ClickHouse log shows hash of uncompressed files doesn't match - clickhouse

ClickHouse logs printed the error messages as below frequently:
2021.01.07 00:55:24.112567 [ 6418 ] {} <Error> vms.analysis_data (7056dab3-3677-455b-a07a-4d16904479b4):
Code: 40, e.displayText() = DB::Exception: Checksums of parts don't match:
hash of uncompressed files doesn't match (version (official build)).
Data after merge is not byte-identical to data on another replicas. There could be several reasons:
1. Using newer version of compression library after server update.
2. Using another compression method.
3. Non-deterministic compression algorithm (highly unlikely).
4. Non-deterministic merge algorithm due to logical error in code.
5. Data corruption in memory due to bug in code.
6. Data corruption in memory due to hardware issue.
7. Manual modification of source data after server startup.
8. Manual modification of checksums stored in ZooKeeper.
9. Part format related settings like 'enable_mixed_granularity_parts' are different on different replicas.
We will download merged part from replica to force byte-identical result.
We use the same version( and the same compression method (LZ4) for all data nodes in the production environment, we wouldn't modify the data files or the values stored in Zookeeper also.
So my questions are:
How was the error caused? Furtherly, in which cases will the CickHouse server throws those exceptions?
Is there a checksum-checking mechanism among the replicas during the merging parts?
I also found that in one of our data nodes, there are many folders named like "ignored_20201208_23116_23116_0" in the detached folder, were these files the corrupted data caused by the referred problem?

You need to upgrade all nodes to ASAP.
The reason of these errors is a serious bug related to AIO.
ignored_ -- it's not related. You can remove them.
gtranslate: Inactive parts are not deleted immediately, because when writing a new part, fsync is not called, i.e. for some time, the new part is only in the server's RAM (OS cache). So when the server is rebooted spontaneously, a new (merged) part can be lost or damaged. In this case, ClickHouse, during the startup process is checking the integrity of the parts, if it detects a problem, it returns the inactive chunks to the active list, and later merge them again. In this case, the broken piece is renamed (the prefix broken_ is added) and moved to the detached folder. If the integrity check detects no problems in the merged part, then the original inactive chunks are renamed (prefix ignored_ is added) and moved to the detached folder.


Apache NIFI: Recovering from Flowfile repository issue

I am currently trying to recover my flows from the below exception.
failed to process session due to Cannot update journal file
/data/disk1/nifi/flowfile_repository/journals/90620570.journal because
no header has been written yet.; Processor Administratively Yielded
for 1 sec: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot update journal file
/data/disk1/nifi/flowfile_repository/journals/90620570.journal because
no header has been written yet.
I have seen some answers on best practices wrt to handling large files in Nifi, but my question is more about how to recover from this exception. My observation is that, once the exception is seen, it begins to appear in several processors in all the flows in our nifi instance, how do we recover without a restart?
It seems like your disk is full which is not allowing the processors to update or modify the data.
You can either increase your disk or you can delete the contents from your nifi repository.
first, check the logs folder. If its the logs folder thats taking up the space, you can directly do a
rm -rf logs/*
else just delete all the content
rm -rf logs/* content_repository/* provenance_repository/* flowfile_repository/* database_repository/*
PS : The deletion of the content will cause all your data on the canvas also to be deleted, so make sure you're not deleting the data which can't be reproduced.
Most likely, it must be the logs which must be eating up the space. Also, check your log rotation interval!
Let me know if you need further assistance!

Sync files on hdfs having same size but varies in contents

i am trying to sync files from one hadoop clutster to another using distcp and airbnb reair utility, but both of them are not working as expected.
if file size is same on source and destination both of them fails to update it even if file content are been changed(checksum also varies) unless overwrite option is not used.
I need to keep sync data of around 30TB so every time loading complete dataset is not feasible.
Could anyone please suggest how can i bring two dataset in sync if file size is same(count in source is changed) and have varied checksum.
The way DistCp handles syncing between files that are the same size but having different contents is by comparing its so-called FileChecksum. The FileChecksum was first introduced in HADOOP-3981, mostly for the purpose of being used in DistCp. Unfortunately, this has the known shortcoming of being incompatible between different storage implementations, and even incompatible between HDFS instances that have different internal block/chunk settings. Specifically, that FileChecksum bakes in the structure of having, for example, 512-bytes-per-chunk and 128MB-per-block.
Since GCS doesn't have the same notions of "chunks" or "blocks", there's no way for it to have any similar definition of a FileChecksum. The same is also true of all other object stores commonly used with Hadoop; the DistCp documentation appendix discusses this fact under "DistCp and Object Stores".
That said, there's a neat trick that can be done to define a nice standardized representation of a composite CRC for HDFS files that is mostly in-place compatible with existing HDFS deployments; I've filed HDFS-13056 with a proof of concept to try to get this added upstream, after which it should be possible to make it work out-of-the-box against GCS, since GCS also supports file-level CRC32C.

