How to execute linux command of helm using ansible modules? - ansible

I'm running this command:
- name: Save to tmp/charts
shell: '{{helm_cli_path}}/helm --kubeconfig {{kube_config}} install {{install-name}} {{helm_chart}}/ --dry-run --debug > {{charts_dir}}/{{install_name}}.yaml'
to store helm gerenated yamls using shell module for all helm charts, which is a generalization of this command:
helm1 install <chart-name> <chart-path> --dry-run --debug > tmp/<chart-name>.yaml
But I'm getting error:
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"msg": "The task includes an option
with an undefined variable. The error was: Unable to look up a name or
access an attribute in template string ({{helm_cli_path}}/helm
--kubeconfig {{kube_config}} install {{install-name}} {{helm_chart}}/ --dry-run --debug > {{charts_dir}}/{{install_name}}.yaml).\nMake sure your variable name does not contain invalid characters like '-':
unsupported operand type(s) for -:
I have made sure that all variables in {{ }} are correct and defined at correct places.
Please suggest me the correct yaml task description / suitable ansible module to be used here.


Ansible AWX returns error: template error while templating string: unable to locate collection community.general

I am working on a project using ansible AWX. In this project I have a check to see if all my microk8s pods are in the state running. Before I installed AWX I was testing all my plays on my linux vm. The following play worked fine on my linux vm but does not seem to work in ansible awx.
- name: Wait for pods to become running
hosts: host_company_01
- name: wait for pod status
shell: kubectl get pods -o json
register: kubectl_get_pods
until: kubectl_get_pods.stdout|from_json|json_query('items[*].status.phase')|unique == ["Running"]
timeout: 600
AWX gives me the following respons
[WARNING]: an unexpected error occurred during Jinja2 environment setup: unable
to locate collection community.general
fatal: [host_company_01]: FAILED! => {"msg": "The conditional check 'kubectl_get_pods.stdout|from_json|json_query('items[*].status.phase')|unique == [\"Running\"]' failed. The error was: template error while templating string: unable to locate collection community.general. String: {% if kubectl_get_pods.stdout|from_json|json_query('items[*].status.phase')|unique == [\"Running\"] %} True {% else %} False {% endif %}"}
I have looked at the error message and tried different possible solutions but without any effect.
First thing I tried was looking for the community.general collections in the ansible galaxy collection list. After I saw that it was found I tried downloading it once again, but this time with sudo. The collection was installed. After running my workflow template, the error message popped up again.
Second thing was trying to use different Execution environments, I thought that this was not going to make any difference but tried it anyways since someone online fixed a similar issue by changed EE.
Last thing I tried was trying to find a way around this play by building a new play with different commands. Sadly I was not able to build an other play that did what the original one did.
Since I can not build a play that fits my needs I came back at the error message to try and fix it.

