Expressing numerical constraints using Prolog without CLP(FD) - prolog

ordering(A, B, C) :-
A > B,
B > C,
A > 0,
10 > C.
is satisfied by ordering(3,2,1).. But when I leave one or more as variables ordering(3,X,1). it evaluates to false.
What am I missing?
Update: thanks for all the extensive answers. I’ve learned something from all of them.

integer/1 fails if the argument is not an integer, for example if you pass an unbound variable.
I believe you should use CLP(FD) for these kind of tasks. Otherwise you may manually bind/test variables in some integer range, using between/3 to set that range.
ordering(A, B, C) :-
between(0, 100, A), % A is an integer in the range [0,100]
between(0, 100, B), % same for B
between(0, 100, C), % and C
A > B,
B > C,
A > 0,
10 > C.
Sample run:
?- ordering(3,X,1).
X = 2 ;

This is not surprising.
Evidently integer(X) with X unbound will immediately fail. It is very "imperative" in that regard.
Additionally, the predicate will fail with C unbound because of 10 > C.
At best you could write a predicate can_be/2 so that can_be(integer,X) succeeds when the unbound variable X "can still become an integer" and fails otherwise.
By extension there would be a can_be_ordered(A, B, C), which fails if it is sure that [A,B,C] can never be ordered due to the values they already denote, or succeeds if [A,B,C] can still be ordered depending on what values any unbound variables therein take on in the future.
It would be even better to reify the truth value:
where Result is
true: Yup, ordered and will stay ordered.
false: Definitely not ordered, and that won't change.
unknown/maybe: There is no clear evidence that it is unordered or ordered.
Then you can also attach ordering(List,Result) to the unbound variables that re-checks the ordering whenever one of the variables becomes bound, using freeze/2. That's basically doing the work of CLP(FD).

You could delay the comparison until the variables are initialized:
ordering(A, B, C) :-
greater(A, B),
greater(B, C).
greater(X, Y) :-
when((nonvar(X), nonvar(Y)), X > Y).
?- greater(3, 2).
?- ordering(3, 2, 1).
?- ordering(3, 2, 2).
?- ordering(3, X, 1).
when(nonvar(X), 3>X),
when(nonvar(X), X>1).


Why does returning false? [duplicate]

