Rate limiting load balanced environment using a distributed cache - caching

My question is about a fundamental functionality of the distributed cache, my use case is a rate limiter implementation on a load balanced environment, each request from the same endpoint should increment a request-counter for that endpoint, I'm trying to understand how a distributed cache works in this situation when each request is directed to a different (load balanced) cluster node, is the endpoint request-count stored on a single node of the cluster? in this case the network load is inefficient, isn't it?, can I configure the cluster to replicate the data for reads? wouldn't this cause consistency issues and write penalties on the cache cluster when increment is preformed on the counter? Do distributed caches use any quorum based mechanisms?

This is a fundamental question regarding distributed systems. It is covered basically under CAP Theorem:
C = Consistent, A = Available, P = Partitioned (distributed)
You can only have 2 of the 3 - you have to make trade offs according to your use case.
My experience is with Hazelcast (www.hazelcast.org) which by default is an AP system using a data partitioning scheme. Hazelcast also has a CP subsystem to offer guaranteed consistency over availability.
Coincidentally I advised a bit on a rate limiting system using Hazelcast a year or so ago. It did precisely what your talking about. You just have to take the pieces and architect a system that meets your neeeds.

Cluster quorum, replicated maps - they are all there in Hazelcast but if I understood your requirement correctly, you do not need any of them. I think what you are asking for can have a very simple answer:
Use a distributed map
Assign a unique identifier to each endpoint and use this identifier as "key" when a request is generated from that endpoint.
As for the value, you have various options to keep the count. For example - a simple AtomicInteger (Java SDK's, not Hazelcast IAtomicInteger).


Is it safe and efficient to store session information in a Redis Cluster

This question sounds very much like: this one, but I believe it is not. Whilst that question is very specific, I believe it doesn't provide enough to cover the doubts I have.
I am trying to set up a Redis Cluster for an application deployment I have. I use Redis to store various information like Session info, Scheduled Job meta-info etc. I have been using a single node instance thus far. However, I am thinking moving to a Redis Cluster for HA. I know that Redis is single threaded and only provides best effort consistency and is not a strong consistency provider. So as far as I am at a single node, I had no issues with consistency (except in terms of fault-tolerance). However when I move to a cluster setup this is still not true (at-least as per what I understand).
My questions are as follows:
If I move to a Redis Cluster setup, do I compromise on consistency to gain HA? The Redis website itself says the cluster setup does not provide strong consistency guarantees given its asynchronous replication method. In that case what's the argument for people using/suggesting Redis to be a viable solution for storing sessions as in the previous post? Is it only true for a single node setup? Or is it that sessions are okay to have been lost once every whenever-it-happens?
For Redis to be truly fault-tolerant we must use the persistence feature and if not it cannot re-generate state? (I believe this also comes with a slight compromise in performance)
Am I correct in my understanding that Redis Cluster only provides HA in the sense the data is sharded and distributed and does not provide automatic fail-over? For which Redis Sentinel must be used?
What other solutions do people use for fast-access data with strong consistency requirements?
I may not answer all the questions in depth. Before going into the details of your questions;
The relation between availability and consistency is not only Redis related but one of the core principals of distributed systems. It can be explained with CAP Theorem. Yes you will compromise consistency for high availability because you can't sacrifice partition tolerance in distributed systems. Some of the distributed database technologies provide configuration to have "strong" consistency with the tradeoff availability with quorum (such as Cassandra).
If you want HA then Redis cluster may not be what you are looking for. Redis Cluster is a good solution when you need to shard your data(distribute the load) across multiple nodes. It is "a must" when you reach the limits of the memory of your instance. What you may need is Redis Sentinel.
Redis Sentinel provides high availability for Redis. In practical terms this means that using Sentinel you can create a Redis deployment that resists without human intervention certain kinds of failures.
The post you shared is almost 8 years old, it may not cover or answer all the requirement's of today. The post is not asking any scenarios or solutions to cover distributed Redis too.
Redis is still a great solution for sessions(perfect example for key/value). You may scale vertically and stay in one node to achieve strong consistency for sessions.
You may switch to some other database with configurable consistency(data accuracy) such as Cassandra and set your quorum according to the business needs. It will not be a silver bullet, there is always a tradeoff.
You may look for a third party tool for quorum or implement one to have strong consistency in Redis. Redis's quorum is different than Cassandra's.
The quorum is only used to detect the failure. In order to actually perform a failover, one of the Sentinels need to be elected leader for the failover and be authorized to proceed. This only happens with the vote of the majority of the Sentinel processes.
Redis sentinel could be an answer here too. The official documentation covers a lot of details.
If a master is not working as expected, Sentinel can start a failover process where a replica is promoted to master, the other additional replicas are reconfigured to use the new master, and the applications using the Redis server are informed about the new address to use when connecting.
Redis cluster's specifications and use cases are different than Sentinels. Redis Sentinels one of the most important power comes from leader election during failover. AFAIK, cluster doesn't have this(didn't try but saw some details in documentation).
I indirectly answered and gave examples for this one. Vertical(Instead of horizontal) scaling could be an option. You may add more resources(RAM etc) to your instance. Another option could be considering Cassandra and make tuning for immediate consistency. The tradeoff is again availability. If your node(s) go(es) down, then both your reads and writes fail.
For fast-access data with strong consistency requirements - go with Cassandra. It's inherent quorum mechanism helps ensure consistency and the P2P architecture provides scalability with minimal configuration overhead

