How to create test code that needs to use the database - go

I want to publish my first go library on GitHub.
I created a scan_test.go which has many tests that connect to a postgresql database. It doesn't need any data, only a valid connection since it tests result of static query result for example select 1 union select 2.
So I to release the package and that the tests would work, how do I allow configuration for the database for the tests? one idea that comes up is to use env variables? but what's the official way? how to properly create a test for my project?
example of my test file:
const (
host = "localhost"
port = 5432
user = "ufk"
password = "your-password"
dbname = "mycw"
type StructInt struct {
Moshe int
Moshe2 int
Moshe3 []int
Moshe4 []*int
Moshe5 []string
func TestVarsInStructInJsonArrayWithOneColumn(t *testing.T) {
if conn, err := GetDbConnection(); err != nil {
t.Errorf("could not connect to database: %v", err)
} else {
sqlQuery := `select json_build_array(json_build_object('moshe',55,'moshe2',66,'moshe3','{10,11}'::int[],'moshe4','{50,51}'::int[],
'moshe5','{kfirrrr,moshrre}'::text[])) as moshe;`
var foo []StructInt
if isEmpty, err := Query(context.Background(), conn, &foo, sqlQuery); err != nil {
t.Errorf("failed test: %v", err)
} else if isEmpty {
log.Fatal("failed test with empty results")
if foo[0].Moshe != 55 {
t.Errorf("int slice test failed 21 <> %v", foo[0].Moshe)
if foo[1].Moshe2 != 67 {
t.Errorf("int slice failed with 82 <> %v", foo[1].Moshe2)
if len(foo[1].Moshe3) != 2 {
t.Errorf("int silice failed, array size should be 2 <> %v", len(foo[1].Moshe3))
if foo[1].Moshe3[1] != 42 {
t.Errorf("int slice failed, moshe3[0] not 2 <=> %v", foo[1].Moshe3[1])
if len(foo[1].Moshe4) != 2 {
t.Errorf("int silice failed, array size should be 2 <> %v", len(foo[1].Moshe4))
if *foo[1].Moshe4[1] != 22 {
t.Errorf("int slice failed, moshe4[1] not 4 <=> %v", foo[1].Moshe4[1])
func GetDbConnection() (*pgxpool.Pool, error) {
psqlInfo := fmt.Sprintf("host=%s port=%d user=%s "+
"password=%s dbname=%s sslmode=disable",
host, port, user, password, dbname)
return pgxpool.Connect(context.Background(), psqlInfo)

