How to make makefile to use pattern rule? - makefile

Having this simple makefile:
VPATH = include
CC := gcc
CFLAGS := -I include -Wall -pedantic
%: %.o include.o
$(CC) -o $# $^
%.o: %.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $# $<
When I trigger it with the name of a program (the same name as is source with .c extension), I would expect to trigger the first rule (since I provided just a name without extension) and the the second one, because for the first rule, there is %.o prerequisite, which is exactly the second rule.
Having these file in pwd:
client.c include makefile server6.c server.c
Now If I make make server:
It does
gcc -I include -Wall -pedantic server.c -o server
In other words, The second rule is not triggered. there is no step with makeing object files, even though the object file is in the first rule as prerequisite. So how is that possible? The make is simply ignoring the prerequisite and trying to make just with the first rule. How to fix that?

That's because make has a built-in rule for %: %.c and make will always choose a pattern rule that can directly create the target over a pattern rule that requires another pattern rule:
Note however, that a rule whose prerequisites actually exist or are mentioned always takes priority over a rule with prerequisites that must be made by chaining other implicit rules.
You can run make -r to remove all the built-in rules, or else remove it yourself by adding:
% : %.c
to your makefile.
You can see all built-in rules by running make -p -f/dev/null


GNU Make ignoring a phony rule specified by wildcard?

I am learning some courses about compiling some C code into specific assembly. I decided that the generated assembly should be manually inspected, so I came up with less something.s as a "test" rule.
As a fan-but-newbie of Make, I wrote this Makefile:
CODES := a
LESS ?= less
CODES_TEST := $(patsubst %,%-test,${CODES})
.PHONY: all test ${CODES_TEST} clean
all: $(patsubst %,%.s,${CODES})
test: all
%-test: %.s
${LESS} $^
%.s: %.c
${CC} ${CFLAGS} -S -o $# $^
rm -f *.o *.s
And I have this minimal a.c file:
int asdfg(void) { return 54321; }
I then typed make a-test in Bash, expecting less showing up with the content of a.s, only to be told this:
make: Nothing to be done for 'a-test'.
I got the above response regardless of the presence of a.s, which generates normally if I do make a.s or just make (implicitly runs the first rule, all).
I checked my Makefile and I don't think I made a typo or another simple mistake.
What did I miss with the above Makefile?
How can I get Make to execute less a.s when I run make a-test?
There is nothing to be done for a-test because the only rule that would make it is the implicit pattern rule:
%-test: %.s
${LESS} $^
and, per the manual 4.6 Phony Targets:
The implicit rule search (see Implicit Rules) is skipped for .PHONY targets.
and, since it is .PHONY, its mere non-existence does make it out-of-date.
To get around this, while preserving the phoiness, replace:
%-test: %.s
${LESS} $^
${CODES_TEST}: %-test: %.s
${LESS} $^
Then the rule is a static pattern rule and no longer an implicit one.

What is the semantics of '%' in Makefile?

Googling doesn't help much in understand how the % variable is being used in the Makefile snippet below.
_OBJ = a.o b.o c.o
OBJ = $(patsubst %,$(OBJDIR)/%,$(_OBJ))
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: $(SRCDIR)/%.c $(INC)
$(CC) -c -o $# $< $(CFLAGS)
Can anybody please help me out? Does it mean that if there are five .c files present under $(SRCDIR), that many *.o rules are being populated behind the scene?
That is an "implicit rule". The % makes the word $(OBJDIR)/%.o a pattern. It tells make that if it's trying to build a target and the name of the target matches that pattern (where the % can substitute for one or more characters--any characters), AND that a file that matches the pattern $(SRCDIR)/%.c (where the % here has the same value as in the target) either already exists or can be built, then make can use this recipe to build that target.
So, if make wants to build a file foo/bar.o and the variable OBJDIR has the value foo, then this pattern foo/%.o will match that file with the % matching bar (this is called the stem in the GNU make documentation).
Then if SRCDIR has the value blah and make can find (or create) a file named blah/bar.c, then this implicit rule can be used to build the target foo/bar.o by running this recipe ($(CC) -c -o $# $< $(CFLAGS)).

Rebuilding object files when a header changes

I have the following rules in my Makefile:
%.o: $(HFILES)
%.o: %.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*.c
where HFILES contains all headers of my project.
The Problem is that this does not rebuild the object files when a header changes as intended. Why does the first line not add the headers to the prerequisites of the object files?
Because that's not how pattern rules work. The documentation for pattern rules says that when you create a pattern rule with no recipe that cancels the pattern rule (that is, deletes it).
Since your first line is creating a pattern rule with a target %.o and prerequisites $(HFILES) but no recipe, that line simply cancels a pattern rule (which doesn't exist anyway).
You can write:
%.o: %.c $(HFILES)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $# $<
(you shouldn't put the -c flag in your CFLAGS variable).
Be aware that, of course, this means that if ANY header file in HFILES changes, ALL .o files that use this pattern will be rebuilt.

