Spring boot micro service Deployment - spring-boot

I am new to Micro services architecture.. I want know if it is required to deploy all Spring boot micro services in the same local network ..? As Eureka Discovery service uses Private/Internal IP Address for Registration , i am unable to call a services from another service deployed in different local network...
Please let me know how micro services deployed across multiple Sub nets should communicate each other in this case
or is there a way to tell eureka to use only public IP Address..?

Not sure if this would help, but by default, your eureka client will try to connect to the default localhost:8761 where the eureka discovery server should exist.
In case you have a different location for your discovery-service you can use the following in the application.properties file in your client services.


Service discovery in kubernetes/ spring boot

What are the benefits to use "spring service discovery kubernetes" instead of using directly the Service DNS coming from Kubernetes?
I mean, If I deploy in kubernetes 2 services (service-a and service-b), and service-b exposes a Rest API.
service-a can easily connect to service-b using the url "http://service-b/...".
Question #1. In order to let service-a be able to connect to service-b using the service DNS, service-b has to be deployed before service-a?
Question #2. What are the pros/cons using the spring discovery?
Question #1:
No, the order in which you deploy the services is not important to use the kubernetes DNS services to resolve the ips, the only thing here is that if you deploy serviceA after serviceB, you will have in serviceA as an environment variable the ip of serviceB but not the inverse.
Question #2:
The spring service discovery is an alternative to the native kubernetes service discovery and it is used by other spring cloud projects like spring-cloud-eureka to perform the service discovery. The only pros I see in this approach is that you can custom the load balancing algorithm tath you can use to spread the load among the different instances

Spring boot microservices are getting registered to Eureka with the pod name as the hostname in the Kubernetes cluster - docker desktop

The microservices are getting registered to Eureka with the pod name as hostname, this causing UnknownHostException, when the Zull API gateway trying to forward the request to the service.
The complete setup working fine with the docker-compose, the issues are happening when I am trying to use the Kubernetes.
For example, the order microservice running with the pod name as "oc-order-6b64576f4b-7gp85" and the order microservice getting register to to Eureka with "oc-order-6b64576f4b-7gp85" as the hostname. Which is causing
java.net.UnknownHostException: oc-order-6b64576f4b-7gp85: Name does not resolve
I am running just one instance of each micro-services as a POC and one instance of the Eureka server. How to fix, how micro-service can register them self with the right hostname.
I want to use the Eureka as discovery service as it is well integrated with spring boot and I do not want to do code changes for Kubernetes deployment.
Add the below property to your spring properties file in each service project:
or (if you want a different name than the spring application name)
Spring boot will now register with the provided hostname in Eureka

Programmatically find Eureka server host and port

I want to setup Eureka server for service registry and erueka clients that will get access rest api using the service registry from Eureka server. But we use mesos as our container management system and when we start the Eureka server we will not know which host and port it is running on. So there is an api that we can use that gives us the complete url where Eureka server will be running. Now all the examples for Eureka client that I have seen have hard coded the Eureka server in the config file. Is it possible for Eureka clients to use that api and get the url for Eureka server.
FYI: we are using spring boot and have our own DC and are not on any cloud
I think I found the answer but if someone can confirm that will be great. I need to create my own EurekaClientConfigBean and override the following methods:
public void setEurekaServiceUrlPollIntervalSeconds(int eurekaServiceUrlPollIntervalSeconds)
List<String> getEurekaServerServiceUrls(String zone);

Problems setting up Zuul proxy server with Eureka discovery

I am trying to set up a zuul proxy server which will act as a gateway service for other apis in my microservice architecture.
So far all the tutorials that I have come across have the discovery client and zuul proxy set up in different gradle modules while I am trying to set them up in the same gradle module.
I have defined the routes and can see that my services have been successfully registered in the eureka dashboard.
I have also verified that I can ping the services using a discovery client from my gatekeeper service but whenever I try to access the services from the URL, I get
"Load balancer does not have available server for client:xyz"
Can somebody please help me setting this up?

Spring cloud registering multiple instances of same service

I am developing a microservice, using Spring Boot, that exposes REST Endpoint. Because of scalability, I have to run multiple instances of this services on a different port. What will be the configurations for the applications so that it can register with eureka and requests are load balanced? I am using Spring cloud config, Eureka server and zuul.
Attaching following entries in the client properties file will do the trick. This is for Spring cloud config dalston
I guess you meant to register with Eureka instead of Config server.
To register multiple instances that might be running in the same host but listening on a different port you would need to set eureka.instance.metadataMap.instanceId to a unique value maybe using:
