Testing NGRX effect that emits action with delay OR does not emit anything - jasmine

I have an NGRX effect that - depending on the state - emits an action with a delay or it emits nothing.
I want to write a test, covering both situations.
This is the effect:
myEffect$ = createEffect(() =>
filter(state => state.foo === false),
map(state => myOtherAction())
The test for the situation where it should emit the otherAction with the delay works fine:
describe('emit my action', () => {
const action = MyAction();
it('should return a stream with myOtherAction', () => {
const scheduler = getTestScheduler();
scheduler.run(helpers => {
// build the observable with the action
actions = hot('-a', { a: action });
// define what is the expected outcome of the effect
const expected = {
b: MyOtherAction()
helpers.expectObservable(effects.myEffect$).toBe('- 4000ms b', expected);
But I have no clue how to test the other state, where it should NOT emit another action (the stream has zero length):
it('should return an empty stream', () => {
myFeature: {
foo: true
// ???
Please help :)

This will be tough to do because the filter will prevent the effect to ever return an observable.
Option 1:
// wherever you're dispatching MyAction, only dispatch it if the foo property is true on the created action
Option 2:
// Change the structure of the effect to return empty
import { EMPTY } from 'rxjs';
myEffect$ = createEffect(() =>
map(state => state.foo ? myOtherAction() : EMPTY)
The test:
import { EMPTY } from 'rxjs';
describe('emit my action', () => {
const action = MyAction();
action.foo = false; // set foo property to false
it('should return a stream with myOtherAction', () => {
const scheduler = getTestScheduler();
scheduler.run(helpers => {
// build the observable with the action
actions = hot('-a', { a: action });
// define what is the expected outcome of the effect
const expected = {
b: EMPTY // assert now it is empty
helpers.expectObservable(effects.myEffect$).toBe('- 4000ms b', expected);

Due to the hint from AliF50, I replaced the filter in the chain (which stops the Observable from emitting), by a "Noop Action" (= a normal action without any listeners on it). So instead of checking the foo property in the filter, I return the noopAction in the map, when foo is true, and the otherAction when it's false.
The effect:
myEffect$ = createEffect(() =>
//filter(state => state.foo === false),
map(state => state.foo !== false ? noopAction() : myOtherAction())
The test:
describe('emit my action', () => {
const action = MyAction();
it('should return a stream with myOtherAction', () => {
const scheduler = getTestScheduler();
scheduler.run(helpers => {
// build the observable with the action
actions = hot('-a', { a: action });
// define what is the expected outcome of the effect
const expected = {
b: MyOtherAction()
helpers.expectObservable(effects.myEffect$).toBe('- 4000ms b', expected);
it('should return a stream with noop action as foo is true', () => {
myFeature: {
foo: true
const scheduler = getTestScheduler();
scheduler.run(helpers => {
// build the observable with the action
actions = hot('-a', { a: action });
// define what is the expected outcome of the effect
const expected = {
b: NoopAction()
helpers.expectObservable(effects.myEffect$).toBe('- 4000ms b', expected);


