SweetAlert2 10 is showing big font contents on bootstrap - sweetalert2

I'm trying to upgrade from sweetAlert 8 to 10 and after install I'm geting font swal-content very big (maybe 3 or 5 times)
You can see here the original size
I tried with .all.min.js and also css and css alone.


Got 6 hours for rendering one frame in blender, What am I doing wrong?

I'm new to blender, after creating an animation, I want to render it. With the help of a large number of guides on the Internet, I think, I got the optimal animation rendering settings, as a result, but the beginning of the animation rendering I get 6 hours to render only 1 frame.
A computer:
RTX 3050 Ti 4gb
Ryzen 7 5800
16gb RAM
I realize that the problem is in my settings, but I do not understand where.
Also, for some reason, when rendering 1 picture, the entire background I created change to orange due to technical error:
View in blender:
After render:
Thank you a lot for your time, I would really appreciate your help
(Im using Blender 3.4)
To reduce the render time make sure you head onto Edit > Preferences > System in that make sure you have CUDA enabled in Cycle render services. And for the change in background, that can be caused by some bug. So, upgrade your Blender to at least 3.8, because that's more stabler the its previous ones. Also make sure you have all the dependcy files(.dll) fixed and your DirectX version is 11.

Abcpdf 9 and letter-spacing

I'm facing an ennoying problem.
When I create a PDF from HTML, using the CSS property "letter-spacing" on some divs, browser (Firefox) and PDF (Gecko) renderings are different.
Actually, it appears that ABCPdf is adding somehow a constant to my value.
For example, if I declare a 1.1px letter-spacing, ABCPdf renders a 0.8px. This "constant" depends on the font-size (here 12px).
I'm using a monospace font : Courier New, Courier, monospace
What should I check ? I'm already using FontEmbed = true, in order to have a better quality.
I can't ugrapde my version of ABCPdf.
Thanks for reading :)
I think you are better off using a style for print media like #media print {} to adjust font spacing accordingly.
ABCPdf is using Gecko 21 which is quite a bit behind current Firefox. That's probably what is causing the difference.

When using wkhtmltopdf with google fonts, extra letter space added

For a symfony project, i am using the snappy bundle, that used wkhtmltopdf to convert the webpage into a pdf. I am using google fonts to use different font faces. The font shows up fine on the web page, but after converting to a pdf, any sections that use font faces have bad spacing between letters. Is there any way to fix the spacing on the letters?
Image of PDF: (using google font, EB Garamond)
pdf example image
html code:
<link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=EB+Garamond' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
Normal Text: qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm<br>
<div style="font-family: 'EB Garamond', serif;">
google EB Garamond: qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm<br>
google EB Garamond: workstation ergonomic evaluations.</div><br>
Normal Text: workstation ergonomic evaluations.
I have also tried using other fonts from other soruces, like adobe typekit and still have the same problem.
Try adding the '--dpi 96' switch to the wkhtmltopdf command line.
I had an issue with letters getting joined together and using --dpi 96 in combination with letter-spacing:0.09em; solved it
We faced the same problem. As setting the DPI to only 96 (print usually uses at least 300) resulted in blurry images, we tried to use SVG font files, which did the trick.

Susy: positioning of element in root context

This is my first time using Susy. I really like what I'm seeing in the docs / tutorials, but I've encountered some unexpected results with some of my first layout attempts.
Version info:
>gem install compass-susy-plugin
Successfully installed sass-3.1.2
Successfully installed chunky_png-1.2.0
Successfully installed fssm-0.2.7
Successfully installed compass-0.11.1
Successfully installed compass-susy-plugin-0.9
>ruby --version
ruby 1.9.2p136 (2010-12-25 revision 30365) [x86_64-darwin10.5.0]
The image below shows the result I'm getting using the tutorial html and screen.scss verbatim:
As you can see, inspecting the h1 element shows it sitting just off the grid. Is this normal?
See my comment on another similar question:
Susy isn't just another grid system like all the others. It was
designed to fulfill a very specific purpose: grids that are fluid on
the inside. The units you use to create the grid are applied to
the container, not to each column. Everything inside is built with
percentages. What you are seeing is normal. It's true of all fluid
grids, because of sub-pixel rounding. It's not a bug, it's a part
of building responsive web sites.
If you need pixel-exact grids, Susy is the wrong tool for you. It all
depends what you are trying to build.
Re-size your browser to see how it works. You'll notice the grids
snapping-to and floating within a few pixels of their guides, but the
grid stays intact and never triggers the horizontal scroll-bar.
If I slowly expand the browser window in Chrome vs Firefox, the grid and text jump around more in Chrome than Firefox. It appears Firefox is more precise with the layout (which may impose a rendering speed penalty).
In Firefox, everything always lines up perfectly and moves together -- the text areas and the grid -- as I resize. In Chrome, I can see the footer text moving at different times vs the article text vs the grid vs etc., as I resize.
Here's an example where the text and the grid were off by quite a few pixels in Chrome:

wkhtmltopdf + mixed photo colors

I have a page with color and black & white images, when I use wkhtmltopdf to generate a pdf from the html file,
I get only the color images, how can I get it to print all the images, I have tried the advance options, but no success.
If I print in grayscale, then all the images are coming, but I don't want grayscale.
Any help?
I figured out how to solve this problem, I tried a trial-and-error method and figured out that if we provided the following parameters all the images irrespective of color or B&W, it would come up
wkhtmltopdf --image-quality 75
NOTE: Any value <= 75 works, higher value print a blank space for B&W images only
This question is old, but I'll add this in case someone has a similar issue and is unable to upgrade.
I found that applying this CSS solved the problem of non-color image rendering for me.
img {opacity: 0.99;}
To follow on from my comment above:
Changing the image quality only helps some cases
I contacted the developer (antialize) and he has now fixed this issue on his staging branch.
There isn't a release yet with this fix, so you will have to compile it yourself.
If you compile using the latest staging branch, all images now work as expected. Remember to compile following the "Installing QT yourself" instructions.
Furthermore, if you want to compile statically, see my note (on the compilation wiki page, made on Dec 19, 2011) about editing two files to allow static compiling of webkit (the 2 files that need to change are /tools/configure/configureapp.cpp and configure).