A typical approach is to combine usage of TestMain with a documented set of environment variables and/or command-line options which can be passed to the testing binary built to run tests of a particular package.
Basically, TestMain reads the environment and/or command-line options, validates them, may be populates some exported variables available to the test suite and then runs the suite.
Here at my $dayjob we use the described approach and a helper function named like SkipIfNoDatabase(t *testing.T) which inspects the state set up by TestMain and skips the test in the prologue of which it is called (after logging the reason for that) if the required configuration related to DB connectivity was not provided. This allows running a test suite w/o setting up a database—all the tests which require one will be skipped.
An example for running tests in Gitlab CI follows.
The .gitlab-ci.yml in a project contains, among other things, something like
- test
image: internal-corporate-registry:5000/go-test:1.14
MONGODB_URI: 'mongodb://test-mongodb:27017'
- name: mongo:3.6-xenial
alias: test-mongodb
extends: .golang_stage
stage: test
- common
- pushes
- schedules
- make test
- make build
This configuration makes sure when our Go program which makes use of a MongoDB instance is tested, the mongo:3.6-xenial Docker image is pulled and run, and assigned a hostname test-mongodb; the MONGODB_URI environment variable is set to refer to that running MongoDB instance.
Now the program featues the package lib/testing/testdb which contains
package testdb
import (
// DBName is the MongoDB database name to be used in tests.
const DBName = "blah_blah_test"
var (
// MongoDBURI identifies a MongoDB instance to use by testing suite.
MongoDBURI string
// Enabled is only set to true if the MongoDB URI was made available
// to the test suite. It can be used by individual tests to skip
// execution if an access to a MongoDB instance is required to perform
// the test.
Enabled bool
// Initialize initializes the package's global state.
// Initialize is intended to be called once per package being tested -
// typically from the package's TestMain function.
func Initialize() {
MongoDBURI = os.Getenv("MONGODB_URI")
if MongoDBURI == "" {
Enabled = false
"Empty or missing environment variable MONGODB_URI; related tests will be skipped\n")
Enabled = true
// SkipIfDisabled skips the current test if it appears there is no
// MongoDB instance to use.
func SkipIfDisabled(t *testing.T) {
if !Enabled {
t.Skip("Empty or missing MONGODB_URI environment variable; skipped.")
…and then each package which makes use of the database contains a file named main_test.go which reads
package whatever_test
import (
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
and the tests themselves roll like this
package whatever_test
import (
func TestFoo(t *testing.T) {
# Do testing
testmain is another internal package exporting the Run function
which runs the tests but before doing that it takes care of additional initialization: sets up logging for the app's code and figures out whether it was requested to run stress tests (which are only run at night, scheduled).
package testmain
import (
// Stress is true if the stress tests are enabled in this run
// of the test suite.
var Stress bool
// Run initializes the package state and then runs the test suite the
// way `go test` does by default.
// Run is expected to be called from TestMain functions of the test suites
// which make use of the testmain package.
func Run(m *testing.M) {
// SkipIfNotStress marks the test currently executed by t as skipped
// unless the current test suite is running with the stress tests enabled.
func SkipIfNotStress(t *testing.T) {
if !Stress {
t.Skip("Skipped test: not in stress-test mode.")
func initialize() {
if flag.Parsed() {
var logFileName string
flag.BoolVar(&Stress, "stress", false, "Run stress tests")
flag.StringVar(&logFileName, "log", "", "Name of the file to redirect log output into")
Path: logFileName,
Overwrite: true,
Mode: logging.DefaultFileMode,
The relevant bits of the project's Makefile which run stess tests look like this:
STRESS_LOG ?= stress.log
.PHONY: all test build stress install/linter
all: test build
go build -ldflags='$(LDFLAGS)'
go test ./...
go test -v -run=Stress -count=1 ./... -stress -log="$(STRESS_LOG)"
…and the CI configuration to run stress tests reads
extends: .golang_stage
stage: test
- go
- schedules
when: on_failure
expire_in: 1 week
- make stress


Envoy WASM failing to load due to missing import (using net/http Go module)

