Why is the Heap Memory Usage of a SpringBoot application keeps increasing? - spring-boot

I created and ran a simple SpringBoot application to accept some requests. I used jconsole to check the Heap Memory Usage and I saw this periodic increase followed by GC, I don't know the reason for the increases. Are there any Objects keep being created (because I think the instances are imported to container when the application starts)?

Spring boot has background processes which may consume your resources despite on absent requests to your app, for example jobs, etc.
Those spikes are expected and regular for any Java app based on any more less complex framework. GC algorithm depends on your jvm version, but could be overridden. The graph shows normal situation, from time to time memory consumed for some activities and after some time GC wake up and do the cleaning.
In case if you want to check what exactly objects caused memory spike you may try to use Java Flight Recorder or regular heap dump analysis using Eclipse memory analyser.
For current case Java Flight Recorder would be more convenient and suitable.


spring boot maximum throughput can a rest api like get support

I was doing a project that needs to support a cluster of 30k nodes, all those nodes periodic calls the api to get data.
I want to have the maximum amount of concurrent get operation per second, and due to it is get operation, it must be in synced way.
And my local pc is 32GB 8Core, spring boot version is 2.6.6, configurations are like
I use jmeter to do concurrent test, and the through out is around 1k/s, average response time is 2 seconds.
Is there any way to make it support more requests per second?
Hard to say without details on the web service, implementation of what it actually does and where the bottleneck actually is (threads, connections, CPU, memory or others) but, as a general recommendation, using non-blocking APIs would help but it should then be full non-blocking to actually make a real difference.
I mean that just adding Webflux and have blocking DB would not improve so much.
Furthermore, all improvements in execute time would help so check if you can improve the code and maybe have a look at trying to go native (which will come "built in" in Boot 3.X btw)

Response times within applications WebSphere Process Server goes down after a while working

I see a degradation in response times within myapplications. After a server restart, response times are acceptable. However, after some time, which depends on the workload on the system, the response times degrade and the server has to be restarted to return to good performance.
Are you monitoring the Java heap usage with verbose garbage collection (GC) logs?
The behavior you describe can happen if the heap has enough free space after a restart, then gradually fills with long-lived objects as the workload runs. This may be caused by the heap simply being too small, or the application may have a memory leak, using heap and not releasing it for collection when the associated work is completed. When there is not enough free heap space, the application work slows down because the JVM spends excessive time running GC.
You can learn more about Java GC troubleshooting in our documentation
You can also open a support case to get assistance from WebSphere/Java troubleshooting experts, if you have a support arrangement with IBM.

web application runs much faster in embedded tomcat than in standalone tomcat

I have a spring-boot web application (mostly used through REST calls), that I can run using mvn exec that starts an embedded tomcat (8.5.11), or build a war and deploy it into a standalone tomcat (debian stock 8.5.14-1~bpo8+1). Both are configured the same way, using
To our utmost surprise, the embedded tomcat seems to be much faster for high loads (a small test sequence with 200+ threads using jmeter). At 600 threads, for example:
The standalone tomcat has very large response times, while having a relatively low load of 50-70 (the server has 64 cores and can run 128 threads), and a low IO usage.
The embedded tomcat has a load of 150-200 and faster response times, and high I/O usage (it seems that the database is the limiting factor here, but it degrades gracefully: 600 threads results in double as slow as 300 threads).
Supposedly, the configuration is the same for both tomcats, so currently I am quite troubled because of this. I really would not like to run embedded tomcat in production if I can help it.
Does anyone have an idea:
what the cause for this performance disparity may be, and
how we can reliably compare the configuration for two tomcats?
I ran some more tests and discovered a significant difference after looking through the Garbage Collector logs: with 600 jmeter threads, the embedded tomcat spent about 5% of its time GCing, while the standalone tomcat spent about 50% of its time GCing. I calculated these numbers with an awk script, so they may be a bit mis-parsed, but manually checking the GC logs seems to corroborate them. It still does not explain why one of them is GCing all the time and the other is not...
One more update
I managed to speed up the standalone tomcat by switching the garbage collector to G1. Now, it uses about 20% of elapsed time for garbage collection, and never exceeds 1s for any single GC run. Now the standalone tomcat is only 20-30% slower than the embedded tomcat. Interestingly, using G1 in the embedded tomcat had no real effect on its performance, GC overhead is still around 15% there.
This is by no means a solution, but it helped to close the gap between the two tomcats and thus now the problem is not so critical.
Check the memory parameters for your standalone Tomcat and your spring boot application, especially the java heap size.
My guess is that your standalone Tomcat has a value for Xmx set in the startup script (catalina.sh and/or setenv.sh), say for example 1 Gb, which is much lower than what your Spring Boot app is using.
If you haven't specified a value for Xmx on the command line for your spring boot app, it will default to 25% of your physical memory. If your server has 16 Gb of RAM, that'll be 4Gb...
I'd recommend running your tests again after making sure the same JVM parameters are in use (Xms, Xmx, various GC options, ...). If unsure, inspect the running VMs with jVisualVm or similar tool.

