Make sed to ignore multi-line single or double quoted block - bash

Suppose I have a shell script with the following content:
echo "This is a single-line text"
echo "
Examples: 1
Now what I want is to cut out the excess space from the beginning of each line:
I'm not any expert at using sed, so what I've tried so far was sed -i 's|^ ||' file, but this matches from within the multi-line quoted block as well which I don't want it to.
sed -i 's|^ ||' file ends up with:
echo "This is a single-line text"
echo "
Examples: 1
But I expected it to be like:
echo "This is a single-line text"
echo "
Examples: 1
So how could I make sed to ignore such pattern, I'm okay with any awk based solution as well.
Thank you.

the next-to-last line consists of 4 spaces + "; these spaces should not be removed since they are inside the quoted text block
the last line consists solely of 4 spaces and will be trimmed to an empty line
don't have to worry about any edge cases (see KamilCuk's comment)
One awk idea based on keeping track of the number of double quotes (") we encounter:
awk '
/^ / { if ( qtcnt % 2 == 0 ) # if current line starts with 4 spaces and we
# have seen an even number of double quotes
# prior to this line (ie, we are outside
# of a double quoted string) then ...
$0=substr($0,5) # remove the 4 spaces from the current line
{ print $0 } # print the current line
{ n=split($0,arr,"\"") # split the current line on double quotes and
# get a count of the number of fields
if ( n >=1 ) # if number of fields >= 1 (ie, line contains
# at least one double quote) then ...
qtcnt += n - 1 # increment our quote counter
' indent.dat
this will erroneously count double quotes in the following situations ...
escaped double quotes (\")
single-quoted double quotes (awk -F'"' ...)
double quotes that show up in comments (# this is a double quote ("))
If the print line is changed to print "."$0"." (use periods as visual delimiters) the following is generated:
.echo "This is a single-line text".
.echo ".
.Examples: 1.
. 2.
. 3.
. 4.
. ".
As coded (sans the periods) the following is generated:
echo "This is a single-line text"
echo "
Examples: 1
NOTE: the last line is empty/blank

With GNU awk for gensub() and RT:
$ cat tst.awk
BEGIN { RS="\""; ORS="" }
NR%2 { $0 = gensub(/(^|\n)[[:blank:]]+/,"\\1","g") }
{ print gensub(/\n[[:blank:]]+$/,"\n",1) RT }
$ awk -f tst.awk file
echo "This is a single-line text"
echo "
Examples: 1
or with any POSIX awk:
$ cat tst.awk
BEGIN { RS=ORS="\"" }
NR > 1 { print prev }
NR%2 {
!(NR%2) {
{ prev = $0 }
END { printf "%s", prev }
$ awk -f tst.awk file
echo "This is a single-line text"
echo "
Examples: 1
Caveat: any solution will be fragile unless you write a parser for shell language that can understand when " is within strings, within scripts, escaped, etc.


How to replace last n characters in the kth occurence of a line containing a certain substring using sed or awk?

Suppose I have a file that resembles the following format:
\\ Random other lines \\
27861NA+ NA+89122 13.480 11.554 10.082
27862NA+ NA+89123 2.166 5.896 10.108
27863NA+ NA+89124 8.289 6.843 3.090
27864NA+ NA+89125 12.972 5.936 4.498
27865CL- CL-89126 13.914 2.125 12.915
27866CL- CL-89127 12.050 13.907 3.559
\\ Random other lines \\
I am trying to find a way of replacing the last 24 characters of each line with a string that I have prepared, for the first 3 instances of lines in the file that contain the string "NA+".
For example, my output would ideally look like:
\\ Random other lines \\
27861NA+ NA+89122 my first string hello
27862NA+ NA+89123 my second string foo
27863NA+ NA+89124 my final string bar $$
27864NA+ NA+89125 12.972 5.936 4.498
27865CL- CL-89126 13.914 2.125 12.915
27866CL- CL-89127 12.050 13.907 3.559
\\ Random other lines \\
So far, I have found a sed command that will remove the last 24 characters from every line in the file:
sed 's/.\{24\}$//' myfile.txt
And also an awk command that will return the kth line that contains the desired substring:
awk '/NA+/{i++}i==1' myfile.txt
Does anyone have an idea about how I could replace the last 24 characters in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd lines of my file that each contain a certain substring?
With single awk:
awk -v str="my string" '!f && /NA\+/{ f=1; n=NR+3 }n && n>NR{ $4=$5=""; $3=str }1' myfile.txt
string="my first string hello"
awk -v string="$string" '{ if ( $0 ~ "NA" ) {cnt++} if (cnt < 4 ) { print substr($0,1,length($0)-23)string } else { print }}' NA
Using awk, set a string and pass it awk with -v. Search for strings containing NA and the increment the variable cnt. When cnt is less that 4, print the everything but the last 23 characters adding the string passed to the end. Otherwise print the line.
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed '/NA+/{x;s/\n/&/3;x;ta;H;s/.\{24\}$/some string/;b;:a;n;ba}' file
This uses the hold space (HS) to keep a count of the number of lines the script has seen of the required string (NA+). Once it has seen n (in this case n=3) such lines it just prints the remainder of the file.

