I am working on GAM models and I am having an error with rgl to work in RStudio, I have downloaded X11 on my Machine - rgl

My system environment:
Mac OS: Mac Mojave (10.14.6)
X11 (XQuartz 2.7.11)
R (3.6.3)
What should I do to get rgl package to work with mgcViz work on my machine. On xterm if I type install.packages("rgl") I get an error syntax error near unexpected token 'rgl'. I am having trouble getting the steps to work. Spent hours together and I am out of luck.
Please help.

I was able to update to the latest version of R which was compatible to rgl which required R 4.0.0 or higher. I did install rgl with dependecies. I was able to get the desired output.


Error reading R script (),system error 2 when trying to run R Studio on Mac

I installed R Studio desktop in my MacBook air running on Big Sur. Unfortunately, it cannot run due to the error below:
Error reading R script (),system error 2 (No such file or directory);
Unable to find libR.dylib in expected locationswithin R Home directory
Running brew install R solves the problem for me.
A similar question was asked on the R Studio community.
You need to first download base R:
Choose the latest version from here, under the Latest release header. For example, R-4.1.0.pkg.
Then download R Studio for MacOS from here.
You have probably installed Rstudio before installing R. What you can do is to first install R using brew install R and then reinstalling Rstudio using brew reinstall rstudio.
To add to all above info, with recent releases of MacOS we will have to install XQuartz before installing R. After these installations, proceed with RStudio installation.

Rstudio not working on my Ubuntu 16 virtual machine

When I try to run Rstudio Desktop (1.4) on my virtual machine (Ubuntu 16.4), Rstudio crashes and gives the error:
ERROR:gl_surface_glx_gt.cpp(141) GLX 1.3 or later is required.
I tried to follow the instructions on this page: https://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/wiki:development:glx-xlib-workaround, but can not get past the meson -D configuration in the Ubuntu terminal. At this point I get the error message: 'ERROR: Problem encountered: gallium-xlib conflicts with any dri driver'
I googled and tried everything that I could possibly find (similar questions as https://community.rstudio.com/t/x2go-and-rstudio/29704/2), but no success yet.
Obviously the upgrade to a higher GLX version is the cause, but I can not upgrade it.
Is anyone familiar with the error and what is actually causing it?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I am using R version 3.4.4

Installing Unreal Engine on OSX Mojave

So I'm trying to clone the Unreal Engine from GitHub and setup on OSX Mojave and when running the GenerateProjectFiles.command file as part of the setup, I get the following error:
ERROR: UnrealBuildTool Exception: Invalid SDK MacOSX.sdk, not found in /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs
I do have a folder called MacOSX.sdk in a different directory, but when I try to create a symlink to it in the directory that Unreal is searching for, I get this following error instead:
ERROR: UnrealBuildTool Exception: Unable to find installed MacOS SDK on remote agent.
It seems like I'm missing the correct version of the MacOSX.sdk that Unreal needs but I'm not sure what that is. I know you get it when you install XCode, but I have both XCode 10.1 and XCode 9.4 with command line tools installed and still no luck.
What am I missing here?
I have same issue and find a measure for my case.
sudo xcode-select --reset
from here
you need the correct version of xcode with the specific version of unreal.
for unreal engine 4.24 or earlier, you need to install xcode 11 from here:Download xcode 11.for 4.25 or later, use xcode 12 or later if you haven't installed.
if not use sudo xcode-select --reset

Failed to build pycairo on Mac OS X 10.9

Trying to install py2cairo-1.10.0 on Mac OS X 10.9. Configure went fine, then when I go to run $ ./waf build I get the following:
/usr/local/include/cairo/cairo-xlib.h:44:10: fatal error: 'X11/Xlib.h' file not found
I see from this question that I need to have X11 installed, but since X11 is no longer included with OS X, I can't use that solution. I do have the latest version of XQuartz installed, but that doesn't seem to help anything.
Does anyone know of a workaround for this? Thanks!
UPDATE: Build and install working fine now, but still can't get it to import. Any thoughts?

Set up g++ on OS X

I just updated to OS X Mavericks and it seems it messed up my whole compiler setup. Not only do I have to reinstall a JDK in order to use a Java compiler, I get the following error when I'm trying to compile C/C++ using GCC/G++:
/usr/local/Cellar/gcc/4.7.2/gcc/lib/gcc/x86_64-apple-darwin12.2.1/4.7.2/../../../../include/c++/4.7.2/cwchar:46:19: fatal error: wchar.h: No such file or directory
Not sure what to think other than upgrading messed it up. My question is: how do I set up g++ to compile on OS X? If it's already set up, what is the problem here?
If I can provide more information, please let me know.
Note: I've installed gcc 4.7 using homebrew, but it doesn't seem to work. When I use g++-4.7 code.cpp specifically, I get the same error.
Installing the Command Line Tools (OS X Mavericks) for Xcode - Late October 2013 solved it for me. Here is the link:
OSX: Xcode Downloads
The often mentioned xcode-select --install command kept saying it cannot find the requested software.
To clarify: You need to already have gcc-4.7 installed using Homebrew. The update to the latest version of CMD Tools only fixes compatibility issues caused by upgrading from Mountain Lion to Mavericks.
