d3 geo projection transitions from orthographic to X - d3.js

I'm working on an educational map project in which different map projections are displayed. I'd like to implement a morph transition between choosing different projections.
I've found a great example how to implement it, and I've had not much troubles to recreate it. Unfortunately, I also need the capability to clip the projections. This works flawlessly with the target states, but not when morphing the projections.
You can see it in this example when choosing "orthographic" as first projection and for example "equirectangular" as second one:
The clipping path follows the darker line instead of the current map extent. Is there a way to implement it correctly?

This is a lot trickier to implement than appears, I remember looking at this a few years back. The cleanest solution is to create a new preclipping function that determines which portions of the projected earth should be behind/covered by portions closer to the origin. But it turns out this is relatively hard to define - at least my me - and also hard to use in a new preclipping function.
Instead we could cheat. There are a couple ways, I'll propose one that nearly does the trick - you can still see some overlap though. We'll use d3's antimeridian preclipping to make sure no features stretch over the antimeridian, then we'll use a clip angle to remove portions of the earth that need to be removed.
Setting Clip Angle
When the hybrid projection is purely orthographic, clipping angle is great: the clip angle is the same in all directions. Here it should be 90 degrees.
When the equirectangular is dominant in the hybrid projection, the clipping angle is not needed (I use an angle of 180 degrees, which doesn't clip anything below). This is because the entire earth should still be visible.
But otherwise, the hybrid clip angle is not the same in all directions - this is why this is not a perfect solution. However, it does remove nearly all the overlap. So as we go from the projection being mostly equirectangular to wholly orthogrpahic, we slowly reduce the clip angle.
Starting with an equirectangular projection and transitioning to an orthographic, we'll start transitioning the clipAngle from 180 degrees to 90 degrees only once we get 40 percent of the way trough the transition:
function getProjection(d) {
var clip = Math.PI; // Starting with 180 degrees: don't clip anything.
var projection = d3.geoProjection(project)
.rotate([posX, posY])
.fitExtent([[10, 10], [width - 10, height - 10]], {
type: "Sphere"
// Apply the two pre clipping functions:
.preclip( function(stream){
stream = d3.geoClipAntimeridian(stream) // cut antimeridian
return d3.geoClipCircle(clip)(stream) // apply clip angle
var path = d3.geoPath(projection);
function project(λ, φ) {
λ *= 180 / Math.PI,
φ *= 180 / Math.PI;
var p0 = projections[0]([λ, φ]),
p1 = projections[1]([λ, φ]);
// Don't actually clip anything until t == 0.4
if(t > 0.4) {
clip = Math.PI/2 + (0.60-(t-0.4)) * Math.PI/2
return [
(1 - t) * p0[0] + t * p1[0],
(1 - t) * -p0[1] + t * -p1[1]
return path(d)
Here's an example.

Great answer Andrew Reid! I just made one small change. I removed the t > 0.4 if statement and used this clip for transitioning into an orthogrpahic projection:
clip = Math.PI/2 + (1 - t) * Math.PI/2
.. and this clip for transitioning out of an orthogrpahic projection:
clip = Math.PI/2 + t * Math.PI/2
I like this because it's slightly cleaner, is a 'catch-all' for any t value and having the reverse is also useful.


Create a ring on the surface of a sphere in threejs

I have a sphere in threejs, and I'd like a ring to animate over the top of it.
I have the following progress:
In the animate function, I call:
const scale = Math.cos((circlePos / this.globeRadius) * Math.PI * 0.5);
this.ring.scale.set(scale, scale, 1);
My understanding is that the sin and cos functions are exactly what I need to work out how far around the circle the ring has gotten to. However, the animation actually shows the ring fall inside the sphere, before eventually hitting the 0 scale at the outside of the sphere.
Ideally, I'd also like to just be changing the radius of the sphere but I cannot work out how to do that either, so I think it may be an issue of using the scale function.
How can I keep the ring on the surface of the sphere?
Not quite. Consider this:
You have a right triangle whose bases are your x and y, with a hypotenuse of r = globeRadius. So by Pythagoras' theorem, we have:
x2 + y2 = r2.
So if we solve for the height, y, we get:
y = √(r2 - x2).
Thus, in your code, you could write it e.g. like this:
const scale = Math.sqrt(this.globeRadius * this.globeRadius - circlePos * circlePos);
However, this is the scale in terms of world units, not relative to the objects. So for this to work, you need to either divide by your radius again, or just initialise your ring with radius 1:
this.ringGeometry = new THREE.RingGeometry(1, 1.03, 32);
Here I gave it an arbitrary ring width of 0.03 - you may of course adjust it to your own needs.

