Interfaces can be of type nil but that doesn't mean they are nil? - go

I wrote a bit of code that in effect does this:
package main
import "fmt"
type SomeInterface interface {
Retrieve(identifier string)
type SomeStruct struct {}
func (r SomeStruct) Retrieve(identifier string) {
fmt.Println("identifier ", identifier)
type Handler struct {
Name string
SomeObject SomeInterface
func main() {
var someStruct *SomeStruct
var h = Handler{
Name: "helo",
SomeObject: someStruct,
fmt.Printf("before %+v\r\n", h.SomeObject)
if h.SomeObject == nil {
fmt.Printf("during %+v\r\n", h.SomeObject)
fmt.Printf("after %+v\r\n", h.SomeObject)
Please can someone explain to me why the output of the above is:
before <nil>
after <nil>
I've been reading about interfaces of type nil but in this case I have assigned the interface to a pointer that hasn't been assigned so I would have thought that the interface == nil and I would see during <nil> - alas it is not the case.

An interface value is a simple data structure with two parts, a type and an underlying value. So, the interface value itself can be nil, or the interface value can exist but the underlying value can be nil. For example:
var x interface{} = nil // x is nil
var y interface{} = (interface{})(nil) // y is a interface{}, which *contains* nil
This is in some ways conceptually similar to this difference:
var x []*int = nil // x is nil
var y []*int = []*int{nil} // y is a []*int, which *contains* nil
fmt.Printf obscures the difference in the case of an interface because of the way it formats the output; you could see the difference more clearly using reflection if you wanted to.

SomeObject is not nil, it just points to SomeStruct which is nil.
i think the confusion is fmt.Printf prints <nil> for this case cuz it's following the pointer and that end result is nil.

In Go, a variable referring to an implementer of some interface can have many types. It can be of type <nil> (yes, nil can describe a type as well as a value), it can be the type of one of its implementers, or it can be the type of a pointer to one of its implementers. By default, a variable referring to an interface is of type nil. Once you've assigned something to it (other than nil itself), it will then take on the type of the thing you've assigned to it (again, either the type of one of its implementers, or a pointer to one of those types).
You can print the type of an interface variable with %T, and its value with %v:
func main() {
var i SomeInterface
fmt.Printf("%T, %v\n", i, i) // Prints <nil>, <nil>
var someStruct SomeStruct
i = someStruct
fmt.Printf("%T, %v\n", i, i) // Prints main.SomeStruct, {}
var someStructPtr *SomeStruct
i = someStructPtr
fmt.Printf("%T, %v\n", i, i) // Prints *main.SomeStruct, <nil>
Now, whenever you compare h.SomeObject == nil, the comparison will only be evaluated as true if both the types and values of the two operands match. In your case, the value of h.SomeObject is clearly <nil> (after all, the value of someStruct is surely <nil>, and you store its value in h.SomeObject). The type of h.SomeObject, based on what I just explaind, must be *SomeStruct. The value of nil is obviously <nil>.
However, what is the type of nil?
Well, nil can take on many types, and the compiler has to decide what type it should take on for each usage. When it comes to comparisons and assignments, it simply takes on the type of the thing it is being compared to or assigned to. For instance, if you are comparing an integer pointer to nil, then the nil in such a case will be of type *int.
But all of this has to be decided at compile time, and a variable referring to an interface can change types during runtime. So when you compare a variable referring to an interface to nil, what type does the compiler give to the nil operand in such a case? Well, it gives it the only sensible type, <nil>.
For a final example, consider the following code:
func main() {
var p *SomeStruct = nil // = nil is optional; pointers default to nil
var i SomeInterface = p
printf("%t\n", p == nil) // Prints true
printf("%t\n", p == i) // Prints true
printf("%t\n", i == nil) // Prints false
p == nil is true, since p is of type *SomeStruct with value <nil>, and nil (in this case) is also of type *SomeStruct with value <nil>.
p == i is true, since i is also of type *SomeStruct with value <nil> (it is simply storing the type and value of p).
However, i == nil is false, because nil, in this case, takes on the type <nil> rather than *SomeStruct.
The solution around this problem is simply to never store something of value <nil> in an interface-referring variable, except for nil itself. That way, whenever the value of the interface-referring variable is <nil>, its type will also be <nil>, and comparisons against nil will work as expected. For this reason, you often see code that looks like this:
if p == nil {
i = nil
} else {
i = p


