Sonarqube gradle plugin - excluding test sources breaks the unit test count in report - gradle

I'm using Gradle sonarqube plugin and I need to exclude all test sources from the sonar analysis (main goal is to filter out unit test classes from the issues/code smells report)
To do so, I have used the dedicated sonar.test.exclusions property as follow, to exclude the whole src/test directory from analysis
sonarqube {
properties {
property("sonar.exclusions" , "")
property("sonar.test.exclusions" , "src/test/**/*.java")
// other sonar properties, omitted
This works as expected (test sources are filtered out) BUT : when this property is set, sonar does not compute/report number of unit tests correctly.
See simple example for a very basic project: 2 main source files, 1 test source file containing 2 Junit tests (and also containing some issues I don"t want to see in report)
Without exclusions:
Sonar properly reports my 2 unit tests, but it also includes code smells from the unit test class
With exclusions:
Now, code smells from the unit test are properly filtered, but I lost the Unit test count information
using Gradle 6.7, sonarqube plugin version 3.0, and sonar server Community EditionVersion 8.4.2
also tried with the property sonar.exclusions : same problem
all other sonar properties are correctly set and have same values in both scenarios : specially sonar.tests,, sonar.junit.reportPaths, sonar.jacoco.reportPath
Any idea how to configure the sonarqube plugin, to exclude properly test sources, while keeping Unit tests information available?

I agree with Chriki's answer but only the first part : using sonar.test.exclusions is not the good way.
I disagree with the last part : using sonar.issue.ignore.multicriteria is totally possible with Gradle
Try something like this (not tested from my end though) :
sonarqube {
properties {
property "sonar.issue.ignore.multicriteria", "e1"
property "sonar.issue.ignore.multicriteria.e1.resourceKey", "src/test/java/**/*"
property "sonar.issue.ignore.multicriteria.e1.ruleKey", "*"

What you’re after doesn’t seem to be possible from a Gradle configuration. Let me elaborate on how I came to that conclusion.
In a (admittedly very) old thread on the Sonarqube mailing list from 2013, somebody asked the same question (albeit for Maven). A Sonarqube consultant has answered it as follows:
When you exclude a file (or a test file) with sonar.exclusions (or sonar.test.exclusions), the file is just ignored by SonarQube. The source code is not imported, no metrics are computed on this file (such as number of tests).
To ignore some specific issues on specific files, see To ignore some files to be taking into account for code coverage computation, see and so on.
The current documentation link corresponding to the first (now broken) one from the quote is this: (or for version 8.4) It’s about ignoring “issues on certain components and against certain coding rules” – which is what you’re after, if I’m not mistaken. However, these docs state right at the beginning:
Note that the properties below can only be set through the web interface because they are multi-valued.
Here “web interface” is meant as opposed to a (Gradle) build configuration for example. In fact, the previously mentioned Sonarqube consultant explicitly states this for Maven, too:
The property is sonar.issue.ignore.multicriteria. I think I read somewhere that you have to do these through the GUI because they are multi-valued? Is that the case? If not, how would I write it as an entry in the pom.xml? We like to keep all config in the one place (pom.xml).
It's unfortunately not possible.
The mailing list discussion is a bit longer and gives more insight, so it may be worth a read in full. It also sheds some more light on the sonar.test.exclusions property for which I could otherwise not find any good documentation.


Gradle configurations integration

I've found this code at work in build.gradle
configurations {
all {
resolutionStrategy {
cacheDynamicVersionsFor 0, 'seconds'
I can't find anywhere what integration keyword stands for. Can you explain to me?
In this example, the build is declaring a new configuration called integration. And a configuration can for the most part be thought of as a bucket or collection of dependencies. If a plugin or the Gradle core new about a particular configuration, there would usually be no need to declare it as it would already exist to begin with.
Let's assume that 'integration' is short for 'integration test'. Then what's going on here is that your build is saying: "Hey, I need a bunch of dependencies for running my integration test, but I don't want to pollute the classpath for the other kinds of runtime environments. So please make me a bucket of dependencies to isolate the integration test".
Later in the build file (which you didn't show), you will then find a dependencies block where the integration configuration is populated with the modules needed for running the test. And lastly, some task that actually uses it, presumably for setting the classpath.
It could be used for a number of other things of cause. But whatever it is, it is probably something custom and you could rename it (and all references to it) to 'aCollectionOfAwesomeDependenciesUsedForRunningOurIntegrationTest' if you like.

JaCoCo ignoring Lombok code, is this expected?