Store dispatch recalls the http get of the effect several times

During dispatch, my effect is called repeatedly until my backend responds and the data is loaded. I need help in understanding how to load the data with just one GET REQUEST and then load from the store if the data is actually already present.
this.cases$ = this.store
(cases) => {
if (cases.length <= 0) {
this.store.dispatch(new ImportTaskLoadCasesAction());
filter((cases) => {
return cases.length > 0;
tap(() => {
this.store.dispatch(new ImportTaskLoadCasesLoadedFromStoreAction());
export const selectCasesData = createSelector(
state => state ? state.cases : []
export const selectImportTaskCasesData = createSelector(
cases => {
return cases.slice(0);
ImportCasesLoad$: Observable<any> = this.actions$
map((action: ImportTaskLoadCasesAction) => action),
switchMap((payload) => {
return this.importCases.get()
map(response => {
return new ImportTaskLoadCasesSuccessAction({ total: response['count'], cases: response['results'] });
catchError((error) => {
return of(new ImportTaskLoadCasesLoadErrorAction(error));
Yes i have a reducer for handeling my Success Action like this :
case ImportCasesActionTypes.ImportTaskLoadCasesSuccessAction:
return {
loading: false,
cases: action.payload.cases,
total: action.payload.total
It's called in my effects.
Does the below work? This is assuming you have a reducer that handles the ImportTaskLoadCasesSuccessAction; Maybe supplying a working example will help, as there is a bit of guessing as how state is being managed.
this.cases$ = this.store
(cases) => {
if (cases.length <= 0) {
this.store.dispatch(new ImportTaskLoadCasesAction());
// personally, I would have the component/obj that is consuming this.cases$ null check the cases$, removed for brevity
export const selectCasesData = createSelector(
state => state ? state.cases : []
export const selectImportTaskCasesData = createSelector(
cases => {
return cases.slice(0);
ImportCasesLoad$: Observable<any> = this.actions$
mergeMap(() => this.importCases.get()
map(response => {
return new ImportTaskLoadCasesSuccessAction({
total: response['count'],
cases: response['results']
// catch error code removed for brevity
If you only want the call this.importCases.get() to fire one time, I suggest moving the action dispatch out of the .pipe(tap(...)). As this will fire every time a subscription happens.
Instead, set up this.cases$ to always return the result of select(selectImportTaskCasesData),. Functionally, you probably want it to always return an array. But that is up to your designed desire.
Foe example ...
this.cases$ = this.store
Separately, like in a constructor, you can dispatch the this.store.dispatch(new ImportTaskLoadCasesAction());. If you want it to only get called when cases$ is empty, you can always wrap it in a method.
export class exampleService() {
ensureCases(): void {
).subscribe(_cases => {
if (_cases && _cases.length < 1 ) {
this.store.dispatch(new ImportTaskLoadCasesAction());