I implemented the following power program in Prolog:
puissance(X,N,P) :- N>0,A is N-1, puissance(X,A,Z), P is Z*X.
The code does what is supposed to do, but after the right answer it prints "false.". I don't understand why. I am using swi-prolog.
Can do like this instead:
puissance(X,N,P) :-
( N > 0 ->
A is N-1,
P is Z*X
; P = 1 ).
Then it will just print one answer.
(Your code leaves a `choice point' at every recursive call, because you have two disjuncts and no cut. Using if-then-else or a cut somewhere removes those. Then it depends on the interpreter what happens. Sicstus still asks if you want ((to try to find)) more answers.)
Semantic differences
Currently, there are 3 different versions of puissance/3, and I would like to show a significant semantic difference between some of them.
As a test case, I consider the query:
?- puissance(X, Y, Z), false.
What does this query mean? Declaratively, it is clearly equivalent to false. This query is very interesting nevertheless, because it terminates iff puissance/3 terminates universally.
Now, let us try the query on the different variants of the program:
Original definition (from the question):
?- puissance(X, Y, Z), false.
ERROR: puissance/3: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated
Accepted answer:
?- puissance(X, Y, Z), false.
Other answer:
?- puissance(X, Y, Z), false.
ERROR: puissance/3: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated
Obviously, the solution shown in the accepted answer yields a different result, and is worth considering further.
Here is the program again:
puissance(_,0,1) :- !.
puissance(X,N,P) :- N>0,A is N-1, puissance(X,A,Z), P is Z*X.
Let us ask something simple first: Which solutions are there at all? This is called the most general query, because its arguments are all fresh variables:
?- puissance(X, Y, Z).
Y = 0,
Z = 1.
The program answers: There is only a single solution: Y=0, Z=1.
That's incorrect (to see this, try the query ?- puissance(0, 1, _) which succeeds, contrary to the same program claiming that Y can only be 0), and a significant difference from the program shown in the question. For comparison, the original program yields:
?- puissance(X, Y, Z).
Y = 0,
Z = 1 ;
ERROR: puissance/3: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated
That's OK: On backtracking, the program throws an instantiation error to indicate that no further reasoning is possible at this point. Critically though, it does not simply fail!
Improving determinism
So, let us stick to the original program, and consider the query:
?- puissance(1, 1, Z).
Z = 1 ;
We would like to get rid of false, which occurs because the program is not deterministic.
One way to solve this is to use zcompare/3 from library(clpfd). This lets you reify the comparison, and makes the result available for indexing while retaining the predicate's generality.
Here is one possible solution:
puissance(X, N, P) :-
zcompare(C, 0, N),
puissance_(C, X, N, P).
puissance_(=, _, 0, 1).
puissance_(<, X, N, P) :-
A #= N-1,
puissance(X, A, Z),
P #= Z*X.
With this version, we get:
?- puissance(1, 1, Z).
Z = 1.
This is now deterministic, as intended.
Now, let us consider the test case from above with this version:
?- puissance(X, Y, Z), false.
Aha! So this query neither throws an instantiation error nor terminates, and is therefore different from all the versions that have hitherto been posted.
Let us consider the most general query with this program:
?- puissance(X, Y, Z).
Y = 0,
Z = 1 ;
X = Z,
Y = 1,
Z in inf..sup ;
Y = 2,
Z in 0..sup ;
Y = 3,
_G3136 in 0..sup ;
Aha! So we get a symbolic representation of all integers that satisfy this relation.
That's pretty cool, and I therefore recommend you use CLP(FD) constraints when reasoning over integers in Prolog. This will make your programs more general and also lets you improve their efficiency more easily.
You can add a cut operator (i.e. !) to your solution, meaning prolog should not attempt to backtrack and find any more solutions after the first successful unification that has reached that point. (i.e. you're pruning the solution tree).
puissance(_,0,1) :- !.
puissance(X,N,P) :- N>0,A is N-1, puissance(X,A,Z), P is Z*X.
Layman's Explanation:
The reason prolog attempts to see if there are any more solutions, is this:
At the last call to puissance in your recursion, the first puissance clause succeeds since P=1, and you travel all the way back to the top call to perform unification with P with the eventual value that results from that choice.
However, for that last call to puissance, Prolog didn't have a chance to check whether the second puissance clause would also be satisfiable and potentially lead to a different solution, therefore unless you tell it not to check for further solutions (by using a cut on the first clause after it has been successful), it is obligated to go back to that point, and check the second clause too.
Once it does, it sees that the second clause cannot be satisfied because N = 0, and therefore that particular attempt fails.
So the "false" effectively means that prolog checked for other choice points too and couldn't unify P in any other way that would satisfy them, i.e. there are no more valid unifications for P.
And the fact that you're given the choice to look for other solutions in the first place, exactly means that there are still other routes with potentially satisfiable clauses remaining that have not been explored yet.

What is the difference in execution if the cut '!' is present?

