How to consume Soap Rpc encoded in spring boot? - spring-boot

Hello I managed to generate classes from wsdl using axis 1.4.But I am stuck at invoking services. I tried to used WebServiceTemplate and jaxb2marshaller but there is no request class generated. So I tried created request class manually based on the generated response class. But it is getting any response from server.It says xmlrootelement is not found. So i think jaxb2marshaller is not the correct way to invoke service since it is old rpc encoded soap wsdl. Suggest me the idea to invoke service.

when using axis 1.4
I found the solution to invoke methods.It is simple 2 line code.
SomeService service=new SomeServiceLocator().getSomeServicePort();
Sample sample=service.fetchSample();


Classcastexception for CloudEventMessageConverter to AbstractMessageConverter

when using spring cloud stream latest version with cloud events spring sdk
Facing classcastexception in below scenario.
Message has contentType = application/*+avro.
SmartcompositeMessageConverter contains converter list like below -
and some ootb converters.
While converting to message from producer..
SmartcompositeMessageConverter has this line of code for wildcard contentType
((AbstractMessageConverter) converter).getSupportedMimeTypes()
But CloudEventMessageConverter is not an instance of AbstractMessageConverter, hence it throws an exception.
Please guide what should be overridden in this case.
If I create a new CloudEventMessageConverter which extends AbstractMessageConverter, I cann't add headers as only method allowed to override is convertFromInternal which returns just the payload.

Spring Boot: Retrieve config via rest call upon application startup

I d like to make a REST call once on application startup to retrieve some configuration parameters.
For example, we need to retrieve an entity called FleetConfiguration from another server. I d like to do a GET once and save the keep the data in memory for the rest of the runtime.
What s the best way of doing this in Spring? using Bean, Config annotations ..?
I found this for example :
I might as well use POJOs handle the lifecycle of it myself but I am sure there s a way to do it in Spring without re-inventing the wheel.
Thanks in advance.
The following method will run once the application starts, call the remote server and return a FleetConfiguration object which will be available throughout your app. The FleetConfiguration object will be a singleton and won't change.
public FleetConfiguration getFleetConfiguration(){
RestTemplate rest = new RestTemplate();
String url = "http://remoteserver/fleetConfiguration";
return rest.getForObject(url, FleetConfiguration.class);
The method should be declared in a #Configuration class or #Service class.
Ideally the call should test for the response code from the remote server and act accordingly.
Better approach is to use Spring Cloud Config to externalize every application's configuration here and it can be updated at runtime for any config change so no downtime either around same.

Output is not coming in JSON format when NoHandlerFoundException coming

I am using spring 4.X to develop rest api using annotation configuration. I have added servlet.setThrowExceptionIfNoHandlerFound(true) to send NoHandlerFoundException. Created one GlobalExceptionHandler to handle all exception. My question is if NoHandlerFoundException occurs than output is not coming in JSON Format. Do i need to add anything in my servlet configuration

How to make Interaction with GWT - Spring RestTemplate

This is the continuation of issue
I'm currently working on a task where it has GWT, Restful and Spring Framework environment.
It has two application; Application #1 which expose some information through Restful Webservice and Application #2 which consume that service and display those details in GWT.
For Application #2, I have used Spring RestTemplate to consume the Restful Webservice and return backs the List of Details through an Interface. And at the GWT end, there was some DataListProvider to set the Data List in GWT-DataGrid.
Now the problem is, I doesn't know how to make the interaction with GWT DataListProvider with my DetailService Class(this returns the List<Details> in a method). When I directly call the Service Class in GWT- OnModule() method, during GWT Compile, i'm facing some UnResolved Type Error, Since this class indirectly calls the Spring Libraries classes, thus GWT cannot compile this. Failed to get JNode
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.FieldDeclaration.traverse(
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.TypeDeclaration.traverse(
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.CompilationUnitDeclaration.traverse(
[ERROR] <no source info>: public class org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate
implements : Unresolved type org.springframework.web.client.RestOperations
Please provide your suggestion how to make an interaction between these Service Class and GWT.
You cannot have Spring in client side code.
Options available are:
A callback in a presenter where an asynchronous interface makes a GWT-RPC call to a service controller (on server-side of App#2). You could have an #RequestMapping annotated method whose internals employ the RestTemplate.
Have the presenter employ a RequestFactory and make use of GWT overlay feature for your payload.

Best way to mock complex soap responses

I have a Java method I want to Unit test, but it requires a mocked SOAP response which contains multiple lists and layers of nodes. I am doing this with a handwritten mock i.e. just manually creating the objects and setting the values, but as the response is quite complex its a pain building up the response. I have a sample XML response is there an easy way of creating the mock using the XML?
Also I looked at Mockito and it looks fine for simple Objects, but it doesnt seem that good for complex responses (I may not be using it to its full potential).
The app stack is Java 1.6, Spring 3 and using JAX-WS.
I do something like this
public class MyWebService {
private ServiceBean serviceBean;
public SomeReturedData getData(SomeInputData inputData) {
return serviceBean.getData(inputData);
For my UnitTest, I have a mock instanciation of "ServiceBean" which I inject in to #MyWebService, and "MyWebService" is deployed using the "in-vm" transport as described here
By Using the in-vm transport, All the XML marshalling/unmarshalling is still done by the web-service framework ,and you only have to deal with Java part.
Now someone might ask, why not test the "ServiceBean" directly, why the need to deply a WS using in-vm transport ? Well 2 things, Using in-vm transport you get to test that the JAXB XML marshalling/unmarshalling is working correctly, and it also allows you to test any intercepting handlers that you might have defined for your webservice.
