Parameter unassigned error in OMNeT++ and INET examples on installation - omnet++

I have installed OMNeT++ 5.6.2 and added the INET 4.2.1 framework.
I followed the setup instructions as per the doc given and compiled and did make.
On running ./aloha I seem to encounter parameter unassigned error as follows :
Setting up Cmdenv...
Loading NED files from .: 4
Preparing for running configuration General, run #0...
Assigned runID=General-0-20201227-14:11:08-9189
Setting up network "Aloha"...
<!> Error: The simulation wanted to ask a question, set cmdenv-interactive=true to allow it: "Enter parameter '[0].iaTime' (unassigned):" -- in module (aloha::Host)[0] (id=3), during network setup
Even on running a different example from INET, from examples, adhoc, seem to get a similar error as follows :
Preparing for running configuration General, run #0...
Assigned runID=General-0-20201223-00:37:38-95889
Setting up network "Net80211"...
<!> Error: The simulation wanted to ask a question, set cmdenv-interactive=true to allow it: "Enter parameter 'Net80211.numHosts' (unassigned):" -- in module (omnetpp::cModule) Net80211 (id=1), during network setup
Simulation terminated with exit code: 1
I did set cmdenv-intercative=true in the config file and yet the error does not go away.
Please do let me know if you need any additional information. Any help, direction or pointer to some resources would be greatly appreciated and will be really really helpful.

You need to set "cmdenv-intercative=true" for the [General] section.


Omnet++5.0: Simulation terminated with exit code: -1073741819

I'm beginner at omnet++ and veins, I have just installed Omnet++ 5.0 (on Windows 10) and installed INET with it as well. I've added a new application traci named "obstacle" to block véhicules, I've changed the files erlangen.launchd.xml and omnetpp.ini and I try to run the examples erlangen. However, it throws an error:
Simulation terminated with exit code: -1073741819.
I am not finding any help regarding this error anywhere.
Please help me .
-1073741819 is equal to 0xC0000005. Try to search using this error number.
Moreover, take a look at Debugging and set in your omnetpp.ini:
debug-on-errors = true
Thanks to that when your simulation crashes, the debugger will show the line that is source of this error.
the debugger open
the result of debugging
and the error message is :
std::logic_error: basic_string::_m_construct null not valid -- in module (veins::traciscenariomanagerlaunchd) rsuexamplescenario.manager (id=6), at t=1s, event #2

Simulte error: LteChannelControl not found

I am trying to run simulte with omnet 5.0 and inet 3.4. I build in with terminal.
When i try to run tutorial simulation via
Right-clicking on simulations/tutorial/omnetpp.ini and "Run as Omnet simulation", it gives me following error
Error in module (omnetpp::cModule) SingleCell (id=1) during network setup:Class "LteChannelControl" not found -- perhaps its code was not linked in, or the class wasn't registered with Register_Class(), or in the case of modules and channels, with Define_Module/Define_Channel().
Now I have also checked LteChannelControl class .cc and it infact has the Define_Module(LteChannelControl) inside.
If you have any idea how to resolve this, it will be eppreciated.
the problem was solved by running simulations via terminal. It appears that using Omnet gui for simulte gives alot of problems. Simulte wants to be used via terminal or cmd instead.

rethinkdb CURLOPT_ACCEPT_ENCODING was not declared in this scope error

I am working on installing rethinkdb on my server, which is a CentOS 6.9 machine. I followed all the directions for a CentOS server as described here for CentOS 6. I got all the way to the command scl enable devtoolset-2 -- make but while building, on line 244 of 421, the line that reads build/release/obj/extproc/http_job.o I receive the error "CURLOPT_ACCEPT_ENCODING was not declared in this scope"
I don't know what this means or why the error is popping up, but I can't continue with the build process as long as that error is there.
I found an obscure article that mentions a fix for this particular error. If you go into the rethinkdb folder on the server, you can then navigate to src/extproc/ and open that file in a text editor. You can then search for the function void set_default_opts and inside of that function is the line exc_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_ACCEPT_ENCODING, "", "PROTOCOLS); If you just change CURLOPT_ACCEPT_ENCODING to `CURLOPT_ENCODING, you will be able to continue the build process. It worked for me.

On running my first simulation of castalia, i get the following error

Simulation terminated with exit code: 139 Working directory: /home/roopali/omnetpp-4.6/samples/Castalia_proj/Simulations/Parameters Command line: ../../src/Castalia_proj -r 0 -n ..:../../src First_Obj.ini
Environment variables: PATH=/home/roopali/omnetpp-4.6/bin::/home/roopali/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/roopali/omnetpp-4.6/lib:: OMNETPP_IMAGE_PATH=/home/roopali/omnetpp-4.6/images
I have tried making this simulation using the steps on page
The blog post you linked (and tried to follow instructions from) refers to a very old version of Castalia. Follow the installation guidelines found in the official repo for Castalia:
After you have installed Castalia successfully, read the manual (found again in the above link), especially Chapter 3, to run your first simulation.

Class "Veins::ObstacleControl" not found

I have followed step by step the tutorial to install Veins, but when I tried running the example scenario (final step) I ended up with the above error.
The whole error was:
Error in module (cModule) RSUExampleScenario (id=1) during network
setup: Class "Veins::ObstacleControl" not found -- perhaps its code
was not linked in, or the class wasn't registered with
Register_Class(), or in the case of modules and channels, with
TRAPPING on the exception above, due to a debug-on-errors=true
configuration option. Is your debugger ready?
Simulation terminated with exit code: -2147483645 Working directory:
C:/Users/user/src/veins-4.3/examples/veins Command line:
../../../omnetpp-4.6/bin/opp_run.exe -r 0 -n .;../../src/veins
--tkenv-image-path=../../images -l ../../src/veins omnetpp.ini
I don't think I have missed a step during the tutorial as I have tried it two times. I did not make any change in anything, I've just strictly followed the tutorial like a robot, so I cannot provide an MCVE with more details than the tutorial.
Here is what I'm using:
- Windows 7 Pro 64 bits
- SUMO 0.25.0 64 bits
All other steps of the tutorial successfully worked until the final step.
I assume this error occurs when running Veins via the OMNeT++ IDE. Or, if you have compiled it with GCC (The error does not happen if you use CLANG)
There are two ways to bypass this error:
Use the .run as executable from your examples directory, which calls veins/run and includes all the required libraries:
Use opp_run as executable and set dynamic libraries to the directory where is located (usually src/veins)
PS: to answer #ChristopSommer questions: Veins::ObstacleControl appears in opp_run -l src/veins -h classes
This could be a solution too, but I never tested it: Compiler flags in Eclipse