Creating users from .txt file [duplicate]

Why doesn't work the following bash code?
for i in $( echo "emmbbmmaaddsb" | split -t "mm" )
echo "$i"
expected output:
The recommended tool for character subtitution is sed's command s/regexp/replacement/ for one regexp occurence or global s/regexp/replacement/g, you do not even need a loop or variables.
Pipe your echo output and try to substitute the characters mm witht the newline character \n:
echo "emmbbmmaaddsb" | sed 's/mm/\n/g'
The output is:
Since you're expecting newlines, you can simply replace all instances of mm in your string with a newline. In pure native bash:
printf '%s\n' "${in//$sep/$'\n'}"
If you wanted to do such a replacement on a longer input stream, you might be better off using awk, as bash's built-in string manipulation doesn't scale well to more than a few kilobytes of content. The gsub_literal shell function (backending into awk) given in BashFAQ #21 is applicable:
# Taken from
# usage: gsub_literal STR REP
# replaces all instances of STR with REP. reads from stdin and writes to stdout.
gsub_literal() {
# STR cannot be empty
[[ $1 ]] || return
# string manip needed to escape '\'s, so awk doesn't expand '\n' and such
awk -v str="${1//\\/\\\\}" -v rep="${2//\\/\\\\}" '
# get the length of the search string
len = length(str);
# empty the output string
out = "";
# continue looping while the search string is in the line
while (i = index($0, str)) {
# append everything up to the search string, and the replacement string
out = out substr($0, 1, i-1) rep;
# remove everything up to and including the first instance of the
# search string from the line
$0 = substr($0, i + len);
# append whatever is left
out = out $0;
print out;
...used, in this context, as:
gsub_literal "mm" $'\n' <your-input-file.txt >your-output-file.txt
A more general example, without replacing the multi-character delimiter with a single character delimiter is given below :
Using parameter expansions : (from the comment of #gniourf_gniourf)
while [[ $s ]]; do
array+=( "${s%%"$delimiter"*}" );
declare -p array
A more crude kind of way
# main string
# delimiter string
#length of main string
#length of delimiter string
#iterator for length of string
#length tracker for ongoing substring
#starting position for ongoing substring
while [ $i -lt $strLen ]; do
if [ $delimiter == ${str:$i:$dLen} ]; then
strP=$(( i + dLen ))
i=$(( i + dLen ))
i=$(( i + 1 ))
wordLen=$(( wordLen + 1 ))
declare -p array
Reference - Bash Tutorial - Bash Split String
With awk you can use the gsub to replace all regex matches.
As in your question, to replace all substrings of two or more 'm' chars with a new line, run:
echo "emmbbmmaaddsb" | awk '{ gsub(/mm+/, "\n" ); print; }'
The ‘g’ in gsub() stands for “global,” which means replace everywhere.
You may also ask to print just N match, for example:
echo "emmbbmmaaddsb" | awk '{ gsub(/mm+/, " " ); print $2; }'

