Can I use the Office Add-ins platform to automate Outlook? - outlook

I'm using the Windows desktop version of Outlook 365. I very frequently create a new Outlook 'task' and add the exact same text (with formatting) to the description section. I would like to automate this, so that all this is done with a single keystroke (or maybe mouse click). Can this be done with the Office Add-ins platform? I am a web developer, so using JavaScript is appealing.
If not, how might I approach this? I've tried VBA but the process was a bit difficult, which is why I'm hoping I can use a JavaScript approach.
Thanks in advance.

Addin is an overkill - it will need to be installed in your Exchange tenant or sideloaded.
VBA is not at all difficult if you already know JS.


Ways to automate Outlook Application

After every patching we test basic Outlook functionality like able to send email etc, wanted to check if there is any way to automate the Outlook UI.
You can use Microsoft Active Accessibility or any wrapper around that API with Selenium for getting the job done.

Outlook add-in with global scope (inbox level)

Is there a way to have an outlook add-in that uses a global scope? I want to be able to launch the add-in at any time, but not necessarily relate it to a specific e-mail. According to the documentation I found, the closest thing would be to have it appear as a Module, but then it only works on the desktop version (not the web), and doesn't allow you to view it alongside e-mails. It would be ideal if this could run on the side of the screen, similar to how Skype works on the web version of Outlook, on both the desktop and web versions. Is Skype a special case, or is it possible to build an add-in like that?
Web-based add-ins work in the context of the current item only.
Instead, you may consider developing a browser plug-in which modifies a web page dynamically. And for the desktop editions of Outlook you may consider creating a COM based add-in which allows to customize the UI in the way you need. See Walkthrough: Creating Your First VSTO Add-In for Outlook to get started quickly.

How to create Outlook templates(like .oft or .msg) for MAC outlook

Can any body please advise how to create Outlook templates(like .oft or .msg) for MAC outlook by making use of Windows outlook. Is it doable? Do we need to do in any other format? or at-least how to do reusable outlook templates on Mac for multiple Mac users like the way we do for Windows Outlook which they can directly open and use. I tried searching but didn't get exact answers.
Outlook for Mac doesn't offer this functionality.
The closest you can get is by opening the HTML file in Word and doing a mail merge to Outlook. But this is very bad practice and highly not advisable.
Here is the official Q&A:
When you have an Office 365 Subscription and use Insider Fast updates on your OutLook for Mac this new Email Template feature is now available. See this blog post.

how CISCO able to integrate webex plugin for outlook mac

I am developing a plug-in for outlook mac, I have search all over Google and community and everyone told me that its not possible to make Add-in for Outlook mac because it's simply doesn't support and I admitted but I have just seen the WebEx plugin for outlook and I am wondering how they are manage to do so? If anyone have idea I would really appreciate it
You could use Applescript, which is supported in Outlook 2011 for Mac:
You can find other examples here:
Similarly, you will need to find the corresponding API points for adding menu items. One way would be to understand how the API(the objects and functions) available in VBA map to Applescript. Then see how the menu/toolbar items are added and do the corresponding stuff in applescript.
Also, see this Where to find what commands/properties are available for AppleScript in Microsoft Outlook 2011
They reverse engineered Outlook and put their icon in the menu. There is no APIs that Microsoft exposes like on Windows Outlook.

UI Automation tools for windows (web page embedded in a windows app)

We have a webpage(html) embedded inside an outlook addin. We have tried to automate UI testing using AutoIt and MS UI Automation framework in the past with the help of redemption to open/close outlook etc.. But we are having a problem accessing the elements inside the webpage within the addin (we are able to access Windows elements).
Does anybody know any automation tool/framework that can help us?
Give Sikuli a try. Start with the tutorials.
I can't think of any other solution, as you're working in a very custom situation.
