Length of Longest Subarray with all same elements - algorithm

I have this problem:
You are given an array of integers A and an integer k.
You can decrement elements of A up to k times, with the goal of producing a consecutive subarray whose elements are all equal. Return the length of the longest possible consecutive subarray that you can produce in this way.
For example, if A is [1,7,3,4,6,5] and k is 6, then you can produce [1,7,3,4-1,6-1-1-1,5-1-1] = [1,7,3,3,3,3], so you will return 4.
What is the optimal solution?

The subarray must be made equal to its lowest member since the only allowed operation is reduction (and reducing the lowest member would add unnecessary cost). Given:
a1, a2, a3...an
the cost to reduce is:
sum(a1..an) - n * min(a1..an)
For example,
3, 4, 6, 5
sum = 18
min = 3
cost = 18 - 4 * 3 = 6
One way to reduce the complexity from O(n^2) to a log factor is: for each element as the rightmost (or leftmost) element of the candidate best subarray, binary search the longest length within cost. To do that, we only need the sum, which we can get from a prefix sum in O(1), the length (which we are searching on already), and minimum range query, which is well-studied.
In response to comments below this post, here is a demonstration that the sequence of costs as we extend a subarray from each element as rightmost increases monotonically and can therefore be queried with binary search.
JavaScript code:
function cost(A, i, j){
const n = j - i + 1;
let sum = 0;
let min = Infinity;
for (let k=i; k<=j; k++){
sum += A[k];
min = Math.min(min, A[k]);
return sum - n * min;
function f(A){
for (let j=0; j<A.length; j++){
const rightmost = A[j];
const sequence = [];
for (let i=j; i>=0; i--)
sequence.push(cost(A, i, j));
console.log(rightmost + ': ' + sequence);
var A = [1,7,3,1,4,6,5,100,1,4,6,5,3];

def cost(a, i, j):
n = j - i
s = 0
m = a[i]
for k in range(i,j):
s += a[k]
m = min(m, a[k])
return s - n * m;
def solve(n,k,a):
for i in range(n):
for j in range(i,n+1):
if cost(a,i,j)<=k:
x = j - i
if x>m:
return m
This is my python3 solution as per your specifications.


Find continuous subarrays that have at least 1 pair adding up to target sum - Optimization

I took this assessment that had this prompt, and I was able to pass 18/20 tests, but not the last 2 due to hitting the execution time limit. Unfortunately, the input values were not displayed for these tests.
// Given an array of integers **a**, find how many of its continuous subarrays of length **m** that contain at least 1 pair of integers with a sum equal to **k**
const a = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7];
const m = 5, k = 5;
solution(a, m, k) will yield 2, because there are 2 subarrays in a that have at least 1 pair that add up to k
a[0]...a[4] - [1,2,3,4,5] - 2 + 3 = k ✓
a[1]...a[5] - [2,3,4,5,6] - 2 + 3 = k ✓
a[2]...a[6] - [3,4,5,6,7] - no two elements add up to k ✕
Here was my solution:
// strategy: check each subarray if it contains a two sum pair
// time complexity: O(n * m), where n is the size of a and m is the subarray length
// space complexity: O(m), where m is the subarray length
function solution(a, m, k) {
let count = 0;
for(let i = 0; i <= a.length - m; i++){
let set = new Set();
for(let j = i; j < i + m; j++){
if(set.has(k - a[j])){
return count;
I thought of ways to optimize this algo, but failed to come up with any. Is there any way this can be optimized further for time complexity - perhaps for any edge cases?
Any feedback would be much appreciated!
maintain a map of highest position of the last m values (add/remove/query is O(1)) and highest position of the first value of a complementary pair
for each array element, check if complementary element is in the map, update the highest position if necessary.
if at least m elements were processed and higest position is in the range, increase counter
O(n) overall. Python:
def solution(a, m, k):
count = 0
last_pos = {} # value: last position observed
max_complement_pos = -1
for head, num in enumerate(a, 1): # advance head by one
tail = head - m
# deletion part is to keep space complexity O(m).
# If this is not a concern (likely), safe to omit
if tail > 0 and last_pos[a[tail]] <= tail: # time to pop last element
del last_pos[a[tail]]
max_complement_pos = max(max_complement_pos, last_pos.get(k-num, -1))
count += head >= m and max_complement_pos > tail
last_pos[num] =head # add element at head
return count
Create a counting hash: elt -> count.
When the window moves:
add/increment the new element
decrement the departing element
check if (k - new_elt) is in your hash with a count >= 1. If it is, you've found a good subarray.

