I created a generator it generates some files and adds some content into a file; I want it to also respect the alphabetical order of names in the file.
Example is: when I want to generate a new action I'll run rails g new_action drying_clothes. This will generate files with content and write into an existing file. This file has actions like:
Cooking Pottery Soaking.
If I currently run the generator the action/ name drying_clothes will be inserted after Soaking, how can I ensure it respects alphabetical order? Here's my code so far:
def add_action
inject_into_file 'app/actions.yml',
category: new\n"
I want to download multiple xml files from web service API. I have a query that gets a JSON document:
= Json.Document(Web.Contents("http://reports.sem-o.com/api/v1/documents/static-reports?DPuG_ID=BM-086&page_size=100"))
and manipulates it to get list of file names such as: PUB_DailyMeterDataD1_201812041627.xml in a column on an excel spreadsheet.
I hoped to get a function to run against this list of names to get all the data, so first I worked on one file: PUB_DailyMeterDataD1_201812041627
= Xml.Tables(Web.Contents("https://reports.sem-o.com/documents/PUB_DailyMeterDataD1_201812041627.xml"))
This gets an xml table which I manipulate to get the data I want (the half hourly metered MWh for generator GU_401970
Now I want to change the query into a function to automate the process across all xml files avaiable from the service. The function requires a variable to be substituted for the filename. I try this as preparation for the function:
Source = (Web.Contents("https://reports.sem-o.com/documents/Filename")),
(followed by the manipulating Mcode)
This doesnt work.
then this:
Source = Xml.Tables(Web.Contents("https://reports.sem-o.com/documents/[Filename]")),
I get:
DataFormat.Error: Xml processing failed. Either the input is invalid or it isn't supported. (Internal error: Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1.)
So stuck here. Can you help.
You append strings with the "&" symbol in Power Query. [Somename] is the format for referencing a field within a table, a normal variable is just referenced with it's name. So in your example
let Filename="PUB_DailyMeterDataD1_201812041627.xml",
Source = Xml.Tables(Web.Contents("https://reports.sem-o.com/documents/" & Filename)),
Would work.
It sounds like you have an existing query that drills down to a list of filenames and you are trying to use that to import them from the url though, so assuming that the column you have gotten the filenames from is called "Filename" then you could add a custom column with this in it
Xml.Tables(Web.Contents("https://reports.sem-o.com/documents/" & [Filename]))
And it will load the table onto the row of each of the filenames.
Please clarify
I have set of input files (say 10) with specific names. I run word count job on all files at once (input path is folder). I am expecting 10 output files with same names as input files. I.e. File1 input should be counted and should be stored in a separate output file with "file1" name. And so on to all files.
There are 2 approaches you can take to achieve multiple outputs
Use MultipleOutputs class - refer this document for information about multipleclassoutput (https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/r2.6.3/api/org/apache/hadoop/mapreduce/lib/output/MultipleOutputs.html) , for more information about how to implement refer this http://appsintheopen.com/posts/44-map-reduce-multiple-outputs
Another option is using LazyOuputFormat, however, this is used in conjunction with multipleoutputs, for more information about its implementation refer this ( https://ssmolen.wordpress.com/2014/07/09/hadoop-mapreduce-write-output-to-multiple-directories-depending-on-the-reduce-key/ ).
I feel using LazyOutputFormat in conjunction with MultipleOuputs class is better approach.
Set the number of reduce tasks to be equal to the number of input files. This will create the given number of output files, as well.
Add a file prefix to each map output key (word). E.g., when you meet the word "cat" in file named "file0.txt" you can emit the key "0_cat", or "file0_cat", or anything else that is unique for "file0.txt". Use the context to get each time the filename.
Override the default Partitioner, to make sure that all the map output keys with prefix "0_", or "file0_" will go to the first partition, all the keys with prefix "1_", or "file1_" will go to the second, etc.
In the reducer, remove the "x_" or "filex_" prefix from the output key and use it as the name of the output file (using MultipleOutputs). Otherwise, if you don't want MultipleOutputs, you can easily do the mapping between outputfiles and input files by checking your Partitioner code. (e.g., part-00000 will be the partition 0's output)
I am updating a groovy script which build a test runner suite inside SoapUI. The scripts scan a folders and add test case for each file in each folders.
