How to start testcontainers with specific docker image? - spring

I have a junit test, making use of testcontainers-1.15.1. How can I start an explicit image? Because:
public class ContainerTest {
private final JdbcDatabaseContainer DB = new MariaDBContainer("mariadb:10.5.8");
static {
public void test() {
Result: the default 10.3.6 container is started.
[][] 2021-02-04 14:32:50,741 INFO ?.3.6]: Creating container for image: mariadb:10.3.6
[][] 2021-02-04 14:32:51,597 INFO ?.3.6]: Container mariadb:10.3.6 is starting: d9ccf77f4b9165ccd1690ee5cb8437f43e7d853dfe5121d468a391d67eccef7d

This might due to an inconsistent behavior of the constructors of the different Testcontainers modules in the past. It was fixed with this commit and should be available since Testcontainers 1.15.0.
Not sure if your sample was pseudo test code, but the following example is a valid copy-pastable example:
public class MariaDbContainerTest {
private static final JdbcDatabaseContainer DB = new MariaDBContainer("mariadb:10.5.8");
static {
public void test() {
I've tested it for both Testcontainers 1.15.0 and 1.15.1 and it works on my machine.
UPDATE: I've not seen that you also specify the JDBC support of Testcontainers inside your file in addition to your manual container definition as part of your test.
Pick either the JDBC support OR the manual container definition and your problem should be resolved.
When using the JDBC support you can also specify the version of your database: jdbc:tc:mariadb:10.5.8:///test


How to stop #CucumberContextConfiguration with #SpringBootTest from reloading application context between every test?

I've got this problem where my application context is reloaded between every test. I'm wiring in my actual application with functional test properties, wiremock etc. to create a functional test environment. Tests have always run fine but now we've added several it's become painfully slow due to the spring application being re-run everytime. The io.cucumber versions I'm using in my pom for cucumber-spring, cucumber-java, cucumber-junit is 7.11.1.
My Functional Test runner is annotated like this:
features = "classpath:functional/features",
glue = {"com.iggroup.ds.functional.stepdefinitions"},
monochrome = true,
tags = "#FunctionalTest",
plugin = {"pretty", "html:target/cucumber-html-report", "junit:target/cucumber-xml-report.xml"}
public class FunctionalTestRunner {
public static void beforeClass() {
private static void prepareEnvironment() {
int applicationPort = SocketUtils.findAvailableTcpPort();
System.setProperty("server.port", String.valueOf(applicationPort));
System.setProperty("", "FUNCTIONAL_TEST");
System.setProperty("", "false");
System.setProperty("", "false");
Inside my glue package the Cucumber Configuration looks like this:
#AutoConfigureWireMock(port = 8089)
classes = {
webEnvironment = DEFINED_PORT,
properties = {
" = false"
public class FunctionalTestSpringCucumberConfiguration {
And lastly the application itself looks like this:
public class ServiceApplication extends SpringBootServletInitializer {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
I had read somewhere before that the presence of #MockBean was causing unexpected refreshes between context although I never found out as to why - but I have none defined. As far as I can tell across the articles I've been reading, this shouldn't refresh my context every time so wondering if there's any way I can force it not to rewire the ServiceApplication.class in between every scenario?
#AutoConfigureWireMock(port = 8089)
By using Wiremock on fixed port you are dirtying the application context. This means a new application context will be created for each test. The code responsible for this prints a warning that you can see in your logs.
if (portIsFixed(testContext)) {
if (log.isWarnEnabled()) {
log.warn("You've used fixed ports for WireMock setup - "
+ "will mark context as dirty. Please use random ports, as much "
+ "as possible. Your tests will be faster and more reliable and this "
+ "warning will go away");