How do the Flowfiles get distributed across the cluster nodes?

For example, if I have a GetFile processor that I have designated to be isolated, how do the flow files coming from that processor get distributed across the cluster nodes?
Is there any additional work / processors that need to be added?
In Apache NiFi today the question of load balancing across the cluster has two main answers. First, you must consider how data gets to the cluster in the first place. Second, once it is in the cluster do you need to rebalance.
For getting data into the cluster it is important that you select protocols which are themselves scalable in nature. Protocols which offer queuing semantics are good for this whereas protocols which do not offer queuing semantics are problematic. As an example of one with queueing semantics think JMS queues or Kafka or some HTTP APIs. Those are great because one or more clients can pull from them in a queue fashion and thus spread the load. An example of a protocol which does not offer such behavior would bet GetFile or GetSFTP and so on. These are problematic because the client(s) have to share state about which data they see to pull. To address even these protocols we've moved to a model of 'ListSFTP' and 'FetchSFTP' where ListSFTP occurs on one node in the cluster (primary node) and then it uses Site-to-Site feature of NiFi to load balance to the rest of the cluster then each node gets its share of work and does FetchSFTP to actually pull the data. The same pattern is offered for HDFS now as well.
In describing that pattern I also mentioned Site-to-Site. This is how two nifi clusters can share data which is great for Inter-site and Instra-Site distribution needs. It also works well for spreading load within the same cluster. For this you simply send the data to the same cluster and NiFi takes care then of load balancing and fail-over and detection of new nodes and removed nodes.
So there are great options already. That said we can do more and in the future we plan to offer a way for you to on a connection indicate it should be auto-load-balanced and then it will behind the scenes do what I've described.
Here is an updated answer, that works even simpler with newer versions of NiFi. I am running Apache NiFi 1.8.0 here.
The approach I found here is to use a processor on the primary node, that will emit flow files to be consumed via a load balanced connection.
For example, use one of the List* processors, in "Scheduling" set its "Execution" to run on the primary node.
This should feed into the next processor. Select the connection and set its "Load Balance Strategy".
You can read more about the feature in its design document.

Redis failover and Partitioning?

