how to debug app on real domain with using visual studio - visual-studio

I have .NET Framework 4.6.1 app, I know just domain name of staging site "" and have source code.
And I have error on staging but locally it works fine.
So I want to debug app on that domain.
Can I debug app on real domain?
I've tried something with "Attach to Process" but no success.
If I can debug, how can I do that?
Thanks in advance.

Actually, as derpirscher said, you should use Remote debugger to debug your project with that domain.
Make sure that your sever and your PC are under the same network. Then share(copy) the remote debugger folder from VS into the remote domain machine. Run msvsmon.exe on the remote server. And then you can debug the project under the domain sever.
Anyway, to use VS IDE to debug projects on other domain machines, you must ensure that msvsmon.exe(remote debugging tool) is installed and started on the remote machine, that means you must be able to access the domain computer otherwise there is nothing you can do. See this document.
Here is a document about remote debugging a c# app.


Problems debugging web role remote on Microsoft Azure

I am trying to debug a webservice remote on Microsoft Azure. The service is running in a web role.
I have configured remote debugging in the publish settings an can attach the debugger to the web role. Also, when I have selected the correct process, the debug symbols are loaded correctly and breakpoint's tool tips say that the breakpoint is hosted in "WallSHost.exe" which is the remote process.
What I would like to do, is to run a local client software which I am developing and step into the server code from there. When I step into the according service client call (F11), I get the above error message, saying (for the sake of Google in plain text here):
Unable to automatically step into server. Connecting to the server
machine '' failed. The Microsoft Visual Studio Remote
Debugging Monitor (MSVSMON.EXE) does not appear to be running on the
remote computer. This may be because a firewall is preventing
communication to the remote computer.
I have tried to disable the firewall on my (the client) machine with no effect. Has anybody seen that before or can tell me how fix this problem?
A quick checklist
deployed cloud service is a debug build
a debug build is selected from Build Configuration list (in publish wizard)
'Enable Remote Debugger For All Roles' is checked
no changes to code since deployment

remote debugging in visual studio cannot connect

Hello i have a problem with remote debugging in Visual Studio (v12)
I Created windows azure account i published application to the cloud.
Then i connected to this account through remote desktop. Address of remote computer is f.e
Then i downloaded there and run remote debugger. I started msvsmon.exe and it created server named:
And now i would like to remote debugging in my host.
i know i must attach to process. And i do it.
From Visual Studio: Debug->attach to process->Qualifier:RD0015555E2 and it cannot resolve host name.
i also tried but then it shows error that it seems that msvsmon is not installed.
I dont know what should i type into Qualifier (as remote machine)?
Remote debugging is tricky to configure Windows Azure Cloud Services. Other options that you have are:
Intellitrace (in case you've got Visual Studio Ultimate)
Intensive (verbose) pro-active code instrumentation (logging) from the beginning.
Profiling Cloud Service
Chose either, and watch your logs/traces.
Or deep dive into Remote Debugging Cloud Services. I would, however use Remote Debugging as a final option, when everything else does not work and does not help me. Typically most of the issues that would pop in the cloud will also pop in when debugging locally. And if role is just recycling, you will not be able to attach debugger at all.

