How to get zoho books item image? - zohobooks

In Zoho books Items there are Product images, How we can get that images from API or any other way so we can push them into Other Service like Magento to any other.?

You have to use two API to get image of an item.
you can get image_document_id from above API and replace it in below API to get an image.{image_document_id}


Google's Place Details, Place Photos API: How do I request only photos that the owner has uploaded?

In the Google Maps Web UI, for any given place, I have filtering options for displaying subsets of images: "By owner" or "Vibe", and so on. See the example image below.
How do I, programmatically, achieve the same using Google's Place Details and/or Place Photos APIs? E.g. how do I fetch only "By owner" images from a given place?
It's not possible using the current version of Google's Places API (Sept 1, 2021).
Many thanks to jpoehnelt for commenting and answering.

Disable indoor view of buildings in Google Street View Image API

I'm using Google Street View Image API (not the Javascript API) to construct a URL which returns a street view image. The problem is, that sometimes it returns an image of the inside of the building, rather than the image of the building at the provided address. I know this can be disabled using the Javascript API, but can it be disabled via a URL parameter in the Image API?
You should add &source=outdoor as an url parameter
You can make a call to the Geocoding API in order to get the lat/lang coordinates to an address.,+Mountain+View,+CA&fov=90&heading=235&pitch=10&key=YOUR_API_KEY
Then the you use the results.geometry.location from the response to get the coordinates you need to create the Street View Image URL
The Geocoder will always give you a location outside at the entrance, other APIs like Directions API may give you the same indoor problem.
You can call the Google Street View Image Metadata API to get the copyright info of the image. If this is not equal to "© Google, Inc.", it's a real streetview image.
I know that it's not the best solution, but it works.

Android: get the photo from google place api photo response

I'm currently building an app that requires the photo of the selected place using google places api. I requested the photo using
My problem is how can i contain the response and display it in an ImageView.
Thanks in Advance
Well looks like I got it.[IMAGESIZE]&photoreference=[REFERENCEKEY]&sensor=false&key=[YOURKEYHERE]
This will return a single image based from the photo_reference key.

Post image to wall user twitter

I know that it's possible to post an image in the wall of user twitter using TweetWithMedia,
the question is : it's possible to post just an url and twitter detect that is an image? without using TweetWithMedia (TweetWithMedia upload the image, i don't want to upload the image)
Sure, just use the normal statuses/update endpoint to upload the tweet which includes a link to the image. Then implement the new Twitter Cards feature to get them linked as images.

Social Plugins for Facebook Photos and Albums

Is it possible to use Social Plugins such as the Comments and Like plugins to display the comments and likes for a photo or album uploaded to Facebook?
I have tried various URLs for the HREF attribute (the photo source, the photo page, the graph URL, etc) and cannot get the plugin to display existing comments against the photo. Can someone suggest the correct URL (if any) that I should use?
I can get access to the list of comments using the graph API, however I would prefer to make use of the social plugins if possible.
Currently you can not use them in that manner. You can use the graph api to read and write comments, read and add albums and photos.
This is somewhat involved and requires knowledge of coding.
I personally have been working on a Feed for the wall, and for albums and have to say it was no easy task.