counter([H|T],[[H,C1]|R]) :- counter(T,[[H,C]|R]),!, C1 is C+1.
counter([H|T],[[H,1]|R]) :- counter(T,R).
What is the effect of the "!" as I'm getting the same output for an input in both the above and below code?
counter([H|T],[[H,C1]|R]) :- counter(T,[[H,C]|R]),C1 is C+1.
counter([H|T],[[H,1]|R]) :- counter(T,R).
I'm new to Prolog.
What is the effect of the "!"
The cut prunes the search space. That is, in an otherwise pure and monotonic program, the cut will remove some solutions or answers. As long as those are redundant that's fine. It sounds so innocent and useful, doesn't it? Let's have a look!
And lest I forget, using [E,Nr] to denote pairs is rather unusual, better use a pair E-Nr.
We will now compare counter_cut/2 and counter_sans/2.
| ?- counter_cut([a,a],Xs).
Xs = [[a,2]].
| ?- counter_sans([a,a],Xs).
Xs = [[a, 2]]
; Xs = [[a, 1], [a, 1]]. % <<< surprise !!!
So the cut-version has fewer solutions. Seems the solution counter_cut/2 retained is the right one. In this very particular case. Will it always take the right one? I will try a minimally more general query:
| ?- counter_cut([a,B],Xs).
B = a,
Xs = [[a, 2]].
| ?- counter_sans([a,B],Xs).
B = a,
Xs = [[a, 2]]
; Xs = [[a, 1], [B, 1]].
Again, _sans is chattier, and this time, it is even a bit right-er; for the last answer includes B = b. In other words,
| ?- counter_cut([a,B], Xs), B = b.
fails. % incomplete !
| ?- counter_sans([a,B], Xs), B = b.
B = b,
Xs = [[a,1],[b,1]].
So sometimes the _cut version is better, and sometimes _sans. Or to put more directly: Both are wrong somehow, but the _sans-version at least includes all solutions.
Here is a "purified" version, that simply rewrites the last rule into two different cases: One for the end of the list and the other for a further, different element.
counter_pure([H|T],[[H,C1]|R]) :- counter_pure(T,[[H,C]|R]), C1 is C+1.
counter_pure([H,D|T],[[H,1]|R]) :- dif(H,D), counter_pure([D|T],R).
From an efficiency viewpoint that is not too famous.
Here is a test case for efficiency for a system with rational tree unification:
?- Es = [e|Es], counter(Es, Dict).
Instead, the implementation should loop smoothly, at least till the end of this universe. Strictly speaking, that query has to produce a resource error, but only after it has counted up to a number much larger than 10^100000000.
Here's my pure and hopefully efficient solution:
counter([X|L], C):- counter(L, X, 1, C).
counter([],X, Cnt, [[X,Cnt]]).
counter([Y|L], X, Cnt, [[X,Cnt]|C]):-
dif(X, Y),
counter(L, Y, 1, C).
counter([X|L],X, Cnt, [[X,XCnt]|C]):-
Cnt1 #= Cnt+1,
Cnt1 #=< XCnt,
counter(L, X, Cnt1, [[X,XCnt]|C]).
Using if_3 as suggested by #false:
counter([X|L], C):- counter(L, X, 1, C).
counter([],X, Cnt, [[X,Cnt]]).
counter([Y|L], X, Cnt, [[X,XCnt]|C]):-
Cnt1 #= Cnt+1,
Cnt1 #=< XCnt,
counter(L, X, Cnt1, [[X,XCnt]|C])
counter(L, Y, 1, C)
The cut operator ! commits to the current derivation path by pruning all choice points. Given some facts
you can compare the answers with and without cut:
?- fact(X).
X = a ;
X = b.
?- fact(X), !.
X = a.
As you can see, the general query now only reports its first success. Still, the query
?- fact(b), !.
succeeds. This means, that cut violates the interpretation of , as logical conjunction:
?- X = b, fact(X), !.
X = b.
?- fact(X), !, X=b.
but from our understanding of conjunction, A ∧ B should hold exactly when B ∧ A holds. So why do this at all?
Efficiency: cuts can be used such that they only change execution properties but not the answers of a predicate. These so called green cuts are for instance described in Richard O'Keefe's Craft of Prolog. As demonstrated above, maintaining correctness of a predicate with cut is much harder than one without, but obviously, correctness should come before efficiency.
It looks as if your problem was green, but I am not 100% sure if there is not a change in the answers.
Negation: logical negation according to the closed world assumption is expressed with cut. You can define neg(X) as:
neg(X) :-
neg(_) :-
So if call(X) succeeds, we cut the choice point for the second rule away and derive false. Otherwise, nothing is cut and we derive true. Please be aware that this is not negation in classical logic and that it suffers from the non-logical effects of cut. Suppose you define the predicate land/1 to be one of the continents:
and then define water as everything not on land:
water(X) :-
then you can correctly obtain:
?- water(pacific).
?- water(africa).
But you can also derive:
?- water(space).
which should not hold. In particular, in classical logic:
land(africa) ∧
land(america) ∧
land(antarctica) ∧
land(asia) ∧
land(australia) ∧
land(europe) → ¬ land(space).
is not valid. Again, you should know well what you are doing if you use negation in Prolog.
Here is my attempt using if_/3:
counter([], []).
counter([H|T], [[H,C]|OutT] ):-
(C = 1,OutT=[]),
[H|T] = [H,H1|T2],
(counter([H1|T2], [[H1,C1]|OutT]), C is C1+1),
(C = 1, counter([H1|T2], OutT))