The problem I am trying to solve is that the script is using eachFileMatch() which does not have a consistent behavior between Windows and Unix file systems. I need to update the script so that files are listed alphabetically.
I am quite new to groovy so I don't know where to get started. Saw that a sort() method does exist but I am not sure I can use it on eachFileMatch.
Here's the code snippet I need to adapt :
new File(projectPathTest+"/nord").eachDir{dir->
log.info("Dir > "+dir);
operation = dir.name
def wsdlTestCase = testSuite.addNewTestCase( operation )
// Need Alphabetically sorting here
log.info("File >> "+file)
addTestStep(operation, file, wsdlTestCase, projectPath, endPoint)
Any starting point to do it will the groovy approach would be really appreciated as for now i don't have time to delve into the groovy API.
You can collect the files in a TreeSet which will maintain their sort order and then iterate over the set to display or otherwise act on your collection of files.
TreeSet<File> files = new TreeSet<File>()
files << file
files.each { f->
// log or do whatever with the files in order
If you need this ordering over all the files, you will need to put the TreeSet outside of the eachDir closure.
I'm getting a list of files in applescript like so:
set _resourcesFolder to folder (((path to me) as string) & "Contents:Resources:")
set _signatureFiles to files of _resourcesFolder whose name extension is in {"html", "webarchive"}
Then I want to get the properties these items in separate lists. Tried it like so:
set _signatureNames to displayed name of _signatureFiles
set _signatureDate to modification date of _signatureFiles
This doesn't work. But this does:
set _signatureNames to displayed name of files of _resourcesFolder whose name extension is in {"html", "webarchive"}
set _signatureDate to modification date of files of _resourcesFolder whose name extension is in {"html", "webarchive"}
Why so?
In your first snippet, you define two lists: _resourcesFolder and _signatureFiles
In your second snippet, your code is asking for the displayed name and the modification date of one of those lists. This fails because you are addressing the list, not the items in the list.
In your third snippet, you correctly address the items individually, and all is swell.
The only other method available (based on your original snippet) is to repeat through the files in _signatureFiles and create the lists or records as part of the repeat. Your code in the third snippet is the only way to do it in a single command.
I had been using spreadsheet to read in a template excel file, modify it and output a new file for the end-user.
As far as I can identify from the documentation spreadsheet provides no way to input or edit formulas in the produced document.
However, the purpose of my script is to read an undefined number of items from a site and enter them into the spreadsheet, then calculate totals and subtotals.
The end user (using excel or libreoffice etc) is then able to make slight modifications to the quantity of items whilst the totals update (due to formulas) as they are accustomed.
I have looked into the writeexcel gem which claims to be able to input formulas, but I can't see how to take an existing template file and modify it to produce my output. I can only create fresh workbooks.
Any tips please? I do not want to use Win32OLE.
This is surprisingly difficult; apparently all Gems for handling Excel files are missing some crucial functionality.
I can think of two approaches for this problem:
use a combination of spreadsheet (to read the Excel file) and use writeexcel (to write the output file)
use an input file that already contains the required formulas on a separate "formula" sheet and copies the formulas to the "real" sheet
Here's a simplistic version of the second approach:
require 'rubygems'
require 'spreadsheet'
# input file, contains this data
# Sheet0: headers + data (for this simple demo, we will generate the data on-the-fly)
# Sheet1: Formula '=SUM(Worksheet1.A2:A255) in cell A1
book = Spreadsheet.open 'in.xls'
sheet = book.worksheet 0
formulasheet = book.worksheet 1
# insert some input data (in a real application,
# this data would already be present in the input sheet)
rows = rand(20) + 1
(1..rows).each do |i|
sheet[i,0] = i
# add total at bottom of column C
sheet[rows+1,2] = formulasheet[0,0]
# write output file
book.write 'out.xls'
However, this will fail if
you're using the same column for your input data and your totals (since then, the total will try to include itself in the calculation)