atomic hadoop fs move

While building an infrastructure for one of my current projects I've faced the problem of replacement of already existing HDFS files. More precisely, I want to do the following:
We have a few machines (log-servers) which are continuously generating logs. We have a dedicated machine (log-preprocessor) which is responsible for receiving log chunks (each chunk is about 30 minutes in length and 500-800 mb in size) from log-servers, preprocessing them and uploading to HDFS of our Hadoop-cluster.
Preprocessing is done in 3 steps:
for each logserver: filter (in parallel) received log chunk (output file is about 60-80mb)
combine (merge-sort) all output files from the step1 and do some minor filtering (additionally, 30-min files are combined together into 1-hour files)
using current mapping from external DB, process the file from step#2 to obtain the final logfile and put this file to HDFS.
Final logfiles are to be used as input for several periodoc HADOOP-applications which are running on a HADOOP-cluster. In HDFS logfiles are stored as follows:
Problem description:
The mapping which is used on step 3 changes over time and we need to reflect these changes by recalculating step3 and replacing old HDFS files with new ones. This update is performed with some periodicity (e.g. every 10-15 minutes) at least for last 12 hours. Please note that, if the mapping has changed, the result of applying step3 on the same input file may be significantly different (it will not be just a superset/subset of previous result). So we need to overwrite existing files in HDFS.
However, we can't just do hadoop fs -rm and then hadoop fs -copyToLocal because if some HADOOP-application is using the file which is temporary removed the app may fail. The solution I use -- put a new file near the old one, the files have the same name but different suffixes denoting files` version. Now the layout is the following:
Any Hadoop-application during it's start (setup) chooses the files with the most up-to-date versions and works with them. So even if some update is going on, the application will not experience any problems because no input file is removed.
Do you know some easier approach to this problem which does not use this complicated/ugly file versioning?
Some applications may start using a HDFS-file which is currently uploading, but not yet uploaded (applications see this file in HDFS but don't know if it consistent). In case of gzip files this may lead to failed mappers. Could you please advice how could I handle this issue? I know that for local file systems I can do something like:
cp infile /finaldir/outfile.tmp && mv /finaldir/output.tmp /finaldir/output
This works because mv is an atomic operation, however I'm not sure that this is the case for HDFS. Could you please advice if HDFS has some atomic operation like mv in conventional local file systems?
Thanks in advance!
IMO, the file rename approach is absolutely fine to go with.
HDFS, upto 1.x, lacks atomic renames (they are dirty updates IIRC) - but the operation has usually been considered 'atomic-like' and never given problems to the specific scenario you have in mind here. You could rely on this without worrying about a partial state since the source file is already created and closed.
HDFS 2.x onwards supports proper atomic renames (via a new API call) that has replaced the earlier version's dirty one. It is also the default behavior of rename if you use the FileContext APIs.

What can lead to failures in appending data to a file?

I maintain a program that is responsible for collecting data from a data acquisition system and appending that data to a very large (size > 4GB) binary file. Before appending data, the program must validate the header of this file in order to ensure that the meta-data in the file matches that which has been collected. In order to do this, I open the file as follows:
data_file = fopen(file_name, "rb+");
I then seek to the beginning of the file in order to validate the header. When this is done, I seek to the end of the file as follows:
_fseeki64(data_file, _filelengthi64(data_file), SEEK_SET);
At this point, I write the data that has been collected using fwrite(). I am careful to check the return values from all I/O functions.
One of the computers (windows 7 64 bit) on which we have been testing this program intermittently shows a condition where the data appears to have been written to the file yet neither the file's last changed time nor its size changes. If any of the calls to fopen(), fseek(), or fwrite() fail, my program will throw an exception which will result in aborting the data collection process and logging the error. On this machine, none of these failures seem to be occurring. Something that makes the matter even more mysterious is that, if a restore point is set on the host file system, the problem goes away only to re-appear intermittently appear at some future time.
We have tried to reproduce this problem on other machines (a vista 32 bit operating system) but have had no success in replicating the issue (this doesn't necessarily mean anything since the problem is so intermittent in the first place.
Has anyone else encountered anything similar to this? Is there a potential remedy?
Further Information
I have now found that the failure occurs when fflush() is called on the file and that the win32 error that is being returned by GetLastError() is 665 (ERROR_FILE_SYSTEM_LIMITATION). Searching google for this error leads to a bunch of reports related to "extents" for SQL server files. I suspect that there is some sort of journaling resource that the file system is reporting and this because we are growing a large file by opening it, appending a chunk of data, and closing it. I am now looking for understanding regarding this particular error with the hope for coming up with a valid remedy.
The file append is failing because of a file system fragmentation limit. The question was answered in What factors can lead to Win32 error 665 (file system limitation)?

Transaction implementation for a simple file

I'm a part of a team writing an application for embedded systems. The application often suffers from data corruption caused by power shortage. I thought that implementing some kind of transactions would stop this from happening. One scenario would include copying the area of a file before writing to some additional storage (transaction log). What are other possibilities?
Databases use a variety of techniques to assure that the state is properly persisted.
The DBMS often retains a replicated control file -- several synchronized copies on several devices. Two is enough. More if your're paranoid. The control file provides a few key parameters used to locate the other files and their expected states. The control file can include a "database version number".
Each file has a "version number" in several forms. A lot of times it's in plain form plus in some XOR-complement so that the two version numbers can be trivially checked to have the correct relationship, and match the control file version number.
All transactions are written to a transaction journal. The transaction journal is then written to the database files.
Before writing to database files, the original data block is copied to a "before image journal", or rollback segment, or some such.
When the block is written to the file, the sequence numbers are updated, and the block is removed from the transaction journal.
You can read up on RDBMS techniques for reliability.
There's a number of ways to do this; generally the only assumption required is that small writes (<4k) are atomic. For example, here's how CouchDB does it:
A 4k header contains, amongst other things, the file offset of the root of the BTree containing all the data.
The file is append-only. When updates are required, write the update to the end of the file, followed by any modified BTree nodes, up to and including the root. Then, flush the data, and write the new address of the root node to the header.
If the program dies while writing an update but before writing the header, the extra data at the end of the file is discarded. If it fails after writing the header, the write is complete and all is well. Because the file is append-only, these are the only failure scenarios. This also has the advantage of providing multi-version concurrency control with no read locks.
When the file grows too long, simply read out all the 'live' data and write it to a new file, then delete the original.
You can avoid implementing such transaction logs yourself by using existing transaction managers around file-systems, e.g. XADisk.
The old link is no longer available, a github repo is here.