Testing NGRX effect with delay

I want to test an effect that works as follows:
Effect starts if LoadEntriesSucces action was dispatched
It waits for 5 seconds
After 5 seconds passes http request is send
When response arrives, new action is dispatched (depending, whether response was succes or error).
Effect's code looks like this:
continuePollingEntries$ = this.actions$.pipe(
switchMap(() => {
return this.subnetBrowserService.getSubnetEntries().pipe(
map((entries) => {
return new SubnetBrowserApiActions.LoadEntriesSucces({ entries });
catchError((error) => {
return of(new SubnetBrowserApiActions.LoadEntriesFailure({ error }));
What I want to test is whether an effect is dispatched after 5 seconds:
it('should dispatch action after 5 seconds', () => {
const entries: SubnetEntry[] = [{
type: 'type',
userText: 'userText',
ipAddress: ''
const action = new SubnetBrowserApiActions.LoadEntriesSucces({entries});
const completion = new SubnetBrowserApiActions.LoadEntriesSucces({entries});
actions$ = hot('-a', { a: action });
const response = cold('-a', {a: entries});
const expected = cold('- 5s b ', { b: completion });
subnetBrowserService.getSubnetEntries = () => (response);
However this test does not work for me. Output from test looks like this:
Expected $.length = 0 to equal 3.
Expected $[0] = undefined to equal Object({ frame: 20, notification: Notification({ kind: 'N', value: undefined, error: undefined, hasValue: true }) }).
Expected $[1] = undefined to equal Object({ frame: 30, notification: Notification({ kind: 'N', value: undefined, error: undefined, hasValue: true }) }).
Expected $[2] = undefined to equal Object({ frame: 50, notification: Notification({ kind: 'N', value: LoadEntriesSucces({ payload: Object({ entries: [ Object({ type: 'type', userText: 'userText', ipAddress: '' }) ] }), type: '[Subnet Browser API] Load Entries Succes' }), error: undefined, hasValue: true }) }).
What should I do to make this test work?
Like mentioned in another answer, one way to test that effect would be by using the TestScheduler but it can be done in a simpler way.
We can test our asynchronous RxJS code synchronously and deterministically by virtualizing time using the TestScheduler. ASCII marble diagrams provide a visual way for us to represent the behavior of an Observable. We can use them to assert that a particular Observable behaves as expected, as well as to create hot and cold Observables we can use as mocks.
For example, let's unit test the following effect:
effectWithDelay$ = createEffect(() => {
return this.actions$.pipe(
switchMap(({ payload }) => {
const { someData } = payload;
return this.fooService.someMethod(someData).pipe(
map(() => {
return fromFooActions.doSomethingSuccess();
catchError(() => {
return of(fromFooActions.doSomethinfError());
The effect just waits 5 seconds after an initial action, and calls a service which would then dispatch a success or error action. The code to unit test that effect would be the following:
import { TestBed } from "#angular/core/testing";
import { provideMockActions } from "#ngrx/effects/testing";
import { Observable } from "rxjs";
import { TestScheduler } from "rxjs/testing";
import { FooEffects } from "./foo.effects";
import { FooService } from "../services/foo.service";
import * as fromFooActions from "../actions/foo.actions";
// ...
describe("FooEffects", () => {
let actions$: Observable<unknown>;
let testScheduler: TestScheduler; // <-- instance of the test scheduler
let effects: FooEffects;
let fooServiceMock: jasmine.SpyObj<FooService>;
beforeEach(() => {
// Initialize the TestScheduler instance passing a function to
// compare if two objects are equal
testScheduler = new TestScheduler((actual, expected) => {
imports: [],
providers: [
provideMockActions(() => actions$),
// Mock the service so that we can test if it was called
// and if the right data was sent
provide: FooService,
useValue: jasmine.createSpyObj("FooService", {
someMethod: jasmine.createSpy(),
effects = TestBed.inject(FooEffects);
fooServiceMock = TestBed.inject(FooService);
describe("effectWithDelay$", () => {
it("should dispatch doSomethingSuccess after 5 seconds if success", () => {
const someDataMock = { someData: Math.random() * 100 };
const initialAction = fromFooActions.doSomething(someDataMock);
const expectedAction = fromFooActions.doSomethingSuccess();
testScheduler.run((helpers) => {
// When the code inside this callback is being executed, any operator
// that uses timers/AsyncScheduler (like delay, debounceTime, etc) will
// **automatically** use the TestScheduler instead, so that we have
// "virtual time". You do not need to pass the TestScheduler to them,
// like in the past.
// https://rxjs-dev.firebaseapp.com/guide/testing/marble-testing
const { hot, cold, expectObservable } = helpers;
// Actions // -a-
// Service // -b|
// Results // 5s --c
// Actions
actions$ = hot("-a-", { a: initialAction });
// Service
fooServiceMock.someMethod.and.returnValue(cold("-b|", { b: null }));
// Results
expectObservable(effects.effectWithDelay$).toBe("5s --c", {
c: expectedAction,
// This needs to be outside of the run() callback
// since it's executed synchronously :O
Please notice that in the code I'm using expectObservable to test the effect using the "virtual time" from the TestScheduler instance.
you could use the done callback from jasmine
it('should dispatch action after 5 seconds', (done) => {
const resMock = 'resMock';
const entries: SubnetEntry[] = [{
type: 'type',
userText: 'userText',
ipAddress: ''
const action = new SubnetBrowserApiActions.LoadEntriesSucces({entries});
const completion = new SubnetBrowserApiActions.LoadEntriesSucces({entries});
actions$ = hot('-a', { a: action });
const response = cold('-a', {a: entries});
const expected = cold('- 5s b ', { b: completion });
subnetBrowserService.getSubnetEntries = () => (response);
The second notation doesn't work with jasmine-marbles, use dashes instead:
const expected = cold('------b ', { b: completion });
You will need to do 3 things
1- Inside your beforeEach, you need to override the internal scheduler of RxJs as follows:
import { async } from 'rxjs/internal/scheduler/async';
import { cold, hot, getTestScheduler } from 'jasmine-marbles';
beforeEach(() => {.....
const testScheduler = getTestScheduler();
async.schedule = (work, delay, state) => testScheduler.schedule(work, delay, state);
2- Replace delay, with delayWhen as follows:
delayWhen(_x => (true ? interval(50) : of(undefined)))
3- Use frames, I am not really sure how to use seconds for this, so I used frames. Each frame is 10ms. So for example my delay above is 50ms and my frame is -b, so that is the expected 10 ms + I needed another 50ms so this equals extra 5 frames which was ------b so as follows:
const expected = cold('------b ', { b: outcome });