three-globe SphereBufferGeometry/Mesh is offset on globe, but lines up if flat

I have a three-globe, and lat/long points perfectly go to the correct locations. The base (Earth) map is 1600x800.
However, I also have a RainViewer map (storm radar) which is square (4096x4096). If I scale that to 1600x1600 and overlay the Earth map, it fits perfectly lined up (top 800 and bottom 800 are outside the boundaries, but that is blank anyway, so perfect).
When I use the TextureLoader/SphereBufferGeometry/MeshPhongMaterial/Mesh, and add it to the scene, it locates itself completely in the wrong spot. No amount of rotateX/Y/Z, or phi/theta shifting seems to work to get it to position correctly.
How can one map this correctly on the globe?
Relevant code (url hardcoded to a timestamp for clarity):
this.myGlobe = new ThreeGlobe()
const renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer();
console.log('width=' + width);
renderer.setSize(width, width / 2);
const myScene = new THREE.Scene();
myScene.add(new THREE.AmbientLight(0xbbbbbb));
myScene.add(new THREE.DirectionalLight(0xffffff, 0.6));
const camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera();
camera.aspect = 2; //window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight;
const globeMaterial = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial();
globeMaterial.bumpScale = 10;
new THREE.TextureLoader().load('//unpkg.com/three-globe/example/img/earth-water.png',
texture => {
globeMaterial.specularMap = texture;
globeMaterial.specular = new THREE.Color('grey');
globeMaterial.shininess = 15;
this.myGlobe.globeMaterial = globeMaterial;
new THREE.TextureLoader().load('https://tilecache.rainviewer.com/v2/radar/1652860800/4096/2/0_1.png',
cloudsTexture => {
const geo = new THREE.SphereBufferGeometry(this.myGlobe.getGlobeRadius() * (1 + 0.004), 80, 80);
const mesh = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({ map: cloudsTexture, transparent: true });
const weather = new THREE.Mesh(geo, mesh);
Correct placement:
In color (harder to see) to show apples-to-apples:
Incorrect placement when Globified:
I believe Marquizzo is correct in the comments, one of the projected images is rotated 90 degrees (plus or minus, but probably minus in your case) compared to the other. Since you said that your earth map is not rotated at all, this means the RainViewer map is.
This is consistent with how other NASA weather maps I recently projected on my own Earth globe had to be dealt with - in my case, the cloud cover simulation movie applied on the globe started with the prime meridian aka 0 degree of longitude to the left side of the image (instead of being positioned in the horizontal middle of the image as its customary in nearly all maps), and I'm guessing something similar is happening here, except for the direction of the angle needed to make it look right.
The assumption is supported by the fact that in your screenshots, the big orange spot that should be positioned close to the North American Great Lakes (i.e. 90 degrees West) is placed precisely on the prime meridian (i.e. 0 degrees of longitude). Yup, I know this thanks to my own globe... :)
To (partially, see below) fix this, you should construct your geometry so that the phiStart parameter of the constructor is set to the correct rotation angle, something like:
const geo = new THREE.SphereBufferGeometry(this.myGlobe.getGlobeRadius() * (1 + 0.004), 80, 80, - Math.PI / 2);
This will project the map starting from 90 degrees to the "left" as its left side, if this makes sense.
That being said, I don't think this is the entire extent of the issue, because that orange spot is also displaced at around 23 degrees of latitude North (i.e. at the Tropic of Cancer in your Globified screenshot) compared to the correct 46 degrees of latitude North (i.e. more or less where the left side of Lake Superior lies). This fits well with the fact that the projected image is a 1600 x 1600 px square, instead of an expected 1600 x 800 px rectangle, as the most probable cause of the latitudinal aka vertical displacement, so you might want to appropriately "crop" the RainViewer map to have the expected 2:1 horizontal to vertical size that's expected from a plane projection on a sphere. You could probably use the thetaStart and thetaLength parameters of the sphere geometry constructor to adjust things here as well, if that yields what you want.
Or, it might just be that both the longitudinal and latitudinal displacements are somehow caused by the usage of a 1600 x 1600 px square image source instead of a 1600 x 800 px one. The cause of the issue shouldn't affect the way it can be fixed though.