I'm trying to run my WASM Go filter to make an external HTTP call using the net/http module. Envoy fails to load the WASM code. Why is the import failing?
Envoy/Istio version: istio/proxyv2:1.11.4
SDK version: v0.16.1-0.20220127085108-af57b89bc067
TinyGo version: tinygo version 0.22.0 darwin/amd64 (using go version go1.17.6 and LLVM version 13.0.0)
Error Logs
2022-01-31T20:34:18.513749Z error envoy wasm Failed to load Wasm module due to a missing import: env.time.resetTimer
2022-01-31T20:34:18.513794Z error envoy wasm Failed to load Wasm module due to a missing import: env.time.stopTimer
2022-01-31T20:34:18.513807Z error envoy wasm Failed to load Wasm module due to a missing import: env.time.startTimer
2022-01-31T20:34:18.513817Z error envoy wasm Failed to load Wasm module due to a missing import: env.sync/atomic.AddInt32
2022-01-31T20:34:18.513826Z error envoy wasm Failed to load Wasm module due to a missing import: wasi_snapshot_preview1.fd_filestat_get
2022-01-31T20:34:18.513833Z error envoy wasm Failed to load Wasm module due to a missing import: wasi_snapshot_preview1.fd_pread
2022-01-31T20:34:18.513840Z error envoy wasm Failed to load Wasm module due to a missing import: wasi_snapshot_preview1.fd_prestat_get
2022-01-31T20:34:18.513846Z error envoy wasm Failed to load Wasm module due to a missing import: wasi_snapshot_preview1.fd_prestat_dir_name
2022-01-31T20:34:18.513854Z error envoy wasm Failed to load Wasm module due to a missing import: wasi_snapshot_preview1.path_open
2022-01-31T20:34:18.513864Z error envoy wasm Wasm VM failed Failed to initialize Wasm code
2022-01-31T20:34:18.517062Z critical envoy wasm Plugin configured to fail closed failed to load
2022-01-31T20:34:18.517191Z warning envoy config gRPC config for rejected: Unable to create Wasm HTTP filter
tinygo build -o main.wasm -scheduler=asyncify -target=wasi main.go
Actual Code
package main
import (
const (
sharedDataKey = "hello_world_shared_data_key"
func main() {
type (
vmContext struct{}
pluginContext struct {
// Embed the default plugin context here,
// so that we don't need to reimplement all the methods.
httpContext struct {
// Embed the default http context here,
// so that we don't need to reimplement all the methods.
// Override types.VMContext.
func (*vmContext) OnVMStart(vmConfigurationSize int) types.OnVMStartStatus {
proxywasm.LogInfo("Inside OnVMStart")
http := http.Client{Timeout: time.Duration(10) * time.Second}
resp, err := http.Get("http://SOME_URL:8001/echo?message=hello_world")
if err != nil {
proxywasm.LogWarnf("Error calling hello_world/echo on OnVMStart: %v", err)
defer resp.Body.Close()
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
proxywasm.LogWarnf("Error parsing hello_world/echo response on OnVMStart: %v", err)
proxywasm.LogInfof("Response Body : %s", body)
initialValueBuf := []byte("body")
if err := proxywasm.SetSharedData(sharedDataKey, initialValueBuf, 0); err != nil {
proxywasm.LogWarnf("Error setting shared hello_world data on OnVMStart: %v", err)
return types.OnVMStartStatusOK
// Override types.DefaultVMContext.
func (*vmContext) NewPluginContext(contextID uint32) types.PluginContext {
return &pluginContext{}
// Override types.DefaultPluginContext.
func (*pluginContext) NewHttpContext(contextID uint32) types.HttpContext {
return &httpContext{}
// Override types.DefaultHttpContext.
func (ctx *httpContext) OnHttpRequestHeaders(numHeaders int, endOfStream bool) types.Action {
for {
value, err := ctx.getSharedData()
if err == nil {
proxywasm.LogInfof("shared data value: %s", value)
} else if errors.Is(err, types.ErrorStatusCasMismatch) {
return types.ActionContinue
func (ctx *httpContext) getSharedData() (string, error) {
value, cas, err := proxywasm.GetSharedData(sharedDataKey)
if err != nil {
proxywasm.LogWarnf("error getting shared data on OnHttpRequestHeaders with cas %d: %v ", cas, err)
return "error", err
shared_value := string(value)
return shared_value, err
Unfortunately, this is not so easy.
TinyGo might support the module, but you can't "just" call some arbitrary API when using a WASM module for Envoy.
To be slightly more precise, WASM modules run a in sandbox and can only make calls which are explicitly allowed by the runtime. In the case of Envoy, the wasm proxy sdk provides a simple mechanism to call those API.
proxy-wasm-go-sdk provides these API calls which you can use.
There is a function proxywasm.DispatchHttpCall. However, you have to "use the Envoy way" of making http calls.
Note that the "cluster" in that call is not a simple URL, but an Envoy Cluster. You might also try to use Istio-defined cluster like outbound|80||some-service.some-namespace.svc.cluster.local if you have any services defined with Istio Proxies.
You can look up the proxy-config, for example, for an ingress gateway, with istioctl:
istioctl proxy-config all istio-ingressgateway-YOUR-POD -o json | less
When adding ServiceEntries in Istio, you might also get such a "cluster" in your mesh. Note that Service Entries can also refer to external hosts, not only in-cluster services.
Otherwise, you might try adding a manual cluster like in an Envoy-based rate limiting, although this is also easy to get wrong.
- applyTo: CLUSTER
service: ratelimit.default.svc.cluster.local
operation: ADD
# Adds the rate limit service cluster for rate limit service defined in step 1.
name: rate_limit_cluster
connect_timeout: 10s
lb_policy: ROUND_ROBIN
http2_protocol_options: {}
cluster_name: rate_limit_cluster
- lb_endpoints:
- endpoint:
address: ratelimit.default.svc.cluster.local
port_value: 8081
In this description of Envoy Lua Filters, you see some examples. Although it is not WASM, the principle remains the same
For Go, you might try something like
headers := [][2]string{
{":method", "GET"},
{":path", "/echo?message=hello_world"},
{":authority", "SOME_HOST"},
{":scheme", "http"},
_, err := proxywasm.DispatchHttpCall("CLUSTER",
func(numHeaders, bodySize, numTrailers int) {
resp, _ := proxywasm.GetHttpCallResponseBody(0, 10000)
r := string(resp)
proxywasm.LogDebugf("RESPONSE %v", r)

