Continuously Scan Directory and Perform Script on New Items - bash

First, please forgive me and be easy on me if this question seems easy; the first time I tried posting a question about another subject, I didn't provide enough information a few months ago. My apologies.
I'm trying to scan my incoming media folder for new audio files and convert them to my preferred format into another folder, without removing the originals.
I've written the script below and while it seems to work for one-offs, I can't seem to get it to create the destination directory name based off the source directory name; and I can't seem to figure out how to keep it looping, "scanning", for new media to arrive without processing what it's already processed.
I hope this makes sense...
#! /bin/bash
# Creating the directory name - not currently working
# dirName="$(basename "$srcDir")"
# mkdir "$destDir"/"$dirName"
for filename in "$srcDir"/*.flac; do
ffmpeg -i "$filename" $opts "$destDir"/"$baseName"."$destExt"
for filename in "$srcDir"/*.mp3; do
ffmpeg -i "$filename" $opts "$destDir"/"$baseName"."$destExt"

there are different ways of doing this, the easiest way might just be to look at the "modification date" of the file and seeing if it has changed, something like:
#! /bin/bash
# Creating the directory name - not currently working
# dirName="$(basename "$srcDir")"
# mkdir "$destDir"/"$dirName"
for filename in ` find "$srcDir" \( -name '*.mp3' -o -name '*.flac' \) -mmin -10`; do
ffmpeg -i "$filename" $opts "$destDir"/"$baseName"."$destExt"

Consider using mkdir -p which will a) create all necessary intermediate directories, and b) not complain if they already exist.
If you want the new items to be processesd immediately they arrive, look at inotify or fswatch on macOS. In general, if less urgent, schedule your job to run every 10 minutes under cron, maybe prefixing with nice so as not to be a CPU "hog".
Decide which files to generate by changing directory to the source directory and iterating over all files. For each file, work out what the corresponding output file should be according to your rules, test if it already exists, if not create it.
Don't repeat all your for loop code like that, just do:
cd "$srcDir"
for filename in *.flac *.mp3 ; do
if [ ! -f "$outputfilename" ] ; then
mkdir -p SOMETHING
ffmpeg -i "$filename" ... "$outputfilename"


Bash: Go up and down directories

Dear stackoverflow community,
I am new to bash and I've got a problem regarding loops and directories (code below). So I am working in the opensmile directory and want to look for .wav files in the subdirectory opensmile/test-audio/. But if I change my directory in the "for" section to test-audio/*.wav, it probably could find the .wav-files but then the main-action does have access to the necessary config file "IS10_paraling.conf". Within the main-action the directories have to be written like after "-C", so without a "/" before the directory.
My loop works, if the wav files are inside the opensmile directory, but not inside a sub-directory. I would like to look for files in the subdirectory test-audio while the main-action still has access to all of the opensmile-directory.
So basically: How do I go up and down directories within a for loop?
Thank you very much in advance!
This works
#! /bin/bash
cd /usr/local/opensmile/
for f in *.wav;
/usr/local/opensmile/build/progsrc/smilextract/SMILExtract -C config/is09-13/IS10_paraling.conf -I $f -D output/$f.csv ;
This does not work
#! /bin/bash
cd /usr/local/opensmile/
for f in test-audio/*.wav;
/usr/local/opensmile/build/progsrc/smilextract/SMILExtract -C config/is09-13/IS10_paraling.conf -I $f -D output/$f.csv ;
Saying "this does not work", doesn't tell us anything. What happens? Is there an error message?
Nevertheless, your question was "So basically: How do I go up and down directories within a for loop?"
If I'm tempted to go up and down directories within a loop, I'll do it in a subshell, so that I can be sure that the next time I enter the loop I'll be where I was originally. So I'll put all my commands in ( ).
#! /bin/bash
cd /usr/local/opensmile/
for f in test-audio/*.wav;
cd test-audio
/usr/local/opensmile/build/progsrc/smilextract/SMILExtract -C $CONFIG/is09-13/IS10_paraling.conf -I `basename $f` -D $OUTPUT/$f.csv
though why one would need to to it for this case, I can't fathom
Instead of using a for loop, could you use find for this:
find /usr/local/opensmile/ -type f -name "*.wav" -exec /usr/local/opensmile/build/progsrc/smilextract/SMILExtract -C config/is09-13/IS10_paraling.conf -I $1 -D output/$1.csv "{}" \;

