I'm currently using Jenkins on Windows 10, and using git as version control system.
Although I provided correct repository URL and credential, I cannot use jenkins with error below.
Failed to connect to repository : Command "git.exe ls-remote -h REPOSITORY_URL HEAD" returned status code 128:
stderr: git#URL: Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
Credential and URL doesn't seems wrong, since this build success previously with same credential. The only change after successful build was one line in build script.
git config --global core.sshCommand C:/Windows/System32/OpenSSH/ssh.exe
After I success with this script, git setting keeps failed. Is there any problem with that line? And how can I fix it?
Problem solved! For anyone who has same problem, it was problem with the system user! Since ssh key stores in each user space, jenkins cannot detect where the ssh key located. Therefore, go to 'service' in windows, and change user of jenkins service to the user who has correct ssh key. It solved my problem!
Seems there is some problem in Jenkins.
It cannot locate OpenSSH folder in System32, and so that I cannot get log with it.
That would explain why the main Jenkins controller (aka "master" in old terminology) cannot contact the Git repository (assuming an SSH URL here, with technical remote user account "git")
Try and remove that git configuration to see if the error persists: Git should fall back to its own ssh.exe, packaged with Git For Windows.
As noted by the OP, this only works if said Jenkins is run as a user account, not as the system account.
Only then will it be able to access the %USERPROFILE%\.ssh folder.
I have created a project in bitbucket and trying to push code using intellij git. When I created the project bitbucket gave me commands to run within git. Here are the commands I ran and the error I got:
git remote add origin ssh://git#bitbucket.org/[username]/[repo]
git push -u origin master
This looks strange because how is this command suppose to authenticate me? Now here is error I got.
Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote
Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository
Any ideas?
That is because you are creating your project via ssh and for that you need to create and registrate SSH keys.
Create ssh key
If you don't want that, create your project only via https
Do you have the ssh key added to your computer?
If you're using oSX El Capitan or newer you'll need to add these every time you restart. osx ssh keys
How to add ssh keys
I know that thousands of topics touch my problem but I am fighting this from several days with almost zero progress ;(.
I installed Jenkins on Windows machine.
Then acquired Git plugin and the Git itself.
Everything is latest version for the day of my writing.
I was just happy to start to play with Jenkins but I failed at configuring my Bitbucket repository to be used by Job.
I set the exact path to git.exe (as it seemed the reason for initial problems) [C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git.exe].
Then I tried accessing the repository by HTTPS with account credentials, many strange errors here so I thought let's try with SSH.
I have generated rsa keys, set the public key in the Bitbucket repository. Then I created credential configuration in Jenkins for SSH authentication with passphrase.
I have many problems here so for temporary workaround I explicitly set the value of private key.
Finaly I got to the place where I am now:
+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*" returned status code 128:
stderr: Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
When I try to manualy copy repository, it politely asks me about passphrase and the copy is done. When Jenkins job does it the above happens. With help of %USERNAME% and %USERDOMAIN% in the Job's script I get the same values like when I do it manually.
After plenty of hours I can say I can't use Git in Jenkins ;(
I don't believe that it could be so simple. As mainframer mentioned, I left passphrase empty for the whole SSH authentication and it really worked (the repository is cloned even that Jenkins still shows the same error in job's configuration page). I only wonder about any consequences of such setup, but working thing is more valuable for me now.
You mean leaving empty passphrase while generating keys and then also no passphrase config in Jenkins ssh credentials?
Yes, as Jenkins wouldn't be able to feed the passphrase to the ssh session.
But make sure the Jenkins slave service runs with your account (and not with the system account). It needs your account to find the ssh keys in %USERPROFILE%\.ssh\id_rsa(.pub)
Is Stash only meant for Sourcetree, as it's not able to do it from console in windows? I have cloned the project from stash.
But I'm unable to push or pull from command prompt, whereas I can do it from Sourcetree to that particular project folder.
Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
So is it separately treated or am I doing anything wrong in SSH key setup? Is it a mistake of source tree or Windows machine?
Last question:
How can I add multiple ssh keys for different account to it because default directory is: C:\Users\%user%\.ssh
Stash works with any git client. It looks like your command line client is not using the same SSH key as you're using from SourceTree
I get this error when configuring git repo in a new jenkins project:
Failed to connect to repository : Error performing command: ls-remote -h file:///c:\Dev\git\rx HEAD
I have a local git repo on my windows machine and cloning the same path from command prompt works on the same machine. I don't know what could be the problem (git.exe is on system path)
Windows installs Jenkins as a service. But it runs the Jenkins service under different user permissions that don't have access to GIT. You can follow this link to find the user that Jenkins runs under. http://antagonisticpleiotropy.blogspot.com/2012/08/running-jenkins-in-windows-with-regular.html
For example. My local user name on my windows is "nathandrewsire", exclude the quotes. Open windows services manager (either cmd and c:\services.msc, OR use windows key + R). Enable Log On > This account:. Then type in .\username (e.g. .\nathandrewsire). Then restart the service and you will have access to GIT from Jenkins builds.
I also found a snippet for windows shell command that will output the user to verify it.
echo %PATH%
If you're using Linux, this error can also be caused from not enabling share on your Git repo. Linux jenkins user won't be able to access Git report under another user unless....
git --bare init --shared=group
Also, your jenkins user and Git repo user must belong to the same group for file permission access. There's other alternatives to that like messing with umasks and ACL's but setting up a linux group for your two users is the easiest way.
Make sure NOT TO OVERWRITE your Git repo with the bare init command. If you already have a Git repo, you'll need to setup/move to a new one with the shared option. I didn't see a way to convert existing repos to shared because I am guessing the files would all need to be updated?
I used VMWare Workstation shared folders to build on a windows guest. Jenkins needs the following format when entering the Git repo.
//vmware-host/Shared Folders/vm-share/ridcyDevelopment.git/
Unable to get Jenkins and Git to play nice
My Git version is 1.8.0, for this version, the Git installation path in Jenkins is C:\Git\cmd\git.exe (in older versions, it is C:\Git\cmd\git.cmd). This solves the problem that I had: error deleting workspace. In Jenkins, Git repository URL uses the ssh protocol: git#github.com:xxxxx/xxx.git, for me, this URL works. If your key can't be found, this URL will return an error, you need to define %HOME%, then your key should be in %HOME%.ssh. then I started to build. When I built it, I got:
stdout: Cloning into 'C:\Jenkins\workspace\Lily'...
stderr: Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
at hudson.plugins.git.GitAPI.launchCommandIn(GitAPI.java:897)
at hudson.plugins.git.GitAPI.access$000(GitAPI.java:42)
I don't understand why Jenkins can find my key for the repository URL, but can't find my key when it clones the repository.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
My company has a proxy server, for me, to use SSH protocol is very difficult, it may have a way to solve the combination of a proxy server and ssh-to-github, but I gave up. In stead, I used https protocol. In order not to prompt credentials for Jenkins, I used github credential cache to solve this. Check here for credential cache: http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-credential-cache.html. Now my Jenkins/Git build works in Windows.