Nil pointer confusion [duplicate]

I fail to understand how to correctly assure that something is not nil in this case:
package main
type shower interface {
getWater() []shower
type display struct {
SubDisplay *display
func (d display) getWater() []shower {
return []shower{display{}, d.SubDisplay}
func main() {
// SubDisplay will be initialized with null
s := display{}
// water := []shower{nil}
water := s.getWater()
for _, x := range water {
if x == nil {
panic("everything ok, nil found")
// First iteration display{} is not nil and will
// therefore work, on the second iteration
// x is nil, and getWater panics.
The only way I found to check if that value is actually nil is by using reflection.
Is this really wanted behaviour? Or do I fail to see some major mistake in my code?
Play link here
The problem here is that shower is an interface type. Interface types in Go hold the actual value and its dynamic type. More details about this: The Laws of Reflection #The representation of an interface.
The slice you return contains 2 non-nil values. The 2nd value is an interface value, a (value;type) pair holding a nil pointer value and a *display concrete type. Quoting from the Go Language Specification: Comparison operators:
Interface values are comparable. Two interface values are equal if they have identical dynamic types and equal dynamic values or if both have value nil.
So if you compare it to nil, it will be false. If you compare it to an interface value representing the pair (nil;*display), it will be true:
if x == (*display)(nil) {
panic("everything ok, nil found")
This seems unfeasible as you'd have to know the actual type the interface holds. But note that you can use reflection to tell if a non-nil interface value wraps a nil value using Value.IsNil(). You can see an example of this on the Go Playground.
Why is it implemented this way?
Interfaces unlike other concrete types (non-interfaces) can hold values of different concrete types (different static types). The runtime needs to know the dynamic or runtime-type of the value stored in a variable of interface type.
An interface is just a method set, any type implements it if the same methods are part of the method set of the type. There are types which cannot be nil, for example a struct or a custom type with int as its underlying type. In these cases you would not need to be able to store a nil value of that specific type.
But any type also includes concrete types where nil is a valid value (e.g. slices, maps, channels, all pointer types), so in order to store the value at runtime that satisfies the interface it is reasonable to support storing nil inside the interface. But besides the nil inside the interface we must store its dynamic type as the nil value does not carry such information. The alternate option would be to use nil as the interface value itself when the value to be stored in it is nil, but this solution is insufficient as it would lose the dynamic type information.
Some people say that Go's interfaces are dynamically typed, but that is misleading. They are statically typed: a variable of interface type always has the same static type, and even though at run time the value stored in the interface variable may change type, that value will always satisfy the interface.
In general if you want to indicate nil for a value of interface type, use explicit nil value and then you can test for nil equality. The most common example is the built-in error type which is an interface with one method. Whenever there is no error, you explicitly set or return the value nil and not the value of some concrete (non-interface) type error variable (which would be really bad practice, see demonstration below).
In your example the confusion arises from the facts that:
you want to have a value as an interface type (shower)
but the value you want to store in the slice is not of type shower but a concrete type
So when you put a *display type into the shower slice, an interface value will be created, which is a pair of (value;type) where value is nil and type is *display. The value inside the pair will be nil, not the interface value itself. If you would put a nil value into the slice, then the interface value itself would be nil and a condition x == nil would be true.
See this example: Playground
type MyErr string
func (m MyErr) Error() string {
return "big fail"
func doSomething(i int) error {
switch i {
return nil // == nil
case 1:
var p *MyErr
return p // != nil
case 2:
return (*MyErr)(nil) // != nil
case 3:
var p *MyErr
return error(p) // != nil because the interface points to a
// nil item but is not nil itself.
case 4:
var err error // == nil: zero value is nil for the interface
return err // This will be true because err is already interface type
func main() {
for i := 0; i <= 4; i++ {
err := doSomething(i)
fmt.Println(i, err, err == nil)
0 <nil> true
1 <nil> false
2 <nil> false
3 <nil> false
4 <nil> true
In case 2 a nil pointer is returned but first it is converted to an interface type (error) so an interface value is created which holds a nil value and the type *MyErr, so the interface value is not nil.
Let's think of an interface as a pointer.
Say you have a pointer a and it's nil, pointing to nothing.
var a *int // nil
Then you have a pointer b and it's pointing to a.
var b **int
b = &a // not nil
See what happened? b points to a pointer that points to nothing. So even if it's a nil pointer at the end of the chain, b does point to something - it isn't nil.
If you'd peek at the process' memory, it might look like this:
address | name | value
1000000 | a | 0
2000000 | b | 1000000
See? a is pointing to address 0 (which means it's nil), and b is pointing to the address of a (1000000).
The same applies to interfaces (except that they look a bit different in memory).
Like a pointer, an interface pointing to a nil pointer would not be nil itself.
Here, see for yourself how this works with pointers and how it works with interfaces.
I'll take an alternative route to answer your concrete question, by providing the exact answer you were looking for:
Replace the check:
if x == nil {
panic("everything is ok. nil found")
if _, ok := x.(display); !ok {
panic("everything is ok. nil found")
The idea here is that we are trying to convert the interface type (shower) to the concrete type display. Obviously the second slice item (d.SubDisplay) is not.