O(n) solution to counting sub-arrays with sum constraints

I'm trying to improve my intuition around the following two sub-array problems.
Problem one
Return the length of the shortest, non-empty, contiguous sub-array of A with sum at least
K. If there is no non-empty sub-array with sum at least K, return -1
I've come across an O(N) solution online.
public int shortestSubarray(int[] A, int K) {
int N = A.length;
long[] P = new long[N+1];
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
P[i+1] = P[i] + (long) A[i];
// Want smallest y-x with P[y] - P[x] >= K
int ans = N+1; // N+1 is impossible
Deque<Integer> monoq = new LinkedList(); //opt(y) candidates, as indices of P
for (int y = 0; y < P.length; ++y) {
// Want opt(y) = largest x with P[x] <= P[y] - K;
while (!monoq.isEmpty() && P[y] <= P[monoq.getLast()])
while (!monoq.isEmpty() && P[y] >= P[monoq.getFirst()] + K)
ans = Math.min(ans, y - monoq.removeFirst());
return ans < N+1 ? ans : -1;
It seems to be maintaining a sliding window with a deque. It looks like a variant of Kadane's algorithm.
Problem two
Given an array of N integers (positive and negative), find the number of
contiguous sub array whose sum is greater or equal to K (also, positive or
The best solution I've seen to this problem is O(nlogn) as described in the following answer.
tree = an empty search tree
result = 0
// This sum corresponds to an empty prefix.
prefixSum = 0
// Iterate over the input array from left to right.
for elem <- array:
prefixSum += elem
// Add the number of subarrays that have this element as the last one
// and their sum is not less than K.
result += tree.getNumberOfLessOrEqual(prefixSum - K)
// Add the current prefix sum the tree.
print result
My questions
Is my intuition that algorithm one is a variant of Kandane's algorithm correct?
If so, is there a variant of this algorithm (or another O(n) solution) that can be used to solve problem two?
Why can problem two only be solved in O(nlogn) time when they look so similar?

DP solution to find if there is group of numbers which is divisible by M

Let's say we have number N, such that 0 < N <= 10^6 and 2 <= M <= 10^3 and array of N elements a[1], a[2], ... a[N] (0<= a[i] <=10^9)\
Now we have to check if we can choose group of numbers from the array such that their sum will be divisible by M, and output "YES" or "NO".
Here are two examples:
N = 3, M =5 a={1,2,3} answer="YES"
N = 4, M = 6 a={3,1,1,3} answer="YES"
thanks in advance.
C++ solution.
//declare dp array of boolean values of size M
bool dp[M] = {0}; // init with fasle values
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
bool ndp[M] = {0}; // init temporary boolean array
ndp[a[i] % M] = 1; // add a subset with one a[i] element
for(int j = 0; j < M; j++)
if(dp[j]) { // if we may find a subset of elements with sum = j (modulo M)
ndp[j] = 1; // copy existing values
ndp[(j + a[i]) % M] = 1; // extend the subset with a[i], which will give a sum = j + a[i] (modulo M)
// copy from ndp to dp before proceeding to the next element of a
for(int j = 0; j < M; j++) dp[j] = ndp[j];
//check dp[0] for the answer
The algorithm complexity will be O(N*M) which in your case is O(109)
Edit: Added ndp[a[i] % M] = 1; line in order to make dp[j] ever become nonzero.
There might be another alternative O(M * M * log(M) + N) solution which in your case is O(107) (but with big constant).
Notice that if substitute each a[i] with a[i] % M the problem statement does not change. Lets count the number of a[i] elements that give specific remainder j after division on M. If for some remainder j we found k elements in a then we can generate the following sums of subsets (that may produce unique remainder)
j, 2 * j % M, 3 * j % M ... k * j % M
Example: let M = 6 and for remainder 2 we found 5 elements in a. Then we have the following unique sums of subsets:
2 % 6, 2 * 2 % 6, 3 * 2 % 6, 4 * 2 % 6, 5 * 2 % 6
which is 0, 2, 4
store this information in boolean form {1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0}
At most we have M such groups that produce M-size bool array of possible remainders.
Next we need to find all possible subsets that may appear if we will take elements of different groups. Lets say we merge two bool remainder arrays a and b if we can introduce new array c that will contain all possible remainder sums of elements from subset of a and b. Naive approach will require us to make two nested loops over a and b giving O(M2) merge time complexity.
We may reduce complexity to O(M * log(M)) using Fast Fourier Transform algo. Each bool array has a polynomial Σ ai*xi where coefficients ai are taken from bool array. If we want to merge two array we may just multiply their polynomials.
Overall complxity is O(M2 * log(M)) as we need to make M such merges.

Maximize sum of list with no more than k consecutive elements from input

I have an array of N numbers and I want remove only those elements from the list which when removed will create a new list where there are no more K numbers adjacent to each other. There can be multiple lists that can be created with this restriction. So I just want that list in which the sum of the remaining numbers is maximum and as an output print that sum only.
The algorithm that I have come up with so far has a time complexity of O(n^2). Is it possible to get better algorithm for this problem?
Link to the question.
Here's my attempt:
int main()
//Total Number of elements in the list
int count = 6;
//Maximum number of elements that can be together
int maxTogether = 1;
//The list of numbers
int billboards[] = {4, 7, 2, 0, 8, 9};
int maxSum = 0;
for(int k = 0; k<=maxTogether ; k++){
int sum=0;
int size= k;
for (int i = 0; i< count; i++) {
if(size != maxTogether){
sum += billboards[i];
size = 0;
printf("%i\n", sum);
if(sum > maxSum)
maxSum = sum;
return 0;
The O(NK) dynamic programming solution is fairly easy:
Let A[i] be the best sum of the elements to the left subject to the not-k-consecutive constraint (assuming we're removing the i-th element as well).
Then we can calculate A[i] by looking back K elements:
A[i] = 0;
for j = 1 to k
A[i] = max(A[i], A[i-j])
A[i] += input[i]
And, at the end, just look through the last k elements from A, adding the elements to the right to each and picking the best one.
But this is too slow.
Let's do better.
So A[i] finds the best from A[i-1], A[i-2], ..., A[i-K+1], A[i-K].
So A[i+1] finds the best from A[i], A[i-1], A[i-2], ..., A[i-K+1].
There's a lot of redundancy there - we already know the best from indices i-1 through i-K because of A[i]'s calculation, but then we find the best of all of those except i-K (with i) again in A[i+1].
So we can just store all of them in an ordered data structure and then remove A[i-K] and insert A[i]. My choice - A binary search tree to find the minimum, along with a circular array of size K+1 of tree nodes, so we can easily find the one we need to remove.
I swapped the problem around to make it slightly simpler - instead of finding the maximum of remaining elements, I find the minimum of removed elements and then return total sum - removed sum.
High-level pseudo-code:
for each i in input
add (i + the smallest value in the BST) to the BST
add the above node to the circular array
if it wrapper around, remove the overridden element from the BST
// now the remaining nodes in the BST are the last k elements
return (the total sum - the smallest value in the BST)
Running time:
O(n log k)
Java code:
int getBestSum(int[] input, int K)
Node[] array = new Node[K+1];
TreeSet<Node> nodes = new TreeSet<Node>();
Node n = new Node(0);
array[0] = n;
int arrPos = 0;
int sum = 0;
for (int i: input)
sum += i;
Node oldNode = nodes.first();
Node newNode = new Node(oldNode.value + i);
arrPos = (arrPos + 1) % array.length;
if (array[arrPos] != null)
array[arrPos] = newNode;
return sum - nodes.first().value;
getBestSum(new int[]{1,2,3,1,6,10}, 2) prints 21, as required.
Let f[i] be the maximum total value you can get with the first i numbers, while you don't choose the last(i.e. the i-th) one. Then we have
f[i] = max{
max{f[j] + sum(j + 1, i - 1) | (i - j) <= k}
you can use a heap-like data structure to maintain the options and get the maximum one in log(n) time, keep a global delta or whatever, and pay attention to the range i - j <= k.
The following algorithm is of O(N*K) complexity.
Examine the 1st K elements (0 to K-1) of the array. There can be at most 1 gap in this region.
Reason: If there were two gaps, then there would not be any reason to have the lower (earlier gap).
For each index i of these K gap options, following holds true:
1. Sum upto i-1 is the present score of each option.
2. If the next gap is after a distance of d, then the options for d are (K - i) to K
For every possible position of gap, calculate the best sum upto that position among the options.
The latter part of the array can be traversed similarly independently from the past gap history.
Traverse the array further till the end.