How do I run (debug) WCF REST Service application on local IIS7 server

As the question says, I have a problem running the web app on local IIS.
Here is my situation:
WIndows over Oracle VM VirtualBox running on Linux Ubuntu.
Bridged Adapter so that Windows box gets local IP from my router.
Visual Studio 2010 + sp
WCF REST Service application plugin for project template
The application runs when using visual studio development server (on localhost).
Target framework is v4.0
What I need is that the application runs on IP instead on localhost (so I can consume it on remote computer in LAN), so I configured IIS7.
Here is IIS configuration:
I created a website with target framework v.4.0
I binded the site to my local IP on port 80
Path to the site is /inetpub/wwwroot iisstart.htm as default document
IIS runs ok. If I open "http://my_local_ip" I get the welcome logo.
The problem is in visual studio.
When I go to project properties "Web" section and select local IIS over vsd server is where I get lost. If I set "Project URL" to "http://my_local_ip/some_name" visual studio complains that it cannot find IIS server and so it was unable to create the virtual directory. I tried manually adding virtual directory in IIS manager, but no effect. If I use "http://localhost/some_name" as the "Project URL" the virtual directory gets created, but it makes no sense does it?
Could some one please enlighten me?
If I use "http://localhost/some_name" as the "Project URL" the virtual directory gets created, but it makes no sense does it?
I think you are mixing two different things here. When you ask VS to use localhost as the IIS Server for your project, it will connect to the local IIS to perform configuration tasks. If you ask VS to use "my_local_ip" you are telling VS that you IIS Server is remote, and therefore VS will use remote administration to configure IIS (VS can't know that my_local_ip is the local computer).
But remote IIS admin isn't enabled on a default WinServer box. Furthermore, it would require some additionnal network config. You should therefore tell vs to use the local server.
In fact, IIS site bindings and VS deployment parameters are too completely different things. So, deploy your site on http://localhost/your_site.
However, I don't really like the prospect of using VS debugging deploy to deploy a real app. The directory will contain all your project files... You should:
create your site on IIS manager and setup a virtual directory.
ask VS to publish the site to a directory (your virtual directory)
ask VS to publish a WebDeploy package, then ask IIS manager to import the package.

step into web service on another LAN server

I'm debugging a windows program which I've upgraded to a VS 2010 solution, targeting Framework 2. I need to step into a webservice's code. The web service is framework 3.5, also, running on a windows 2003 server on our LAN. I've seen a ton of crap on the Net about it, mostly other people who couldn't get it working either.
The error I get in VS2010 is the exact same one I got before upgrading the project from VS 2005:
Unable to automatically step into the server. Connecting to the server
machine [servername] failed. The Microsoft Visual Studio
Remote Debugging Monitor (MSVSMON.EXE) does not appear to be
running on the remote computer. Please see Help for assistance.
So I did what Help said to do and ran the VS 2008 remote debugging wizard on the host server. I have verified that the remote debugger is running as a service on that machine. And it still fails.
Little help? THANKS
Just in case anyone comes here looking for this answer, here it is. No goofy 'Attach to Process', no weird bad instructions
from websites going off on a million stupid tangents. This answer has been FALKENIZED.
When on the same LAN and on the same domain, remote debugging from Visual Studio 2010 works when you do the following steps.
on web service host machine, share the web application folder where the web service lives; give yourself 755 permissions.
oops, give yourself wrxr permissions.
on local development machine, map a network drive to the [web service host machine][web app] folder you just shared.
copy the Visual Studio 2010 remote debugger folder (containing msvsmon.exe + support files) to web service host machine.
Make sure you get the correct platform for your host server, e.g. x86, x64, etc. Remote debugger is found here:
C:\Program Files\Visual Studio 2010\Common7\IDE\Remote Debugger[platform]
on web service host machine, drag a shortcut from the newly-copied debugger to the desktop, then start the remote debugger
on local development machine, step thru code. when reaching a call to the web service, you'll be prompted to navigate
to the location of requested web service code file, which will then be available in your mapped path. Do it.
Finally after 1000000 headaches, you may start debugging your web service. CONGRATULATIONS

Visual Studio Environment Best Practices?

I have a VM on my Win 7 machine running Server 2008. My website can't run properly unless it's running on the server due to COM+, other website integration and environment variables. Currently, I have VS2008 installed on the Windows Server 2008 and I develop there (which is dumb, I know) instead on in my Win 7 workstation. I hate this setup.
My question is, how can I developer on my workstation and then EASILY push and test th websites on the VM Server?
Access files across the network so the actual changes are made on the VM Server?
Make changes locally and publish to VM Server?
Can I set up VS2008 so that if I when I Run the application in VS2008 it pushes everything over and opens a web browser that points to the VMServer's IIS Website?
Of course, the VM is a server on your network. Exactly like any other server on your network, virtual or otherwise.
For debugging you can setup VS2008 to remote debug but I think you'd have to publish the site, start it and then hook up the debugging but I'm happy to learn that there's an easier way... anyone?
