SpringBoot Config Server file separator issue - spring-boot

I have configued Spring Boot Config server (2.4.1 version) integrated with Git repository.
Config looks valid, there is no issue during loading files from git, however when i point to
i get
I turned on logging everything and I discovered, that config server downloaded file correctly and saved file somewhere in temp folder like:
(1) C:/Users/username/AppData/Local/Temp/config-repo-5493381163789847226/
however NativeEnironmentRepository is expecting that it will be in:
(2) C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\config-repo-5493381163789847226\
which is also valid windows path.
When I turn on debuggin I found out that
NativeEnvironmentRepository check path (1)
against pattern (2) and it fails. So in result
is empty.
Is this a bug on SpringBoot config server? or should I setup/change something in configuration?
It looks like NativeEnvironmentRepository should use system File.separator...

I had same issue with spring boot 2.4.1 in windows platform. It is solved by spring 2.4.2.snapshot.
Spring 2.4.1 worked properly in linux ubuntu. I dont know what is the problem.


Spring Cloud Config Server Not picking changes

I am trying to setup spring config cloud using local file system.
Below is my config on cloud server.
Bootstrap.properties on client app is as shown below
I have also created hello-world.yml on class path for the hello-world spring boot application with property, test: Hello World
Followed below steps to make use of config server.
Step 1: Update the config file and start cloud config server. Able to
see config http://localhost:8888/hello-world/default
Step 2: Start client app hello-world, client app able to read the
test property file from cloud config server.
Step 3: Make changes to config by updating test: Good Bye on
At this moment, if I check
http://localhost:8888/hello-world/default ,it still shows old value.
Step 4: Run /actuator/refresh on client app. But it won't detect
any change on config server.
The new changes are reflected only if I restart the cloud config server.
Is there any configuration issue causing the cloud config server to unable to listen to changes ?
I could see o.s.cloud.commons.util.InetUtils : Cannot determine local hostname INFO log on cloud config app.
First of all I followed the same exact steps you followed and got the same issue, after almost day of search and study on the matter found out the followings,
we shouldn't use classpath:/<whatever> for
because when we use so and build the project and run the location refers to the directory inside the generated .jar file, so we will not be able to update it in runtime.
To confirm this you can stop config server, open you .jar archive and delete hello-world.yml file then try http://localhost:8888/hello-world/default you will get default null responses
So we have to use some other locations for spring.cloud.config.server.native.searchLocations either with full directory path or just directory from app running location
For full path in windows use file:///full-path
spring.cloud.config.server.native.searchLocations: file:///E:\configs
Just for a directory (which will search project root directory if you running from IDE, if running jar then target directory or jar location spring.cloud.config.server.native.searchLocations: configs
spring.cloud.config.server.native.searchLocations: configs\whatever
we can configure multiple locations too as follows, spring.cloud.config.server.native.searchLocations: file:///E:\configs, configs

How to give the uri in windows for Spring Cloud Config with Local Git repo?

I am trying to set up Spring Cloud Config Server. How to give the spring.cloud.config.server.git.uri in application.properties for Windows?
The uri is this one
I tried this
But I am getting this error
Caused by: org.eclipse.jgit.errors.TransportException: D:\MicroservicesProject\git-localconfig-repo\limits-service.properties: not a bundle
Try updating config line as follows:
I found the solution by making the path to the directory without specifying the name of the file.

Spring Cloud Config Server - How to download binary file

I have a Spring Cloud Config Server with the usual properties files in the git repo:
I also added a binary file
Normally to access the properties I would ask for
Is it possible to download the binaryfile through the config server? I have tried with
but they didn't work.
I found it:

spring cloud config properties from both local filesystem and git repo

I am using spring cloud config server to host a centralized location for all the property files configurations to be used in the project.
I tried using the config files from a local file system using below and it works fine:
I also used the git repo using: spring.cloud.config.server.git.uri=ssh://xxxxxx.com:7999/test/cloud-config-properties.git
I would like to try using a combination of this in my project.
Example - for dev/test profile - i would like to use from local filesystem and for the production - I would like to use Git repository.
I enabled both the git uri and native profiles in my application.properties in config server application. But the properties are always picked up from the local file system. Is this possible?
Not supported out of the box, however there is a workaround for this. You can define the basedir for the configuration server, which is where it saves the files it fetches from the remote server, by setting the property (in the config server):
If you are working with docker, you can map this directory to the host filesystem.
Now whatever file you put in there will be picked up by configuration-server if it matches any of the application/profile in the request. For example you could put a file there called application-dynamic.properties, and have all your clients use dynamic as the last profile, for example
This way everything you will put in application-dynamic.properties will override whatever is defined in your config repo.
One thing to notice though is that you need to add the file only after configuartion server starts, because it deletes this folder during startup.
Needles to say, it's not a good practice doing this in production (for example a restart will cause the file to be deleted), but for test/dev this is the best option.

spring boot log file being overwritten on restart

I'm using https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/deployment-install.html to start my spring-boot application on ubuntu 14.04 and it's working great except my log file gets overwritten whenever I restart the app. Probably it's something simple... but how can I configure that behaviour? I'm just using the default console logging to /var/log/app_name.log. If I pass in the logback "--logging.file=..." config to the init script, it logs both to the default as well as this file and this file doesn't get overwritten. Thanks!
