I have a scene set up in threejs with some very basic shapes, and I want to "shift" all colours in the scene to have purple hue to them (almost as if there was a purple opaque screen overlaying on top). I understand that a way to adjust colour/hue settings in a scene all at once is to use post-processing effects, but running through those listed effects I can't work out if any can help me here
Is this effect possible to achieve? Any guidance or link to appropriate resources would be appreciated here!
Try it with an instance of THREE.ShaderPass and a ColorCorrectionShader.
You can find such a setup in the official example: webgl_materials_normalmap
Distortion, color replacement on glb (gltf) models. Blue changes to green, and yellow changes to orange.
v106 three.js
v97 GLTFLoader.js
You're using an environment map in your preview in blender. That env map has a dominant color that will affect the coloring of your model. To compare these references, you want to make sure you're using the same envmap in both blender and webgl. If you are only using lights in your threejs scene, you'll want to make sure they are colored to match.
Another thing that can affect the coloring is the gamma output settings in your THREE.Renderer, and textures.
You can go through a lot of heroics to get the outputs of both renderers to match. Read this: https://discourse.threejs.org/t/whats-this-about-gammafactor/4264
If you just want a quicker fix.. tweak your lighting/envmaps, or tweak the colors/intensity of the lights you have set up in your threejs scene.
If this behavior is something that has changed between versions of THREE.. it may be something to file a bug report on.
There are now gamma related settings on both the threejs renderer and textures.
If this isn't enough info, let me know and I may know someone else who can help set you straight :) Hi Don!
Old question but for the record what caused it for me was the vertex colors under Object Data Properties:
Deleting the Col fixed the texture colors.
The material of section plane in Forge is as standard the fully colored faces with a hatch, while the section box has a transparent material (or no material at all?)
Is it possible to change between these, or in some way create own material to use on clipping planes?
I create the clipping planes through code already with
this.SectionExtension.tool.setSectionPlane(finalNormal, point)
Thanks for any pointers that could lead in the right direction.
Unfortunately, the viewer doesn't support change cap mesh materials since there is no API for this purpose. To remove cap meshes, I would advise you to set cut planes via Viewer3D#setCutPlanes.
For creating your own section box, you can refer to my answer here: How can I create section box in forge viewer, then you should be able to use this box to construct a box geometry for applying your won materials inside the viewer overlay or via the scene builder.
Does anyone have any suggestion of how to implement such a light glow effect in Three.js ?
There is a TextGeometry mesh
Some BoxGeometry mesh as a background
How to make this glow between them?
I tried to put many PointLight between text and box, but after about 20 of PointLights the scene become very slow. I tried to put some RectAreaLights — but the same.
Does anyone have any suggestion of how to implement such a light glow effect in Three.js ?
The typical way of doing this is via post-processing. three.js offers a so called "Bloom" pass which is demonstrated in the following example: webgl_postprocessing_unreal_bloom. I suggest you start with this setup.
but after about 20 of PointLights the scene become very slow. I tried to put some RectAreaLights — but the same.
It's no good approach in general to add that number of light sources to a three.js scene. If you place some small sphere meshes (based on THREE.SphereGeometry) with a bright material color onto the text, you should get a good result with bloom pass.
I test threejs and I have this problem:
Please check this link
I do not understand why shapes placed in the background are visible through the foreground shape when zoom in and out. Do you have an idea?
It has to do with z-fighting https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Z-fighting
An easy fix for your case would be to change your "nearPlane" value from .1 to for example 2.
I'm currently rendering a skybox to a THREE.CubeCamera target and am then using that target as the environment map on a material. The idea being that I want to have the colour of a cube affected by the colour of the sky around it, though not fully reflecting it (like how a white matte cube would look in the real world).
For example, here is what I have so far applying the environment map to a THREE.LambertMaterial or THREE.PhongMaterial with reflectivity set to 0.7 (same results):
Notice in the first image that the horizon line is clearly visible (this is at sunset when it's most obvious) and that the material is very reflective. The second image shows the same visible horizon line, which moves with the camera as you orbit. The third image shows the box at midday with blue sky above it (notice how the blue is reflected very strongly).
The effect I'm trying to aim for is a duller, perhaps blurred representation of what we can already see working here. I want the sky to affect the cube but I don't want to fully reflect it, instead I want each side of the cube to have a much more subtle effect without a visible horizon line.
I've experimented with the reflection property of the materials without much luck. Yes, it reduces the reflection effect but it also removes most of the colouring taken from the skybox. I've also tried the shininess property of THREE.PhongMaterial but that didn't seem to do much, if anything.
I understand that environment maps are meant to be reflections, however my hope is that there is a way to achieve what I'm after. I want a reflection of the sky, I just need it to be much less precise and instead more blurred / matte.
What could I do to achieve this?
I achieve this writing my own custom shader based on physically based rendering shading model.
I use cook-torrance model that consider roughness of the material for specular contribution. It's not an easy argument that I can talk in this answer, you can find great references here http://graphicrants.blogspot.it/ at the specular BRDF article.
In this question you can find how I achieve the blurry reflection depending on material roughness.
Hope it can help.
I solved this by passing a different set of textures that were blurred to be the cubemap for the object.