ElasticSearch: when to use multi-field - elasticsearch

We have an index with a keyword field that is very often an ip address, but not always. We'd like to be able to search this index on that field using not just keywords but also CIDR notation, which is supported only for fields of type 'ip'. On the surface, this looks like a use case for multi-fields.
From https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/multi-fields.html:
It is often useful to index the same field in different ways for different purposes. This is the purpose of multi-fields
So it seems like the following mapping would make sense for us:
"mappings": {
"my_field": {
"type": "keyword"
"fields": {
"ip": {
"type": "ip"
"ignore_malformed": true
So, when our application has a set of non-ip addresses, ip addresses, and CIDR-notation blocks/ranges of ip addresses and needs to query by them, I assume the application would split that set into one set with non-ip addresses and another with ip addresses/CIDR-notation blocks and make two separate terms filters from them in my query, like so:
"query": {
"bool": {
"filter": [
"terms": {
"my_field.ip": [
"terms": {
"my_field": [
Is this a proper use of multi-fields? Should we be achieving this some other way? It's unlike the examples given for using multi-fields in that it's really a subset of the values for the field, not all, because I'm using ignore_malformed to discard the non-ip addresses from the sub-field. If there's a better way, what is it?

Yes, your understanding of multi-fields is correct, you just need to understand that you need to explicitly define the sub-field definition(data-type and analyzer) and also map them explicitly so that it uses the defined(data-type and analyzer).
Now once data is indexed in the format you wanted, you can include/exclude the sub-fields based on your use-case.
Multi-fields with multiple analyzers which is very common to implement multi-lingual search is a better example which you can refer.


Position aware search results in Elasticsearch automcompletion

I want to implement address autocompletion using Elasticsearch.
The current approach I am investigating is based on search_as_you_type field type.
Consider this two addresses:
3543JN Carl Zellerhof 8 Utrecht (3543JN is postcode)
1234JN The Street 3543 Utrecht
It is important to prioritize some address parts over others, for instance, postcode should have more weight than number, eg when a user types 3543 - the first address should be first in search results.
I see two solutions here:
Combine address into one string and give weight based on position within the combined string
Do search on multiple fields (then weight can be adjusted per field, but it seems more complex to me, how to ensure the same address part is not matched several times?)
I am leaning more towards one-string solution, but this implementation gives the same weight for the 3543 search query.
Please advise how to implement this.
(It is also desirable to allow some fuzziness)
seems adding postcode field to the multi_match fields gives me what I want. Are there any disadvantages of this approach?
the index
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"search": {
"type": "search_as_you_type"
the search query
"query": {
"multi_match": {
"query": "3543",
"type": "bool_prefix",
"fields": [

Elastic query bool must match issue

Below is the query part in Elastic GET API via command line inside openshift pod , i get all the match query as well as unmatch element in the fetch of 2000 documents. how can i limit to only the match element.
i want to specifically get {\"kubernetes.container_name\":\"xyz\"}} only.
any suggestions will be appreciated
-d ' {\"query\": { \"bool\" :{\"must\" :{\"match\" :{\"kubernetes.container_name\":\"xyz\"}},\"filter\" : {\"range\": {\"#timestamp\": {\"gte\": \"now-2m\",\"lt\": \"now-1m\"}}}}},\"_source\":[\"#timestamp\",\"message\",\"kubernetes.container_name\"],\"size\":2000}'"
For exact matches there are two things you would need to do:
Make use of Term Queries
Ensure that the field is of type keyword datatype.
Text datatype goes through Analysis phase.
For e.g. if you data is This is a beautiful day, during ingestion, text datatype would break down the words into tokens, lowercase them [this, is, a, beautiful, day] and then add them to the inverted index. This process happens via Standard Analyzer which is the default analyzer applied on text field.
So now when you query, it would again apply the analyzer at querying time and would search if the words are present in the respective documents. As a result you see documents even without exact match appearing.
In order to do an exact match, you would need to make use of keyword fields as it does not goes through the analysis phase.
What I'd suggest is to create a keyword sibling field for text field that you have in below manner and then re-ingest all the data:
PUT my_sample_index
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"container_name": {
"type": "text",
"fields":{ <--- Note this
"keyword":{ <--- This is container_name.keyword field
"type": "keyword"
Note that I'm assuming you are making use of object type.
Request Query:
POST my_sample_index
"bool": {
"must": [
"term": {
"kubernetes.container_name.keyword": {
"value": "xyz"
Hope this helps!