Shell script for finding (and deleting) video files if they came from a rar

My download program automatically unrars rar archives, which is all well and good as Sonarr and Radarr need that original video file to import. But now my download HDD fills up with all these video files I no longer need.
I've tried playing around with modifying existing scripts I have, but every step seems to take me further from the goal.
Here's what I have so far (that isnt working and I clearly dont know what im doing). My main problem is I can't get it to find the files correctly yet. This script jumps right to "no files found". So I'm doing the search wrong at the very least. Or I'm pretty sure I might need to completely rewrite from scratch using a different method I'm not aware of..
# Find video files and if it came from a rar, remove it.
# If no directory is given, work in local dir
if [ "$1" = "" ]; then
# Find all the MKV files in this dir and its subdirs
find "$DIR" -type f -name '*.mkv' | while read filename
# If video file and rar file exists, delete mkv.
for f in ...
if [[ -f "$DIR/*.mkv" ]] && [[ -f "$DIR/*.rar" ]]
# rm $filename
printf "[Dry run delete]: $filename\n"
printf "No files found\n"
exit 1
Example of directory structure before and after. Note the file names are often different to the extracted file. And I want to leave other folders that don't have rars in them alone.
# (deleted the mkv only from the first folder)
# (this mkv survives)
TL:DR I would like a script to look recursively in my download drive for video files and rar files, and if it sees both in the same folder, delete the video file.
With GNU find, you can condense this to one command:
find "${1:-.}" -type f -name '*.rar' -execdir sh -c 'echo rm *.mkv' \;
${1:-.} says "use $1, or . if $1 is undefined or empty".
For each .rar file found, this starts a new shell in the directory of the file found (that's what -execdir sh -c '...' does) and runs echo rm *.mkv.
If the list of files to delete looks correct, you can actually delete them by dropping the echo:
find "${1:-.}" -type f -name '*.rar' -execdir sh -c 'rm *.mkv' \;
Two remarks, though:
-execdir rm *.mkv \; would be shorter, but then the glob might be expanded prematurely in case there are .mkv files in the current directory
if a directory contains a .rar file, but no .mkv, this will try to delete a file called literally *.mkv and cause an error message

Bash scanning for filenames containing keywords and move them

I'm looking to find a way to constantly scan a folder tree for new subfolders containing MKV/MP4 files. If that file contains a keyword and ends in MP4 or MKV, it'll be moved to a defined location matching that keyword. As a bonus, it would delete the folder and all it's leftover contents where the file resided previosly. The idea would be to have this run in the background and sort everything where it belongs and clean up after itself if possible.
Media\anime\Timmy\Timmy_S1E1\Timmy_S1E1_720p.mkv #Found Keyword Timmy, allowed filetype
Move to destination:
Delete subfolder:
I would either do separate scripts for each keyword, or, if possible, have the script match each keyword with a destination
while true
shopt -s globstar
for name in "$start_dir"/**/*.*; do
# search the directory recursively
sleep 300
This could be done by:
creating a script that does what you want to do, once.
run the script from cron, at a certain interval. Say a couple minutes, or a couple hours, depends on the volume of files you receive.
no need for a continually running daemon.
if [[ ! -d "$start_dir" ]]
echo "ERROR: start_dir ($start_dir) not found."
exit 1
if [[ ! -d "$target_dir" ]]
echo "ERROR: target_dir ($target_dir) not found."
exit 1
# Move all MP4 and MKV files to the target directory
find "$start_dir" -type f \( -name "*keyword*.MP4" -o -name "*keyword*.MKV" \) -print0 | while read -r -d $'\0' file
# add any processing here...
filename=$(basename "$file")
echo "Moving $filename to $target_dir..."
mv "$file" "$target_dir/$filename"
# That being done, all that is left in start_dir can be deleted
find "$start_dir" -type d ! -path "$start_dir" -exec /bin/rm -fr {} \;
scanning for files is most efficient with the find command
the -print0 with read ... method is to ensure all valid filenames are processed, even if they include spaces or other "weird" characters.
the result of the above code is that each file that matches your keyword, with extensions MP4 or MKV will be processed once.
you can then use "$file" to access the file being processed in the current loop.
make sure you ALWAYS double quote $file, otherwise any weird filename will brake your code. Well you should always double quote your variables anyway.
more complex logic can be added for your specific needs. Ex. create the target directory if it does not exist. Create a different target directory depending on your keyword. etc.
to delete all sub-directories under $start_dir, I use find. Again this will process weird directory names.
One point, some will argue that it could all be done in 1 find command with -exec option. True, but IMHO the version with the while loop is easier to code, understand, debug, learn.
And this construct is good to have in your bash toolbox.
When you create a script, only one #! line is needed.
And I fixed the indentation in your question, much easier to read your code properly indented and formatted (see the edit help in the question editor).
Last point to discuss, lets say you have a LARGE number of directories and files to process, and it is possible that new files are added while the script is running. Ex. you are moving many MP4 files, and while it is doing it, new files are deposited in the directories. Then when you do the deletion you could potentially loose files.
If such a case is possible, you could add a check for new files just before you do the /bin/rm, it would help. To be absolutely certain, you could setup a script that processes 1 file, and have it triggered by inotify. But that is another ball game, more complicated and out of scope for this answer.

