Spring HATEOAS RepresentationModelAssembler to generate links with Pageable parameter - spring

I have a MemberController that has two GetMappings, one returns a paginated list of members and the other returns a member. I have a MemberModelAssembler which overrides toModel and returns a selfRel() link. How to make the toModel method in the MemberModelAssembler return a the pagination link for each member? Given I cannot pass Pageable and PagedResourcesAssembler to the MemberModelAssembler?
Expected result when calling api/v1/member/1
"id": 1,
"phone": "85298890006",
"profileImageUrl": null,
"displayedName": "Mak",
"salutation": "MS",
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/member/1"
*****Want to achieve this*****
"members": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/memberpage=0&size=20"
*****Want to achieve this*****
My MemberController:
class MemberController(
private val service: MemberService,
private val assembler: MemberModelAssembler
) {
fun findAll(
pageable: Pageable,
pagedResourcesAssembler: PagedResourcesAssembler<Member>
): ResponseEntity<PagedModel<EntityModel<Member>>> {
val members = service.findAll(pageable)
return ResponseEntity(pagedResourcesAssembler.toModel(members, assembler), HttpStatus.OK)
fun findById(#PathVariable id: Int): ResponseEntity<EntityModel<Member>> {
val member = service.findById(id) ?: throw ItemNotFoundException(this::class.simpleName!!, id)
return ResponseEntity(assembler.toModel(member), HttpStatus.OK)
My MemberModelAssembler
class MemberModelAssembler : RepresentationModelAssembler<Member, EntityModel<Member>> {
override fun toModel(member: Member) =

For anyone who still has a problem with that:
Although it's a little counteractive, you can enter a 3rd parameter as the initial link.


How to combine key and value using Jackson (Spring boot)

I have json like below.
"USER0001": {
"name": "hoge",
"age": 20
"USER0002": {
"name": "huga",
"age": 10
and, this is my User data class.
data class User(
val id: String,
val name: String,
val age: Int
then, I want to convert json to user list when request is send controller.
User("USER0001", "hoge", 20),
User("USER0002", "huga", 10),
and my controller .
class MyController() {
fun test(#RequestBody users: List<User>) {
// some code. I want to use users as List<User>
I try using #JsonComponent like below,
class Deserializer : JsonDeserializer<List<User>>() {
override fun deserialize(parser: JsonParser, ctxt: DeserializationContext): List<User> {
val treeNode = parser.codec.readTree<TreeNode>(parser)
val fieldNames = treeNode.fieldNames()
val result = mutableListOf<User>()
while(fieldNames.hasNext()) {
val fieldName = fieldNames.next()
val userJson = treeNode.get(fieldName)
// I can't use this code as String type.
val name = userJson.get("name")
// How Can I make User model ???
return result
then, I don't know how to make User object in deserializer method.
do you know how to do this ?
thank you reading.
this is simple way.
class MyController() {
fun test(#RequestBody Map<String, UserDetail>) {
// some code...

springboot mongodb crud update only changed fields

Hello i have springboot with mongodb (spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb)
My problem is if I send only one or only the fields I want to change so the other values are set to null. I found something on the internet like #DynamicUpdate but not working on mongodb can you help me with this problem. I'm a beginner, I don't know how to help and it's quite important for me, if you need more code or more information, I'll write in the comment. I hope I have described the problem sufficiently. :)
public class Person {
private String id;
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private boolean enabled;
private String note;
public interface PersonRepository extends MongoRepository <Person, String> {
i have this call
public void UpdatePerson (#PathVariable String id , #RequestBody Person person) {
#GetMapping(path = "/{id}")
public Person getPersonByid(#PathVariable String id ){
return personRepository.findById(id).orElseThrow(PersonNotFound::new);
get call before update :
"id": "5fc940dc6d368377561dbb02",
"firstName": "Rambo",
"lastName": "Norris",
"enabled": true,
"note": "hello this is my first note from you",
put call :
"id": "5fc940dc6d368377561dbb02",
"firstName": "Chuck"
get call after update :
"id": "5fc940dc6d368377561dbb02",
"firstName": "Chuck",
"lastName": null,
"enabled": false,
"note": null,
what I would like
get call before update :
"id": "5fc940dc6d368377561dbb02",
"firstName": "Rambo",
"lastName": "Norris",
"enabled": true,
"note": "hello this is my first note from you",
put call :
"id": "5fc940dc6d368377561dbb02",
"firstName": "Chuck"
get call after update :
"id": "5fc940dc6d368377561dbb02",
"firstName": "Chuck",
"lastName": "Norris",
"enabled": true,
"note": "hello this is my first note from you",
You are inserting a new collection instead of updating. First, you need to get the old value from mongodb, then you need to update the collection, then save to DB.
Use the below code in #putmapping.
public void UpdatePerson (#PathVariable String id , #RequestBody Person person) {
Person personFromDB = personRepository.findById(person.getId());
Try updating like this
public ResponseEntity<Person> UpdatePerson (#PathVariable String id , #RequestBody
Person person) {
Optional<Person> personData = personRepository.findById(id);
if (personData.isPresent()) {
Person _tutorial = personData.get();
if(!StringUtils.isEmpty(person.getFirstName())) {
if(!StringUtils.isEmpty(person.getLastName())) {
if(!StringUtils.isEmpty(person.getNote())) {
if(!StringUtils.isEmpty(tutorial.isEnabled())) {
return new ResponseEntity<>(repo.save(_tutorial), HttpStatus.OK);
} else {
return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND);

Spring RepositoryRestController with excerptProjection

I have defined a #Projection for my Spring Data entity as described here
For the same reasons as described there. When I do GET request, everything is returned as expected. But when I do a POST request, the projection won't work. Following the example provided above, "Address" is shown as a URL under Links and is not exposed the way it is with GET request.
How to get it exposed the same way?
I created a class with #RepositoryRestController where I can catch the POST method. If I simply return the entity, it is without links. If I return it as a resource, the links are there, but "Address" is also a link. If I remove the GET method from my controller, the default behavior is as described above.
My entities are same as described here A, B and SuperClass except I don't have fetch defined in my #ManyToOne
My controller looks like this:
public class BRepositoryRestController {
private final BRepository bRepository;
public BRepositoryRestController(BRepository bRepository) {
this.bRepository = bRepository;
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "/bs")
ResponseEntity<?> post(#RequestBody Resource<B> bResource) {
B b= bRepository.save(bResource.getContent());
BProjection result = bRepository.findById(b.getId());
return ResponseEntity.ok(new Resource<>(result));
And my repository looks like this:
#RepositoryRestResource(excerptProjection = BProjection.class)
public interface BRepository extends BaseRepository<B, Long> {
#EntityGraph(attributePaths = {"a"})
BProjection findById(Long id);
And my projection looks like this:
#Projection(types = B.class)
public interface BProjection extends SuperClassProjection {
A getA();
String getSomeData();
String getOtherData();
And SuperClassProjection looks like this:
#Projection(types = SuperClass.class)
public interface SuperClassProjection {
Long getId();
In the custom #RepositoryRestController POST method you should also return the projection. For example:
#Projection(name = "inlineAddress", types = { Person.class })
public interface InlineAddress {
String getFirstName();
String getLastName();
Address getAddress();
public interface PersonRepo extends JpaRepository<Person, Long> {
InlineAddress findById(Long personId);
public ResponseEntity<?> post(...) {
//... posting a person
InlineAddress inlineAddress = bookRepo.findById(person.getId());
return ResponseEntity.ok(new Resource<>(inlineAddress));
I've corrected my code above and the code from the question:
#RepositoryRestResource(excerptProjection = BProjection.class)
public interface BRepository extends CrudRepository<B, Long> {
BProjection findById(Long id);
#Projection(types = B.class)
public interface BProjection {
A getA();
String getSomeData();
String getOtherData();
Then all works fine.
POST request body:
"name": "b1",
"someData": "someData1",
"otherData": "otherData",
"a": {
"name": "a1"
Response body:
"a": {
"name": "a1"
"someData": "someData1",
"otherData": "otherData",
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/api/bs/1{?projection}",
"templated": true
See working example

Adding more information to the HATEOAS response in Spring Boot Data Rest

I have the following REST controller.
#RequestMapping(value = "/booksCustom")
public class BooksController extends ResourceSupport {
public BooksService booksService;
private PagedResourcesAssembler<Books> booksAssembler;
public HttpEntity<PagedResources<Resource<Books>>> search(#RequestParam(value = "q", required = false) String query, #PageableDefault(page = 0, size = 20) Pageable pageable) {
pageable = new PageRequest(0, 20);
Page<Books> booksResult = BooksService.findBookText(query, pageable);
return new ResponseEntity<PagedResources<Resource<Books>>>(BooksAssembler.toResource(BooksResult), HttpStatus.OK);
My Page<Books> BooksResult = BooksService.findBookText(query, pageable); is backed by SolrCrudRepository. When it is run BookResult has several fields in it, the content field and several other fields, one being highlighted. Unfortunately the only thing I get back from the REST response is the data in the content field and the metadata information in the HATEOAS response (e.g. page information, links, etc.). What would be the proper way of adding the highlighted field to the response? I'm assuming I would need to modify the ResponseEntity, but unsure of the proper way.
#SolrDocument(solrCoreName = "Books_Core")
public class Books {
private String id;
private String filename;
private String fullText;
//Getters and setters omitted
When a search and the SolrRepository is called (e.g. BooksService.findBookText(query, pageable);) I get back these objects.
However, in my REST response I only see the "content". I would like to be able to add the "highlighted" object to the REST response. It just appears that HATEOAS is only sending the information in the "content" object (see below for the object).
"_embedded" : {
"solrBooks" : [ {
"filename" : "ABookName",
"fullText" : "ABook Text"
} ]
"_links" : {
"first" : {
"href" : "http://localhost:8080/booksCustom/search?q=ABook&page=0&size=20"
"self" : {
"href" : "http://localhost:8080/booksCustom/search?q=ABook"
"next" : {
"href" : "http://localhost:8080/booksCustom/search?q=ABook&page=0&size=20"
"last" : {
"href" : "http://localhost:8080/booksCustom/search?q=ABook&page=0&size=20"
"page" : {
"size" : 1,
"totalElements" : 1,
"totalPages" : 1,
"number" : 0
Just so you can get a full picture, this is the repository that is backing the BooksService. All the service does is call this SolrCrudRepository method.
public interface SolrBooksRepository extends SolrCrudRepository<Books, String> {
#Highlight(prefix = "<highlight>", postfix = "</highlight>", fragsize = 20, snipplets = 3)
HighlightPage<SolrTestDocuments> findBookText(#Param("fullText") String fullText, Pageable pageable);
Ok, here is how I did it:
I wrote mine HighlightPagedResources
public class HighlightPagedResources<R,T> extends PagedResources<R> {
private List<HighlightEntry<T>> phrases;
public HighlightPagedResources(Collection<R> content, PageMetadata metadata, List<HighlightEntry<T>> highlightPhrases, Link... links) {
super(content, metadata, links);
this.phrases = highlightPhrases;
public List<HighlightEntry<T>> getHighlightedPhrases() {
return phrases;
and HighlightPagedResourcesAssembler:
public class HighlightPagedResourcesAssembler<T> extends PagedResourcesAssembler<T> {
public HighlightPagedResourcesAssembler(HateoasPageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver resolver, UriComponents baseUri) {
super(resolver, baseUri);
public <R extends ResourceSupport> HighlightPagedResources<R,T> toResource(HighlightPage<T> page, ResourceAssembler<T, R> assembler) {
final PagedResources<R> rs = super.toResource(page, assembler);
final Link[] links = new Link[rs.getLinks().size()];
return new HighlightPagedResources<R, T>(rs.getContent(), rs.getMetadata(), page.getHighlighted(), rs.getLinks().toArray(links));
I had to add to my spring RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration.java:
public HighlightPagedResourcesAssembler solrPagedResourcesAssembler() {
return new HighlightPagedResourcesAssembler<Object>(pageableResolver(), null);
In cotroller I had to change PagedResourcesAssembler for newly implemented one and also use new HighlightPagedResources in request method:
private HighlightPagedResourcesAssembler<Object> highlightPagedResourcesAssembler;
#RequestMapping(value = "/conversations/search", method = POST)
public HighlightPagedResources<PersistentEntityResource, Object> findAll(
#RequestBody ConversationSearch search,
#SortDefault(sort = FIELD_LATEST_SEGMENT_START_DATE_TIME, direction = DESC) Pageable pageable,
PersistentEntityResourceAssembler assembler) {
HighlightPage page = conversationRepository.findByConversationSearch(search, pageable);
return highlightPagedResourcesAssembler.toResource(page, assembler);
"_embedded": {
"conversations": [
..our stuff..
"_links": {
...as you know them...
"page": {
"size": 1,
"totalElements": 25,
"totalPages": 25,
"number": 0
"highlighting": [
"entity": {
"conversationId": "a2127d01-747e-4312-b230-01c63dacac5a",
"highlights": [
"field": {
"name": "textBody"
"snipplets": [
"Additional XXX License for YYY Servers DCL-2016-PO0422 \n  \n<em>hi</em> bodgan \n  \nwe urgently need the",
"Additional XXX License for YYY Servers DCL-2016-PO0422\n \n<em>hi</em> bodgan\n \nwe urgently need the permanent"
I was using Page<Books> instead of HighlightPage to create the response page. Page obviously doesn't contain content which was causing the highlighted portion to be truncated. I ended up creating a new page based off of HighlightPage and returning that as my result instead of Page.
#RequestMapping(value = "/booksCustom")
public class BooksController extends ResourceSupport {
public BooksService booksService;
private PagedResourcesAssembler<Books> booksAssembler;
public HttpEntity<PagedResources<Resource<HighlightPage>>> search(#RequestParam(value = "q", required = false) String query, #PageableDefault(page = 0, size = 20) Pageable pageable) {
HighlightPage solrBookResult = booksService.findBookText(query, pageable);
Page<Books> highlightedPages = new PageImpl(solrBookResult.getHighlighted(), pageable, solrBookResult.getTotalElements());
return new ResponseEntity<PagedResources<Resource<HighlightPage>>>(booksAssembler.toResource(highlightedPages), HttpStatus.OK);
Probably a better way of doing this, but I couldn't find anything that would do what I wanted it to do without having a change a ton of code. Hope this helps!

