How can I diagnose why a k8s pod keeps restarting? - elasticsearch

I deploy a elasticsearch to minikube with below configure file:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: elasticsearch
replicas: 1
name: elasticsearch
name: elasticsearch
- name: elasticsearch
image: elasticsearch:7.10.1
- containerPort: 9200
- containerPort: 9300
I run the command kubectl apply -f es.yml to deploy the elasticsearch cluster.
$ kubectl get pod
elasticsearch-fb9b44948-bchh2 1/1 Running 5 6m23s
The elasticsearch pod keep restarting every a few minutes. When I run kubectl describe pod command, I can see these events:
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal Scheduled 7m11s default-scheduler Successfully assigned default/elasticsearch-fb9b44948-bchh2 to minikube
Normal Pulled 3m18s (x5 over 7m11s) kubelet Container image "elasticsearch:7.10.1" already present on machine
Normal Created 3m18s (x5 over 7m11s) kubelet Created container elasticsearch
Normal Started 3m18s (x5 over 7m10s) kubelet Started container elasticsearch
Warning BackOff 103s (x11 over 5m56s) kubelet Back-off restarting failed container
The last event is Back-off restarting failed but I don't know why it restarts the pod. Is there any way I can check why it keeps restarting?

The first step (kubectl describe pod) you've already done. As a next step I suggest checking container logs: kubectl logs <pod_name>. 99% you get the reason from logs in this case (I bet on bootstrap check failure).
When neither describe pod nor logs do not have anything about the error, I get into the container with 'exec': kubectl exec -it <pod_name> -c <container_name> sh. With this you'll get a shell inside the container (of course if there IS a shell binary in it) ans so you can use it to investigate the problem manually. Note that to keep failing container alive you may need to change command and args to something like this:
- /bin/sh
- -c
- cat /dev/stdout
Be sure to disable probes when doing this. A container may restart if liveness probe fails, you will see that in kubectl describe pod if it happen. Since your snippet doesn't have any probes specified, you can skip this.

Checking logs of the pod using kubectl logs podname gives clue about what could go wrong.
ERROR: [2] bootstrap checks failed
[1]: max virtual memory areas vm.max_map_count [65530] is too low, increase to at least [262144]
[2]: the default discovery settings are unsuitable for production use; at least one of [discovery.seed_hosts, discovery.seed_providers, cluster.initial_master_nodes] must be configured
ERROR: Elasticsearch did not exit normally - check the logs at /usr/share/elasticsearch/logs/docker-cluster.log
Check this post for a solution


How can I restart Elasticsearch K8S deployment

I deploy a Elasticsearch cluster to EKS, below is the spec
kind: Elasticsearch
name: elk
version: 7.15.2
serviceAccountName: docker-sa
disabled: true
- name: node
count: 3
I can see it has been deployed correctly and all pods are running.
$ kubectl get pods
elk-es-node-0 1/1 Running 0 19h
elk-es-node-1 1/1 Running 0 19h
elk-es-node-2 1/1 Running 0 11h
But I can't restart the deployment Elasticsearch,
$ kubectl rollout restart Elasticsearch elk-es-node
Error from server (NotFound): "elk-es-node" not found
The Elasticsearch is using statefulset so I tried to restart statefulset,
$ kubectl rollout restart statefulset elk-es-node
statefulset.apps/elk-es-node restarted
the above command says restarted, but the actual pods are not restarting.
what is the right way to restart a custom kind in K8S?
Use - kubectl get all
To identify if the resource created is a deployment or a statefulset -
use -n <namespace"> along with the above command, if you are working in a specific namespace.
Assuming, you are using a statefulset, the issue below command to understand the properties in which it is configured.
kubectl get statefulset <statefulset-name"> -o yaml > statefulsetContent.yaml
this will create a yaml file names statefulsetContent.yaml in same directory.
you can use it to explore different options configured in the statefulset.
Check for .spec.updateStrategy in the yaml file. Based on this we can identify its update strategy.
Below is from the official documentation
There are two possible values:
When a StatefulSet's .spec.updateStrategy.type is set to OnDelete, the StatefulSet controller will not automatically update the Pods in a StatefulSet. Users must manually delete Pods to cause the controller to create new Pods that reflect modifications made to a StatefulSet's .spec.template.
The RollingUpdate update strategy implements automated, rolling update for the Pods in a StatefulSet. This is the default update strategy.
As a work around, you can try to scale down/up the statefulset.
kubectl scale sts <statefulset-name"> --replicas=<count">
With ECK as the operator, you do not need to use rollout restart. Apply your updated Elasticsearch spec and the operator will perform rolling update for you. If for any reason you need to restart a pod, you use kubectl delete pod <es pod> -n <your es namespace> to remove the pod and the operator will spin up new one for you.

