Can I make variables optional in a GraphQL query? - graphql

I have a query that includes a variable $filter which is a string.
This variable is only relevant if the user has said they want to filter the results. If user doesn't filter, I want all results back that meet the criteria.
Is there a way to omit the filter variable in this query? I've tried passing null and I get an error.
subscription notifyNewPublicFeelings($page_id: uuid!, $filter: String!) {
where: { is_public: { _eq: true }, page_id: {_eq: $page_id}, feeling: {_eq: $filter} }
limit: 1
order_by: { created_at: desc }
) {

The problem is that you've marked $filter as String! (! indicates non-nullable). So, necessarily, passing null is going to cause an issue. If you mark string as nullable (just String, without the !), you can pass null safely.


Conditional field in GraphQL Where query

Using Apollo client I am trying to run a query that will return students with any status if the status field is empty. If there is a status filter it should be applied:
const statusWhere = inputs.status ? { equals: $inputs.status }: {};
query GetStudents($course: ID, $status: String, $statusWhere: status_bool_exp) {
studentCourses (where :{
status: {$statusWhere},
course: {
id: {
equals: $course
# other fields, etc
This is giving error:
GraphQLError: Syntax Error: Expected Name, found "$".
Could you provide any hints?
After a bunch of trial and error I was able to figure it out myself. Posting it here because it could be useful for someone else.
Using the regular JS string interpolation variables works here.
So you need to define the condition as a string literal:
const statusWhere = inputs.status ? 'equals: "'+ inputs.status +'"' : '';
Then the whole gpl string looks like this:
query GetStudents($course: ID) {
studentCourses (where :{
status: {
course: {
id: {
equals: $course
# fields etc`
In this case you do not need to pass your string variable as a query param.

GraphQL - optional after value

I have the following GraphQL query:
query workflowState($id: String!, $after: String!){
workflowState(id: $id) {
issues(after: $after) {
pageInfo {
nodes {
nodes {
The first time I run the query I do not want to pass after to the issues I would like to get all issues from the beginning.
When I parse the response, if hasNextPage is true I would like to call the query again and this time pass endCursor to after so I get the next set of paginated results.
I can successfully parse the response and make the second call but
how do I go about making the first call that does not have and after value?
I have tried passing an empty or non-existent UUID, and I get the error: Invalid input: after must be an UUID
This definition
query workflowState($id: String!, $after: String!){
... makes after variable required.
Just remove '!' - exclamation mark:
query workflowState($id: String!, $after: String){
... and [when not required] don't pass 'after' variable - issues(after: $after) will get (will be evaluated to) undefined value. This way 'after' will work as an optional parameter.

Graphql syntax for single query for same field with different parameters from an array

I am looking for something like the below pseudo query:
query users($ids: [String!]) {
"id from $ids": getUser(id){
To get a response like:
data: {
'039ccf5c-3070-4368-b790-0884669e759d': {id: '039ccf5c-3070-4368-b790-0884669e759d', name: 'u1', 'dob': 12-12-12'},
'139ccf5c-3070-4368-b790-0884669e759d': {id: '139ccf5c-3070-4368-b790-0884669e759d', name: 'u1', 'dob': 12-12-12'},
Is this possible?
You can use aliases to query to the same field multiple times:
query users($id1: String!, $id2: String!) {
user1: getUser(id: $id1) {
user2: getUser(id: $id1) {
fragment UserFragment on User {
There are no control structures in GraphQL, so there's no way to loop through a value that is a list. If your list of IDs is of variable length, then you'll have to construct a query similar to the above programmatically, dynamically generating both the variable definitions and the aliased fields.

How can i search by field of joined table in graphql and nestjs

i create two table tag and tagTranslation.
following is field of each
id, type, transloations, creaed_at, updated_at
id, tag_id, name, language
I use graphql, i want to get tag list by type, name and language
{ tags(name:"tag1", language:"en, type:3){
so I create resolver like following
#Query(returns => [Tag])
tags(#Args() tagArgs: TagArgs): Promise<Tag[]> {
const where = {
...(tagArgs.type) && {type: tagArgs.type}
const include_where = {
...( && {name: { []: `%${}%` }},
...(tagArgs.language) && {language: tagArgs.language}
return this.tagService.findAll({
where: where,
include: {
as: 'translations',
model: TagTranslation,
where: include_where,
required: true,
#Query(returns => Tag)
tag(#Args({name: 'id', type: ()=> Int}) id: number): Promise<Tag>{
return this.tagService.get(id)
async translations(#Parent() tag): Promise<TagTranslation[]>{
const { id } = tag;
return await this.tagTranslationService.findAll({tag_id: id});
when i call tags, the query is called twice
first, A query is executed to get the results I want.
but second,
SELECT `id`, `tag_id`, `name`, `language`, `created_at`, `updated_at` FROM `tag_translation` AS `TagTranslation` WHERE `TagTranslation`.`tag_id` = 1;
query is called once more, so i can't get results what i want.
I think second query is called because of ResolveProperty, I remove ResolveProperty. after that, tag query is not include tagtranslation info...
how can i solve that problem ? or is there another idea??
how can i solve that problem ? or is there another idea??
Relations between entities should be resolved on a field resolver (#ResolveProperty()) level because when someone requests only id and type, you will still perform additional, not needed join on TagTranslation in sql query.

Dynamically choose query variables in React Apollo

I'd like to be able to dynamically choose which query variables I use in GraphQL.
For example, it seems a little redundant to need three separate queries:
const getAllStops = gql`
query trafficStops {
trafficStops {
const getStopsAfter = gql`
query trafficStops($after: String!) {
trafficStops(after: $after) {
const getStopsBefore = gql`
query trafficStops($before: String!) {
trafficStops(before: $before) {
Is there a way in which I could pass not just the variables before or after but whether I'd like to use one, the other, neither, or both into a single query instead of having multiple queries?
Yes, you just have to make your arguments optional. The exclamation mark at String! requires the argument to be a string and not null. Hence, by removing it you could write your single query as
const getAllStops = gql`
query trafficStops($after: String, $before: String) {
trafficStops(after: $after, before: $before) {
