Access codes for authorization with Laravel - laravel

The user visits the website of the app and enters their existing
credentials (username and password) to access their account.
The authenticated user (from step 1) reviews the list of managed
users. Choose a user to verify their posts.
In this scenario, we assume that the author of the publications is
in another location, so the user in step 1 must request access
The author of the publications receives a request from the user of
step 1, upon granting the authorization, the application must
generate a code of digits which must be entered (by the user of step 1) to be able to access the restricted information.
The following assumptions are considered:
User A (who requests access) and user (B) who grants it are in
different locations, but in the same building or office, so they can
communicate with each other by phone or in person.
The process of requesting and granting access, together with the
generation of the access code, requires that the two users A and B be
authenticated within the application.
In general, it is what you want to do, so I would like to know what are the correct concepts that should be used, information that should be taken into account or a library in Laravel that allows me to perform this task.
I appreciate any suggestions or information about this topic.
Thank very much. Regards.


How google Calendar authorization works

I want to create an application that can share my schedule with all users in the same room using google calender api.
When authenticating with web client (oauth), do each user have the authority to view only the information of the user authenticated by his own browser?
For example, suppose user A and user B authenticate with oauth in their respective browsers.
In this case, does User B's browser have permission to view User A's calendar?
Or can I only view my own calendar?
If I want to do the above, do I have to use a backend to hold a per-user access token?
its a little more complicated than that.
When user A run your application the user is displayed a consent screen. Asking them if they are willing to give your application access to their data. Assuming the user gives your application access. Then Your application has access to access that users data.
When user B runs the application then the application will request user B for permission to access their data.
The application has access to user B's data and user A's data. User A does not have access to user B's data.
What you could do is create a page where your application then displays data to both users from each others calendars. If you want this to be a permanent thing then the application could also add user A to user Bs calendar and visa versa. Granting them each access to each other's data.
You may end up with some issues here as FAR As GDPR goes you will need to be sure that the two users realise that they are going to be sharing data for their calendars. Does user A really want to show user B that they have an appointment for a hair transplant operation on monday for example. This is private user data and you are treading on some sensitive data here.

How Can we configure OAuth 2 to work only for a particular email id?

Suppose I have an application in which I have enabled (google) Oauth2 authentication but I want only a few business people can log in to my application with there specific email id and rest of the people can't. How Can we achieve this using Oauth2?
1.) Lots of people have a Google account and can authenticate with Google
2.) I want Only some of them should be authorized to use your app, which maybe deals with business assets
I suspect your requirement is:
Lots of people have a Google account and can authenticate with Google
Only some of them should be authorized to use your app, which maybe deals with corporate assets
In this case I would proceed something like this:
Get a list of users and perform an Administrator Approval step to create them in your product database, perhaps with Name and Email fields.
In the Google login redirect, use scope='openid email' so that you can identify the user via email after login. Allow users to successfully authenticate.
You will then get then be able to get the user's email address from the access token (though you may have to send it to the Google User Info endpoint).
If you can't find the email associated to the token in your product user data, present a Forbidden message to the user.
See my User Data Write Up for further details on technical options. Note that I have not actually tested this with Google, but I have used the general approach with a few different systems.

Google classroom read only api user

I’m new to google classroom api. I want to create a process that will query all classes, students, assignments etc. It will run unattended.
So, my questions are:
will offline scope allow the process to query the api unattended?
can only an admin user see all classes, students, assignments?
or, can a g-suite user be created with limited read-only permissions to certain resources?
Since this is an unattended batch process and Google OAuth access tokens expire after 1 hour, you will likely need offline access. You can do this by adding the parameter access_type=offline in the authorization URL.
In terms of actually acquiring all classes, students, assignments, etc., here are a few things to note:
If you're a domain administrator, you can retrieve courses, students, assignments, invitations, etc. in their domain and will not need each teacher to authorize these requests.
If you don't have domain administrator access and want to retrieve all these items, you will have to have each teacher authorize your request(s).
As for your last question, I'm not entirely sure what you mean -- could you clarify? Are you asking is if one workaround would be to create a G Suite user that has read access to all these resources and then use that account to make all the requests?
You can create a service account and use it to query all data on behalf of users-

