Vue.js + Spring Boot + PayPal - spring

I want to add PayPal to my existing Vue.js + Spring Boot Project.
I googled, but did not find anything.
Do you have a tutorial or any suggest how to do this?
Thanks a lot!

Here is the PayPal documentation
Here is what to search on youtube


Spring MVC Ajax App

I'm beginner in Spring MVC and trying to build an APP with only ajax redirects, but I don't know how to use ajax in Spring MVC.
I searching on Google but I don't find nothing to beginners in Spring MVC.
Someone can help me with some tutorial?
yes you can refer to this tutorial

Step by step implementation of Swagger for Spring MVC Rest project?

Can anyone please help me with step by step implementation of Swagger for a Spring MVC Rest project which does not use Spring Boot? I have googled lot of sites but was not able to implement successfully. Thank you

Integration of AngularJS and Spring

I have to start a project in AngularJS, Spring and Hibernate. I know Hibernate and Spring but have no idea in AngularJS. Kindly suggest some good links of videos of project development in all AngularJS and Spring from scratch.
Are you looking for sample applications in Spring MVC and AngularJS?.Try following Applications which are done using above frameworks combinations.If you are beginner I hope this helps.
You may also interested in Integration of Spring Security with Spring MVC
That links helps to Explain good.

using jqgrid in spring mvc3.0

Can anybody tell me how to implement jqgrid in spring mvc3.0????
If anybody has got a sample application for the same....
Here's a tutorial I've just written :)
I hope you like it. Here's the link:
JqGrid and Spring 3 MVC Integration Using Annotations Tutorial
Here's the url:

Integrate reports (jasper, Jfreechart) to existing spring mvc project

Please, i need to integrate report (Jasper, JfreeChart, or birt) with an existing web Spring mvc project
This should get you started.
#user310810, I've written a set of tutorials for integrating Spring MVC 3 and Jasper. I've also provided a downloadable Maven build. The tutorials are very detailed. In addition, the application itself is well-commented. Just leave a comment if the tutorials help you :)