number of subarrays where sum of numbers is divisible by K

Given an array, find how many such subsequences (does not require to be contiguous) exist where sum of elements in that subarray is divisible by K.
I know an approach with complexity 2^n as given below. it is like finding all nCi where i=[0,n] and validating if sum is divisible by K.
Please provide Pseudo Code something like linear/quadratic or n^3.
static int numways = 0;
void findNumOfSubArrays(int [] arr,int index, int sum, int K) {
if(index==arr.length) {
if(sum%k==0) numways++;
else {
findNumOfSubArrays(arr, index+1, sum, K);
findNumOfSubArrays(arr, index+1, sum+arr[index], K);
Input - array A in length n, and natural number k.
The algorithm:
Construct array B: for each 1 <= i <= n: B[i] = (A[i] modulo K).
Now we can use dynamic programming:
We define D[i,j] = maximum number of sub-arrays of - B[i..n] that the sum of its elements modulo k equals to j.
1 <= i <= n.
0 <= j <= k-1.
D[n,0] = if (b[n] == 0), 2. Otherwise, 1.
if j > 0 :
D[n,j] = if (B[n] modulo k) == j, than 1. Otherwise, 0.
for i < n and 0 <= j <= k-1:
D[i,j] = max{D[i+1,j], 1 + D[i+1, D[i+1,(j-B[i]+k) modulo k)]}.
Construct D.
Return D[1,0].
Overall running time: O(n*k)
Acutally, I don't think this problem can likely be solved in O(n^3) or even polynomial time, if the range of K and the range of numbers in array is unknown. Here is what I think:
Consider the following case: the N numbers in arr is something like
in this way, the sums of 2^N "subarrays" (that does not require to be contiguous) of arr, is exactly all the integer numbers in [0,2^N)
and asking how many of them is divisible by K, is equivalent to asking how many of integers are divisible by K in [0, 2^N).
I know the answer can be calculated directly like (2^N-1)/K (or something) in the above case. But , if we just change a few ( maybe 3? 4? ) numbers in arr randomly, to "dig some random holes" in the perfect-contiguous-integer-range [0,2^N), that makes it looks impossible to calculate the answer without going through almost every number in [0,2^N).
ok just some stupid thoughts ... could be totally wrong.
Use an auxiliary array A
1) While taking input, store the current grand total in the corresponding index (this executes in O(n)):
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
cin >> arr[i];
sum += arr[i];
A[i] = sum;
2) now,
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (int j = i; j < n; j++)
check that (A[j] - A[i] + arr[i]) is divisible by k
There you go: O(n^2)...
