Set sticky bit permission using bash script - bash

Can anyone guide, how to implement this linux command into a bash script
df --local -P | awk {'if (NR!=1) print $6'} | xargs -I '{}' find '{}' -xdev -type d -perm -0002 2>/dev/null | xargs chmod a+t

Put this in a file, add a shell shebang on 1st line:
df --local -P |
awk '{if (NR!=1) print $6}' |
xargs -I '{}' find '{}' -xdev -type d -perm -0002 2>/dev/null |
xargs --no-run-if-empty chmod a+t
But as this question is tagged bash:
Under bash, I would write this something like:
{ read foo; mapfile -t mpoints;} < <(df --local -P)
exec 2> >(exec grep -v '^find: .*'$"Permission denied"\$ >&2)
find "${mpoints[#]#*% }" -xdev -type d -perm -0002 -exec chmod a+t {} +
Short, quick and efficient!
read foo just whipe header line of df output
mapfile -t take rest of df output into $mpoint array, (-t remove a trailing newline).
exec ... {} ... + will do approx same job than using xargs.
exec 2>... >&2 will silently delete lines matching regex in STDERR.
TEXTDOMAIN=libc and $"Permission denied" will localize message to make this script work in many languages.


Printing the shell find and remove command to screen and log file

I have a script that finds log files older than x days within a specified directory and removes them.
find $LOG_ARCHIVE/* -mtime +$DAYS_TO_KEEP_LOGS -exec rm -f {} \;
This is working as expected but I would like to have the option to print the processing to the screen and log file so I know what files (if any) have been deleted. I've tried appending tee at the end but have had no success.
find $LOG_ARCHIVE/* -mtime +$DAYS_TO_KEEP_LOGS -exec rm -fv {} \; | tee -a $LOG
There are multiple ways the task can be done.
One possibility is to simply run find twice:
find "$LOG_ARCHIVE" -mtime +"$DAYS_TO_KEEP_LOGS" -print > "$LOG"
find "$LOG_ARCHIVE" -mtime +"$DAYS_TO_KEEP_LOGS" -exec rm -f {} +
Another possibility is to use tee along with (GNU extensions) -print0 to find and -0 to xargs:
find "$LOG_ARCHIVE" -mtime +"$DAYS_TO_KEEP_LOGS" -print0 |
tee "$LOG" |
xargs -0 rm -f
With this version, the log file will have null bytes at the end of each file name. You can arrange to replace those with newlines if you don't mind the possible ambiguity:
find "$LOG_ARCHIVE" -mtime +"$DAYS_TO_KEEP_LOGS" -print0 |
tee >(tr '\0' '\n' >"$LOG") |
xargs -0 rm -f
This uses Bash (and Korn shell) process substitution to pass the log file through tr to map null bytes '\0' to newlines '\n'.
Another way of doing it is to write a tiny custom script (call it
printf '%s\n' "$#" >> "$LOG"
rm -f "$#"
and then use:
find "$LOG_ARCHIVE" -mtime +"$DAYS_TO_KEEP_LOGS" -exec bash {} +
Note that the script needs to see the value of $LOG, so that must be exported as an environment variable. You could avoid that by passing the log name explicitly:
printf '%s\n' "$#" >> "$logfile"
rm -f "$#"
find "$LOG_ARCHIVE" -mtime +"$DAYS_TO_KEEP_LOGS" -exec bash "$LOG" {} +
Note that both of these use >> to append because the script might be invoked more than once (though it probably won't be). The onus is on you to ensure that the log file is empty before you run the find command.
Note that I dropped the /* from the path argument for find; it wasn't really needed. You might want to add -type f to ensure that only files are removed. The + is a feature from the POSIX 2008 specification of find which makes find act rather like xargs without needing to explicitly use xargs.
find $LOG_ARCHIVE/* -mtime +$DAYS_TO_KEEP_LOGS -exec sh -c 'echo {} |tee -a "$LOG"; rm -f {}' \;
Try and see if it works.

Get file depth in directory tree

I'm using command find to recursively browse through directory tree, counting files, sizes, etc...
Now I need to get directory depth of each file.
Is there any portable way for both FreeBSD and CentOS?
I know that find is able to prinf actual directory depth but sadly this works only on CentOS, not FreeBSD.
Additionaly - I need to keep standard find output OR put directory depth on the beginning of output and cut it from there.
You can count the / in path :
$ find . -type f -exec bash -c 'echo '{}' | grep -o / | wc -l' \;
Or with file names :
$ mkdir -p one/two/three four/five && touch file one/two/file one/two/three/file
$ find . -type f -exec bash -c 'echo -n '{}' :; echo '{}' | grep -o / | wc -l' \;
./file :1
./one/two/file :3
./one/two/three/file :4
Try this:
find . -type d -exec bash -c 'echo $(tr -cd / <<< "$1"|wc -c):$1' -- {} \; | sort -n | tail -n 1 | awk -F: '{print $1, $2}'