Replace the last character in string

How can I just replace the last character (it's a }) from a string? I need everything before the last character but replace the last character with some new string.
I tried many things with awk and sed but didn't succeed.
For example:
should become:
\\cf2 Its red now
This replaces the last occurrence of:
\\cf2 Its red now
sed would do this:
# replace '}' in the end
echo '\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\pardirnatural \f0 }' | sed 's/}$/\\cf2 Its red now}/'
# replace any last character
echo '\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\pardirnatural \f0 }' | sed 's/\(.\)$/\\cf2 Its red now\1/'
Replacing the trailing } could be done like this (with $ as the PS1 prompt and > as the PS2 prompt):
$ str="...\\tx4535\\tx5102\\tx5669\\tx6236\\tx6803\\pardirnatural
> \\f0
> }"
$ echo "$str"
$ echo "${str%\}}\cf2 It's red now
\cf2 It's red now
The first 3 lines assign your string to my variable str. The next 4 lines show what's in the string. The 2 lines:
echo "${str%\}}\cf2 It's red now
contain a (grammar-corrected) substitution of the material you asked for, and the last lines echo the substituted value.
Basically, ${str%tail} removes the string tail from the end of $str; I remember % ends in 't' for tail (and the analogous ${str#head} has hash starting with 'h' for head).
See shell parameter expansion in the Bash manual for the remaining details.
If you don't know the last character, you can use a ? metacharacter to match the end instead:
echo "${str%?}and the extra"
First make a string with newlines
str=$(printf "%s\n%s\n%s" '\\tx4535\\tx5102\\tx5669\\tx6236\\tx6803\\pardirnatural' '\\f0' "}'")
Now you look for the last } in your string and replace it including a newline.
The $ makes sure it will only replace it at the last line, & stands for the matches string.
echo "${str}" |sed '$ s/}[^}]$/\\\\cf2 Its red now\n&/'
The above solution only works when the } is at the last line. It becomes more difficult when you also want to support str2:
str2=$(printf "Extra } here.\n%s\nsome other text" "${str}")
You can not match the } on the last line. Removing the address $ for the last line will result in replacing all } characters (I added a } at the beginning of str2). You only want to replace the last one.
Replacing once is forced with ..../1. Replacing the last and not the first is done by reversing the order of lines with tac. Since you will tac again after the replacement, you need to use a different order in your sedreplacement string.
echo "${str2}" | tac |sed 's/}[^}]$/&\n\\\\cf2 Its red now/1' |tac
In awk:
$ awk ' BEGIN { RS=OFS=FS="" } $NF="\\\\cf2 Its red now\n}"' file
RS="" sets RS to an empty record (change it to suit your needs)
OFS=FS="" separates characters each to its own field
$NF="\\\\cf2 Its red now\n}" replaces the char in the last field ($NF=}) with the quoted text
awk '{sub(/\\f0/,"\\f0\n\\\\\cfs Its red now")}1' file
\\cfs Its red now

Howto split a string on a multi-character delimiter in bash?

Why doesn't work the following bash code?
for i in $( echo "emmbbmmaaddsb" | split -t "mm" )
echo "$i"
expected output:
The recommended tool for character subtitution is sed's command s/regexp/replacement/ for one regexp occurence or global s/regexp/replacement/g, you do not even need a loop or variables.
Pipe your echo output and try to substitute the characters mm witht the newline character \n:
echo "emmbbmmaaddsb" | sed 's/mm/\n/g'
The output is:
Since you're expecting newlines, you can simply replace all instances of mm in your string with a newline. In pure native bash:
printf '%s\n' "${in//$sep/$'\n'}"
If you wanted to do such a replacement on a longer input stream, you might be better off using awk, as bash's built-in string manipulation doesn't scale well to more than a few kilobytes of content. The gsub_literal shell function (backending into awk) given in BashFAQ #21 is applicable:
# Taken from
# usage: gsub_literal STR REP
# replaces all instances of STR with REP. reads from stdin and writes to stdout.
gsub_literal() {
# STR cannot be empty
[[ $1 ]] || return
# string manip needed to escape '\'s, so awk doesn't expand '\n' and such
awk -v str="${1//\\/\\\\}" -v rep="${2//\\/\\\\}" '
# get the length of the search string
len = length(str);
# empty the output string
out = "";
# continue looping while the search string is in the line
while (i = index($0, str)) {
# append everything up to the search string, and the replacement string
out = out substr($0, 1, i-1) rep;
# remove everything up to and including the first instance of the
# search string from the line
$0 = substr($0, i + len);
# append whatever is left
out = out $0;
print out;
...used, in this context, as:
gsub_literal "mm" $'\n' <your-input-file.txt >your-output-file.txt
A more general example, without replacing the multi-character delimiter with a single character delimiter is given below :
Using parameter expansions : (from the comment of #gniourf_gniourf)
while [[ $s ]]; do
array+=( "${s%%"$delimiter"*}" );
declare -p array
A more crude kind of way
# main string
# delimiter string
#length of main string
#length of delimiter string
#iterator for length of string
#length tracker for ongoing substring
#starting position for ongoing substring
while [ $i -lt $strLen ]; do
if [ $delimiter == ${str:$i:$dLen} ]; then
strP=$(( i + dLen ))
i=$(( i + dLen ))
i=$(( i + 1 ))
wordLen=$(( wordLen + 1 ))
declare -p array
Reference - Bash Tutorial - Bash Split String
With awk you can use the gsub to replace all regex matches.
As in your question, to replace all substrings of two or more 'm' chars with a new line, run:
echo "emmbbmmaaddsb" | awk '{ gsub(/mm+/, "\n" ); print; }'
The ‘g’ in gsub() stands for “global,” which means replace everywhere.
You may also ask to print just N match, for example:
echo "emmbbmmaaddsb" | awk '{ gsub(/mm+/, " " ); print $2; }'

