I try to add a string to a set of strings using ruby sdk.
dynamodb = Aws::DynamoDB::Client.new(region: 'eu-central-1')
I get the error:
"Invalid UpdateExpression: Incorrect operand type for operator or function; operator: ADD, operand type: MAP, typeSet: ALLOWED_FOR_ADD_OPERAND"
In answer i find the use of documentClient but i can't find it in ruby documentation.
Can i add a string to the set using ruby?
My code:
require 'aws-sdk-dynamodb'
def lambda_handler(event:, context:)
dynamodb = Aws::DynamoDB::Client.new(region: 'eu-central-1')
params = {
table_name: 'Video',
key: {
"uuid": event['video_uuid']
update_expression: "ADD #like :uuid_user",
expression_attribute_names: { "#like" => "like" },
expression_attribute_values: {":uuid_user" => {"SS" => ["the string"]} },
return_values: 'UPDATED_NEW'
Attempt to initialize documentClient
dynamodb = Aws::DynamoDB::DocumentClient.new(region: 'eu-central-1')
"errorMessage": "uninitialized constant Aws::DynamoDB::DocumentClient"**
How do I print the group_id from the returned object?
The following is returned from a function. I want to print the group_id or maybe return the group_id
:description=>"Created By ManageIQ",
This is the function: I want to return security_group.group_id
def describe_security_group (
ec2 = get_aws_client
security_group = ec2.describe_security_groups(
filters: [
{name: 'group-name', values: [ group_name ]}]
puts "Describing security group '#{group_name}' with ID " \
return security_group
rescue StandardError => e
puts "Error describing security group: #{e.message}"
So, returning value seems like a hash, or you can make it hash exactly.
For case with one-element array you can simple use ruby dig method.
And according to your datum and comment below we can access needed element like this:
# from your ec2 api call
security_group = ec2.describe_security_groups(...)
# Result value is stored in `security_group` variable,
# and looks exactly like hash below
:description=>"Created By ManageIQ",
# And this is a target value, that you can store in another one,
# return from method or simply print to output
.try(:[], 0)
=> "sg-0c2c5f219f1bafc1a"
But if you need to search in array with multiple elements, methods from Ruby's Enumerable module could be helpful (like select or reject).
UPDATE with OpenStruct, if you prefer such method calls with dot notation:
json = security_group.to_json
os = JSON.parse(json, object_class: OpenStruct)
=> "sg-0c2c5f219f1bafc1a"
Trying to return the string "image-2016-05-05+19%3A13%3A49.058890.jpg" from of this relatively complex JSON object:
"Type": "Notification",
"MessageId": "e3a008de-7053-530e-b2b4-4778704d30a0",
"TopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:xxxx:xxxx",
"Subject": "Amazon S3 Notification",
"Message": "{\"Records\":[{\"eventVersion\":\"2.0\",\"eventSource\":\"aws:s3\",\"awsRegion\":\"us-west-2\",\"eventTime\":\"2016-05-06T02:13:50.030Z\",\"eventName\":\"ObjectCreated:Put\",\"userIdentity\":{\"principalId\":\"AWS:AIDAIZ6VOIJWE82389JSE\"},\"requestParameters\":{\"sourceIPAddress\":\"\"},\"responseElements\":{\"x-amz-request-id\":\"F819FA912DBD16\",\"x-amz-id-2\":\"7oOWHPhWsgjBW6XSj8DiSj8Sj8801LKJn5NLRn8JmYsNxJXKWqlkjDFL092zHuWYZn7pIKcRwX6g=\"},\"s3\":{\"s3SchemaVersion\":\"1.0\",\"configurationId\":\"image-notification\",\"bucket\":{\"name\":\"project\",\"ownerIdentity\":{\"principalId\":\"A17D10FQZ\"},\"arn\":\"arn:aws:s3:::project\"},\"object\":{\"key\":\"image-2016-05-05+19%3A13%3A49.058890.jpg\",\"size\":54098,\"eTag\":\"fbc4bakjf8asdj8f890ece3474c55974927c\",\"sequencer\":\"00572LKJDF389238CA7B04BD\"}}}]}",
"Timestamp": "2016-05-06T02:13:50.126Z",
"SignatureVersion": "1",
"Signature": "Lao5PoEchryYf1slxxxlyI0GB2Xrv03VFC+4JVlji0y1El+rQGL837PYRHdj2m/dGD9/ynJxPhIBWcoJxX4D7MBsNqaZXilqJtjp+t8Rku0avErgWQVQG+rjZcdVbSU12DI/Ku0v9LhYg2/Js+ofYGPZH9U4C+Jfup5wjgHXah4BGNmF3TO+oq08Y56edhMxV25URDcU+z5aaVW2sK2tlnynSNzLuAF5TlKuuLmYr3Buci83FkU46l6Bz/ENba1BlGGqT8P+ljdf9092z+iP42T9qUzj1HL9p9SjEDIam/03n1039JS01gbPpgdo6/2Z6kZK3LvrVRBzI0voFitLg==",
"SigningCertURL": "https://sns.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/SimpleNotificationService-bbxxx750dd426323fafd95ee9390147a5624348ee.pem",
"UnsubscribeURL": "https://sns.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/?Action=Unsubscribe&SubscriptionArn=arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:332531341234:xxxx:0e43fsSDF40e-d4a7-46c0-95ab-4fd11739267b"
Without having to do this:
#key = JSON.parse(#request[:Message])["Records"][0]["s3"]["object"]["key"]
Is there a way to parse and search through this JSON object to return the aforementioned string by providing a keyword such as "image"?
