How to drop ssh session in shell? ssh keeps session alive even after script exits - bash

How to drop ssh session in an automation script write in bash?
I have a script running local to trigger a script on a remote machine, and the script on remote machine will trigger another script running in the background...
I want to drop the session while keep the remote machine still running the background script, so I use nohup.
I have a local script localScript as follows
echo "start remote trigger script..."
the trigger script is ready on my remote machine with the following lines:
echo "start script test..."
nohup ./test > output &
echo "start test script in background, exit..."
The test script is a basic sleep loop just for testing...
while [ "$c" -le 10 ]
echo "sleep 10 seconds, c=$c"
sleep 10s
if [ "$c" -eq 10 ]
echo "max count reach, exit"
But what I found is the ssh keeps session alive (wait idle for 100 seconds), how can I drop the session?
The command I use is
sshpass -p XXXX ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no user#IP 'bash -s' < localScript

This should work if you force pseudo-terminal allocation (-t):
sshpass -p XXXX ssh -t -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no user#IP 'bash -s' < localScript


SSH not exiting properly inside if statement in bash heredoc

So i am running this script to check if a java server is up remotely by sshing into remote. If it is down, i am trying to exit and run another script locally. However, after the exit command, it is still in the remote directory.
ssh -i ec2-user#$DNS << EOF
if ! lsof -i | grep -q java ; then
echo "java server stopped running"
# want to exit ssh
# after here when i check it is still in ssh
# I want to run another script locally in the same directory as the current script
echo "java server up"
The exit is exiting the ssh session and so never gets to the execution of the line in the HEREDOC. It would be better to place this outside of the script and actioned from the exit status of the HEREDOC/ssh and so:
ssh -i ec2-user#$DNS << EOF
if ! lsof -i | grep -q java ; then
echo "java server stopped running"
exit 7 # Set the exit status to a number that isn't standard in case ssh fails
echo "java server up"
if [[ $? -eq 7 ]]

Unable to fully close remote SSH tunnel in script's exit

I'm writing a script, which double-hop SSH-forwards port 80 from our remotely deployed VMs, and opens this "status page" in a local browser. To open it, the SSH tunnel must be "backgrounded", however doing so causes the SSH tunnel to exit with a persistent tunnel remaining on the SSH server that I'm tunneling through (bastion). Here is the script, so far:
# SSH needs a HUP when this script exits
shopt -s huponexit
echo "SSH Forwards the VM status page for a given host..."
read -p "Host Name: " CODE
PORT=$(($RANDOM + 1024))
# "-t -t" (force tty) needed to avoid orphan tunnels on bastion after exit. (Only seems to work when not backgrounded?)
ssh -t -t -4L $PORT:localhost:$PORT user1#bastion sudo ssh -4NL $PORT:localhost:80 root#$CODE.internal-vms &
# Open browser to VM Status Page
sleep 1
open http://localhost:$PORT/
# Runs the SSH tunnel in the background, ensuring it gets killed on shell's exit...
kill -CONT $PID
#kill -QUIT $PID
echo "Killed SSH Tunnel. Exiting..."
sleep 2
Unfortunately, given the backgrounding of the SSH tunnel (using & on line 10), when the script is killed (via CTRL-C), the "bastion" server ends up having an orphaned SSH connection remaining indefinitely.
The "-t -t" and "shopt -s huponexit" are fixed I've tried, but don't seem to help. I've also tried various SIG's in the final kill. What am I doing wrong here? Thanks for the assistance!
The -f flag can be used to background the process. To end the connection, ssh -O exit user1#bastion is a better option than kill which is rather violent.
I would do it like this. Fyi, I didn't test the modified script, although I regularly use a similar, long SSH command.
# SSH needs a HUP when this script exits
shopt -s huponexit
echo "SSH Forwards the VM status page for a given host..."
read -p "Host Name: " CODE
PORT=$(($RANDOM + 1024))
# "-t -t" (force tty) needed to avoid orphan tunnels on bastion after exit. (Only seems to work when not backgrounded?)
ssh -t -t -f -4L $PORT:localhost:$PORT user1#bastion sudo ssh -4NL $PORT:localhost:80 root#$CODE.internal-vms
# Open browser to VM Status Page
sleep 1
open http://localhost:$PORT/
# Runs the SSH tunnel in the background, ensuring it gets killed on shell's exit...
#kill -CONT $PID
#kill -QUIT $PID
ssh -O exit user#bastion
echo "Killed SSH Tunnel. Exiting..."
sleep 2

