how to stop scheduler in laravel Server? - laravel

I'm new to I'm set scheduler but how can I stop this scheduler on server ? possible or not in server ?

Just open the cron jobs in editor mode crontab -e and delete the line used for laravel
If you don't see the cron job set, check if it has been set by other user like from apache, or root or anyone else. In short you need to first figure out how the scheduler is currently running.
Last option: Comment out the scheduling code.


Laravel how to stop a scheduled task in php code

I have several scheduled tasks runs in background mode using Laravel scheduler, I want to use php code to control which one to start and which one to stop, I know how to start a scheduled task, but how to stop a scheduled task in PHP code?
I don't see it in the Laravel scheduler doc.
The best way would be to create a flag somewhere (Model, Cache) and check it when the task gets processed.
The queue in Laravel is just that, a queue. It is not meant to hold state or other information.

gcloud cron jobs and laravel

I am trying to execute an api in laravel every minute.
The api's method is GET. However I could not specify the method in the cron.yaml file. Could I use DELETE method here and how? The code should be deployed on google cloud.
I have created a cron.yaml file that has the following format:
- description: "every minutes job"
url: /deletestories
schedule: every 1 mins
min_backoff_seconds: 2.5
max_doublings: 5
I also created the api deletestories that delete rows under specific conditions.
However this isn't working, and when I open google cloud console I could not found any error or any cron job executed.
This cron.yaml file appears to be a Google App Engine cron configuration. If this is correct then only the GET method is supported, you cannot use DELETE.
The GAE cron service itself consists simply of scheduled GET requests that your app needs to handle. From Scheduling Tasks With Cron for Python (the same applies to other languages and to the flexible environment cron as well):
A cron job makes an HTTP GET request to a URL as scheduled. The
handler for that URL executes the logic when it is called.
You also need to deploy your cron.yaml file for it to be effective. You should be able to see the deployed cron configuration in the developer console's Cron Jobs tab under the Task Queues Menu (where you can also manually trigger any of the cron jobs). The performed GET requests for the respective cron jobs should appear in your app's request logs as well, when executed.

Magento Cron job working - AOE Scheduler no heartbeat

I am using my dev site to test an abandoned cart email through MageMonkey/Mandrill. I believe I already have the cron job already configured as other transactional emails send without a problem (maybe this assumption is wrong?).
I also installed the AOE Scheduler and it displays all of the correct cron jobs. After I manually run the heartbeat and generate a schedule - nothing else runs and I get the notice that the "heartbeat is older than xx minutes."
I'm honestly not sure where my issue is - whether it is because I am in the dev site (shouldn't be because other emails send), the cron job configuration or the AOE Scheduler, etc.
In my magento admin under configuration I have the following:
generate schedules every 15
schedule ahead for 30
missed if not run within 45
success history lifetime 1440
failure history lifetime 1440
heartbeat taske */5 * * *
I am using Magento 1.7
Thanks everyone! This is pretty new to me
Here is my cron.php file -
require 'app/Mage.php';
if (!Mage::isInstalled()) {
echo "Application is not installed yet, please complete install wizard first.";
// Only for urls
// Don't remove this
$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] = str_replace(basename(__FILE__), 'index.php', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
$_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] = str_replace(basename(__FILE__), 'index.php', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
I had the same issue cronjobs not working. I searched and found a solution that worked for me. My Magento is ver. 1.9.1 though.
I added the following line in cron.php
$isShellDisabled = true;
after the line
$isShellDisabled = (stripos(PHP_OS, ‘win’) === false) ? $isShellDisabled : true;
Hope this helps someone who has same issue.
Most transactional emails are triggered synchronously during runtime through Magento’s events system. I can’t ask any follow up questions about your development environment, but are you sure that your system cron is set up to trigger Magento’s cron service? AOE Scheduler can generate the cron schedules but you still need the system cron to invoke Magento’s cron service.
To execute all these configured tasks, the cron.php file located in
the Magento root will need to be run periodically, for example every
15 minutes. Basically, this script will check if it needs to run any
tasks, and if it needs to schedule any future tasks.
While setting up the system cron service is crucial for getting all of Magento’s scheduled tasks to run normally, and for testing purposes I would still recommend this, you can also use AOE Scheduler to run specific jobs immediately from the Admin Panel. Check out the screenshot in the linked article that shows the screen where you can do this. Simply select the job you need to run and choose “Run now” from the Actions box.
You can also choose to run the task directly. Be careful with that, as
the execution might last longer than a few seconds or might depend on
some other command line environment settings. For testing small tasks
this might still be a comfortable option.

Bash script wouldn't start service

I'm trying to start a service via a script that I run through cron. Basically it just does this
/local/services/servicename status
/local/services/servicename stop
/local/services/servicename start
The service starts fine if I run the commands myself, but whenever I run it via the script, and I check for the service status manually, its response is always
Servicename Service is not running.
I am truly confuse right now. Any particular reason why a bash script wouldn't be able to start the services?
Not really an answer to your specific question, but definitely a useful tip for debugging cron behavior in general. Cron sends email messages to the user it runs as. If you run that in the root crontab, run the mail command in a terminal as root and you'll see the cron messages in your inbox. Check them by typing the message number (or man mail to learn how to use it).

Running CakePHP Shells on Background

Is it possible for CakePHP to execute a cakephp shell task on background for
i.e running long reports. I would also want to update the current
status back to the user via updating a table during the report
generation and querying using Ajax.
Yes, you can run shells in the background via normal system calls like
/path/to/cake/console/cake -app /path/to/app/ <shell> <task>
The tricky part is to start one asynchronously from PHP; the best option would be to put jobs in a queue and run the shell as a cron job every so often, which then processes the queue. You can then also update the status of the job in the queue and poll that information via AJAX.
Consider implementing it as a daemon:
