Looping through %1 as a directory in batch? - for-loop

I've searched the web for answers but can't seem to find an answer. I want the user to provide a directory and to be able to loop through it. I'm able to loop through the current directory like so:
#Echo off
for /r %%f in (*.*) do (
echo %%f
But then when I try to do the same by looping through %1, I can't get the result I'm looking for. What am I doing wrong? Here's where I'm at in the batch file:
#Echo off
if exist %1 (
for /r %%f in (%1) do (
echo %%f
) else (
echo "That directory does not exist."
I've tried using /D but all that did was echo the directory I provided like this:
FileCount C:\Users\Me\Desktop
> C:\Users\Me\Desktop
Edit: My goal for this program is to eventually count the number of files within the given directory. I expect the directory to be provided as it's absolute path and I'll be executing this file through cmd. Here's an example of the input I'm expecting.
FileCount C:\Users\Me\Desktop
And the desired output would be something like:
> Hello world.txt
> Cat.png
> There are 2 files within this directory.
Side-note: I don't want to filter out the output of the dir command, I want to do this with a for loop.

Here's what you asked for, plus the optional recurs feature. Note that this will miss hidden files and directories.
#setlocal EnableExtensions
#set _Error_Success=0
#set _Error_PathNotFound=3
#if "%~1" equ "/?" goto :Usage
#if "%~1" equ "" goto :Usage
#if "%~1" equ "/r" (#set _recurs=/r & #set _root=%~2) else (#set _root=%~1)
#if not exist "%_root%" goto :Oops
#set count=0
#pushd "%_root%"
#for %_recurs% %%f in (*) do #call :Counter "%%f"
#echo There are %count% entries within this directory.
#exit /b %_Error_Success%
#set /a count+=1
#echo %~1
#exit /b %_Error_Success%
#echo "That directory does not exist."
#exit /b %_Error_PathNotFound%
#echo Usage: FileCount [/r] path
And this uses the dir command, without resorting to invoking findstr:
#setlocal EnableExtensions
#set _Error_Success=0
#set _Error_PathNotFound=3
#set _Error_InvalidParameter=87
#set _attributes=
#set _recurs=
#set _count=0
#if "%~1" equ "/?" #goto :Usage & #exit
#if "%~1" equ "" goto :Usage
#set _root=%~1
#if not exist "%_root%" goto :Oops
#pushd "%_root%"
for /f %%G in ('dir /B /A-d %1 %2 %_root%') do #call :Counter "%%G"
#echo There are %_count% entries within this directory.
#exit /b %_Error_Success%
#set /a _count+=1
#echo %~1
#exit /b %_Error_Success%
#echo "That directory does not exist."
#exit /b %_Error_PathNotFound%
#echo Usage: FileCount [/A<Attributes>] [/S] rootPath
#echo Where <Attributes> corresponds to 'dir /A' optiions (see 'help dir')
#echo and /S will cause recursion into subdirectories of rootPath.

This example, uses a for loop, and does not use the dir command, as per your inexplicable request, but it does use xcopy to list and count the files within it instead:
#For %%G In ("%~1") Do #If "%%~aG" Lss "d" (If "%%~aG" GEq "-" (
Echo Error: File argument given, expected a directory.
%SystemRoot%\System32\timeout.exe /T 3 /NoBreak 1> NUL
Exit /B 1) Else (
Echo Error: Invalid argument, directory path expected.
%SystemRoot%\System32\timeout.exe /T 3 /NoBreak 1> NUL
Exit /B 1)
) Else Echo File content of "%~1":& For /F Delims^= %%H In (
'%SystemRoot%\System32\xcopy.exe "%~1" : /HIL') Do #Echo %%~nxH
#%SystemRoot%\System32\timeout.exe /T -1 & Exit /B 0
If you want it to recurse the input directory, then I'd suggest this very small modification:
#For %%G In ("%~1") Do #If "%%~aG" Lss "d" (If "%%~aG" GEq "-" (
Echo Error: File argument given, expected a directory.
%SystemRoot%\System32\timeout.exe /T 3 /NoBreak 1> NUL
Exit /B 1) Else (
Echo Error: Invalid argument, directory path expected.
%SystemRoot%\System32\timeout.exe /T 3 /NoBreak 1> NUL
Exit /B 1)
) Else Echo File content of "%~1":& For /F Delims^= %%H In (
'%SystemRoot%\System32\xcopy.exe "%~1" : /HILS') Do #Echo %%H
#%SystemRoot%\System32\timeout.exe /T -1 & Exit /B 0
Or with a little more work, outputting relative paths instead:
#For %%G In ("%~1") Do #If "%%~aG" Lss "d" (If "%%~aG" GEq "-" (
Echo Error: File argument given, expected a directory.
%SystemRoot%\System32\timeout.exe /T 3 /NoBreak 1> NUL
Exit /B 1) Else (
Echo Error: Invalid argument, directory path expected.
%SystemRoot%\System32\timeout.exe /T 3 /NoBreak 1> NUL
Exit /B 1)
) Else Echo File content of "%~1":& For /F Delims^= %%H In (
'%SystemRoot%\System32\xcopy.exe "%~1" : /HILS') Do #(
Set "}=%%H" & SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
For %%I In ("!}:*%~1=.!") Do #EndLocal & Echo %%~I)
#%SystemRoot%\System32\timeout.exe /T -1 & Exit /B 0

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
rem Put it into a folder that is in ENV PATH variable.
rem So, you can call it from wherever you want.
if not "%~1"=="" (
if exist "%~dpn1" (
set /a "filecount=0"
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%f in ('dir /b "%~dpn1"') do (
echo %%f
set /a "filecount+=1"
echo In "%~dpn1" found !filecount! file^(s^).
) else (
echo [ERROR] Invalid input. Please specify:
echo 1. A full path.
echo 2. A folder in cwd.
echo If input is empty, current working directory (cwd)
echo will be considered.
exit /b 1
) else (
set /a "filecount=0"
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%f in ('dir /b "%~dp0"') do (
echo %%f
set /a "filecount+=1"
echo In "%~dp0" found !filecount! file^(s^).
If you want it recursive call it as progname.bat /r [foldname]:
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
rem Put it into a folder that is in ENV PATH variable.
rem So, you can call it from wherever you want.
if "%1"=="/r" shift
if not "%1"=="" (
if exist "%~dpn1" (
set /a "filecount=0"
set /a "totalcount=0"
set "oldroot=%~dpn1"
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%f in ('dir /b /s "!cd!"') do (
if not "%%~dpf"=="!oldroot!" (
echo In "!oldroot!" found !filecount! file^(s^).
set /a "filecount=0"
set "oldroot=%%~dpf"
echo --- %%f
set /a "filecount+=1"
set /a "totalcount+=1"
echo In "%~dpn1" found !totalcount! file^(s^).
) else (
echo [ERROR] Invalid input. Please specify:
echo 1. A full path.
echo 2. A folder in cwd.
echo If input is empty, current working directory (cwd)
echo will be considered.
exit /b 1
) else (
set /a "filecount=0"
set /a "totalcount=0"
set "oldroot=!cd!"
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%f in ('dir /b /s "!cd!"') do (
if not "%%~dpf"=="!oldroot!" (
echo In "!oldroot!" found !filecount! file^(s^).
set /a "filecount=0"
set "oldroot=%%~dpf"
echo --- %%f
set /a "filecount+=1"
set /a "totalcount+=1"
echo In "%~dp0" found !totalcount! file^(s^).
Try it and see if it is what you expected.

Thank you for the help everybody, I've found the solution to the problem and it was very simple. All I needed to do was loop through %1\*.* instead of %1 itself.
#Echo off
if exist %1 (
for %%f in (%1\*.*) do (
echo %%f
) else (
echo "That directory does not exist."