Grails Quartz job performance degrades / slows over time

We have a situation where we have a Grails 2.3.11 based application that uses Quartz (version 2.2.1 / Grails Quartz plugin version 1.0.2) jobs to do certain long running processes (1-5 minutes) in background so that a polling service allows the browser to fetch the progress. This is used primarily for import and export of data from the application. For example, when the application first starts, the export for 200,000+ rows takes approx 2 minutes. The following day the export takes 3+ minutes. The third day the export takes more than 6 minutes.
We have narrowed the problem down to just the Quartz jobs. When the system is in the degraded state all other web pages respond with nearly identical response times as when the system is in optimal condition. It appears that the Quartz jobs tend to slowdown linearly or incrementally over the period of 2 to 3 days. This may be usage related or time, for which we are uncertain.
We are familiar with the memory leak bug reported by Burt Beckwith and added the fix to our code. We were experiencing the memory leak before but now memory management appears to be health, even when the job performance is 5-10x slower than
The jobs use GORM for most of the queries. We've optimized some to use criterias with projects so they are light weight but haven't been able to change all the logic over so there are a number of Gorm objects. In the case of the exports we've changed the queries to be read-only. The logic also clears out the hibernate session appropriately to limit the number of objects in memory.
Here are a few additional details:
The level-2 cache is disabled
Running on Tomcat 7
Using MySQL 5.6
Using Java JDK 1.7.0_72
System I/O, swapping and CPU are all well within reason
Heap and Permgen memory usage is reasonable
Garbage collection is stable and reasonably consistent based on usage levels
The issue occurs even when there is only a single user
We have done period stack/thread dump analysis
We have been profiling the application with xRebel (development) and AppDynamics (production) as well we have Java Melody installed into the application
We had this problem with Grails 1.3.8 but recently upgraded to 2.3.11 which may have exasperated the problem.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

JBOSS Configurations

Disclaimer: I am more of a programmer and have little knowledge of JBOSS.
When we deployed the system, it works properly in the test environment. However in production, since there are multiple users and a lot of data are being updated/saved, some issues occurred. Double updates are being created, some functions are not working unless the server is restartedd. I'm thinking that this may be corrected by modifying whatever session or memory parameter JBOSS has. So we could prevent restarting the server every time an error occurs.
Question: What parameter or jboss configuration should we edit to accommodate multiple users and a large number of transactions.
You need to investigate the reason for your application not behaving the way you want to. Some Points you can consider :
Log request in Jboss support.
Try increasing Java heap size. (this can be done by editing entry in standalone.conf).
Try enabling gc logs to see , if your garbage is properly collected or not.
Check for memory leakage in code.
try to analyze thread dumps to check whether some of your threads are being blocked or not.
See what if you server CPU and memory Utilization is high or not.
I'm not sure what version of JBoss you are using, but if you are wanting to increase the JVM memory you can modify the following line in the run.bat file in your bin folder:
set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Xms128m -Xmx512m
Xms = Minimum size and Xmx is Maximum size. If you think it is due to lack of resources, you may want to increase it to something like this:
set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Xms512m -Xmx1024m
Does everything work normally with only 1 or very few users using the system? To me it seems more like a coding issue.
Check the Heap size of JVM and set it according to Machine RAM available.
You must have performance testing done before you deploy to production. You can check the behaviour of your code in performance testing using some monitoring tool or JMX tool.
Tune the paramter like Heap size, GC alogrithm, you might want to define fixed size of young generation
Tune the thread as well.