I am using client side partitioning on a 4 node redis setup. The writes and reads are distributed among the nodes. Redis is used as a persistence layer for volatile data as well as a cache by different parts of application. We also have a cassandra deployment for persisting non-volatile data.
On redis we peak at nearly 1k ops/sec (instantaneous_ops_per_sec). The load is expected to increase with time. There are many operations where we query for a non-existent key to check whether data is present for that key.
I want to achieve following things:
Writes should failover to something when a redis node goes down.
There should be a backup for reading the data lost when the redis node went down.
If we add more redis nodes in the future (or a dead node comes back up), reads and writes should be re-distributed consistently.
I am trying to figure out suitable design to handle the above scenario. I have thought of the following options:
Create hot slaves for the existing nodes and swap them as and when a master goes down. This will not address the third point.
Write a Application layer to persist data in both redis and cassandra allowing a lazy load path for reads when a redis node goes down. This approach will have an overhead of writing to two stores.
Which is a better approach? Is there a suitable alternative to the above approaches?
A load of 1k ops/s is far below the capabilities of Redis. You would need to increase by up to two or more orders of magnitude before you come close to overloading it. If you aren't expecting to exceed 50-70,000 ops/second and are not exceeding your available single/0-node memory I really wouldn't bother with sharding your data as it is more effort than it is worth.
That said, I wouldn't do sharding for this client-side. I'd look at something like Twemproxy/Nutcracker to do it do you. This provides a path to a Redis Cluster as well as the ability to scale out connections and proved transparent client-side support for failover scenarios.
To handle failover in the client you would want to set up two instances per slot (in your description a write node) with one shaved to the other. Then you would run a Sentinel Constellation to manage the failover.
Then you would need to have your client code connect to sentinel to get the current master connectivity for each slot. This also means client code which can reconnect to the newly promoted master when a failover occurs. If you have load Balancers available you can place your Redis nodes behind one or more (preferably two with failover) and eliminated client reconnection requirements, but you would then need to implement a sentinel script or monitor to update the load balancer configuration on failover.
For the Sentinel Constellation a standard 3 node setup will work fine. If you do your load balancing with software in nodes you control it would be best to have at least two sentinel nodes on the load Balancers to provide natural connectivity tests.
Given your description I would test out running a single master with multiple read slaves, and instead of hashing in client code, distribute reads to slaves and writes to master. This will provide a much simpler setup and likely less complex code on the client side. Scaling read slaves is easier and simpler, and as you describe it the vast majority if ops will be read requests so it fits your described usage pattern precisely.
You would still need to use Sentinel to manage failover, but that complexity will still exist, resulting in a net decrease in code and code complexity. For a single master, sentinel is almost trivial so setup; the caveats being code to either manage a load balancer or Virtual IP or to handle sentinel discovery in the client code.
You are opening the distributed database Pandora's box here.
My best suggestion is; don't do it, don't implement your own Redis Cluster unless you can afford loosing data and / or you can take some downtime.
If you can afford running on not-yet-production-ready software, my suggestion is to have a look at the official Redis Cluster implementation; if your requirements are low enough for you to kick your own cluster implementation, chances are that you can afford using Redis Cluster directly which has a community behind.
Have you considered looking at different software than Redis? Cassandra,Riak,DynamoDB,Hadoop are great examples of mature distributes databases that would do what you asked out of the box.

How to use HBase and Hadoop to serve live traffic AND perform analytics? (Single cluster vs separate clusters?)

Our primary purpose is to use Hadoop for doing analytics. In this use case, we do batch processing, so throughput is more important than latency, meaning that HBase is not necessarily a good fit (although getting closer to real-time analytics does sound appealing). We are playing around with Hive and we like it so far.
Although analytics is the main thing we want to do in the immediate future with Hadoop, we are also looking to potentially migrate parts of our operations to HBase and to serve live traffic out of it. The data that would be stored there is the same data that we use in our analytics, and I wonder if we could just have one system for both live traffic and analytics.
I have read a lot of reports and it seems that most organizations choose to have separate clusters for serving traffic and for analytics. This seems like a reasonable choice for stability purposes, since we plan to have many people writing Hive queries, and badly written queries could potentially compromise the live operations.
Now my question is: how are those two different use cases reconciled (serving live traffic and doing batch analytics)? Do organizations use systems to write all data in two otherwise independent clusters? Or is it possible to do this out of the box with a single cluster in which some of the nodes serve live traffic and others do only analytics?
What I'm thinking is that we could perhaps have all data coming into the nodes that are used for serving live traffic, and let the HDFS replication mechanisms manage the copying of data into nodes that are used for analytics (increasing the replication higher than the default 3 probably makes sense in such scenario). Hadoop can be made aware of special network topologies, and it has functionality to always replicate at least one copy to different racks, so this seems to mesh well with what I'm describing.
The nodes dedicated to live traffic could be set to have zero (or few) map and reduce slots, so that all Hive queries end up being processed by the nodes dedicated to analytics.
The nodes dedicated to analytics would always be a little behind those dedicated to serving live traffic, but that does not seem to be a problem.
Does that kind of solution make sense? I am thinking it could be more simple to have one cluster than two, but would this be significantly riskier? Are there known cases of companies using a HBase cluster to serve live traffic while also running batch analytics jobs on it?
I'd love to get your opinions on this :) !
EDIT: What about Brisk? It's based on Cassandra instead of HBase, but it seems to be made exactly for what I'm describing (hybrid clusters). Has anyone worked with it before? Is it mature?
Your approach has a few problems... even in rack aware mode, if you have more than a few racks I don't see how you can be guaranteed your nodes will be replicated on those nodes. If you lose one of your "live" nodes, then you will be under-replicated for a while and won't have access to that data.
HBase is greedy in terms of resources and I've found it doesn't play well with others (in terms of memory and CPU) in high load situations. You mention, too, that heavy analytics can impact live performance, which is also true.
In my cluster, we use Hadoop quite a bit to preprocess data for ingest into HBase. We do things like enrichment, filtering out records we don't want, transforming, summarization, etc. If you are thinking you want to do something like this, I suggest sending your data to HDFS on your Hadoop cluster first, then offloading it to your HBase cluster.
There is nothing stopping you from having your HBase cluster and Hadoop cluster on the same network backplane. I suggest instead of having hybrid nodes, just dedicate some nodes to your Hadoop cluster and some nodes to your Hbase cluster. The network transfer between the two will be quite snappy.
Just my personal experience so I'm not sure how much of it is relevant. I hope you find it useful and best of luck!
I think this kind of solution might have sense, since MR is mostly CPU intensive and HBASE is a memory hungry beast. What we do need - is to properly arrange resource management. I think it is possible in the following way:
a) CPU. We can define maximum number of MR mappers/reducers per slot and assuming that each mapper is single threaded we can limit CPU consumption of the MR. The rest will go to HBASE.
b) Memory.We can limit memory for mappers and reducers and the rest give to HBASE.
c) I think we can not properly manage HDFS bandwidth sharing, but I do not think it should be a problem for HBASE -since for it disk operations are not on the critical path.