Getting delayed expansion value to function output

Here is a windows cmd fragment:
#for /f %%R in ('dir /b current') do (
#echo ___
#echo Moving %%R to FTP server.
%java_cmd% -jar f17ftp.jar -dput -file:%%R %select%
if 1 neq 0 (
#echo Transfer of %%R failed.
call :readLog
echo %log%
%java_cmd% -cp SQLQueryXML.jar com.saliencrgt.chums.AlertMessage "Contents of ftp log are:<br/><br>"%log%
) else (
#echo Transfer of %%R succeeded.
move current\%%R xmlfiles 1> nul
exit /b
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
#for /F "delims=" %%x in (f17ftp.debug.log) do (
if .!build!==. (set build=%%x) else (set build=!build!,%%x)
endlocal & set log=!build!
exit /b
I am trying to get the contents of a file into a variable to send as an argument to a java class
The readLog function does read the file and if I echo !build! prior to the endlocal the file contents do print to the console.
I can set "log" to a constant instead of the !build! variable and I see it in the calling function, but I can't get the delayed variable value out of the function.
Here's a quick example of how I'd expect your :readLog labelled section to look:
#set "log="
#setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
#set "build="
#for /f "usebackq delims=" %%x in ("f17ftp.debug.log") do #(
if not defined build (set "build=%%x") else set "build=!build!,%%x"
#endlocal & set "log=%build%"
#exit /b
However to view it, as it is still being defined within a parenthesized block, you will probably find that your :moveFiles labelled section would also need to have enabled delayed expansion, and then echo !log! not echo %log%.
You may find therefore that something a little more like this will work better for you:
#for /f "eol=? delims=" %%R in ('dir /b "current" 2^>nul') do #(
echo ___
echo Moving %%R to FTP server.
"%java_cmd%" -jar "f17ftp.jar" -dput -file:"%%R" %select%
if errorlevel 1 (
echo Transfer of %%R failed.
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "log="
set "build="
call :readLog
echo !log!
"%java_cmd%" -cp "SQLQueryXML.jar" com.saliencrgt.chums.AlertMessage "Contents of ftp log are:<br/><br>"!log!
) else (
echo Transfer of %%R succeeded.
move "current\%%R" "xmlfiles" 1>nul
#exit /b
#for /f "usebackq delims=" %%x in ("f17ftp.debug.log") do #(
if not defined build (set "build=%%x") else set "build=!build!,%%x"
#set "log=%build%"
#exit /b

rename all files sequentially with same extension using batch file

I wanna rename this files like that:
File 1.pdf > 1.pdf
File 2.pdf > 2.pdf
File 10.pdf >10.pdf
File 11.pdf >11.pdf
File1 1.pdf >12.pdf
File1 2.pdf >13.pdf
This code it's working but not Sorting Them:
#echo off & setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set a=1
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b *.pdf') do (
ren "%%i" "!a!.pdf"
set /a a+=1
The result is :
File 1.pdf > 1.pdf
File 10.pdf > 2.pdf
File 11.pdf > 3.pdf
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
if "%~1" == "stage1" goto :stage1
if "%~1" == "stage2" goto :stage2
if not "%~1" == "" exit /b 1
cmd /c "%~f0" stage1 | sort | cmd /c "%~f0" stage2
exit /b 0
for /f "delims=" %%A in ('dir /b *.pdf') do (
for /f "tokens=1,*" %%B in ("%%~nA") do (
set "token1=%%~B "
set "token2= %%~C"
echo "!token1:~0,20!"^|"!token2:~-20!"^|"%%~A"
exit /b 0
set i=0
for /f "delims=" %%A in ('more') do (
set /a "i+=1"
for /f "tokens=3 delims=|" %%B in ("%%~A") do (
echo ren "%%~B" "!i!.pdf"
exit /b 0
Label stage1 pads the 2 tokens of the filename with spaces and then trims each to 20 characters in length. Each line is echoed with "token1 padded"|"token2 padded"|"full filename", which is piped to sort, and then piped to label stage2 for indexing and renaming.
Remove the echo in front of the ren command if test is good.
ren "File 1.pdf" "1.pdf"
ren "File 2.pdf" "2.pdf"
ren "File 10.pdf" "3.pdf"
ren "File 11.pdf" "4.pdf"
ren "File1 1.pdf" "5.pdf"
ren "File1 2.pdf" "6.pdf"
You can test a to see if it is less than 10 and add a zero to the filename like this:
if !a! LSS 10 ren "%%i" "0!a!.pdf" else ren "%%i" "!a!.pdf"
If you have more than 100 file to rename, you can make it like this:
if !a! LSS 10 set newfile="00!a!" else if !a! LSS 100 set newfile="0!a!"
ren "%%i" "!newfile!.pdf"
Putting it all together, this worked for me:
#echo off & setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set a=1
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b *.pdf') do (
set newfile="!a!"
if !a! LSS 1000 set newfile="0!a!"
if !a! LSS 100 set newfile="00!a!"
if !a! LSS 10 set newfile="000!a!"
ren "%%i" "!newfile!.pdf"
set /a a+=1

Use a Batch File to list files and allow the user to select which file to copy into a new destination