You could use hashie deepLocate
request = JSON.parse(#request)
request.deep_locate -> (key, value, object) { key == :key && value.include?("image") }
#=> { :key => "image-2016-05-05+19%3A13%3A49.058890.jpg" }
Apart from using the value to search, if you know the key, you could do this to find the deeply nested value of that key.
def nested_hash_value(obj,key)
if obj.respond_to?(:key?) && obj.key?(key)
elsif obj.respond_to?(:each)
r = nil
obj.find{ |*a| r=nested_hash_value(a.last,key) }
p nested_hash_value(JSON.parse(#request),:key)
#=> image-2016-05-05+19%3A13%3A49.058890.jpg
I have a JSON array that looks like this:
response = {
"subject"=>"new subject"
I am trying to obtain the "storage" "url" based on the "to" email.
How do I iterate through this array where x is just the element in the array
Once I find the specific email that I need, it will stop and return the value of x which is the element number.
I was going to use that value for x and call response['items'][x]['storage']['url']
which will return the string for the URL.
I thought about doing this but there's gotta be a better way:
x = 0
user_email = another_great#example.com
while user_email != response['items'][x]["message"]["headers"]["to"] do
value = x
puts value
target =
response['items'].detect do |i|
i['message']['headers']['to'] == 'another_great#example.com'
This is another option by creating Hash with key of to's email. And on basis of it fetch required information like this:
email_hash = Hash.new
response["items"].each do |i|
email_hash[i["message"]["headers"]["to"]] = i
Now if you want to fetch "storage" "url" then simply do:
user_email = "another_great#example.com"
puts email_hash[user_email]["storage"]["url"] if email_hash[user_email]
#=> "https://yahoo.com"
You can use it as #Satoru suggested. As a suggestion, if you use case involves complex queries on json data (more complex than this), then you can store your data in mongodb, and can elegantly query anything.
I have a ruby code block, as follows:
require "elasticsearch"
require "json"
search_term = "big data"
city = "Hong Kong"
client = Elasticsearch::Client.new log: true
r = client.search index: 'candidates', body:
query: {
bool: {
must: [
match: {
tags: search_term
match: {
city: city
It produces multiple returns like this one:
"_source":{"first":"Kota","last":"Okayama","city":"Tokyo","designation":"Systems Engineer","email":"user#hotmail.co.jp","phone":"phone","country":"Japan","industry":"Technology","tags":["remarks","virtualization big data"]}}
I want to iterate through it and extract various elements. I have tried
data = JSON.parse(r)
data.each do |row|
puts row["_source"]["first"]
and the error is:
no implicit conversion of Hash into String (TypeError)
What's the best way forward on this chaps?
I have the solution, I hope it helps somebody else. It took me hours of fiddling and experimentation. Here it is:
require "elasticsearch"
require "json"
search_term = "big data"
city = "Tokyo"
client = Elasticsearch::Client.new log: true
h = client.search index: 'swiss_candidates', body:
query: {
bool: {
must: [
match: {
tags: search_term
match: {
city: city
data = JSON.parse(h.to_json)
data["hits"]["hits"].each do |r|
puts r["_id"]
puts r["_source"]["first"]
puts r["_source"]["tags"][1]
puts r["_source"]["screened"][0]
The important thing seems to be to convert the elasticsearch result into something ruby friendly.
JSON.parse expects a String containing a JSON document, but you are passing it the Hash which was returned from client.search.
I'm not entirely sure what you are trying to achieve with that, why you want to parse something which is already a Ruby Hash into a Ruby Hash.
I am trying to refactor my code (before it was a bunch of if/else-if statements) using some Ruby magic. However, when I try to use code blocks as my value in a hash, I get the following error:
syntax error, unexpected '}', expecting tASSOC :restaurant => { Cuisine.all },
This same error repeats for the next line and the line after (:hotel and :attraction).
What am I doing incorrectly here?
def moderation_categories(klass)
klass_map = {
:restaurant => { Cuisine.all },
:hotel => { Category.where(place_type: "Hotel") },
:attraction => { Category.where(place_type: "Attraction") }
list = []
klass_map[klass.to_sym].call.each { |c| list << c.name }
A block does not just stand as a lambda (code block). You must specify it to be a lambda or a Proc.
klass_map = {
:restaurant => lambda{ Cuisine.all },
:hotel => lambda{ Category.where(place_type: "Hotel") },
:attraction => lambda{ Category.where(place_type: "Attraction") }