Different result on comparing errors to nil [duplicate]

I fail to understand how to correctly assure that something is not nil in this case:
package main
type shower interface {
getWater() []shower
type display struct {
SubDisplay *display
func (d display) getWater() []shower {
return []shower{display{}, d.SubDisplay}
func main() {
// SubDisplay will be initialized with null
s := display{}
// water := []shower{nil}
water := s.getWater()
for _, x := range water {
if x == nil {
panic("everything ok, nil found")
// First iteration display{} is not nil and will
// therefore work, on the second iteration
// x is nil, and getWater panics.
The only way I found to check if that value is actually nil is by using reflection.
Is this really wanted behaviour? Or do I fail to see some major mistake in my code?
Play link here
The problem here is that shower is an interface type. Interface types in Go hold the actual value and its dynamic type. More details about this: The Laws of Reflection #The representation of an interface.
The slice you return contains 2 non-nil values. The 2nd value is an interface value, a (value;type) pair holding a nil pointer value and a *display concrete type. Quoting from the Go Language Specification: Comparison operators:
Interface values are comparable. Two interface values are equal if they have identical dynamic types and equal dynamic values or if both have value nil.
So if you compare it to nil, it will be false. If you compare it to an interface value representing the pair (nil;*display), it will be true:
if x == (*display)(nil) {
panic("everything ok, nil found")
This seems unfeasible as you'd have to know the actual type the interface holds. But note that you can use reflection to tell if a non-nil interface value wraps a nil value using Value.IsNil(). You can see an example of this on the Go Playground.
Why is it implemented this way?
Interfaces unlike other concrete types (non-interfaces) can hold values of different concrete types (different static types). The runtime needs to know the dynamic or runtime-type of the value stored in a variable of interface type.
An interface is just a method set, any type implements it if the same methods are part of the method set of the type. There are types which cannot be nil, for example a struct or a custom type with int as its underlying type. In these cases you would not need to be able to store a nil value of that specific type.
But any type also includes concrete types where nil is a valid value (e.g. slices, maps, channels, all pointer types), so in order to store the value at runtime that satisfies the interface it is reasonable to support storing nil inside the interface. But besides the nil inside the interface we must store its dynamic type as the nil value does not carry such information. The alternate option would be to use nil as the interface value itself when the value to be stored in it is nil, but this solution is insufficient as it would lose the dynamic type information.
Some people say that Go's interfaces are dynamically typed, but that is misleading. They are statically typed: a variable of interface type always has the same static type, and even though at run time the value stored in the interface variable may change type, that value will always satisfy the interface.
In general if you want to indicate nil for a value of interface type, use explicit nil value and then you can test for nil equality. The most common example is the built-in error type which is an interface with one method. Whenever there is no error, you explicitly set or return the value nil and not the value of some concrete (non-interface) type error variable (which would be really bad practice, see demonstration below).
In your example the confusion arises from the facts that:
you want to have a value as an interface type (shower)
but the value you want to store in the slice is not of type shower but a concrete type
So when you put a *display type into the shower slice, an interface value will be created, which is a pair of (value;type) where value is nil and type is *display. The value inside the pair will be nil, not the interface value itself. If you would put a nil value into the slice, then the interface value itself would be nil and a condition x == nil would be true.
See this example: Playground
type MyErr string
func (m MyErr) Error() string {
return "big fail"
func doSomething(i int) error {
switch i {
return nil // == nil
case 1:
var p *MyErr
return p // != nil
case 2:
return (*MyErr)(nil) // != nil
case 3:
var p *MyErr
return error(p) // != nil because the interface points to a
// nil item but is not nil itself.
case 4:
var err error // == nil: zero value is nil for the interface
return err // This will be true because err is already interface type
func main() {
for i := 0; i <= 4; i++ {
err := doSomething(i)
fmt.Println(i, err, err == nil)
0 <nil> true
1 <nil> false
2 <nil> false
3 <nil> false
4 <nil> true
In case 2 a nil pointer is returned but first it is converted to an interface type (error) so an interface value is created which holds a nil value and the type *MyErr, so the interface value is not nil.
Let's think of an interface as a pointer.
Say you have a pointer a and it's nil, pointing to nothing.
var a *int // nil
Then you have a pointer b and it's pointing to a.
var b **int
b = &a // not nil
See what happened? b points to a pointer that points to nothing. So even if it's a nil pointer at the end of the chain, b does point to something - it isn't nil.
If you'd peek at the process' memory, it might look like this:
address | name | value
1000000 | a | 0
2000000 | b | 1000000
See? a is pointing to address 0 (which means it's nil), and b is pointing to the address of a (1000000).
The same applies to interfaces (except that they look a bit different in memory).
Like a pointer, an interface pointing to a nil pointer would not be nil itself.
Here, see for yourself how this works with pointers and how it works with interfaces.
I'll take an alternative route to answer your concrete question, by providing the exact answer you were looking for:
Replace the check:
if x == nil {
panic("everything is ok. nil found")
if _, ok := x.(display); !ok {
panic("everything is ok. nil found")
The idea here is that we are trying to convert the interface type (shower) to the concrete type display. Obviously the second slice item (d.SubDisplay) is not.