How to rotate a Curve in Three.js?

I'm trying to rotate a Curve (especially a EllipseCurve) in Three.js. My app looks basically like this: http://jsfiddle.net/w9914420/krw8nwLn/14/
But EllipseCurve can't be rotated at the Y-Axis. Is there a way to "transform" such 2D-curves to 3D-curves in Three.js? Three.js provides CatmullRomCurve3, CubicBezierCurve3 and LineCurve3 for 3D-curves, but I don't get a nice circle (or ellipse) with these methods – and I need something that is based on Three.js' Curve because I need the getPoint and getTangent methods.
OK, the problem isn't the curve path itself, it's the calculation of getPoint.
I've created an own version, but don't get the math the calculate the z axis right. Something like this works for the first few values of this.rotation (around -0.5 and 0.5 – higher values doesn't have the same effect in distance):
getPointOnCurve(t) {
const radians = 2 * Math.PI * t
return new THREE.Vector3(
this.radius * Math.cos(radians),
this.radius * Math.sin(radians),
this.radius * Math.cos(radians) * this.rotation
I need to know better about the math that's needed for this, definitely.

Openlayers 3 Rotate Multipoint geometry

I'm looking to use a multipoint geometry to hold different points of features I have on my map, but I need to rotate them around a point.
Does Openlayers 3 have any functionality that would allow me to take a Multipoint and rotate it around one of those points?
ol.coordinates.rotate() exists but does not perform the action I need.
Is this part of the library or a trigonometry exercise for the implementor?
I ended up creating multiplie ol.geom.Point objects and using the following function to rotate them around a given point:-
rotateGeometry = function(pointLongitude, pointLatitude, originLongitude, originLatitude, angle) {
angle = angle * Math.PI / 180.0;
return [Math.cos(angle) * (pointX - originX) - Math.sin(angle) * (pointY - originY) + originX, Math.sin(angle) * (pointX - originX) + Math.cos(angle) * (pointY - originY) + originY];
Feeding in my coordinates that worked. An extension of this could be feeding it a multipoint geometry, with a nominated axis point, and rotate all other geometries around it using this function in one go.
Oh, and I had to invert the angle sent in to rotate correctly, but that may be my implementation.
Comments welcomed.

distributing 2d vector points around a sphere

I'm using d3.js to create a bubble chart, which I'm then trying to wrap partially around a sphere in three.js. I'd like the end result to look like a dandelion, as pictured here:
The bubble chart on a 2d plane looks like this. I'm trying to wrap it half-way around a sphere to create that dandelion effect.
I have three semi-working solutions, yet none exactly follow the curve of a sphere when viewed from the side
Example A - zCoord = new THREE.Vector2(xCoord, yCoord).length();
This gives a linear looking cone effect, not a curved effect. I think I somehow need to calculate a quadratic curves instead of a linear line but I'm stuck trying to figure it out.
Example B - zCoord = (diameter / 2 ) * Math.cos(phi);
This uses code from the periodic table of elements and spirals the data along the z axis.
Example C - Close to what I want, but it doesn't wrap around sphere enough, and everything seems to bunch up together. I'd like to preserve the padding or space around the mini-spheres
zCoord = (diameter / 2 );
var vector = new THREE.Vector3(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord).normalize().multiplyScalar(diameter / 2);
jsfiddle link to try out the methods
May not be the most efficient solution, but I did get pretty close using Mercator Projection. It's almost like I'm UV wrapping, but with Vector2 points.
My solution involved mapping X,Y coords to latitude and longitude, then projecting them onto a sphere using mercator projection.
var latitude = data[i].position.x / R;
var longitude = (2 * Math.atan(Math.exp(data[i].position.y / R))) - (Math.PI / 2);
xCoord = R * Math.cos(latitude) * Math.cos(longitude);
yCoord = R * Math.cos(latitude) * Math.sin(longitude);
zCoord = R * Math.sin(latitude);
link to jsfiddle showing tweening from 2d > 3d