Catch SSH exceptions in a UNIX script

I have a background process in my server which updates my ~/.ssh/authorized_keys frequently. If I ssh from my client machine at the very moment it will fail
$ ssh my_server date
SSH Version: OpenSSH_5.3p1
user#my_server's password:
and the ssh will mark the script as failed after a number of tries.
I want to break away and add an exception handling piece to sleep 30 seconds whenever this ssh failure occurs.
Something like
*ssh -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' "date" 2> /tmp/error
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
echo -e "\n Please wait..\n\n"
sleep 1s
echo -e "\n The Environment is ready to use!\n\n"
exit 0
Is there any better approach as the above snippet will still prompt for password
Maybe you could approach this in one shell script by "flock" on a lock file, and then "flock" in the shell script you run above:
In the script that updates your authorized keys:
(flock 200
# commands here that modify your authorized_keys file
) 200>/tmp/authkey_lock
And around the script piece you have posted above:
(flock 200
ssh -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' "date" 2> /tmp/error
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
echo -e "\n Please wait..\n\n"
sleep 1s
echo -e "\n The Environment is ready to use!\n\n"
exit 0
) 200>/tmp/authkey_lock
Please see "man flock" for for information about flock.

How can I trigger multiple remote shell scripts in bash to run concurrently and then wait for them to complete?

I have a bash script which runs a number of tasks on remote machines via SSH. Each script is quite long so I'd like to run them concurrently as background tasks. I also need for them all to complete before moving on. I know that I can use the wait command for the latter but when I stick & at the end to make it background task, it all stops working.
By stop working, I mean that the scripts don't seem to have run, but otherwise the main script still completes.
ssh root#machine1 'bash -s' < script1 my_parameter
ssh root#machine2 'bash -s' < script2 my_parameter
ssh root#machine3 'bash -s' < script3 my_parameter
This works fine for me with Ubuntu 11.04:
ssh user#server1 < &
ssh user#server2 < &
ssh user#server3 < &
echo end
Content of
sleep 5
With commandline arguments it gets more complicated. You can use a "here-document" and set to set $1 $2 $3.
ssh -T root#server1 << EOF
set -- $my_parameter1 $my_parameter2 $my_parameter3
$(cat script1)
ssh -T root#server2 << EOF
set -- $my_parameter1 $my_parameter2 $my_parameter3
$(cat script2)
ssh -T root#server3 << EOF
set -- $my_parameter1 $my_parameter2 $my_parameter3
$(cat script3)
echo end

ssh script doesn't return control to the parent script

I am trying to execute a local script on the remote server, by writing it to standard input of an ssh command. The script runs fine, but then ssh doesn't exit: it just hangs, and control doesn't return to the parent script.
Parent Shell :
for HOSTNAME in ${HOSTS} ; do
ssh -t -t $HOSTNAME "bash -s" <
Called Script:
if [ -d "$AGENT_BASE_PATH/CI/DE_deployment/conf" ]; then
if [ -d "$AGENT_BASE_PATH/CI/temp/conf_bkup" ]; then
rm -rf $AGENT_BASE_PATH/CI/temp/conf_bkup
cp -R $AGENT_BASE_PATH/CI/DE_deployment/conf $AGENT_BASE_PATH/CI/temp/conf_bkup
I have written 'exit' but the control is not returning back to the parent script.
It hangs at the remote server.... :(
Culprit is bash -s line in your calling code, which is still expecting input to be ended using ctrl-C:
Try this instead:
for HOSTNAME in ${HOSTS} ; do
ssh -t -t $HOSTNAME "bash"
write your exit - status into a file on the remote host and pick it later from the remote host with ssh/scp/sftp.
Direct via ssh you will not get a exit - status from the other host.