Merge Spring data rest links with controller links on same Entity

I would like to combine HATEAOS links to methods on both Controller and Repository.
#RequestMapping(value = "/api/v2/groups", produces = MediaTypes.HAL_JSON_VALUE)
public class GroupController {
private GroupService groupService;
#RequestMapping(value = "/external", method = POST)
public #ResponseBody PersistentEntityResource saveExternalGroup(
#RequestBody Group newGroup,
PersistentEntityResourceAssembler assembler) {
return assembler.toResource(groupService.saveExternalGroup(newGroup));
#RepositoryRestResource(excerptProjection = GroupSummary.class)
public interface GroupDao extends DefaultDao<Group, Long> {
List<Group> findByState(#Nullable GroupState state);
...other methods...
I would like to achieve to have possibility to go to /api/v2/groups and have there also link to /external. Currently, only links from repository are returned:
"_links": {
"first": {
"href": "http://localhost:8300/api/v2/groups?page=0&size=20"
"self": {
"href": "http://localhost:8300/api/v2/groups"
"next": {
"href": "http://localhost:8300/api/v2/groups?page=1&size=20"
"last": {
"href": "http://localhost:8300/api/v2/groups?page=1&size=20"
"profile": {
"href": "http://localhost:8300/api/v2/profile/groups"
"search": {
"href": "http://localhost:8300/api/v2/groups/search"
What should I implement to get there all as above plus something like this:
"external": {
"href": "http://localhost:8300/api/v2/groups/external"
Or is there problem with that "/external" is POST? If so, please comment and consider this question with "method=GET".
Option 1:
If it's a one-off, you could add the links in the controller method using the Resource class.
#RequestMapping(value = "/external", method = POST)
public #ResponseBody PersistentEntityResource saveExternalGroup(
#RequestBody Group newGroup,
PersistentEntityResourceAssembler assembler) {
PersistentEntityResource resource = assembler.toResource(groupService.saveExternalGroup(newGroup));
// Replace with ControllerLinkBuilder call, or EntityLinks as you see fit.
resource.add(new Link("http://localhost:8300/api/v2/groups/external","search"));
return resource;
Option 2:
If you would like this link to be added to every rendered Resource<Group>, then create a ResourceProcessor component to add it.
public class GroupResourceProcessor implements ResourceProcessor<Resource<Group>> {
public Resource<Group> process(Resource<Group> groupResource) {
// Replace with ControllerLinkBuilder call, or EntityLinks as you see fit.
groupResource.add(new Link("http://localhost:8300/api/v2/groups/external","search"));
return groupResource;