Forcing the order of implicit rule/pattern rule evaluation in GNU Make

I have a domain specific language compiler (homemade) which takes a file x.inflow and generates two files: x.c and x.h. The C file is compiled in the conventional manner and the generated header file has to be included into any file that calls the functions defined within it.
The header files therefore have to be generated before any C files that use them are compiled. My current Makefile, below, works fine except for the first build from clean where it can try and compile main.c before the header file that it includes has been created.
NAME = simplest
OBJ = $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(wildcard *.c)) \
$(patsubst %.inflow,%.o,$(wildcard *.inflow))
CC = gcc
CFLAGS = -g -Wall
$(NAME): $(OBJ)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $# $^ $(CLIBS)
# Dependencies for existing .o files.
-include $(OBJ:.o=.d)
# Compile an inflow file into both a .c and .h file.
# Note that this rule has two targets.
%.c %.h: %.inflow
inflow $<
# Compile object files and generate dependency information.
%.o: %.c
$(CC) -MD -MP -c $(CFLAGS) -o $# $<
Obviously, I can fix this for specific cases by adding, for example (where simplest.h is a generated header):
main.o: simplest.h
But is there a general way to force one type of pattern rule (%.c %.h: %.inflow) to be run before any invokations of another (%.o: %.c)?
Well, you can force any target to be run before any other target with order-only prerequisites. So for example, you can write:
%.o : %.c | simplest.h
$(CC) -MD -MP -c $(CFLAGS) -o $# $<
which will ensure that no target that uses this pattern rule to build will be invoked before the target simplest.h is created. However, I don't think you can put patterns in an order-only prerequisite. To be honest, I've never tried it so it's possible that it works, I'm not sure.
If not, you could just list all the order-only prerequisites in the %.o pattern rule; this would ensure that all the inflow files are generated before any of the object files are built. That's probably OK.
It seems the problem is twofold:
Make doesn't know that it needs to generate simplest.h before compiling main.c.
You don't want to have to explicitly tell Make about the dependency (and remember to update it when it changes).
Rather than force Make to evaluate rules in a set order, you can solve your problem by letting Make create the dependencies for you. Check out this section of the Gnu Make manual:
When you run Make, it will scan your source files and gather their dependencies for you (and you won't have to explicitly list that main.o depends on simplest.h).

Understanding a makefile

I am talking about this question where the person has updated his final solution with a makefile for the task. I am having a hard time understanding how it's done.
There is a rule:
$(OBJECTS): $(OBJDIR)/%.o : $(SRCDIR)/%.c
#$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $#
which I am unable to understand, but by intuition I know what it will be doing. Almost everything else is pretty much clear. Thanks!
This is a static pattern rule. The first field is a list of targets, the second is a target pattern which Make uses to isolate a target's "stem", the third is the prerequisite pattern which Make uses to construct the list of prerequisites.
Suppose you have
SRCDIR = src
OBJDIR = obj
OBJECTS = obj/foo.o obj/bar.o obj/baz.o
$(OBJECTS): $(OBJDIR)/%.o : $(SRCDIR)/%.c
#$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $#
If you make obj/foo.o, Make first identifies this rule as the one to use (since obj/foo.o is in the target list $(OBJECTS)), matches it against the target pattern obj/%.o and finds that the stem (the part matched by the wildcard %) is foo, then plugs that into the prereq pattern src/%.c and finds that the prerequisite is src/foo.c.
If you've also defined the variables
CC = gcc
CFLAGS = -thisflag -thatflag=something
Then the command in the rule becomes
#gcc -thisflag -thatflag=something -c src/foo.c -o obj/foo.o
(Note that $< is the first prerequisite and $# is the target name.)
In answer to your other question: Yes, a makefile can handle a dependency on a header file (x.h) so that if the header has been modified, Make will rebuild the target. No, this makefile doesn't do that. You can modify the makefile by hand, adding rules like
a.o: x.h
assuming you know what the inclusions actually are, or you can have the makefile do it automatically, which is an advanced technique you probably shouldn't attempt yet.
This line is explaining how to obtain the object files (.o) from the source (.c), it avoids having to repeat the line for each .c file.
The objects will be in OBJDIR and the sources in SRCDIR
$(CC) will contain the compiler, CFLAGS will contain the options for the compiler and -c tells gcc to compile the source into objects.
For example:
CC = gcc
CFLAGS = -g -Wall
can be converted into
gcc -g -Wall -c test.c -o test.o