how to cancel promises with bluebird

I think I misunderstand how promise cancellation with bluebird works. I wrote a test that demonstrates this. How do I make it green? Thanks:
describe('cancellation tests', () => {
function fakeFetch() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 100);
function awaitAndAddOne(p1) {
return p1.then(res => res + 1);
it('`cancel` cancels promises higher up the chain', () => {
const p1 = fakeFetch();
const p2 = awaitAndAddOne(p1);
return p2
.then(() => {
.catch(err => {
.finally(() => {
expect(p2.isCancelled()).toBeTruthy(); // Expected value to be truthy, instead received false
From here:
The cancellation feature is by default turned off, you can enable it using Promise.config.
Seems like you didn't enable the cancellation flag on the Promise itself:
cancellation: true
#Karen if correct. But the issue is that your test is also a bit wrong
If you look at the isCancellable method
Promise.prototype.isCancellable = function() {
return this.isPending() && !this.isCancelled();
This is just checking if the promise is pending and is not already cancelled. This doesn't mean then cancellation is enabled.
If you see the above url, it quotes below
The cancellation feature is by default turned off, you can enable it using Promise.config.
And if you look at the cancel method
Promise.prototype["break"] = Promise.prototype.cancel = function() {
if (!debug.cancellation()) return this._warn("cancellation is disabled");
Now if I update your test correct like below
var Promise = require("bluebird");
var expect = require("expect");
describe('cancellation tests', () => {
function fakeFetch() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 100);
function awaitAndAddOne(p1) {
return p1.then(res => res + 1);
it('`cancel` cancels promises higher up the chain', () => {
const p1 = fakeFetch();
const p2 = awaitAndAddOne(p1);
value = p2.isCancellable();
expect(p2.isCancelled()).toBeTruthy(); // Expected value to be truthy, instead received false
You can see that cancellation is not enable and it executes the warning code
The execution results fail as expected
cancellation tests
1) `cancel` cancels promises higher up the chain
0 passing (3m)
1 failing
1) cancellation tests
`cancel` cancels promises higher up the chain:
Error: expect(received).toBeTruthy()
Expected value to be truthy, instead received
at Context.it (test/index.test.js:37:36)
Now if you update the code to enable cancellation
var Promise = require("bluebird");
var expect = require("expect");
cancellation: true
describe('cancellation tests', () => {
function fakeFetch() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 100);
function awaitAndAddOne(p1) {
return p1.then(res => res + 1);
it('`cancel` cancels promises higher up the chain', () => {
const p1 = fakeFetch();
const p2 = awaitAndAddOne(p1);
value = p2.isCancellable();
expect(p2.isCancelled()).toBeTruthy(); // Expected value to be truthy, instead received false
It works!

Mocha not registering 'it' blocks inside promise list

I'm trying to write a test that will run a GET over all items. To do this, I get that list in the before block, then I want to have an it block for each item. I am trying to do this by putting the it block inside itemList.forEach. However, I suspect that the problem here is that the blocks never get registered for the test. How can I run this test as desired?
let token;
let itemList;
describe('GET items/:itemId with Admin', async () => {
before(async () => {
// NOTE: item.find({}) returns a promise of a list of all items
itemList = await item.find({});
console.log(item[0]._id) // this logs correctly!
const res = await userLogin(admin);
token = res.body.accessToken.toString();
it('registers initial it test', () => {
// This test passes and logs the statement
console.log('first test registered')
console.log(itemList.length) // successfully logs non-zero value
await itemList.forEach(async (item) => {
it('respond with json with a item', () => {
const itemId = item._id;
return getItem(itemId, token)
.then((response) => {
assert.property(response.body, '_id');
Afaik the before setup runs before every it test. It doesn't run immediately, and definitely does not wait for anything until you try to iterate your itemList. I think you will need to do either
describe('GET items/:itemId with Admin', async () => {
let token;
before(async() => {
const res = await userLogin(admin);
token = res.body.accessToken.toString();
// a list of all items for which tests should be created
const itemList = await item.find({});
console.log(itemList.length) // successfully logs non-zero value
for (const item of itemList) {
it('responds with json for item '+item, () => {
const itemId = item._id;
return getItem(itemId, token).then((response) => {
assert.property(response.body, '_id');
describe('GET items/:itemId with Admin', () => {
let itemList;
let token;
before(async() => {
[itemList, token] = await Promise.all([
userLogin(admin).then(res => res.body.accessToken.toString())
it('responds with json for every item', () => {
return Promise.all(itemList.map(item => {
const itemId = item._id;
return getItem(itemId, token)
.then((response) => {
assert.property(response.body, '_id');
This is the solution I ended up with. I ended up putting a new describe block in the before block. The before block results the promise that gives the list of items. There is an it block in the top level so that mocha registers the test in the first place.
describe('GET items/:itemId with Admin', async () => {
before((done) => {
Item.find({}).then(async (itemList) => {
// create the admin user to get the items with
await createUsers([admin]);
const res = await userLogin(admin);
const token = res.body.accessToken.toString();
itemList.forEach((item, index) => {
const itemId = item._id;
describe(`get item number ${index}: _id: ${itemId}`, () => {
it('responds with item id', () =>
getItem(item, token)
.then((response) => {
assert.notProperty(response.body, 'error');
assert.property(response.body, '_id');
assert.equal(response.body._id, itemId);
// If there is no it block here, it will not run the before block!
it(`register the initial it`, () => {
assert.equal('regression test!', 'regression test!');

How to test observable containing a debounce operator?