Ansible on SLES: zypper plugin not able to install PostgreSQL 14

I am trying my hand on Ansible after having a very nice training in it. Currently, my task is to create a playbook that sets up a PostgreSQL cluster (with Patroni and etcd).
However, while installing PostgreSQL should be a pretty easy task, doing it using the zypper plugin throws an error. First, the part of the playbook that should install PostgreSQL:
- name: Installation PostgreSQL 14 Latest ohne Recommendations
become: true
disable_recommends: true
update_cache: true
when: ansible_host in pgservers
The error message given is this:
fatal: [goeccdb22l]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "cmd": ["/usr/bin/zypper", "--quiet", "--non-interactive", "--xmlout", "install", "--type", "package", "--auto-agree-with-licenses", "--no-recommends", "--", "+postgresql14-server postgresql14-contrib postgresql14-devel"], "msg": "No provider of '+postgresql14-server postgresql14-contrib postgresql14-devel' found.", "rc": 104, "stderr": "", "stderr_lines": [], "stdout": "<?xml version='1.0'?>\n<stream>\n<message type=\"error\">No provider of &apos;+postgresql14-server postgresql14-contrib postgresql14-devel&apos; found.</message>\n</stream>\n", "stdout_lines": ["<?xml version='1.0'?>", "<stream>", "<message type=\"error\">No provider of &apos;+postgresql14-server postgresql14-contrib postgresql14-devel&apos; found.</message>", "</stream>"]}
Let's extract the error message:
"msg": "No provider of '+postgresql14-server postgresql14-contrib postgresql14-devel' found."
I tried to replicate the problem using the shell on the target server. However, running the command seems to be able to install the packages:
ansible#goeccdb22l:~> sudo /usr/bin/zypper install --type package --auto-agree-with-licenses --no-recommends -- +postgresql14-server postgresql14-contrib postgresql14-devel
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Resolving package dependencies...
The following 12 NEW packages are going to be installed:
libecpg6 libopenssl-1_1-devel libpq5 postgresql postgresql14 postgresql14-contrib postgresql14-devel postgresql14-server postgresql-contrib postgresql-devel postgresql-server zlib-devel
The following package needs additional customer contract to get support:
12 new packages to install.
Overall download size: 8.0 MiB. Already cached: 0 B. After the operation, additional 35.4 MiB will be used.
Continue? [y/n/v/...? shows all options] (y):
I've removed only the --quiet and --non-interactive options from the command, but kept all other given options.
The best idea I have is that the user/privilege escalation workings could be different from me logging in as the Ansible user to the target and just using sudo before the command.
Edit 1: I have developed an idea what the problem could be. As I mentioned above, when I tested the command, I removed two options: --quiet and --non-interactive. Testing the command with those two options gives the message:
The flag --quiet is not known.
However, using man zypper, I can clearly see that --quiet is a documented option:
-q, --quiet
Suppress normal output. Brief (esp. result notification) messages and error messages will still be printed, though. If used together with conflicting --verbose option, the --verbose option takes preference.
Now, my idea is that Ansible calls the command it documents in the return XML, but that because somehow --quiet is not understood it interprets that as nothing providing the requested package list. So that would leave two questions:
Why is --quiet not understood, yet documented? Is that a problem of SLES vs. OpenSuse?
How to work around that?
As the Ansible zypper module has no option to suppress the --quiet option I don't see any chance of working around it with parameters. The last option would be to split the zypper task into smaller shell tasks which I would like to avoid if possible.
So, with the help of a knowledgeable sysadmin I was able to diagnose the problem.
The list of packages documented above was not in fact a list. As I missed the dashes in front of the packages, Ansible accepted the packages with the newlines and everything as one package name and tried to install it.
The solution is to change the packages into a list of packages by prefixing them with dashes/minus signs.
The problem with --quiet was that it is a positional argument, and I used the wrong position when testing it.

Kolla ansible images pull error on ubuntu 20.04

I'm trying to deployement an Openstack infrastracture multi node with kolla-ansible on Ubuntu 20.04.4.
ansible 4.10.0
ansible-core 2.11.11
kolla-ansible 13.0.1
when I execute command:
kolla-ansible -i /etc/kolla/multinode pull
kolla-ansible -i /etc/kolla/multinode deploy
I'm getting error:
fatal: [controller]: FAILED! => {"msg": "template error while templating string: No filter named 'select_services_enabled_and_mapped_to_host'.. String: {{ lookup('vars', (kolla_role_name | default(project_name)) + '_services') | select_services_enabled_and_mapped_to_host }}"}
fatal: [compute01]: FAILED! => {"msg": "template error while templating string: No filter named 'select_services_enabled_and_mapped_to_host'.. String: {{ lookup('vars', (kolla_role_name | default(project_name)) + '_services') | select_services_enabled_and_mapped_to_host }}"}
I have 1 deployment Node, 1 controller, 1 compute Node
Doesn't seems like a pull-issue based in the error-message. Seems like another configuration-problem with your Neutron. The default-multi-node config requires 3 controller. I don't exactly know your multi-node config for kolla-ansible, but when you only want 1 controller and 1 compute you can do something different:
Use the all-in-one-file for your setup. Should be in path kolla-ansible/ansible/inventory/all-in-one. Modify this file by replacing the localhost in the [compute]-section with the name of the host, where the compute should be created and remove the ansible_connection=local. This always worked for me, when I created a test-deployment with 1 controller and X compute-nodes.
Only in case you want the controller not on the host, where you execute the kolla-ansible, then replace all other localhost by the name of your controller-node and of course remove the ansible_connection=local everywhere.
Only the be sure: Don't forget to write the name of the host with it's ip-address in the /etc/hosts-file on the node, where you execute the kolla-ansible run.
Firstly, what's the result of kolla-ansible prechecks -i multinode_or_all-in-one command?
Dive into this method select_services_enabled_and_mapped_to_host of kolla-ansible project, you will find some clues. The method's return dependent by service_enabled and service_mapped_to_host
So, there are two step to clear your problem:
1, check the service enabled setting in /etc/kolla/globals.yml and kolla-ansible/ansible/group_vars/all.yml.
You can use this file(globals.yml) to override any variable throughout Kolla. Additional options can be found in the 'kolla-ansible/ansible/group_vars/all.yml' file.
2, check the host inventory in multinode or all-in-one file whether consistent with the really information or not.
Or everything is OK, I think you should redeploy it refer to kolla-ansible quickstar.