I am using Lombok 1.18.2 and JaCoCo 0.8.3, which theoretically recognize/ignore lombok annotations. I did a test, added the lombok.addLombokGeneratedAnnotation = true param in my lombok.config and then I see the generated annotation on my target classes decompiled code.
But I am surprised to open jacoco.exec file and see that things like #Getter increase the "Total Probes" values, but keep untouched the "Executed Probes" one.
Is this expected?
If so, how can SonarQube make smart use of it, if by pointing it to the jacoco.exec files, there is only information on total/hit probes? How can Sonar tell one of this probes has something to do with lombok?
I am using Lombok 1.18.2 and JaCoCo 0.8.3, which theoretically recognize/ignore lombok annotations.
Not theoretically, but practically.
Not "ignore lombok annotations", but methods annotated with #lombok.Generated, or even more precise quoting entry from 0.8.3 changelog:
Classes and methods annotated by annotation whose retention policy is runtime or class and whose simple name contains "Generated" (previously equality was required) are filtered out during generation of report
But I am surprised to open jacoco.exec file and see that things like #Getter increase the "Total Probes" values, but keep untouched the "Executed Probes" one. Is this expected?
Yes, this is expected. Filtering of methods doesn't happen during instrumentation of classes (insertion of probes). exec file is not final report, it contains raw information about all probes inserted in class. Filtering of methods happens during generation of report (analysis of exec and class files), i.e. during execution of report JaCoCo Ant Task for example.
If so, how can SonarQube make smart use of it, if by pointing it to the jacoco.exec files, there is only information on total/hit probes? How can Sonar tell one of this probes has something to do with lombok?
SonarQube embeds JaCoCo as a library and use it to analyze exec and class files for generation of their report.
And that's why JaCoCo release announcements usually contain following statement, e.g. for 0.8.2:
As before - please note
0.8.2 version of integrations developed as part of JaCoCo project by us (Ant Tasks, Maven Plugin and Command Line Interface) provide Java 11 support and new filters,
tools that directly read exec files (which is not a final report) and embed JaCoCo as a library for generation of report will provide ability to analyze Java 11 class files and to use new filters only after they updated to this version of JaCoCo.
So please follow/wait/etc respective vendors such as
SonarQube - , or try to use new plugin that reads XML report -

How to make sonarqube ignore the equals and hashcode

I'm wondering if it is currently possible to ignore the equals and hashcode method for the sonar test coverage? I have heard about the block exclusion, but it didn't work.
(assuming you're using jacoco for coverage reporting)
If you're not using Lombok, you might try adding the #Generated annotation to your methods you want skipped. I'm not sure this will work - but worth a shot!
If you're using Lombok [like I was], here's a solution from Rainer Hahnekamp that marks the code as #Generated, which makes jacoco ignore the methods, and in turn makes sonarqube display a higher coverage percentage.
Luckily, beginning with version 0.8.0, Jacoco can detect, identify, and ignore Lombok-generated code. The only thing you as the developer have to do is to create a file named lombok.config in your directory’s root and set the following flag:
lombok.addLombokGeneratedAnnotation = true
This adds the annotation lombok.#Generated to the relevant methods, classes and fields. Jacoco is aware of this annotation and will ignore that annotated code.
Please keep in mind that you require at least version 0.8.0 of Jacoco and v1.16.14 of Lombok.

How to check test quality with Sonar?

Currently, we are using Sonar to check the quality of our production code. I would Like to check the quality of the test Code either.
How can I do it ?
I tried to change the "sonar.sources" to include test, but in this case i have an error : test folders are defined twice, one in test and one in source.
May be I can configure sonar / maven / jenkins to run 2 analysis : first one, the src code, with the test coverage, thant the tests (only quality, no coverage). But I also need to have everything run in a single jenkins job and displayed in a single Sonar Project.
And I don't know where to configure (pom ? sonar ? jenkins ?) I found some things about profiles, but it seems to be deprecated for my version.
I'm using Sonar 5.1, run from a jenkins job.
our Sonar properties in the pom are :
In the latest versions of the Java plugin there are some rules to check tests, but they are test-specific rules. I.E. they check if your #Test methods contain assertions &etc. You simply need to add those rules to your profile.
If, however, you're talking about running "code rules" on your tests, then your best bet is probably to define another project where the tests are treated as sources. Since you've already noted the difficulties of doing that with Maven, I would use SonarQube Scanner for this separate, second analysis.

Possible to switch SonarQube Analyzer from Maven to Sonar-Runner?

I currently analyze a multi-module java project with sonarqube 4.3 using maven. The structure of the analysis´ configuration is:
So what I did was rebuilding the whole configuration in 1 following the multi-module Project Section of this documentation
It is most important to me, that I can continue with my historical data, false-positives etc.
Currently, I am experimenting with a test system. It seems to be possible to just switch the analyzer, keeping the old data.
What I ask for, is some reassurance or a link to a documentation how to switch between analyzers. Thanks.
UPDATE concerning controlling the keys:
My root-pom.xml defines the key as
The module-pom.xmls define the modules´s key as:
My new for switching to sonar-runner looks loke this:
sonar.modules=module1, module2
With that configuration, it seems to be possible to continue the analysis of the maven analysis with sonar-runner.
#Tim, with Sonar Runner you can't drive the way SonarQube generate the keys for each module so you won't be able to have the same keys used by the Maven SonarQube Runner. And so you will lose your false-positives, historical data, configuration ...