Minikube Accessing Images Added With Registry Addon

I’ve followed the instructions outlined on this page and pushed a local image to a local 3 node Minikube cluster with the registry add-on enabled and the cluster started with insecure-registry flag, but I get the following error when I try to create a Pod with the image:
Normal Pulling 9m18s (x4 over 10m) kubelet Pulling image "”
Warning Failed 9m18s (x4 over 10m) kubelet Failed to pull image "”: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error response from daemon: Get "": http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client
Any advice on resolving this would be greatly appreciated
My Minikube (v1.23.2) is on macOS (Big Sur 11.6) using the VirtualBox driver. It is a three node cluster. My Docker Desktop version is (20.10.8)
These are the steps I followed:
Get my cluster’s VMs’ IP range -
Added the following entry to my Docker Desktop config:
insecure-registries": [
Started Minikube with insecure registries flag:
$ minikube start —insecure-registry=“”
$ minikube addons enable registry
Tagged the image I want to push:
$ docker tag $(minikube ip):5000/myapp:v1
Pushed the image:
$ docker push $(minikube ip):5000/myapp:v1
The push works ok - when I exec onto the registry Pod I can see the image in the filesystem. However, when I try to create a Pod using the image, I get the error mentioned above.
My Pod manifest is:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
creationTimestamp: null
run: myapp
name: myapp
- image:
name: myapp
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
resources: {}
dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
restartPolicy: Always
The issue was resolved by deleting the cluster and recreating it using the insecure-registry flag from the start - originally I had created the cluster, stopped it, and then started it again with the insecure-registry flag. For some reason this didn't work, but starting it for the first time with the flag did.
If you're going to be creating clusters with the registry addon a lot, it might be worth adding the flag permanently to your config. Replace the IP with your cluster's subnet:
$ minikube config set insecure-registry ""

Kubernetes + Minikube - How to see all stdout output?

I'm running a Ruby app on Kubernetes with Minikube.
However, whenever I look at the logs I don't see the output I would have seen in my terminal when running the app locally.
I presume it's because it only shows stderr?
What can I do to see all types of console logs (e.g. from puts or raise)?
On looking around is this something to do with it being in detached mode - see the Python related issue: Logs in Kubernetes Pod not showing up
As requested - here is the deployment.yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
name: sample
replicas: 1
app: sample
- name: sample
image: someregistry
imagePullPolicy: Always
command: ["/bin/sh","-c"]
args: ["bundle exec rake sample:default --trace"]
- configMapRef:
name: sample
- secretRef:
name: sample
- containerPort: 3000
- name: regsecret
As shown in this article, kubectl logs pod apod should show you stdout and stderr for a pod deployed in a minikube.
By default in Kubernetes, Docker is configured to write a container's stdout and stderr to a file under /var/log/containers on the host system
Kubernetes adds:
There are two types of system components: those that run in a container and those that do not run in a container.
For example:
The Kubernetes scheduler and kube-proxy run in a container.
The kubelet and container runtime, for example Docker, do not run in containers.
On machines with systemd, the kubelet and container runtime write to journald.
If systemd is not present, they write to .log files in the /var/log directory.
Similarly to the container logs, system component logs in the /var/log directory should be rotated.
In Kubernetes clusters brought up by the script, those logs are configured to be rotated by the logrotate tool daily or once the size exceeds 100MB.
I presume it's because it only shows stderr?
Not really, unless something specific is disabled in your container or pod spec. I assume you are using Docker so then the default it's to output stdout and stderr and that's what you see when you do a kubectl logs <pod-name>
What can I do to see all types of console logs (e.g. from puts or raise)?
You should see them in the container logs. It would help to post your pod or deployment definition.