How does one write a Jasmine test to test an observable with the debounce operator? I've followed this blog post and understand the principles of how it should be tested, but it just doesn't seem to work.
Below is the factory that I am using to create the observable:
import Rx from "rx/dist/rx.all";
import DOMFactory from "../utils/dom-factory";
import usernameService from "./username.service";
function createUsernameComponent(config) {
const element = DOMFactory(config);
const username = Rx.Observable
.fromEvent(element.find('input'), 'input')
.pluck('target', 'value')
const isAvailable = username
.tap(() => console.info('I am never called!'))
const usernameStream = Rx.Observable.combineLatest(username, isAvailable)
.map((results) => {
const [username, isAvailable] = results;
return isAvailable ? username : ''
return Object.freeze({
stream: usernameStream,
view: element
export default createUsernameComponent;
Note that tap operator is never called by the test. However, it will be executed properly if I run this code on the browser.
Below is my attempt at the test:
import Rx from "rx/dist/rx.all";
import Username from "./username.component";
import DataItemBuilder from "../../../test/js/utils/c+j-builders";
import usernameService from "./username.service"
describe('Username Component', () => {
let input, username;
beforeEach(() => {
const usernameConfig = DataItemBuilder.withName('foo')
const usernameComponent = Username(usernameConfig);
usernameComponent.stream.subscribe(value => username = value);
input = usernameComponent.view.find('input');
it('should set to a valid username after debounce', () => {
const scheduler = injectTestSchedulerIntoDebounce();
scheduler.scheduleRelative(null, 1000, () => {
doKeyUpTest('abcddd', 'abcdd');
function injectTestSchedulerIntoDebounce() {
const originalOperator = Rx.Observable.prototype.debounce;
const scheduler = new Rx.TestScheduler();
spyOn(Rx.Observable.prototype, 'debounce').and.callFake((dueTime) => {
console.info('The mocked debounce is never called!');
if (typeof dueTime === 'number') {
return originalOperator.call(this, dueTime, scheduler);
return originalOperator.call(this, dueTime);
return scheduler;
function doKeyUpTest(inputValue, expectation) {
When I run the test, the fake debounce never gets called. I plan to mock the username service once I can get past the debounce.
In your test code you are triggering the input event inside the scheduleRelative function. This doesn't work because you are advancing 1000ms before doing the change. The debouncer then waits 500ms to debounce the isAvailable call but you already stopped the scheduler so time is not advancing afterwards.
What you should do is: trigger the input event before advancing the scheduler time or even better in a scheduleRelative function for a time <= 500ms in a and then inside the scheduleRelative function for 1000ms you have to call the expect function with the expected output and then stop the scheduler.
It should look like this:
it('should set to a valid username after debounce', () => {
const scheduler = injectTestSchedulerIntoDebounce();
scheduler.scheduleRelative(null, 500, () => {
scheduler.scheduleRelative(null, 1000, () => {
In addition to that I have better experience with scheduleAbsolute instead of scheduleRelative because it is less confusing.
As per Simon Jentsch's answer, below is the answer using scheduleAbsolute instead of scheduleRelative:
import Rx from "rx/dist/rx.all";
import Username from "./username.component";
import DataItemBuilder from "../../../test/js/utils/c+j-builders";
import usernameService from "./username.service"
describe('Username Component', () => {
let input, username, promiseHelper;
const scheduler = new Rx.TestScheduler(0);
beforeEach(() => {
spyOn(usernameService, 'isAvailable').and.callFake(() => {
return Rx.Observable.just(true);
beforeEach(() => {
const usernameConfig = DataItemBuilder.withName('foo')
const usernameComponent = Username(usernameConfig, scheduler);
usernameComponent.stream.subscribe(value => username = value);
input = usernameComponent.view.find('input');
it('should set the username for valid input after debounce', (done) => {
doKeyUpTest('abcddd', '');
scheduler.scheduleAbsolute(null, 100, () => {
scheduler.scheduleAbsolute(null, 1000, () => {
function doKeyUpTest(inputValue, expectation) {