What does this "ansible -m ping all" mean?

ansible -m ping all
Why am I getting the same warnings and Errors when I tried running my Playbook? (starfish.yml)
So, that means: My Playbook is Right? But something important is Not. What is that?
Please Help...Thank You.
With Hope,
The following are the Warnings and Errors:
/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/parsing/vault/ CyptographyDeprecationWarning: Python 2 is no longer supported by the Python core team. Support for it is now deprecated in cryptography, and will be removed in a future release.
from cryptography.exceptions import InvalidSignature
[WARNING]: * Failed to parse /etc/ansible/hosts with yaml plugin: We were unable to read either as JSON nor YAML, these are the errors we got from each: JSON: No JSON object could be decoded Syntax Error while loading YAML. expected '<document start>', but found '[' The error appears to be in '/etc/ansible/hosts': line 4, column 1, but may be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem. The offending line appears to be: ] [starfish] ^ here
[WARNING]: * Failed to parse /etc/ansible/hosts with ini plugin: need more than 2 values to upack
[WARNING]: Unable to parse /etc/ansible/hosts as an inventory source
[WARNING]: No inventory was parsed, only implicit localhost is available
[WARNING]: provided hosts list is empty, only localhost is available. Note that the implicit localhost does not match 'all'
I think you need to follow this doc to build your ansible inventory.

puppet can't find pip : Parameter provider failed: Invalid package provider 'pip' at < path_to_pip_file >

I have a simple .pp / puppet file, and I'm getting "Parameter provider failed: Invalid package provider 'pip' at sis.pp:24"
Here's the line 24:
20 package {"numpy":
21 ensure => installed,
22 provider => pip,
23 require => Package["python-setuptools", "python-pip", "python-dev", "build-essential"]
24 }
I checked for syntax errors, there are none.
My guess is that puppet can't find pip, I uninstalled and installed pip again. With apt-get,
here's what i get when i type "whereis pip"
pip: /usr/local/bin/pip /usr/share/man/man1/pip.1.gz
I searched around and found that puppet has a pip module, installed it too.
But still clueless about what the problem is.
When I type "puppet apply sis.pp --debug --verbose"
I get this:
debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderSunfreeware: file pkg-get does not exist
debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderFink: file /sw/bin/fink does not exist
debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderYum: file yum does not exist
debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderRug: file /usr/bin/rug does not exist
debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderAix: file /usr/bin/lslpp does not exist
debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderPorts: file /usr/sbin/pkg_info does not exist
debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderNim: file /usr/sbin/nimclient does not exist
debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderRpm: file rpm does not exist
debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderSun: file /usr/sbin/pkgrm does not exist
debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderPortupgrade: file /usr/sbin/pkg_info does not exist
debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderHpux: file /usr/sbin/swremove does not exist
debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderZypper: file /usr/bin/zypper does not exist
debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderFreebsd: file /usr/sbin/pkg_delete does not exist
debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderUp2date: file /usr/sbin/up2date-nox does not exist
debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderPkg: file /usr/bin/pkg does not exist
debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderPortage: file /usr/bin/eix does not exist
debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderAptrpm: file rpm does not exist
debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderOpenbsd: file pkg_delete does not exist
debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderUrpmi: file urpmq does not exist
Parameter provider failed: Invalid package provider 'pip' at /path/sis.pp:54
Observe the puppet interpreter is pointing to multiple places in the sis.pp file where it couldn't process provider => "pip"
need help. I'm now going to try and find the terminal output code lines in puppet source to see what the problem is. If somebody knows the solution already, help would be appreciated.
I'm on ubuntu.
It appears your installation can't find the pip provider, rather than it not being able to find the pip executable.
I'm guessing the provider you mentioned is this one:
Couple of things that might not be clear:
The plugin needs to be available on the puppet clients
Just installing the Gem won't do it for you, hence the manual env setting in the README
Probably the easiest approach is to include the puppet-pip provider in your puppet repo as a separate module, and then enable pluginsync, i.e.
pluginsync = true
More details here
It looks like pip provider is not available in puppet pre 2.7 without downloading an external provider. Are you using 2.7 or higher?