Replacing quotation marks with "``" and "''"

I have a document containing many " marks, but I want to convert it for use in TeX.
TeX uses 2 ` marks for the beginning quote mark, and 2 ' mark for the closing quote mark.
I only want to make changes to these when " appears on a single line in an even number (e.g. there are 2, 4, or 6 "'s on the line). For e.g.
"This line has 2 quotation marks."
--> ``This line has 2 quotation marks.''
"This line," said the spider, "Has 4 quotation marks."
--> ``This line,'' said the spider, ``Has 4 quotation marks.''
"This line," said the spider, must have a problem, because there are 3 quotation marks."
--> (unchanged)
My sentences never break across lines, so there is no need to check on multiple lines.
There are few quotes with single quotes, so I can manually change those.
How can I convert these?
This is my one-liner which is works for me:
awk -F\" '{if((NF-1)%2==0){res=$0;for(i=1;i<NF;i++){to="``";if(i%2==0){to="'\'\''"}res=gensub("\"", to, 1, res)};print res}else{print}}' input.txt >output.txt
And there is long version of this one-liner with comments:
FS="\"" # set field separator to double quote
if ((NF-1) % 2 == 0) { # if count of double quotes in line are even number
res = $0 # save original line to res variable
for (i = 1; i < NF; i++) { # for each double quote
to = "``" # replace current occurency of double quote by ``
if (i % 2 == 0) { # if its closes quote replace by ''
to = "''"
# replace " by to in res and save result to res
res = gensub("\"", to, 1, res)
print res # print resulted line
} else {
print # print original line when nothing to change
You may run this script by:
awk -f replace-quotes.awk input.txt >output.txt
Here's my one-liner using repeated sed's:
cat file.txt | sed -e 's/"\([^"]*\)"/`\1`/g' | sed '/"/s/`/\"/g' | sed -e 's/`\([^`]*\)`/``\1'\'''\''/g'
(note: it won't work correctly if there are already back-ticks (`) in the file but otherwise should do the trick)
Removed back-tick bug by simplifying, now works for all cases:
cat file.txt | sed -e 's/"\([^"]*\)"/``\1'\'\''/g' | sed '/"/s/``/"/g' | sed '/"/s/'\'\''/"/g'
With comments:
cat file.txt # read file
| sed -e 's/"\([^"]*\)"/``\1'\'\''/g' # initial replace
| sed '/"/s/``/"/g' # revert `` to " on lines with extra "
| sed '/"/s/'\'\''/"/g' # revert '' to " on lines with extra "
Using awk
awk '{n=gsub("\"","&")}!(n%2){while(n--){n%2?Q=q:Q="`";sub("\"",Q Q)}}1' q=\' in
awk '{
n=gsub("\"","&") # set n to the number of quotes in the current line
!(n%2){ # if there are even number of quotes
while(n--){ # as long as we have double-quotes
n%2?Q=q:Q="`" # alternate Q between a backtick and single quote
sub("\"",Q Q) # replace the next double quote with two of whatever Q is
}1 # print out all other lines untouched'
q=\' in # set the q variable to a single quote and pass the file 'in' as input
Using sed
sed '/^\([^"]*"[^"]*"[^"]*\)*$/s/"\([^"]*\)"/``\1'\'\''/g' in
This might work for you:
sed 'h;s/"\([^"]*\)"/``\1''\'\''/g;/"/g' file
Make a copy of the original line h
Replace pairs of "'s s/"\([^"]*\)"/``\1''\'\''/g
Check for odd " and if found revert to original line /"/g