Testcontainers oracle DB

I'm trying to setup a integration test Using Testcontainers and Oracle-xe database.
I'm getting the error below: entry:spring.datasource.driver-class-name=org.testcontainers.jdbc.ContainerDatabaseDriver
Driver org.testcontainers.jdbc.ContainerDatabaseDriver claims to not accept jdbcUrl, jdbc:oracle:thin:#localhost:55802/xepdb1
My Test extension:
public class OracleDBContainerExtension implements AfterAllCallback, BeforeAllCallback {
private OracleContainer container;
public void beforeAll(ExtensionContext context) {
// gvenzl/oracle-xe:18.4.0-slim
container = new OracleContainer();
System.setProperty("spring.datasource.url", container.getJdbcUrl());
System.setProperty("spring.datasource.password", container.getPassword());
System.setProperty("spring.datasource.username", container.getUsername());
public void afterAll(ExtensionContext context) {
public class HeroRepositoryTest {
private HeroRepository repositoryUnderTest;
public void shouldReturnHeroesSuccessfully() {
System.out.println("junit version: " +;
List<Hero> heroes = repositoryUnderTest.allHeros();
repositoryUnderTest.addHero(new Hero("bb", "bb"));
Collection<Hero> heroesAfter = repositoryUnderTest.allHeros();
From the docs about Testcontainers JDBC support --
If you're using the JDBC URL support, there is no need to instantiate
an instance of the container - Testcontainers will do it
In other words, one should either use the ContainerDatabaseDriver and the JDBC URL with tc: prefix or a container instance with getJdbcUrl() and the original driver (or let the system detect the driver for you).
So if you make this a normal Oracle driver:
spring.datasource.driver-class-name=org.testcontainers.jdbc.ContainerDatabaseDriver, it should work.

Connection Timeout with testcontainers and redis

I do integration tests using Spring Boot, TestContainers, redis and Junit 5.
I am facing a weird behavior, when I all the integration tests, I keep having this log displaying :
Cannot reconnect to [localhost:55133]: Connection refused: localhost/
and this exception :
org.springframework.dao.QueryTimeoutException: Redis command timed out; nested exception is io.lettuce.core.RedisCommandTimeoutException: Command timed out after 1 minute(s)
But I run the tests individually, I dont have this behavior.
I use Junit5 and I am using Junit5 extension to start and stop my redis container :
public class RedisTestContainerExtension implements BeforeAllCallback, AfterAllCallback {
private GenericContainer<?> redis;
public void beforeAll(ExtensionContext extensionContext) throws Exception {
redis = new GenericContainer<>(DockerImageName.parse("redis:5.0.3-alpine"))
.withCommand("redis-server","--requirepass", "password")
public void afterAll(ExtensionContext extensionContext) throws Exception {
if(redis != null){
And I add this file as an extension to my integration test :
#ExtendWith({SpringExtension.class, RedisTestContainerExtension.class})
#SpringBootTest(classes = ConversationsApplication.class)
class MyIntegrationTest {
Can anyone help me fix this situation.
We had a similar issue. The issue was occured only when we execute all tests (or at least not only one specific)
We have another test setup - we are using a base class to manage test testcontainers - where the port-mapping of the containers was applied by overriding the properties via DynamicPropertySource
Our fix was to mark the base-test-class with #DirtiesContext that spring does not reuse the application-context over the tests-classes - see documentation of DynamicPropertySource:
NOTE: if you use #DynamicPropertySource in a base class and discover that tests in subclasses fail because the dynamic properties change between subclasses, you may need to annotate your base class with #DirtiesContext to ensure that each subclass gets its own ApplicationContext with the correct dynamic properties.
public abstract class AbstractContainerTest {
private static final ElasticsearchContainer elasticsearchContainer = new DealElasticsearchContainer();
private static final RedisCacheContainer redisCacheContainer = new RedisCacheContainer();
static void databaseProperties(DynamicPropertyRegistry registry) {"Override properties to connect to Testcontainers:");"* Test-Container 'Elastic': = {}",
elasticsearchContainer.getHttpHostAddress());"* Test-Container 'Redis': = {} ; spring.redis.port = {}",
redisCacheContainer.getHost(), redisCacheContainer.getMappedPort(6379));
registry.add("", elasticsearchContainer::getHttpHostAddress);
registry.add("", redisCacheContainer::getHost);
registry.add("spring.redis.port", () -> redisCacheContainer.getMappedPort(6379));
So maybe give it a try to use #DirtiesContext or switch to a setup which uses DynamicPropertySource to override the properties. It was especially build for this case:
Method-level annotation for integration tests that need to add properties with dynamic values to the Environment's set of PropertySources.
This annotation and its supporting infrastructure were originally designed to allow properties from Testcontainers based tests to be exposed easily to Spring integration tests. However, this feature may also be used with any form of external resource whose lifecycle is maintained outside the test's ApplicationContext.