Escaping basename in bourne shell when using find

I want to merge output of three logwatch outputs and pipe result through sendmail.
sh -c "logwatch && find ${LOG_DIR} -type d -name \"ip*\" -print0 | xargs -0 -I{} sh -c 'logwatch --logdir {} --hostname $(basename {})'" |
sed '1!b;s/^/To: '${MAIL_TO}'\nSubject: Logwatch report\n\n/' | sendmail -t
first logwatch is executed on /var/log folder
and then I would like to traverse /var/log/remote-hosts subfolders (ip-10-0-0-38 and ip-10-0-0-39 ) with find and also do logwatch on them.
The merged output will be sent throught sentmail. However I would like to replace hostname with basename of /var/log/remote-hosts subfolder so instead of /var/log/remote-hosts/ip-10-0-0-38 I will have ip-10-0-0-38 only.
But unfortunatelly I don't how to do the basename part correctly. Any help? Thanks in advance.
Don't use sh -c for grouping statements, use (...):
(logwatch && find ${LOG_DIR} -type d -name "ip*" -print0 | xargs -0 -I{} sh -c 'logwatch --logdir {} --hostname $(basename {})') |
sed '1!b;s/^/To: '${MAIL_TO}'\nSubject: Logwatch report\n\n/' | sendmail -t

In Bash, is there a way to "grep -r foobar *" except it is everything except the "log" directory?

the line
\ls -1 | grep -v log | xargs grep -r foobar
partially works except it will also skip the "blog" directory since it also gets excluded by grep -v log. (the \ls above is to make ls not do any alias such as ls -F)
\ls -1 | grep -v ^log$ | xargs grep -r foobar
grep --exclude-dir=log -r foobar *
find . -name log -prune -o -type f -print0 |xargs -0 grep foobar
GNU grep has this option:
Exclude directories matching the pattern DIR from recursive searches.
with bash, you can use extglob
shopt -s extglob
grep "foobar" !(log)

How to use > in an xargs command?

I want to find a bash command that will let me grep every file in a directory and write the output of that grep to a separate file. My guess would have been to do something like this
ls -1 | xargs -I{} "grep ABC '{}' > '{}'.out"
but, as far as I know, xargs doesn't like the double-quotes. If I remove the double-quotes, however, then the command redirects the output of the entire command to a single file called '{}'.out instead of to a series of individual files.
Does anyone know of a way to do this using xargs? I just used this grep scenario as an example to illustrate my problem with xargs so any solutions that don't use xargs aren't as applicable for me.
Do not make the mistake of doing this:
sh -c "grep ABC {} > {}.out"
This will break under a lot of conditions, including funky filenames and is impossible to quote right. Your {} must always be a single completely separate argument to the command to avoid code injection bugs. What you need to do, is this:
xargs -I{} sh -c 'grep ABC "$1" > "$1.out"' -- {}
Applies to xargs as well as find.
By the way, never use xargs without the -0 option (unless for very rare and controlled one-time interactive use where you aren't worried about destroying your data).
Also don't parse ls. Ever. Use globbing or find instead:
Use find for everything that needs recursion and a simple loop with a glob for everything else:
find /foo -exec sh -c 'grep "$1" > "$1.out"' -- {} \;
or non-recursive:
for file in *; do grep "$file" > "$file.out"; done
Notice the proper use of quotes.
A solution without xargs is the following:
find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec sh -c "grep ABC '{}' > '{}.out'" \;
...and the same can be done with xargs, it turns out:
ls -1 | xargs -I {} sh -c "grep ABC '{}' > '{}.out'"
Edit: single quotes added after remark by lhunath.
I assume your example is just an example and that you may need > for other things. GNU Parallel may be your rescue. It does not need additional quoting as long as your filenames do not contain \n:
ls | parallel "grep ABC {} > {}.out"
If you have filenames with \n in it:
find . -print0 | parallel -0 "grep ABC {} > {}.out"
As an added bonus you get the jobs run in parallel.
Watch the intro videos to learn more:
The 10 seconds installation will try to do a full installation; if that fails, a personal installation; if that fails, a minimal installation:
$ (wget -O - || lynx -source || curl || \
fetch -o - ) >
$ sha1sum | grep 883c667e01eed62f975ad28b6d50e22a
12345678 883c667e 01eed62f 975ad28b 6d50e22a
$ md5sum | grep cc21b4c943fd03e93ae1ae49e28573c0
cc21b4c9 43fd03e9 3ae1ae49 e28573c0
$ sha512sum | grep da012ec113b49a54e705f86d51e784ebced224fdf
79945d9d 250b42a4 2067bb00 99da012e c113b49a 54e705f8 6d51e784 ebced224
fdff3f52 ca588d64 e75f6033 61bd543f d631f592 2f87ceb2 ab034149 6df84a35
$ bash
If you need to move it to a server, that does not have GNU Parallel installed, try parallel --embed.
Actually, most of the answers here do not work with all filenames (if they contain double and single quotes), including the answer by lhunath and Stephan202.
This solution works with filenames with single and double quotes:
find . -mindepth 1 -print0 | xargs -0 -I{} sh -c 'grep ABC "$1" > "$1.out"' -- {}
Here's a test with filename with both single and double quotes:
echo ABC > "I'm here.txt"
# lhunath solution (hangs waiting for input)
$ find . -exec sh -c 'grep "$1" > "$1.out"' -- {} \;
# Stephan202 solutions
$ find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec sh -c "grep ABC '{}' > '{}.out'" \;
grep: ./Im: No such file or directory
grep: here.txt > ./Im here.txt.out: No such file or directory
$ ls -1 | xargs -I {} sh -c "grep ABC '{}' > '{}.out'"
xargs: unterminated quote
# this solution
$ find . -mindepth 1 -print0 | xargs -0 -I{} sh -c 'grep ABC "$1" > "$1.out"' -- {}
$ ls -1
"I'm here.txt"
"I'm here.txt.out"
