besides HTML and CSS)? Whats the best way to go about doing this? Any help is welcome! :)

How to achieve client server communication using GSOCKET

I want to use gio and glib to create client-server communication. However, I'm getting confused with GSocket. Can someone give some examples.
Also, how can GMainLoop be helpful in this?
You don't want to use GSocket directly, go for GSocketService and GSocketClient which abstract the messy parts quite nicely.

MVC - where to put connection initialization code?

I'm writing a simple measurement application which will be use bluetooth to talk to the device.
My question is where to put bluetooth connection initialization code? To Model or to Controller?
From my understanding of MVC, Model is what an application is - data models and all logic which applies to the data. And the Controller is some kind of glue between Model and View.
But for me it seems that it would be better to put connection code to the Controller since maybe in the futre there will be new version of the device which will use USB or something else.
What do you think what fits better in my case?
Best Regards,
depends on the environment, but we follow the "thin controllers, thick models" principle. Having said that, a library of connection functions would fit in neither.
In the environment I work in, device connection functions would be best suited to a library (then you can have multiple libraries covering all connection types you may want to use in the future, as they are developed) which is then utilized in the appropriate place.
This would also allow re-use at a later stage in different projects/software if required.
A library would ideally have generic functions ( e.g. connectToDevice() and getFile() rather than getApplicationSpecificPhotosFromDevice ), with the app specific stuff happening in the controller and underlying model that uses the library to retrieve or submit data.