Loop to create copies

I'm making a bash script on an OSX computer at work to create a kit of prints.
The script works fine, as it make the correct amount of copies of the files to the correct destination.
However the destination, a 'print rip', serves the files with a 'first in - first out' principle. My script seems to be making the copies of each file by the file. I want it to make a copy of the entire 'kit' of files, before proceeding to the next copy...
The order the script makes the copies now are:
The order I want the script to make the copies are:
My current script looks like this:
for filename in $(find $scriptdir -iname '*-F_*' -o -name '*.jpg' -print)
for f in $(eval echo "{1..$copies}"); do
cp /$scriptdir/FILER/${filename##*/} $printdir"/"$PrintColor"_"$f"_"${filename##*/};
So instead of copying each file X amount of times, before proceeding to the next file, I need the script to copy all the files, before proceeding to the next 'set' of files...
Does anyone have an idea of how to make it work?
Use sort, for example:
for filename in $(find $scriptdir -name 'F*.jpg' -print|sort -t'/' -k2.11n)
echo $filename
cp "filename" "$printdir/$PrintColor/$base"
Note that the sort uses field 2 (-k2.11) character 11 to sort on. This assumes that there is just one leading directory name. You might have to adjust this if your path is more complex.
I got it working!
Thanks for your input, guys...
I changed the code to the following:
for setnumber in $(seq $copies); do
for filename in $(find $filesdir -iname '*-F_*' -o -name '*.jpg' -print)
cp $filesdir/${filename##*/} $printdir"/"$PrintColor"_SET"$setnumber"_"${filename##*/}; done
sleep 5
The sleep command is added just to make sure all the copies of the previous set has been created/timestamped, before proceeding to the next set....

Move files to the correct folder in Bash

I have a few files with the format ReportsBackup-20140309-04-00 and I would like to send the files with same pattern to the files as the example to the 201403 file.
I can already create the files based on the filename; I would just like to move the files based on the name to their correct folder.
I use this to create the directories
old="directory where are the files" &&
year_month=`ls ${old} | cut -c 15-20`&&
for i in ${year_month}; do
if [ ! -d ${old}/$i ]
mkdir ${old}/$i
you can use find
find /path/to/files -name "*201403*" -exec mv {} /path/to/destination/ \;
Here’s how I’d do it. It’s a little verbose, but hopefully it’s clear what the program is doing:
for bkfile in $SRCDIR/ReportsBackup*; do
# Get just the filename, and read the year/month variable
filename=$(basename $bkfile)
# Create the folder for storing this year/month combination. The '-p' flag
# means that:
# 1) We create $DSTDIR if it doesn't already exist (this flag actually
# creates all intermediate directories).
# 2) If the folder already exists, continue silently.
mkdir -p $DSTDIR/$yearmonth
# Then we move the report backup to the directory. The '.' at the end of the
# mv command means that we keep the original filename
mv $bkfile $DSTDIR/$yearmonth/.
A few changes I’ve made to your original script:
I’m not trying to parse the output of ls. This is generally not a good idea. Parsing ls will make it difficult to get the individual files, which you need for copying them to their new directory.
I’ve simplified your if ... mkdir line: the -p flag is useful for “create this folder if it doesn’t exist, or carry on”.
I’ve slightly changed the slicing command which gets the year/month string from the filename.