I am a newbie to Windows Scripting.
I am trying to list some txt files in several sub directories & want to copy a user selected file to a new destination. Please note that the file name is unique in different locations.
I got the first part to work (Listing out the files & locations) using the following script, but I am unable to copy the selected file to the new location.
SET index=1
SET FFPath="C:\Scripts - Backup Server\DKXpress_bkp"
SET NewPath=C:\DKServer
ECHO Recursively searching %FFPath%
FOR /F "delims=" %%f in ('DIR %FFPath%\*.txt /a:-d /s /b') DO (
SET file!index!=%%f
ECHO !index! - %%f
SET /A index=!index!+1
SET /P selection="select file by number:"
SET file%selection% >nul 2>&1
ECHO invalid number selected
SET NewFile=file%selection%
ECHO Copying %NewFile% to %NewPath%
COPY /Y "%NewFile%" "%NewPath%"
I think I am doing this part wrong
SET NewFile=file%selection%
Thank you all in advance
You don't need to set an index variable or delayed expansion, if you let Find do the work for you:
#Echo Off
Set "FFPath=C:\Scripts - Backup Server\DKXpress_bkp"
Set "NewPath=C:\DKServer"
Echo Recursively searching %FFPath%
For /F "Delims==" %%A In ('"Set File[ 2>Nul"') Do Set "%%A="
For /F "Tokens=1* Delims=]" %%A In (
'"Dir /B/S/A-D-S-L "%FFPath%\*.txt" 2>Nul|Find /N /V """') Do (
Echo %%A] %%B
Set "File%%A]=%%B"
Set /P "#=Select file by number: "
For /F "Tokens=1* Delims==" %%A In ('"Set File[%#%] 2>Nul"') Do (
Echo Copying %%B to %NewPath%&Echo=
Copy /Y "%%B" "%NewPath%"
GoTo :End
Echo Invalid number selected
You need to use delayed expansion to get the file name assigned to the variable correctly.
SET NewFile=!file%selection%!
Remove the setlocal to disable delayed expansion.
You can try something like that :
SET index=1
SET FFPath="C:\Scripts - Backup Server\DKXpress_bkp"
SET "NewPath=C:\DKServer"
ECHO Recursively searching %FFPath%
FOR /F "delims=" %%f in ('DIR %FFPath%\*.txt /a:-d /s /b') DO (
SET filepath[!index!]=%%f
ECHO [!index!] - %%~nxf - %%f
SET /A index=!index!+1
echo select file by number :
set /p Input=""
For /L %%i in (1,1,%index%) Do (
If "%INPUT%" EQU "%%i" (
ECHO Copying "!filepath[%%i]!" to "!NewPath!"
COPY /Y "!filepath[%%i]!" "!NewPath!"
echo Copying another file ? (Y = Yes or N = No) ?
set /p input2=""
If /I "!input2!"=="Y" (
goto :Main
) else (
goto :eof