How can v == nil return false and reflect.ValueOf(v).IsNil() return true at the same time?

Here's some code:
var v interface{}
v = (*string)(nil)
// Reflect says it is nil
val := reflect.ValueOf(v)
if val.IsNil() {
fmt.Println("val is nil")
} else {
fmt.Println("val is not nil")
// This says it is not nil
if v == nil {
fmt.Println("v is nil")
} else {
fmt.Println("v is not nil")
The output is:
val is nil
v is not nil
How is this possible? Is v nil or not?
Also, if you change the first two lines with
v := (*string)(nil)
then the output clearly states that the variable is nil.
Right now in my project I have a function that accepts a argument of type interface{} and I can't reliably check if it is nil with a simple v == nil. I would like to avoid using the reflect package.
Under the covers, interfaces are implemented as two elements, a type
and a value. The value, called the interface's dynamic value, is an
arbitrary concrete value and the type is that of the value. For the
int value 3, an interface value contains, schematically, (int, 3).
An interface value is nil only if the inner value and type are both
unset, (nil, nil). In particular, a nil interface will always hold a
nil type. If we store a nil pointer of type *int inside an interface
value, the inner type will be *int regardless of the value of the
pointer: (*int, nil). Such an interface value will therefore be
non-nil even when the pointer inside is nil.
You can try fmt.Printf("(%v, %T)\n", v, v). It prints (<nil>, *string).
When you change first two lines to v := (*string)(nil), v is just a pointer, not an interface.

This nil instance of a struct, that satisfies the error interface, is not showing as nil

This should be a gimme for someone. Why do I not get what I expect ("Error is not nil") here?
type Goof struct {}
func (goof *Goof) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("I'm a goof")
func TestError(err error) {
if err == nil {
fmt.Println("Error is nil")
} else {
fmt.Println("Error is not nil")
func main() {
var g *Goof // nil
TestError(g) // expect "Error is nil"
This is, it turns out, a Frequently Asked Question about Go, and the short answer is that interface comparisons compare the type and the value, and (*Goof)(nil) and error(nil) have different types.
Since if err != nil is standard, you want a return value that'll work with it. You could declare var err error instead of var g *Goof: err's zero value is conveniently error(nil)
Or, if your func returns an error, return nil will return what you want.
For more background, here's the start of the FAQ's answer:
Under the covers, interfaces are implemented as two elements, a type and a value. The value, called the interface's dynamic value, is an arbitrary concrete value and the type is that of the value. For the int value 3, an interface value contains, schematically, (int, 3).
An interface value is nil only if the inner value and type are both unset, (nil, nil). In particular, a nil interface will always hold a nil type. If we store a pointer of type *int inside an interface value, the inner type will be *int regardless of the value of the pointer: (*int, nil). Such an interface value will therefore be non-nil even when the pointer inside is nil.
And == is strictly checking if the types are identical, not if a type (*Goof) implements an interface (error). Check out the original for more.
If it helps clarify, this doesn't only happen with nil: in this example, the data underlying the x and y variables is obviously 3, but they have different types. When you put x and y into interface{}s, they compare as unequal:
package main
import "fmt"
type Bob int
func main() {
var x int = 3
var y Bob = 3
var ix, iy interface{} = x, y
fmt.Println(ix == iy)