Pass resource from Command To Subcommands in urfave/cli/v2

Is is possible, and if so how, to let a Command initialize a resource and pass it down to its Subcommands. Image an application that takes its arguments like
$ mycmd db --connect <...> create <...>
$ mycmd db --connect <...> update <...>
This may not be a great example but it illustrates the concept. Here db is some resource that all the subcommands depend on. I would like a single function to be responsible for the initialization of the db resource and then pass the initialized resource down to the subcommands. I can't figure out how to do this with urfave/cli/v2 .
You could do it by creating two separate cli.Apps, one that parses the db part of the arguments just to create a context.Context with context.WithValue and then use that context to create the second cli.App which would parse the remainder of the arguments. I'm sure there's a better way to do it.
I'm grateful for any help!
You can achieve this with context values. You set the value in the Before callback of the parent Command. Below code is copied and modified from the subcommands example:
package main
import (
func main() {
app := &cli.App{
Commands: []*cli.Command{
Name: "db",
Before: func(c *cli.Context) error {
db := "example"
c.Context = context.WithValue(c.Context, "db", db)
return nil
Subcommands: []*cli.Command{
Name: "connect",
Action: func(c *cli.Context) error {
db := c.Context.Value("db").(string) // remember to assert to original type
fmt.Println("sub command:", db)
return nil
err := app.Run(os.Args)
if err != nil {
This main uses a string so that you can copy paste and run it. You can replace string with your DB object.
How to test:
$ go build -o example
$ ./example db connect
sub command: example

What do I need to do to execute sample golang code having a 'named' import like below?

This is newbie question. The dependencies seems to be on github, and it's pretty obvious from the import, so why run doesn't work?
Error is: no required module provides package
package main
import (
// Problem with line below, getting error: no required module provides package
getter ""
func main() {
client := &getter.Client{
Ctx: context.Background(),
//define the destination to where the directory will be stored. This will create the directory if it doesnt exist
Dst: "/tmp/gogetter",
Dir: true,
//the repository with a subdirectory I would like to clone only
Src: "",
Mode: getter.ClientModeDir,
//define the type of detectors go getter should use, in this case only github is needed
Detectors: []getter.Detector{
//provide the getter needed to download the files
Getters: map[string]getter.Getter{
"git": &getter.GitGetter{},
//download the files
if err := client.Get(); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error getting path %s: %v", client.Src, err)
//now you should check your temp directory for the files to see if they exist
Create a folder somewhere called getter, then create a file
package main
import (
func main() {
Notice I didn't use a name like you specified, as it's redundant in this case. The package is already called getter [1], so you don't need to specify the same name. Then, run:
go mod init getter
go mod tidy
go build