find multiple files paths with single string

I tried to write a batch script that find all the paths of files that have the same name as the input string. right now it can find only the first file found, and i cant think of a way to make it list multiple files locations. I am not very experienced and I need some help.
this is part of the script code:
echo Enter file name with extension:
set /p filename=
echo Searching...
for %%a in (C D E F G H U W) do (
for /f "tokens=*" %%b in ('dir /s /b "%%a:\%filename%"') do (
set file=%%~nxb
set datapath=%%~dpb\
::the path of the file without the filename included "C:\folder\folder\"
set fullpath=%%b
::the path of the file with the filename included "C:\folder\folder\file"
goto break
echo Enter file name with extension:
echo %filename%
echo File Not Found!
ping localhost -n 4 >nul
goto start
if "%datapath:~-1%"=="\" set datapath=%datapath:~,-1%
echo 3 %filename% found
echo %fullpath1%
echo %fullpath2%
echo %fullpath3%
--- || ---
I want the script to search the computer and list every encountered files with the same name and I want to be able to put those files' paths into different variables.
For example, if readme.txt is the input, then I want the list of all the paths of all the files with that specific name (readme.txt) and I want to set variable for each path so I can use it after that.
3 files found
#echo off
set filename=readme.txt
for %%a in (C D E F G H U W) do (
for /f "tokens=*" %%b in ('dir /s /b "%%a:\%filename%"') do (
echo you can do something here with %%~nxb in %%~dpb
echo full name: %%b
I see no need to set the filenames to variables, as you can process them inside your loop. But if you really need them (for some reason) in variables:
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set filename=readme.txt
set count=0
for %%a in (C D E F G H U W) do (
for /f "tokens=*" %%b in ('dir /s /b "%%a:\%filename%" 2^>nul') do (
set /a count+=1
set _file[!count!]=%%b
set _file
You can try with this code :
#echo off
Title Searching for the path with the same file name
Mode con cols=80 lines=3 & Color 9E
SET /a Count=0
set /a cnt=1
set "FileName=Readme.txt"
set "Report=%~dp0Report.txt"
set "Folder2Copy=%~dp0Readme_Folder"
set "Result2Copy=%~dp0Result2Copy.txt
If exist %Folder2Copy% RD /S /Q %Folder2Copy%
If Exist %Report% Del %Report%
If Exist %Result2Copy% Del %Result2Copy%
Echo Searching for the path with the same file name
Rem Looking for fixed drives and store them into variables
SETLOCAL enabledelayedexpansion
For /f "skip=1" %%a IN ('wmic LOGICALDISK where driveType^=3 get deviceID') DO (
for /f "delims=" %%b in ("%%a") do (
SET /a "Count+=1"
set "Drive[!Count!]=%%b"
for /L %%i in (1,1,%Count%) do (
Title Please wait a while ... Searching for "%FileName%" on "!Drive[%%i]!\"
echo Please wait a while ... Searching for "%FileName%" on "!Drive[%%i]!\"
Call :FindPathFile !Drive[%%i]!\ %FileName% >> %Report%
Start "" %Report%
Goto :AskQuestion
:FindPathFile <Location> <FileName>
Where.exe /r %1 %2
Goto :eof
cls & Mode con cols=100 lines=5
echo Did you want to make copy of all files found as name "%FileName%"
echo saved on "%Report%" ? (Y/N) ?
set /p "Input="
If /I "%INPUT%"=="Y" (
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('Type "%Report%"') do (
Call :MakeCopy "%%~i" "%Folder2Copy%\"
Call :Explorer "%Folder2Copy%\" & exit
If /I "%INPUT%"=="N" (
Goto :eof
:MakeCopy <Source> <Target>
If Not Exist "%~2\" MD "%~2\" (
if not exist "%2\%~n1" (
echo copying "%~1" to "%~2"
copy /N /B "%~1" "%~2" >>%Result2Copy% 2>&1
) else (
call :loop "%~1" "%~2"
set "fname=%2\%~n1(%cnt%)%~x1"
if exist "%fname%" set /a cnt+=1 && goto :loop
copy "%~1" "%fname%"
exit /b
:Explorer <file>
explorer.exe /e,/select,"%~1"
Goto :EOF

for command is executed only for the first value when a label is inside

I have the script
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir "%folder%*.txt" /b /s') do (
set s=%%i
set s=!s:%folder%=!
set new_s=!s:\=!
if "x!new_s!" NEQ "x!s!" (
For /f "tokens=1* delims=\" %%A in ("!s!") do (
if "%%A" NEQ "" (
if "!Folder1!" NEQ "" (
Set Folder1=!Folder1!\!Name!
)else (
Set Folder1=!Name!
Set Name=%%A
if "%%B" NEQ "" (
set s=%%B
goto :ProcessListSource
echo Folder is: !Folder1!
echo Name is: !Name!
echo ---------------------
) else (
echo Not a folder !s!
but it does not work as I would have expected:
The first for is executed only once and also the last echo is printed on the screen.
Given a folder I need the files from subfolders without the given folder and than split them into the folder and file
Ex: folder=C:\test
The for would give me the file C:\test\test1\test2\t.txt
And I need test1\test2 and t.txt
GOTO breaks your FOR /F \ IF context and they can be executed only once.
More simple example:
#echo off
for /l %%S in (1=1=5) do (
echo %%S
goto :inner_label
This will print only 1 . Do you really need the GOTO here?
When the parser reads your code, all the code inside your for loop is "considered" as only one command that is readed, parsed and executed. As stated in the npocmaka answer, any goto call takes you out of this "line" of code, ending the process of the for loop.
This is a alternative. Use pushd + xcopy /l /s commands to generate a list of the relative paths of the files.
#echo off
setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion
set "folder=%cd%"
pushd "%folder%"
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('xcopy /l /s /y * "%temp%"^|findstr /vbr /c:"[0-9]"'
) do for /f "delims=: tokens=1,*" %%b in ("%%~a") do (
echo [%%c] [%%~nxa]