nil detection in Go

I see a lot of code in Go to detect nil, like this:
if err != nil {
// handle the error
however, I have a struct like this:
type Config struct {
host string
port float64
and config is an instance of Config, when I do:
if config == nil {
there is compile error, saying:
cannot convert nil to type Config
The compiler is pointing the error to you, you're comparing a structure instance and nil. They're not of the same type so it considers it as an invalid comparison and yells at you.
What you want to do here is to compare a pointer to your config instance to nil, which is a valid comparison. To do that you can either use the golang new builtin, or initialize a pointer to it:
config := new(Config) // not nil
config := &Config{
host: "",
port: 22,
} // not nil
var config *Config // nil
Then you'll be able to check if
if config == nil {
// then
In addition to Oleiade, see the spec on zero values:
When memory is allocated to store a value, either through a declaration or a call of make or new, and no explicit initialization is provided, the memory is given a default initialization. Each element of such a value is set to the zero value for its type: false for booleans, 0 for integers, 0.0 for floats, "" for strings, and nil for pointers, functions, interfaces, slices, channels, and maps. This initialization is done recursively, so for instance each element of an array of structs will have its fields zeroed if no value is specified.
As you can see, nil is not the zero value for every type but only for pointers, functions, interfaces, slices, channels and maps. This is the reason why config == nil is an error and
&config == nil is not.
To check whether your struct is uninitialized you'd have to check every member for its
respective zero value (e.g. host == "", port == 0, etc.) or have a private field which
is set by an internal initialization method. Example:
type Config struct {
Host string
Port float64
setup bool
func NewConfig(host string, port float64) *Config {
return &Config{host, port, true}
func (c *Config) Initialized() bool { return c != nil && c.setup }
I have created some sample code which creates new variables using a variety of ways that I can think of. It looks like the first 3 ways create values, and the last two create references.
package main
import "fmt"
type Config struct {
host string
port float64
func main() {
var c1 Config
c2 := Config{}
c3 := *new(Config)
c4 := &Config{}
c5 := new(Config)
fmt.Println(&c1 == nil)
fmt.Println(&c2 == nil)
fmt.Println(&c3 == nil)
fmt.Println(c4 == nil)
fmt.Println(c5 == nil)
fmt.Println(c1, c2, c3, c4, c5)
which outputs:
{ 0} { 0} { 0} &{ 0} &{ 0}
In Go 1.13 and later, you can use Value.IsZero method offered in reflect package.
if reflect.ValueOf(v).IsZero() {
// v is zero, do something
Apart from basic types, it also works for Array, Chan, Func, Interface, Map, Ptr, Slice, UnsafePointer, and Struct. See this for reference.
You can also check like struct_var == (struct{}). This does not allow you to compare to nil but it does check if it is initialized or not. Be careful while using this method. If your struct can have zero values for all of its fields you won't have great time.
package main
import "fmt"
type A struct {
Name string
func main() {
a := A{"Hello"}
var b A
if a == (A{}) {
fmt.Println("A is empty") // Does not print
if b == (A{}) {
fmt.Println("B is empty") // Prints
The language spec mentions comparison operators' behaviors:
comparison operators
In any comparison, the first operand must be assignable to the type
of the second operand, or vice versa.
A value x is assignable to a variable of type T ("x is assignable to
T") in any of these cases:
x's type is identical to T.
x's type V and T have identical underlying types and at least one of V or T is not a named type.
T is an interface type and x implements T.
x is a bidirectional channel value, T is a channel type, x's type V and T have identical element types, and at least one of V or T is not
a named type.
x is the predeclared identifier nil and T is a pointer, function, slice, map, channel, or interface type.
x is an untyped constant representable by a value of type T.