Elasticsearch Suggest+Synonyms+fuzziness

I am looking for a way to implement the auto-suggest with synonyms & fuzziness
For example, when the user tried to search for "replce ar"
My synonym list has ar => audio record
So, the result should include the items matching
changing audio record
replacing audio record
Here we need fuzziness because there is a typo on "replace" (in the user's search text)
Synonyms to match ar => audio record
Auto-suggest with regex pattern.
Is it possible to implement all the three features in a single field?
a regex+fuzzy just throws error.
I haven't well explained my need of a regex-pattern.
so, i needed a Regex for doing a partial word lookup ('encyclopedic' contains 'cyclo').
now, after investigating what options do i have for this purpose, directing me to the NGram Tokenizer and looking into the other suggesters, i found that maybe Phrase suggester is realy what I'm looking for, so I'll try it & tell you about.
Yes, you can use synonyms as well as fuzziness for suggestions. The synonyms are handled by adding a synonym filter in your language analyzer and adding that filter to the analyzer. Then, when you create the field mapping for the field(s) you want to use for suggestions, you assign that analyzer to that field.
As for fuzziness, that happens at query time. Most text-based queries support a fuzziness option which allows you to specify how many corrections you want to allow. The default auto value adjusts the number of corrections, depending on how long the term is, so that's usually best.
Notional analysis setup (synonym_graph reference)
"analysis": {
"filter": {
"synonyms": {
"type": "synonym_graph",
"expand": "false",
"synonyms": [
"ar => audio record"
"analyzer": {
"synonyms": {
"tokenizer": "standard",
"type": "custom",
"filter": [
Notional Field Mapping (Analyzer + Mapping reference)
(Note that the analyzer matches the name of the analyzer defined above)
"properties": {
"suggestion": {
"type": "text",
"analyzer": "synonyms"
Notional Query
"query": {
"match": {
"suggestion": {
"query": "replce ar",
"fuzziness": "auto",
"operator": "and"
Keep in mind that there are several different options for suggestions, so depending on which option you use, you may need to adjust the way the field is mapped, or even add another token filter to the analyzer. But analyzers are just made up of a series of token filters, so you can usually combine whatever token filters you need to achieve your goal. Just make sure you understand what each filter is doing so you get the filters in the correct order.
If you get stuck in part of this process, just submit another question with the specific issue you're running into. Good luck!

In Elasticsearch, how do I search for an arbitrary substring?

In Elasticsearch, how do I search for an arbitrary substring, perhaps including spaces? (Searching for part of a word isn't quite enough; I want to search any substring of an entire field.)
I imagine it has to be in a keyword field, rather than a text field.
Suppose I have only a few thousand documents in my Elasticsearch index, and I try:
"query": {
"wildcard" : { "description" : "*plan*" }
That works as expected--I get every item where "plan" is in the description, even ones like "supplantation".
Now, I'd like to do
"query": {
"wildcard" : { "description" : "*plan is*" }
...so that I might match documents with "Kaplan isn't" among many other possibilities.
It seems this isn't possible with wildcard, match prefix, or any other query type I might see. How do I simply search on any substring? (In SQL, I would just do description LIKE '%plan is%')
(I am aware any such query would be slow or perhaps even impossible for large data sets.)
Have you tried the regxp query in elasticsearch? It sure does sound like something you might be interested in.
I was hoping there might be something built-in for this Elasticsearch, given that this simple substring search seems like a very basic capability (Thinking about it, it is implemented as strstr() in C, LIKE '%%' in SQL, Ctrl+F in most text editors, String.IndexOf in C#, etc.), but this seems not to be the case. Note that the regexp query doesn't support case insensitivity, so I also needed to pair it with this custom analyzer, so that the index matches all-lowercase. Then I can convert my search string to lowercase as well.
"settings": {
"analysis": {
"analyzer": {
"lowercase_keyword": {
"type": "custom",
"tokenizer": "keyword",
"filter": [ "lowercase" ]
"mappings": {
"description": {"type": "text", "analyzer": "lowercase_keyword"},
Example query:
"query": {
"regexp" : { "description" : ".*plan is.*" }
Thanks to Jai Sharma for leading me; I just wanted to provide more detail.

Unanalyzed fields on Kibana

i need help to correct kibana field. when I try to visualizing the fields, shown me the following warning:
Careful! The field contains Analyzed selected strings. Analyzed
strings are highly unique and can use a lot of memory to visualize.
Values: such as bar will be foo-foo and bar broken into. See Core
Mapping Types for more information on setting esta field Analyzed as
Elasticsearch default dynamic mapping is to analyze any string field (break the field into tokens, for instance: aaa_bbb_ccc will be break down into aaa,bbb and ccc).
If you do not want such behavior you must change the mapping settings
before any document was pushed into the index.
You have two options to do that:
Change the mapping for a particular index using mapping API, in a static way or dynamic way (dynamic means that the mapping will be applies also to fields that still does not exist in the index)
You can change the behavior of any index according to a pattern, using the template API
This example shows a template that changes the mapping for any index that starts with "app", applying "not analyze" to any field in any type and make sure "timestamp" is a date (good for cases in with the timestamp is represented as a number of seconds from 1970):
"template": "myindciesprefix*",
"mappings": {
"_default_": {
"dynamic_templates": [
"strings": {
"match_mapping_type": "string",
"mapping": {
"type": "string",
"index": "not_analyzed"
"timestamp_field": {
"match": "timestamp",
"mapping": {
"type": "date"
Really you dont have any problem is only a message of info, but if you dont want analyzed fields when you build your index in elasticsearch you must indicate that one field is a not analyzed field.