Handling DB connections and Env config in DDD (clean/hexagonal) architecture

While I grasped the general idea, I'm having trouble seeing the best practice for managing config envs and managing the DB connection.
If I have the repository (for PostgreSQL for example), should I pass the NewRepository function the DB configuration? Will it not somehow adversely affect the architecture principles (maintenance, testability, etc.)?
How do we handle things like defer db.Close()?
I mean, we'd obviously want it to defer in relation to the scope main function, so it's problematic to move that code into the Repository "class" (unless there's a way to do that with Context?)
On the other hand, calling NewRepository in main scope but then having the db handle the connection outside of it feels kind of strange.
Most of the examples I've found used the main function so it was easy. The question is how do you that correctly when employing the DDD (clean/hexagonal) architecture ? especially so that all the pieces would be "pluggable" without having to change the code "around it".
Here is an example I put together, is there a violation of some principles of the ddd pattern here? or is it actually how these things are done?
1. Shouldn't I handle the defer db.Close() inside the repository itself? maybe with Context I can defer it in relation to the main function scope but inside the repository itself?
2. Should I really pass the config into the NewRepository ?
pkg/main.go :
func main() {
// get configuration stucts via .env file
configuration, err := config.NewConfig()
if err != nil {
postgresRepo, err := postgres.NewRepository(configuration.Database)
defer postgresRepo.DB.Close()
myService := autocomplete.NewService(postgresRepo)
handler := rest.NewHandler(myService)
// Config is a struct that contains configuration variables
type Config struct {
Environment string
Port string
Database *Database
// Database is a struct that contains DB's configuration variables
type Database struct {
Host string
Port string
User string
DB string
Password string
// NewConfig creates a new Config struct
func NewConfig() (*Config, error) {
port := env.MustGet("PORT")
// set default PORT if missing
if port == "" {
port = "3000"
return &Config{
Environment: env.MustGet("ENV"),
Port: port,
Database: &Database{
Host: env.MustGet("DATABASE_HOST"),
Port: env.MustGet("DATABASE_PORT"),
User: env.MustGet("DATABASE_USER"),
DB: env.MustGet("DATABASE_DB"),
Password: env.MustGet("DATABASE_PASSWORD"),
}, nil
Instead of passing the database configuration into your repository, try passing the database connection. For example:
func main() {
db, err := sql.Open("postgres", "...")
if err != nil {
defer db.Close()
repo := postgres.NewAutocompleteRepo(db)
svc := autocomplete.NewService(repo)
handler := autocomplete.NewHTTPHandler(svc)
This will leave the responsibility of connecting to the database outside of the repository and allow for easier testing.

Unable to test a Golang CLI tool's output

I have a cli tool written in Go which produces the following output:
Command: config get
Env: int
Component: foo-component
Unable to find any configuration within Cosmos ( for foo-component.
I would like to verify this output within a test.
The test I have written (and doesn't pass) is as follows:
package command
import (
type FakeCliContext struct{}
func (s FakeCliContext) String(name string) string {
return "foobar"
func ExampleInvalidComponentReturnsError() {
fakeBaseURL := ""
fakeCliContext := &FakeCliContext{}
fakeFetchFlag := func(foo.CliContext) (map[string]string, error) {
return map[string]string{
"env": "int",
"component": "foo-component",
}, nil
GetConfig(*fakeCliContext, fakeFetchFlag, fakeBaseURL)
// Output:
// Command: config get
// Env: int
// Component: foo-component
// Unable to find any configuration within Cosmos ( for foo-component.
The majority of the code is creating fake objects that I'm injecting into my function call GetConfig.
Effectively there is no return value from GetConfig only a side effect of text being printed to stdout.
So I'm using the Example<NameOfTest> format to try and verify the output.
But all I just back when I run go test -v is:
=== RUN ExampleInvalidComponentReturnsError
exit status 1
FAIL 0.418s
Does anyone know what I might be missing?
I've found that if I add an additional test after the 'Example' one above, for example called Test<NameOfTest> (but consistenting of effectively the same code), then this will actually display the function's output into my stdout when running the test:
func TestInvalidComponentReturnsError(t *testing.T) {
fakeBaseURL := ""
fakeCliContext := &FakeCliContext{}
fakeFetchFlag := func(utils.CliContext) (map[string]string, error) {
return map[string]string{
"env": "int",
"component": "foo-component",
}, nil
GetConfig(*fakeCliContext, fakeFetchFlag, fakeBaseURL)
The above example test will now show the following output when executing go test -v:
=== RUN TestInvalidComponentReturnsError
Command: config get
Env: int
Component: foo-component
Unable to find any configuration within Cosmos ( for foo-component.
exit status 1
FAIL 0.938s
OK so the solution to this problem was part architecture and part removal/refactor of code.
I extracted the private functions from the cli command package so they became public functions in a separate function
I refactored the code so that all dependencies were injected, this then allowed me to mock these objects and verify the the expected methods were called
Now the private functions are in a package and made public, I'm able to test those things specifically, outside of the cli context
Finally, I removed the use of os.Exit as that was a nightmare to deal with and wasn't really necessary