Prolog program returns false

I implemented the following power program in Prolog:
puissance(X,N,P) :- N>0,A is N-1, puissance(X,A,Z), P is Z*X.
The code does what is supposed to do, but after the right answer it prints "false.". I don't understand why. I am using swi-prolog.
Can do like this instead:
puissance(X,N,P) :-
( N > 0 ->
A is N-1,
P is Z*X
; P = 1 ).
Then it will just print one answer.
(Your code leaves a `choice point' at every recursive call, because you have two disjuncts and no cut. Using if-then-else or a cut somewhere removes those. Then it depends on the interpreter what happens. Sicstus still asks if you want ((to try to find)) more answers.)
Semantic differences
Currently, there are 3 different versions of puissance/3, and I would like to show a significant semantic difference between some of them.
As a test case, I consider the query:
?- puissance(X, Y, Z), false.
What does this query mean? Declaratively, it is clearly equivalent to false. This query is very interesting nevertheless, because it terminates iff puissance/3 terminates universally.
Now, let us try the query on the different variants of the program:
Original definition (from the question):
?- puissance(X, Y, Z), false.
ERROR: puissance/3: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated
Accepted answer:
?- puissance(X, Y, Z), false.
Other answer:
?- puissance(X, Y, Z), false.
ERROR: puissance/3: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated
Obviously, the solution shown in the accepted answer yields a different result, and is worth considering further.
Here is the program again:
puissance(_,0,1) :- !.
puissance(X,N,P) :- N>0,A is N-1, puissance(X,A,Z), P is Z*X.
Let us ask something simple first: Which solutions are there at all? This is called the most general query, because its arguments are all fresh variables:
?- puissance(X, Y, Z).
Y = 0,
Z = 1.
The program answers: There is only a single solution: Y=0, Z=1.
That's incorrect (to see this, try the query ?- puissance(0, 1, _) which succeeds, contrary to the same program claiming that Y can only be 0), and a significant difference from the program shown in the question. For comparison, the original program yields:
?- puissance(X, Y, Z).
Y = 0,
Z = 1 ;
ERROR: puissance/3: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated
That's OK: On backtracking, the program throws an instantiation error to indicate that no further reasoning is possible at this point. Critically though, it does not simply fail!
Improving determinism
So, let us stick to the original program, and consider the query:
?- puissance(1, 1, Z).
Z = 1 ;
We would like to get rid of false, which occurs because the program is not deterministic.
One way to solve this is to use zcompare/3 from library(clpfd). This lets you reify the comparison, and makes the result available for indexing while retaining the predicate's generality.
Here is one possible solution:
puissance(X, N, P) :-
zcompare(C, 0, N),
puissance_(C, X, N, P).
puissance_(=, _, 0, 1).
puissance_(<, X, N, P) :-
A #= N-1,
puissance(X, A, Z),
P #= Z*X.
With this version, we get:
?- puissance(1, 1, Z).
Z = 1.
This is now deterministic, as intended.
Now, let us consider the test case from above with this version:
?- puissance(X, Y, Z), false.
Aha! So this query neither throws an instantiation error nor terminates, and is therefore different from all the versions that have hitherto been posted.
Let us consider the most general query with this program:
?- puissance(X, Y, Z).
Y = 0,
Z = 1 ;
X = Z,
Y = 1,
Z in inf..sup ;
Y = 2,
Z in 0..sup ;
Y = 3,
_G3136 in 0..sup ;
Aha! So we get a symbolic representation of all integers that satisfy this relation.
That's pretty cool, and I therefore recommend you use CLP(FD) constraints when reasoning over integers in Prolog. This will make your programs more general and also lets you improve their efficiency more easily.
You can add a cut operator (i.e. !) to your solution, meaning prolog should not attempt to backtrack and find any more solutions after the first successful unification that has reached that point. (i.e. you're pruning the solution tree).
puissance(_,0,1) :- !.
puissance(X,N,P) :- N>0,A is N-1, puissance(X,A,Z), P is Z*X.
Layman's Explanation:
The reason prolog attempts to see if there are any more solutions, is this:
At the last call to puissance in your recursion, the first puissance clause succeeds since P=1, and you travel all the way back to the top call to perform unification with P with the eventual value that results from that choice.
However, for that last call to puissance, Prolog didn't have a chance to check whether the second puissance clause would also be satisfiable and potentially lead to a different solution, therefore unless you tell it not to check for further solutions (by using a cut on the first clause after it has been successful), it is obligated to go back to that point, and check the second clause too.
Once it does, it sees that the second clause cannot be satisfied because N = 0, and therefore that particular attempt fails.
So the "false" effectively means that prolog checked for other choice points too and couldn't unify P in any other way that would satisfy them, i.e. there are no more valid unifications for P.
And the fact that you're given the choice to look for other solutions in the first place, exactly means that there are still other routes with potentially satisfiable clauses remaining that have not been explored yet.