After successfully install of CAM the "cam-mongo" pod went down

After successful deployment of CAM (Was up and running for couple of days), suddenly "cam-mongo" microservice went down and while checking the logs for pod using below 2 command it gives you Error synching pod
1) kubectl describe pods -n services
Warning BackOff 3s (x3 over 18s) kubelet, Back-off restarting failed container
Warning FailedSync 3s (x3 over 18s) kubelet, Error syncing pod
With this information you don't know what went wrong and how do you fix it
2) kubectl -n services logs cam-mongo-5c89fcccbd-r2hv4 -p (with -p option you can grab the logs from previously running container )
The above command show below information:
exception in initAndListen: 98 Unable to lock file: /data/db/mongod.lock Resource temporarily unavailable. Is a mongod instance already running?, terminatingConclusion:
While starting the container inside "cam-mongo" pod it was unable to use the existing /data/db/mongod.lock file and hence your pod will be not up and running and you cannot access CAM
After further analysis I resolved the issue as following:
1) spin up a container and mount the cam-mongo volume within it.
To do this I used the below pod creation yaml which will mount the concern pv's where /data/db/ is present.
kind: Pod
apiVersion: v1
name: mongo-troubleshoot-pod
name: cam-mongo-pv
claimName: cam-mongo-pv
name: mongo-troubleshoot
image: nginx
containerPort: 80
name: "http-server"
mountPath: "/data/db"
name: cam-mongo-pv
RUN:kubectl -n services create -f ./mongo-troubleshoot-pod.yaml
2) Use "docker exec -it /bin/bash " (look for it from "kubectl -n services describe po/mongo-troubleshoot-pod-xxxxx" info)
cd /data/db
rm mongod.lock
rm WiredTiger.lock
3) kill the pod which you have created for troubleshooting
4) kill the corrupted cam-mongo pod using below command
kubectl delete pods -n services
It fixed the issue.

Kubernetes Ingress Controller on Vagrant

Is there anything special about running ingress controllers on Kubernetes CoreOS Vagrant Multi-Machine? I followed the example but when I run kubectl -f I do not get an address.
I looked at networking in kubernetes. Everything looks like it should run without further configuration.
My goal is to create a local testing environment before I build out a production platform. I'm thinking there's something about how they setup their virtualbox networking. I'm about to dive into the CoreOS cloud config but thought I would ask first.
Yes I'm running an ingress controller.
It runs without giving an error. It's just when I run kubectl -f I do not get an address. I'm thinking there's either two things:
I have to do something extra in networking for CoreOS-Kubernetes vagrant multi-node.
It's running right, but I'm point my localhost to the wrong IP. I'm using a 172.17.4.x ip, I also have 10.0.0.x . I can access services through the 172.17.4.x using a NodePort, but I can get to my Ingress.
Here is the code:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ReplicationController
name: nginx-ingress
app: nginx-ingress
replicas: 1
app: nginx-ingress
app: nginx-ingress
- image:
imagePullPolicy: Always
name: nginx
- containerPort: 80
hostPort: 80
Update 2
Output of commands:
kubectl get pods
echoheaders-kkja7 1/1 Running 0 24m
nginx-ingress-2wwnk 1/1 Running 0 25m
kubectl logs nginx-ingress-2wwnk --previous
Pod "nginx-ingress-2wwnk" in namespace "default": previous terminated container "nginx" not found
kubectl exec nginx-ingress-2wwnk -- cat /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
events {
worker_connections 1024;
http {
I'm running an echoheaders service on NodePort. When I type the node IP and port on my browser, I get that just fine.
I restarted all nodes in virtualbox too.
With a lot help from kubernetes irc and slack, I fixed this a while back. If I remember correctly, I had the ingress service listening on a port that was already being used, I think for vagrant. These commands really help:
kubectl get pod <nginx-ingress pod> -o json
kubectl exec <nginx-ingress pod> -- cat /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
kubectl get pods -o wide
kubectl logs <nginx-ingress pod> --previous