Authorization and microservices

Our system is moving from a monolithic to a microservice architecture.
The microservice architecture comes with technical challenges that we need to address and one of them is AuthN/AuthZ.
Our approach is to have an authentication service that would authenticate users and generate access/refresh tokens (JWTs).
Access tokens would then be passed in request header through the chain of microservices such that each microservice just have to validate the token to determine the user has been successfully authenticated.
For the AuthZ part, permission enforcement is done in the microservice itself. My questions are related to AuthZ.
To illustrate the talk, let’s take a specific example of a receptionist who wants to register a new member to his fidelity program, for instance from a Web application.
To support this use case, let’s assume the system has 2 microservices, the ReceptionService and the MemberService.
The ReceptionService offers one REST API to initiate the member registration flow. It requires user permission “registration” to allow execution.
The MemberService offers one REST API to create a new member resource which is protected by CRUD permissions.
A request flow would be:
The web application, on which the user has previously logged in, sends a member registration request to the ReceptionService API including the user access token in the header.
The ReceptionService validates the user token, ensures user is granted with permission “registration”, does whatever business logic it needs to do, and finally sends a member creation request to the MemberService API including the user access token in the header.
The MemberService validates the user token, ensures user is granted with permission “member.create”, and finally creates the member.
To design a solution for such case, my team worked on the following assumptions/prerequisites:
A microservice must always enforce permission (at least for significant API operation such as creating a member). Thus the CRUD permissions on the MemberService in the example above even if Products Managers might only require the top-level “registration” permission.
A user who is able to start a use case because it has the “top-level”
permission must be able to complete it. Meaning It shall not get
errors because he is lacking another permission from somewhere in the
underlying services’ call chain.
Admin users shall not have to understand the chain of permissions
that is required to perform a use case. In our example, Admins should
be able to provide users only with the “registration” permission.
To be able to complete the above example, there are 2 different permissions to be assigned to the user, which breaks some of our assumptions/prerequisites. To overcome that, one of my colleague proposed to consider declaring microservices as identities/users in our AuthN system so that they could be assigned with the appropriate permissions. The user token initially provided would then be replaced by participating services token among the call chain.
To come back to the example, the new request flow would be:
The web application, on which the user has previously logged in,
sends a member registration request to the ReceptionService API
including the user access token in the header.
The ReceptionService validates the user token, ensures user is
granted with permission “registration”, does whatever business logic
it needs to do, and finally sends a member creation request to the
MemberService API including its own service token in the header (and
so replacing the original user token).
The MemberService validates the service token, ensures service is
granted with permission “member.create”, and finally creates the
With this solution, service’s identities in the AuthN system would be flagged in a way that they are filtered from an Admin user managing permission assignments. Permission assignments to services identities would be pre-defined with no possibility for a user to configure it. While it fulfills our assumptions/pre-requisites, I have few concerns about this approach:
When dealing with the “who did what” (audit), user identity and
service identity provided in the tokens would be listed
indifferently. In our example, the RegistrationService would audit
the actual user who initiated the operation but the MemberService
would audit that the operation was performed by the
“RegistrationService”. In reporting scenarios, it means I would need
to reconciliate audit from both systems to determine “who actually
did create the member” using somehow a correlation ID.
While I understand the need to create an identity for a system
component in scenarios which do not involve an actual user (automated
batch/third party access ..), I am not comfortable with replacing the
user token with a service token in scenarios where a user actually
initiated the use case. Is that a standard design pattern?
Could it be that some of our assumptions/prerequisites just wrong?
For instance, is it really a security hole that some microservices do
not enforce permission even if they are only accessed by others
controlled microservices in a safe environment? Assuming the answer
to the latter is “no, it would not be a security hole”, then what if
tomorrow, I need to make the MemberService API also accessible
outside of the safe environment (for instance, because I make it
available to a third party). I would most likely need to add a
permission on it, which would break my registration flow.
Is it wrong to say we do want Admin users to know which set of
permissions are required for a use case and that we should rather
build the system so it gracefully handles failures due to lack of one
permission in the call chain (maybe using Sagas and compensation
Any comment or links to resources would be greatly appreciated.
Each service should own it's own permission-schema, but I would recommend you using Service Mesh to not Authenticate user throughout each hop/Microservice.

How can I setup Google Oauth to allow login using an alternate Google account?

I made a members-only site that uses Google oauth2 to authorise users. The site is built with the Laravel framework and Artdarek's oath library.
When the authorization callback comes from Google, I lookup the user record in the DB by email and proceed to the protected page if the record exists, otherwise to a register page.
The problem is some of our members use two Google accounts. One user registered via his primary account ( The next day he returned and mistakenly tried to login with Naturally the system showed him the registration page. From that time on each time he visits the site the authentication mechanism sees him using his second (unwanted) set of credentials.
To resolve this one case I instructed him to logout of all accounts (on both sides), clear cookies and start from scratch but this is not a practical solution for all users. In same cases even this measure does not seem to correct the problem.
How can I solve this case? What is the right way to request oauth authentication and get them back from the right account? Can I force Google to ask the user with which account to proceed?
Google will automatically ask the user which account they want on an oauth request if they enable the account chooser.
I have logged into my Google Apps and my Google account, so for me on an oauth request, I get the following prompt:
In order to do the same for your user, they have to click "Stay signed in", but of course this is not advisable for public computers.
Beyond the above, I'm afraid not much can be done. - if they logged in with at that time, these are the credentials you will receive.
They way I solve this problem is to have a field where the customer can add additional emails, and select one that is primary. I will then inspect against these emails when a request comes in to avoid duplicate user accounts.