Prolog: lexicographic comparison and split a list

Given atom x, I am trying to split a list into one with atoms smaller than x and one with atoms equal to or greater than x.
For example)
%% split(d,[a,b,c,d,e,f],AtomSmall, AtomBig) should give me
%% AtomSmall = [a,b,c], AtomBig = [d,e,f]
Below is what I've tried so far. I get the concept.However my code includes the atom that is equivalent to x in AtomSmall list, not AtomBig, although I check the case with before predicate.
For example)
%% split(d,[a,b,c,d,e,f],AtomSmall, AtomBig) gives me
%% AtomSmall = [a,b,c,d], AtomBig = [e,f]
Please help!
In SWI-Prolog, you can use partition/4 from library(lists) and the standard order comparison (#>)/2:
?- lists:partition(#>(d),[a,b,c,d,e,f],L,R).
L = [a, b, c],
R = [d, e, f].
Since the order of arguments in comparison is fixed passing the pivot in as first argument, a lambda expression (using library(yall), needs a recent version) can help to give a more intuitive reading:
?- partition([E]>>(E#<d),[a,b,c,d,e,f],L,R).
L = [a, b, c],
R = [d, e, f].
Anyway, your code could be patched like this:
split(X,[H1|T1],Small,[H1|Big]):- \+ H1#<X,split(X,T1,Small,Big).
?- split(d,[a,b,c,d,e,f],L,R).
L = [a, b, c],
R = [d, e, f] ;
Your before/2 predicate succeeds if the arguments are lexicographically equivalent. For example, before(a, a) is true. That's because your 3rd clause allows equal values throughout the list until the base case finally succeeds with two empty lists.
In addition, something you haven't encountered yet evidently, is that before(X, Y) will fail if X and Y are different length atoms. For example, before(ab, abc) will fail. So your small/2 needs to take care of that case as well.
A refactoring of small/2 will fix that:
% 1st clause is fixed so unequal length atoms are handled properly
small([], _).
small([H1|_], [H2|_]) :- H1 < H2.
% 3rd clause is fixed so that equal atoms won't succeed here
small([H,H1|T1], [H,H2|T2]) :- small([H1|T1], [H2|T2]).
But... you don't need to go through all that with before/2. Prolog knows how to compare, in a sensible way, atoms (and general Prolog terms) using the #< and #> operators, as #CapelliC indicated in his answer. So your before/2 just becomes:
before(X, Y) :- X #< Y.
And you don't need small/2 at all. That's basically the second solution that #CapelliC showed in his answer.

Relying on rule order

To calculate the hamming distance between two lists of the same length, I use foldl(hamm, A, B, 0, R). with this definition of hamm/4:
hamm(A, A, V, V) :- !.
hamm(A, B, V0, V1) :- A \= B, V1 is V0 + 1.
The cut in the first rule prevents the unnecessary backtracking. The second rule, however, could have been written differently:
hamm2(A, A, V, V) :- !.
hamm2(_, _, V0, V1) :- V1 is V0 + 1.
and hamm2/4 will still be correct together with foldl/5 or for queries where both A and B are ground.
So is there a really good reason to prefer the one over the other? Or is there a reason to keep the rules in that order or switch them around?
I know that the query
hamm(a, B, 0, 1).
is false, while
hamm2(a, B, 0, 1).
is true, but I can't quite decide which one makes more sense . . .
The OP implemented two accumulator-style predicates for calculating the Hamming distance (hamm/4 and hamm2/4), but wasn't sure which one made more sense.
Let's read the query that puzzled the OP: "Is there an X such that distance(a,X) is 1?". Here are the "answers" Prolog gives:
?- hamm(a,X,0,1).
false. % wrong: should succeed conditionally
?- hamm2(a,X,0,1). % wrong: should succeed, but not unconditionally
From a logical perspective, both implementations misbehave in above test. Let's do a few tests for steadfastness:
?- hamm(a,X,0,1),X=a. % right
?- hamm(a,X,0,1),X=b. % wrong: should succeed as distance(a,b) is 1
?- hamm2(a,X,0,1),X=a. % wrong: should fail as distance(a,a) is 0
X = a.
?- hamm2(a,X,0,1),X=b. % right
X = b.
Note that in previous queries hamm/4 rightly fails when hamm2/4 wrongly succeeded, and vice-versa.
So both are half-right/half-wrong, and neither one
is steadfast.
What can be done?
Based on if_/3 and (=)/3 presented by #false in this answer, I implemented the following pure code for predicate hamm3/4:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
hamm3(A,B,V0,V) :-
if_(A = B, V0 = V, V #= V0+1).
Now let's repeat above queries using hamm3/4:
?- hamm3(a,X,0,1).
?- hamm3(a,X,0,1),X=a.
?- hamm3(a,X,0,1),X=b.
X = b.
It works! Finally, let's ask the most general query to see the entire solution set of hamm3/4:
?- hamm3(A,B,N0,N).
A = B, N0 = N ;
dif(A,B), N0+1 #= N.
You already spotted the differences between those definitions: efficiency apart, you should decide about your requirements. Are you going to accept variables in your data structures? Such programming style introduces some of advanced Prolog features (incomplete data structures).
Anyway, I think the first form is more accurate (not really sure about, I would say steadfast on 4° argument)
?- hamm(a, B, 0, 1).
?- hamm(a, B, 0, 0).
B = a.
while hamm2 is
?- hamm2(a, B, 0, 1).
?- hamm2(a, B, 0, 0).
B = a.