Distributed and replicated data storage for small amounts of data under Windows

We're looking for a good solution to a caching problem. We'd like to distribute a relatively small amount of data (perhaps 10's of GBs) among a cluster of web servers such that:
The data is replicated to all nodes
The data is persistent
The data can be accessed locally
Our motivation for a caching solution is that we currently have a single point of failure: a SQL Server database. We're unable to set up a fail-over cluster for this database, unfortunately. We're already using Memcached to a large extent, but we want to avoid the problem where if a Memcached node goes down, we'd suddenly have a large amount of cache misses and therefore experience a massive amount of requests to one endpoint.
We'd prefer instead to have local persistent caches on each web server node so that the resulting load would be distributed. When a retrieval is made, it would pass through the following:
Check for data in Memcached. If it's not there...
Check for data in local persistent storage. If it's not there...
Retrieve data from the database.
When data changes, the cache key is invalidated at both caching layers.
We've been looking at a bunch of potential solutions, but none of them seem to match exactly what we need:
This is pretty close; the data model we'd like to cache is very document-oriented. However, its replication model isn't exactly what we're looking for. It seems to me as though replication is an action you have to perform rather than a permanent relationship among nodes. You can set up continuous replication, but this doesn't persist between restarts.
This solution seems to be mostly geared toward those with large storage requirements. We have a large amount of users, but small amounts of data. Cassandra looks to be able to support n number of fail-over nodes, but 100% replication among nodes doesn't seem to be what it's intended for; instead, it seems more geared toward distribution only.
One attractive idea is that we can store a bunch of files on a SAN or similar type of appliance. I haven't worked with these before, but it seems like this would still be a single point of failure; if the SAN goes down, we'd suddenly be going to the database for all cache misses.
DFS Replication
A simple Google search revealed this. It seems to do what we want; it synchronizes files across all nodes in a replication cluster. But the marketing text makes it look like it's more of a system for ensuring documents are copied to different office locations. Also, it has limits, like a file count maximum, that wouldn't work well for us.
Have any of you had similar requirements to ours and found a good solution that meets your needs?
We've been using Riak successfully in production for several months now for a problem that's somewhat similar to what you describe. We too have evaluated CouchDB and Cassandra before.
The advantage of Riak in this sort of problems imo is that distribution and data replication are at the core of the system. You define how many replicas of the data across the cluster you want and it takes care of the rest (it's a bit more complicated than that of course, but that's the essence). We went through adding nodes, removing nodes, had nodes crush, and it's proven surprisingly resilient.
It's a lot like Couch in other matters - document oriented, REST interface, Erlang.
You can check the hazelcast.
It does not persist the data but provides a fail-over system. Each node can have a number of nodes to backup it's data in case a node fails.