How to write script in gradle that execute particular methods?

I am writing a gradle script that runs all tests before making a build.
test {
filter {
includeTestsMatching "*TestAll*"
includeTestsMatching "*ExtensionValidatorTest*"
I have three tests of different versions(v1,v2,v3).
package .....v1;//v2 for version 2 and v3 for version 3
public class TestAll {
public static void setUp() {//connection to database
public static void tearDown() {//close database connection
When I run gradle test connection to database is broken after execution of a particular TestAll. I do not want to change the TestAll files of any version as they can be run and tested independently. How can I make gradle run only setUp once(of any version)which establishes connection, then run all the TestAll method in v1,v2 and v3 and finally teardown(of any version) which terminates database connection.
Gradle won't help you with this. There are following methods in Gradle DSL:
test {
However, they execute outside of the test runtime scope and intended for logging. You only can achieve this using a testing framework.
TestNG provides a simple solution - #BeforeSuite and #AfterSuite annotations, that are actually run once before and after the entire suite.
Unfortunately, JUnit doesn't have a built-in solution for that, since test isolation is its core concept. Nevertheless, you still can make your own. You need to encapsulate database-related API into a singleton class:
public class DbContainer() {
private static DbContainer container;
private DbContaner() {}
public DbContainer getInstance() {
if (container == null) {
container = new DbContainer()
return container;
public void openConnection() {
// ...
public void closeConnection() {
// ...
// here is your database API methods
Then you can share this instance between test methods and classes using #ClassRule annotation:
public static DbContainer db = DbContainer.getInstance();
public void someTest() {
Note: provided solution is not thread-safe and doesn't suit the parallel execution. Some additional effort is required to achieve it.

Problem with connection to Neo4j test container using Spring boot 2 and JUnit5

Problem with connection to Neo4j test container using Spring boot 2 and JUnit5
int test context. Container started successfully but property has a wrong default port:7687, I guess this URI must be the same when I call neo4jContainer.getBoltUrl().
Everything works fine in this case:
public class ExampleTest {
private static Neo4jContainer neo4jContainer = new Neo4jContainer()
.withAdminPassword(null); // Disable password
void testSomethingUsingBolt() {
// Retrieve the Bolt URL from the container
String boltUrl = neo4jContainer.getBoltUrl();
try (
Driver driver = GraphDatabase.driver(boltUrl, AuthTokens.none());
Session session = driver.session()
) {
long one ="RETURN 1",
assertThat(one, is(1L));
} catch (Exception e) {
But SessionFactory is not created for the application using autoconfiguration following to these recommendations -
When I try to create own primary bean - SessionFactory in test context I get the message like this - "URI cannot be returned before the container is not loaded"
But Application runs and works perfect using autoconfiguration and neo4j started in a container, the same cannot be told about the test context
You cannot rely 100% on Spring Boot's auto configuration (for production) in this case because it will read the or use the default values for the connection.
To achieve what you want to, the key part is to create a custom (Neo4j-OGM) Configuration bean. The #DataNeo4jTest annotation is provided by the spring-boot-test-autoconfigure module.
public class TestClass {
static class Config {
public org.neo4j.ogm.config.Configuration configuration() {
return new Configuration.Builder()
.credentials("neo4j", databaseServer.getAdminPassword())
// your tests
For a broader explanation have a look at this blog post. Esp. the section Using with Neo4j-OGM and SDN.
